Thomas Paine Redux

In the same way that if Jesus were to enter a modern Church he would be run out as a heretic, if Thomas Paine attempted to join the atheist-driven Deism (Revealed Deism) groups on FaceBook and Soical Media, he would be banned.


The word Redux is a literary term meaning brought back, returned, revived with the meaning of restored to consciousness or brought back to life.   Deism when rightly understood, is based upon the knowledge of the Natural Laws that evolve each Soul to Completion and Perfection -- and those who are true Deists, understand that evolving to Completion requires many lifetimes to accomplish (see ).   As stated by arch-Deist Giordano Bruno, "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body" -- with the objective stated by Bruno to bring about "The divine perfection of the individual soul is the aim of all progression".   Which means that the Soul of every person alive today has lived virtually countess lives before arriving at their present station of life.   That the vast majority of people lack the necessary Soul-Memory which permits them to recall some of the lives their Soul has previously lived, is because their thinking, mindset and/or lifestyle has inhibited their mental development (see Arrested Mental Development - ).   The Deists who were drawn from the body of Mature Christians in the Age of Enlightenment, understood this reality -- and thus, they opposed all forms of Revealed Religion -- which is defined as "(Theology) religion based on the revelation by God to man of ideas that he would not have arrived at by his natural reason alone" -- which is a total rejection of Original Christianity (see The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With Church Dogma ).   In fact, the Original Gospel teachings presented the path for every sincere believer to communicate directly with the Divine Mind (God), and receive the Knowledge or Divine Manna of the Higher Reality of the Soul (see ), and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, directly from Creator-God. 

It is virtually impossible for anyone to mentally and spiritually evolve beyond a certain point in their development, without an understanding of the Natural Laws of Creation that were put in place to evolve each and every Soul from the Alpha of ignorance, to the Omega of of Enlightened Light (see The Law Of The Gospels ).  In the early founding documents of the United States whose Constitution is based upon these Natural Laws, the reference is made to The Laws of Nature and Nature's God.   And like the Original Gospel teachings, the American Constitution is based upon the Deist Foundational Paradigm of Creation that is based upon the knowledge of the Natural Laws that evolves each and every Soul from the Alpha to the Omega of Creation.      

A Soul such as Thomas Paine who authored important articles on the (Natural) Rights of Man -- learned about those Rights over the course of the many previous lives his Soul lived -- thereby bringing this Higher Knowledge into man's struggle to create a government that would serve as the Foundation to support these Natural Rights.   At that time-frame if either Thomas Paine or Jefferson had openly stated that they knew the Truths that were suppressed by "priest-craft" and the Church because both of their Souls lived lives in the first century, their whole objective to create a government to support the Natural Rights of Man would have been undermined.  Yet, it is easily proven that the teachings on the pre-existent Soul had been removed from the original Gospel (see Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And Soul-Development ).    And when rightly understood, it is impossible for Theists to understand the Original Gospel teachings, or the Natural Laws of Creation, because they have been deprived of the essential knowledge of the Journey of the Soul because of the corruption of the scriptures. 

Deism is a Spiritual Path and Movement based upon a functional and knowledge of the Natural Laws which transcend and provide Substance and Framework to man's physical reality.  In the same way that Theism without the Knowledge of the Laws is a corpse, so to is Reason without a Spiritual Foundation, dead.  And this fact of life is demonstrated in the American Crisis - Common Sense article entitled: .   Being released from the ideological and philosophical shackles of man's past, science is on the cusp of proving the wisdom of the Mystic (see Science Proves Reincarnation ). 

When rightly understood, the same linear-fundamentalist mindset that opposed religious men of reason and intellect, has now begun to inhibit scientific advancement.   The linear-fundamentalist states that only what is physically seen and physically provable in a laboratory environment is real -- and attempts to dismiss all phenomena that cannot be examined within the spectrum of the three-dimensions of this physical world.   In an article Things That Science Can't Explain by Dr. Claude Swanson, he writes: "There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.  In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated showing that the present scientific paradigm is broken."

What has thrown the proverbial monkey-wrench into the traditional field of scientific theory, is the reality that what is seen with the three-dimensional senses is not only a fraction of the whole -- i.e., the proverbial tip of the iceberg -- but can rightly be portrayed as a shadow-image cast by an unseen higher source.   And regardless of the emerging facts, this is a reality of life that the linear-fundamentalist mindset cannot come to terms with.    As science has itself begun to advance, it has now entered a phase where it must begin to cast of its own brand of Fundamentalism that has shackled and inhibited man's God-Given Gift of Reason.   And this inability to even contemplate the new paradigm of modern science was noted by Robert Jastrow, an astrophysicist who headed the NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, pointed out that the big bang is not exactly an explanation of cause.  He is quoted in The Aquarian Conspiracy: “If a scientist really examines the implications, he would be traumatized. As usual, when the mind is faced with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the implications - in science this is called ‘refusing to speculate’ - or by trivializing the origin of the world by calling it the Big Bang, as if the universe were merely a firecracker”.   Mr. Jastrow then continues and states: “Consider the enormousness of the problem: Science has proved that the universe exploded into being at a certain moment. It asks, what cause produced this effect? Who or what put the matter and energy into the universe? Was the universe created out of nothing or was it gathered together out of pre-existing materials? And science cannot answer these questions... It is not a matter of another year, another decade of work, another measurement, or another theory. At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation”.

Much of what has been written in the below has been therefore drawn from not only the life my Soul lived as Thomas Paine, but also the many lives prior to the 18th century.   

 "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason

is like administering medicine to the dead"

Thomas Paine - The Crisis

"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into"

Jonathan Swift



  Revealed Vs Natural Religion. A revealed religion is one based on information communicated through a prophet or chosen source.   From a dogmatic perspective, the Roman Church maintains that Jesus was the source of truth, and only the Church can properly interpret the scriptures.  Thus, from this dogmatic perspective, Christianity is a Revealed Religion that mankind must blindly believe and accept -- without question.   In Judaism, Moses was the chosen revealer to the Jewish world.   In Islam, Mohammed is portrayed as the only and last prophet in the final word of God to mankind through the Qur'an.  

Where Judaism, Christianity and Islam is portrayed as Revealed Religions, Deism arose out of the Age of Enlightenment as was said to be a Natural Religion.  Quoting the definition of Deism found at : "Deism is belief in God based on the application of our reason on the designs/laws found throughout Nature. The designs presuppose a Designer. Deism is therefore a natural religion and is not a 'revealed' religion. The natural religion/philosophy of Deism frees those who embrace it from the inconsistencies of superstition and the negativity of fear that are so strongly represented in all of the 'revealed' religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (These religions are called revealed religions because they all make claim to having received a special revelation from God which they pretend, and many of their sincere followers actually believe, their various and conflicting holy books are based on.)"

   Revealed Deism: The problem with the above is seen in the fact that Judaism, Christianity and Islam appear to be Revealed religions -- not because of the sources of these religions -- but rather, because all religions very quickly become corrupted by what Thomas Paine portrayed as "priestcraft".   What set Thomas Paine and other Deist and Mason Constitutional Framers apart from the religious people in the time-frame of the Revolution, was their knowledge of the Natural Laws within which we swim in the manner that a fish swims in water.   Thomas Paine was an enlightened visionary who saw and understood what Paul warned the Christian converts with respect to the limitations of their "natural" organic mind and thinking (see What Difference Does It Make). And in his positions found in his writings, Thomas Paine understood the nature of the problem that anchored the Christian world to a condition of profound ignorance. In that article entitled Of The Religion Of Deism Compared With The Christian Religion, Paine hit the nail on the head when he writes:

But the Church of Rome having set up its new religion, which it called Christianity, invented the creed which it named the Apostle's Creed... It then manufactured the allegories in the book of Genesis into fact, and the allegorical tree of life and the tree of knowledge into real trees, contrary to the belief of the first Christians, and for which there is not the least authority in any of the books of the New Testament; for in none of them is there any mention made of such place as the Garden of Eden, nor of anything that is said to have happened there.  But the Church of Rome could not erect the person called Jesus into a Savior of the world without making the allegories in the book of Genesis into fact, though the New Testament, as before observed, gives no authority for it. All at once the allegorical tree of knowledge became, according to the Church, a real tree, the fruit of it real fruit, and the eating of it sinful.   As priestcraft was always the enemy of knowledge, because priestcraft supports itself by keeping people in delusion and ignorance, it was consistent with its policy to make the acquisition of knowledge a real sin...

...Reason is the forbidden tree of priestcraft, and may serve to explain the allegory of the forbidden tree of knowledge, for we may reasonably suppose the allegory had some meaning and application at the time it was invented. It was the practice of the Eastern nations to convey their meaning by allegory, and relate it in the manner of fact. Jesus followed the same method, yet nobody ever supposed the allegory or parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the Prodigal Son, the ten Virgins, etc., were facts.   Why then should the tree of knowledge, which is far more romantic in idea than the parables in the New Testament are, be supposed to be a real tree? The answer to this is, because the Church could not make its new-fangled system, which it called Christianity, hold together without it. To have made Christ to die on account of an allegorical tree would have been too barefaced a fable.


What can best be portrayed as Revealed or Faith-Based Deism, has totally undermined not only the Wisdom of our Constitutional Framers, but has ushered in an environment of profound ignorance with respect to the Natural Laws of Creation that is presently threatening the very Essence of all that is American.   The divinely guided accomplishments of the Framers of our Constitutional form of government who used their functional working knowledge of the Natural Laws to create an environment that would permit American Exceptionalism to arise -- enabling man to aspire to his highest potential as the divine offspring of God as portrayed in the Gospel parable of the prodigal son -- is being totally undermined by the prevailing ignorance of these same Natural Laws.   An Enlightened Deist is not someone who observes the work and existence of God in the manner of gazing upon a picture -- but rather, one who perceives and understands the meaning and interaction of the Forces and Natural Laws of the outer world, and is then able to relate and utilize this Knowledge to bring about an Enlightened Condition of Mind within himself.  

The Genuine Enlightened Deist can detect the fraud and deception which has always plagued Revealed Religion that is based upon the carnal dogma of pseudo-priests and counterfeit clergy, because in understanding the Natural Laws that controls their consciousness, the Enlightened Deist has the ability to seek out the Source of Divine Knowledge within himself.   The Enlightened Deist does not therefore gaze upon the universe as one perceiving a divine picture drawn by the Hand of Creator-God -- but rather, in understanding the Natural Laws that brought forth and maintains the images that are seen and observed in the outer world, the Enlightened Deist is then able to understand and prevail over the Forces and Laws of his own Consciousness, and connect with the Inner Source of his Being -- a Higher Reality that the ancient Deists such as Jesus, Plato, Pythagoras, Giordano Bruno, St. Francis, St. Teresa and the early Jewish and Christian Mystics portrayed as the Logos that exists within the mind of every person. 

The American Patriot Thomas Paine was very much a man for his time.  Quoting from The Secret Destiny Of America, by Manley P. Hall:


Of Thomas Paine it has been said that he did more to win the independence of the colonies with his pen than George Washington accomplished with his sword, Only complete reorganization of government, religion, and education would bring us even today to the perfectionist state Tom Paine envisioned ...There is little doubt that Thomas Paine assisted Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence. Present research even points to the probability that he composed the entire document, then submitted it to Jefferson for editing and revision. The references in the Declaration of Independence to "the Laws of Nature" and "Nature's God" especially reflect Paine's theological convictions...

Thomas Paine was a free thinker, a radical pamphleter. It was his misfortune to be "born out of time." Yet by his very birth and the energy of his nature he helped to change the face of time. He attacked the corruption of the British Government with such honesty and skill that he was the most feared man in England. Then, with the simple conviction of a Quaker Deist, he threw the power of his written word against the religious corruption that burdened the peoples of Europe and interfered with the social progress of mankind.

In the Age of Reason, Paine emphasized the necessity of separating the spheres of Church and State, looking at both institutions in their practical state of corruption rather than in their ideal state of mutual integrity. He held a broad view of religion in general, believing that all faiths were naturally good and were necessary to the spiritual security of humanity. Such broadness was out of season, and it made him numerous enemies among those holding fanatical convictions. It was dangerous to preach religious tolerance in his day, when the spirit of persecution was still strong.

When the clergy involved itself in the political conspiracies of the State and descended to the level of self-interest, their spiritual power was prostituted; and, said Paine, they lost all claim upon public respect. Paine saw the conniving, plotting, and counter plotting of religious leaders who had cast their lot with the aristocracy against long suffering and exploited citizens. With a Church such as this he had no patience, and he had the eloquence and abundant courage to express his convictions regardless of the cost.

He held the aristocracy in general in equal antipathy. Privileged classes, to him, were little better than parasites, living off the toil of honest men in total indifference to the public good. A government compounded from a dissolute nobility and fawning professional office holders, ever catering to the longer purse, brought Paine's righteous indignation to the boiling point, indignation which he could apply in words understandable to the masses. It was his simple reasoning that such a Church, plus such a State, equaled chaos. It was bad enough for government to burden the people with extravagances, but it was still worse for the Church to preach that men should accept this load as coming from God, to see it designed to purify their souls by the practice of patience and humility.

It was not enough for Paine to believe that all men were created free and equal; these free men had the inalienable right of representative government; and the further right to improve themselves to the enjoyment of all natural good.  He was more of a perfectionist than was practical in his own day or even in our time. Like most idealists, he failed to accept the weakness in that very human nature which he sought so desperately to champion. Only thousands of years of conditioning and the complete reorganization of government, religion, and education could bring mankind to the estate which Paine envisioned. He called men to a high destiny, and men understood in part and applied in part, but lacked the capacity for a full and understanding acceptance.



 My friend Benjamin Franklin wrote: "I look upon death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed in the morning." And, "Finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other always exist."   And, on his epitaph which he drafted for himself he wrote: "Body of B. Franklin, Printer, Like the Cover of an Old Book, It's Contents Torn Out And Stripped of its Lettering and Gilding, Lies Here Food for Worms.  But the Work Shall not be Lost For it Will as He Believed Appear Once More In a New and Elegant Edition Revised and Corrected By the Author" -- and in the below writings this essential truth with respect to Thomas Paine has become a reality.   With respect to Franklin's statement that the future edition will be "...Revised and Corrected By the Author", this is also true.   While only someone such as Thomas Paine who possessed the functional knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God could have written the below, because I also possess the first-hand knowledge of many of the other lifetimes which my soul has lived, I can not only provide a more Complete picture of the movement that Thomas Paine and the other framers of our Constitution began, but I am in the position to perfect the important work that we had begun -- work that is being undermined by corrupt politicians who use complacent clergy to undermine and destroy the very fabric of our Nation.   

Submitted to the modern seeker of truth,

Thomas Paine (Redux)







At its Core and Essence, Deism is a Spiritual Movement -- which means that it is impossible to discuss the Foundation of Deism, without exploring important spiritual subjects and concepts that set Deism apart from the tenets of Revealed Religion.  In our modern time-frame, many quasi-agnostics have aligned themselves with Deism because of its positions against the Church and Revealed Religion.  Resulting in the fact that, at the mere mention of spiritual concepts, these quasi-agnostics immediately are turned off -- mainly because to their thinking and mindset, Deism is more of an academic and secularized movement, than a spiritual movement.  Yet, it is impossible to understand the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, without understanding important spiritual concepts that is the very Foundation of Deism and its opposition to all forms of Revealed Religion.  Why is this important?  At any time that mankind is willing to understand the Natural Laws, and reach out and consciously invoke them, the organic curtain to Higher Knowledge and Enlightenment begins to be torn down -- immersing the sincere Deist in a level of Knowing that exceeds any of the Universities and Libraries of this world. 

In Einstein's Unfinished Symphony, he stated "I am not interested in this phenomenon or that phenomenon," Einstein had said earlier in his life. "I want to know God's thoughts – the rest are mere details".  Yet, only the sincere Deist who understands the Natural Laws of Creation and is willing to apply them within his own mind and being, is able to "...know God's Thoughts", and it is this Knowledge of the Natural Laws that is the Core and Essence of Deism.  Enlightened seekers understand that it is impossible to begin to open the door to Higher Knowledge, without exploring many of those Universal Concepts that can be classified as Spiritual.   But with the influx of quasi-agnostics who portray themselves as Deists, the original foundation of Deism has been replaced with the thinking of academia and science -- the leaders of which have been raised up to the priest-craft of Revealed Deism.  To the mindset and thinking of agnostics, modern science has ripped down the curtain of ignorance and superstition which they see as the foundation of the Church -- without understanding that it was the Church that corrupted the tenets of Deism that was an important part of the Original Gospel teachings.  But what modern science has truly  accomplished, is proving that the the mystic and those who walked the spiritual path was correct (see The True Facts And Realities Of Life ) -- and the Truth can only be proven with the restoration of Enlightened Deists who understand and can apply the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.  Which means that only those professors of academia and scientists who understand spiritual concepts and the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, will be able to lead mankind through the door of Enlightenment and True Knowing.   When rightly understood, Plato was a Deist (see Plato - The Physicist ) -- and he possessed the essential knowledge of the Natural Laws which permitted him to bridge the divide between the illusions of this realm, and what modern science has portrayed as the UNSEEN SOURCE of the incomplete images that we see and interact with in this world of shadow-images.  

While Deists and Theists equally believe in God, the primary difference is that the Deists understand the Natural Laws that enables the seeker/believer to develop the necessary mental and spiritual maturity that permits them to connect directly with God.   When the Gospel teachings are properly understood, Jesus was a Deist who applied his self-knowledge of the Natural Laws to overcome organic human limitations, thereby enabling him to connect with the Indwelling Logos (Mind of God), arise to the level of becoming Enlightened and Empowered by the Anointing of his Mind (Messiah/Christ) -- evolving through the necessary subsequent stages of birth -- and becoming the embodiment of Wholeness, Perfection and Completion -- which is the ultimate destiny of all of mankind.   In fact, the Original followers and disciples of Jesus maintained that ANYONE who understood the Natural Laws and would apply this Knowledge to their lives, would know and achieve all that the historical man Jesus did.  But this wisdom was not only rejected by Revealed Religion, but this essential knowledge was suppressed by the Church -- thereby maintaining the people in a state of subjection and abject spiritual ignorance.   In the words of Harriet Tubman: "I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."  If more people understood the Natural Laws of Creation -- and applied that knowledge to their lives -- they could then free themselves from the limitations of organic human consciousness that has created a barrier between mankind and God, man's true Source of Being. 

One of the major differences between Theists and Deists is seen in the fact that Theists fail to understand the meaning of the Sabbath or Seventh Day (see The Spiritual Sabbath ).  In not understanding the Natural Laws, Theists believe that after the Seventh Day of Rest in the allegorical Genesis account, that God got back to work in the daily functioning and intercessions in the workings of this world.   Genesis chapter two reads: "Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."  Where the Deist understood the words that "...the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array ...God had finished the work he had been doing" -- understand the meaning of the word FINISHED -- the Theist asserted that it is necessary for Creator-God to perpetually intervene in the day to day affairs of this world.  In contradistinction to the position of the Theists, the Deist position was that Creator-God brought forth and initiated a series of Laws which He (quoting Wikipedia: Deism): "...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."  What is said to be the Deist theology has often been portrayed as the Clock Maker Universe -- i.e., (Quoting): "The clockwork universe theory compares the universe to a mechanical clock wound up by a supreme being, or initiated by the Big Bang. It continues ticking along, as a perfect machine, with its gears governed by the laws of physics, making every single aspect of the machine completely predictable. Before the emergence of quantum mechanics, many scientists believed that the Universe was completely deterministic in this way. ...This conception of the universe consisted of a huge, regulated and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in absolute time, space, and motion. God was the master-builder, who created the perfect machine and let it run. God was the Prime Mover, who brought into being the world in its lawfulness, regularity, and beauty. This view of God as the creator, who stood aside from his work and didn’t get involved directly with humanity, was called Deism (which predates Newton) and was accepted by many who supported the 'new philosophy'."  How did the Deists arrive at their conclusion?  Because Jesus and all enlightened seekers were Deists who understood the Laws of Nature, they were able to learn from God about the functioning of the Natural Laws of Creation.  Because the Theists did not understand the Natural Laws -- and they therefore embraced the doctrine of men instead of being able to learn directly from God -- the Natural laws remained an unknown enigma to the very foundation of their thinking. 

Again, lets closely examine the position of  Deism which embodies the above concepts on a "...Supreme being [that] does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe ...assert[ing] that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life."   These Laws that were instituted as "...a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life", because these Laws not only drive mankind to his Destiny envisioned and ordained by Creator-God, but they accomplish this by maintaining a Spiritual Living Bio-Feedback environment that perpetually returns to each individual person the fruit of their own words and actions.   And it is these same Laws that were imbued with the Power of God to advance man in his journey of the soul, by immersing him in a world of mental imagery impressed into the forms of matter.   Therefore, once this higher reality is understood, what the scriptures do is reformat the mental imagery in such a way, that when the scriptures are applied internally as the Key of Knowledge ( ), the scriptures act as a catalyst that is used to expand man's organic reasoning and depth of mind to the degree with the seeker is able to move beyond the natural limitations of man's organic level of consciousness, and perceive and comprehend man's higher soul reality and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. 

Does a Living Bio-Feedback Organism that God "...endowed ...with self-sustaining and self-acting powers"that were perfectly programmed and totally attuned to the condition of the individual person, need intervention to bring about the results for which the system was specifically designed to achieve?   The journey of the soul and the very Will of Creator-God that has imbued the Laws of Nature and all of Creation with the ability to bring about the Design of God, is embodied in the words: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.  For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isa 55:8-11 NKJ).    

Mankind has a Destiny that he cannot escape -- and contrary to what is published by organized religion, there are no shortcuts that exempt a person from fulfilling the above Word of Creator-God who enacted the Laws in the Alpha of Creation.   In the parable of the prodigal son, the Father does not intervene in the life and hardships of the son while he dwells and aimlessly wanders in the tribulations of the Far Country under the control of the Citizen (consciousness) of this world.  Only when the prodigal son is portrayed as "coming to his senses", and begins the return journey back to his source in the Edenic Kingdom, does the Father meet him while he is still a "long way off".  The Father did not rush into the Far Country to intervene in the affairs of his son, because as stated in Genesis: "...the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array" -- and the Laws that Creator-God "...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then" these Laws maintained "...the operation of these powers acting as second causes" which ensured that the "...word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it".  And it is these Natural Laws of Creation that were imbued with  "...powers acting as second causes" that acts as a Bio-Feedback Organism that monitors and maintains the progress of each Soul -- causing each Soul to "...accomplish what [God] pleases" -- causing each Soul to "...prosper in the thing for which [God] sent it" -- causing each Soul to achieve the Wholeness and Perfection that God envisioned to be the Destiny of all of mankind in the Omega of Creation.   If the foregoing is true, and each Soul cannot return to God and the Edenic Kingdom without fulfilling the Law and evolving mentally and spiritually to Wholeness and Completion, then this process where the Natural Laws act as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism can only bring the Word of God about, when each Soul is subject to the Laws over the course of however many lives is required.  

The foundation of Deism is the Clock-Maker Universe which is the basis of the Deist position that Creator-God does not DIRECTLY intervene in the affairs of this world.  The problem is that few modern Deists understand the Clock-Maker Universe, because the foundation of the Clock-Maker Universe is the Journey of the Soul over the course of many lifetimes.  And because those quasi-agnostics who have adopted Deism have been reared in a spiritually sterile academic environment, those who claim to be Deists in our modern society, are incapable of understanding the very foundation of Deism.  Why is the Deist Foundation important?  Because the Clock-Maker Universe represents the gateway to higher consciousness.  And without understanding the Clock-Maker Universe, all attempts to mature and evolve the mind beyond the lower levels of human organic consciousness, will be flat-lined.  Which provokes the question: Why does Deism play a pivotal role in the development of the mind?  Because it focuses on the Natural Laws of Creation that must be prevailed over, in order to open the door to Higher Consciousness.

When rightly understood, the tenets of Deism was rejected by the Church that corrupted the teachings of Jesus -- which in teachings in their foundation, were Deist.  Yet, 18the century Deism represented a return to the Original Gospel teachings that the Church suppressed.  In a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Rush, Jefferson wrote respecting the relationship of Deism and Christianity: "To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other"  This same exact thought is expressed  in the Wikipedia article under Deism: History of religion and the deist mission.   Most deists saw the religions of their day as corruptions of an original, pure religion that was simple and rational. They felt that this original pure religion had become corrupted by "priests" who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests of the priesthood in general.   According to this world view, over time "priests" had succeeded in encrusting the original simple, rational religion with all kinds of superstitions and "mysteries" – irrational theological doctrines. Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information about the requirements for salvation. The priests consequently enjoyed a position of considerable power over the laity, which they strove to maintain and increase. Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as "priestcraft", a highly derogatory term.  Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of 'priestcraft' and 'mysteries' from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion. 

Because many of the Deists understood the Natural Laws, this knowledge enabled them to tap into the Higher Source of Knowledge that is beyond the limited understanding of mankind in this three-dimensional world.   Like the first century Spiritual Christians, the Enlightened Deists understood that the tenets of Theism was born out of the priest-craft of the Church who were peddling faux-salvation to the multitude of people for profit and political power.  The Enlightened Christians and Deists understood that, in order to evolve the mind out of the cocoon of ignorance, the person had to seek self-knowledge, and understand the Natural Laws that was the foundation of the Clock-Maker Universe.  Which meant that the person also had to understand the Journey of the Soul over the course of many lifetimes.  But to even suggest that the Soul evolved over the course of many lives -- and that Creator-God did not directly intervene in the affairs of man because the Natural Laws intimately monitored every step of his mental and spiritual evolution -- was incomprehensible to the majority of people who neither understood the Natural Laws, or the very purpose and objective of the lives they were living.  From a Deist perspective, both Thomas Paine and Jefferson possessed varying degrees of past-life recall -- but to reveal their source of information was drawn from their experiences in the previous lives their soul had lived, would have undermined their efforts to bring about a government of Freedom, Liberty and Exceptionalism.    

Deism maintains that Creator-God does not directly intervene in the affairs of man. Why? In the same way that once fertilized, an embryo develops in accord with the Natural Laws, the same is true with respect to all of Creation. And herein lies the problem -- i.e., where physical development can be portrayed as a cookie-cutter operation, mental development requires choice and the exercise of freewill -- which can only be accomplished when each person is able to live out their life in accord with the choices they have made.  Therefore, when the Laws that were put into effect are understood, perhaps the best way to understand these Laws that the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, is as a Living Spiritual Bio-Feedback Organism that like a developing embryo, dynamically evolves each soul to completion by intimately responding to our every action, reaction and failure to act -- and responds appropriately when the time is opportune for our greatest learning and advancement. That these Laws were put into action in the Alpha of Creation -- and are the Perfect Works of Creator-God that is Dynamically connected to the movement of man -- is a reality of the Laws that the core Deists attempted unsuccessfully to convey to the Theists and organized religion.  

What the Spiritual Christians and the Enlightened Deists of the past understood that modern Christians remain ignorant of, is the fact that the man Jesus evolved into what can be portrayed as an Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Mind by fulfilling the (Natural) Laws -- i.e., the same Natural Laws that impact the mind and being of all mankind.  And while the fact that Jesus was portrayed as a Holy Man who fulfilled the Natural Law and arose to the stature of achieving a condition of At-One with the Indwelling Logos (Mind of God), was represented in the very Words that God spoke to mankind at the baptism of Jesus -- but these words were changed by the later Church that corrupted the original Gospel teachings (see The Unforgivable Sin Of The Church ).  Which provokes the question: How was the Laws fulfilled?  Within Jesus' own mind and being.  And this fact of human reality is presented in the witness of his Ebionite Nazirene disciples who stated that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  Further, with the corruption of the Gospels by the Gentile Church, it was no longer understood that the Soul who lived as the historical man Jesus arose to this elevated plateau where he was able to totally fulfill the (Natural) Laws of Creation, over the course of many lifetimes. 

The word Christ is a Greek word that the Bible translators choose not to render in the English language because it means Anointed -- which in Hebrew, is Messiah.   In the Old Testament there were 21 people who were portrayed as having been Anointed.  And this is demonstrated in the quotations of St. Jerome in the Gospel of the Hebrews which reads: "If thy brother (saith he) have sinned by a word and made thee amends, seven times in a day receive thou him. Simon his disciple said unto him: Seven times in a day? The Lord answered and said unto him: Yea, I say unto thee, unto seventy times seven times. For in the prophets also, after they were anointed by the Holy Spirit, the word of sin was found."   Therefore, when properly understood, not only were others Anointed (Christ/Messiah) -- and therefore could be portrayed as the Christ -- but anyone who achieves a certain mental and spiritual level can be Anointed.  And what the original followers and disciples of Jesus said, was that anyone who fulfills the (Natural) Laws within their own mind and being, To THE DEGREE THAT THEY CAN RECEIVE IT, can become the Anointed (Christ/Messiah).   That all of mankind can become the Anointed, is demonstrated in the words: "You, however, have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth" (1 John 2:20).   And the original disciples and followers of Jesus understood the relationship between fulfilling the (Natural) Laws and becoming the Anointed, as stated in the position that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely" -- which enlightened understanding was the result of the original followers and disciples "...having an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth".  And it was this same Power of Enlightenment TO THE DEGREE THEY COULD RECEIVE IT, that was the Source of the Deists understanding of the Natural Laws and the foundational Clock-Maker Universe.    

The Law that is being noted in the foregoing, is the Natural Laws of Consciousness that the Enlightened Deists made reference to in the words, the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.   And that all of mankind possesses this same innate potential to overcome the organic human limitations imposed upon them by the Natural Laws, is presented in the above words that "...Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ".  What this means is that anyone who fulfills the Natural Laws within their own mind and consciousness in the manner that the historical man Jesus did, can themselves arise -- level upon level of mental and spiritual development -- to the same elevated plateau of mind and spirit that Jesus did.  The historical man Jesus had received the Anointing over many of the previous lives his Soul had lived -- and quoting St. Jerome, it was in that life that he had arose to the level where it was stated of him in the Gospel of the Hebrews: "The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, not partially as in the case of other holy men: but, according to the Gospel written in the Hebrew speech, which the Nazarenes read, 'There shall descend upon him the whole fount of the Holy Spirit'".   That the inner core of Deists understood this Power of the Anointing that each seeker can receive in accord with their ability to receive it, is why they placed such emphasis on the Natural Laws.  Further, that the Enlightened Deists understood that it was the Church that corrupted and suppressed the Original Teachings of Jesus, that was the cause of man's ignorance -- casting him down into the dungeons of the Dark Ages where mankind was possessed by abject unknowing and superstition.  

Using the writings of PanDeist Giordano Bruno who was an ordained Roman Catholic priest of the Dominican order, Bruno understood that each life can be rightly portrayed as an intense lesson intended to bring about the mental and spiritual and maturity of the soul.   And this is demonstrated where Bruno explained that: "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body".  Why?  Because each life is a step in the advancement of the Soul as it evolves from the Alpha of Ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened Light.   And thus, Giordano Bruno explained that "Every act performed brings its appropriate reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another body."   Why is each life orchestrated by the acts performed in that soul's previous lives?  Because each life is a reflection of that soul's need for development, in order to achieve the necessary Wholeness and Completion in the Omega of our Destiny.  

Why is there evil in the world?  Why doesn't God intervene in the affairs of the man?  Why does God permit mankind to experience suffering and death?  Unless you can correctly answer these questions, there will remain an obstacle in your thinking that will inhibit your mental development.  As to the answer: Because each person has either authored their present life by virtue of their own words and/or actions in the previous lives their Soul has lived, or has chosen their present life in order to grow and evolve through the experiences that life has to offer.   Mental and Spiritual growth is dependent upon the choices we make, the exercise of freewill, and the experiential-knowledge derived from the paths in life that each of us has chosen to take -- as seen in the statement of Bruno: "Every act performed brings its appropriate reward or punishment in another life".   

The vast majority of mankind dwell in a state of Spiritual Amnesia (see ) -- causing them to live lives of self-imposed abject ignorance.  Why?  Because they possess no understanding of the Natural Laws -- how the Natural Laws effect every aspect of the life they are living -- and because they can't intellectually conceive of the Causal Factors of life, their countless questions remain unanswered.  Because the most crucial questions pertaining to life remain unanswered, the great void in man's understanding causes his intellect to remain hopelessly immature and undeveloped. What is being personified in the foregoing words, is an elementary understanding of the Natural Laws that provide a crucial comprehension of the Causal Factors of the life that you are living. Which means that without understanding the Natural Laws, science, religion, academia and philosophy all remain shackled to abject ignorance -- unable to answer crucial questions that are necessary to comprehend man's own true higher reality.  And when rightly understood, all the confusion in life -- all the great voids in the quest of science -- all the conflicting Bible interpretations -- all the opposing sects, schools of philosophical thought, and the countless conflicting opinions among mankind -- are all caused by this self-imposed arrested mental developmental condition that causes man to dwell in a state of Mental-Suppression.  Unless you understand the Causal-Factors of life -- and especially the life you are presently living -- including the Causal-Factors of the events you have been experiencing and sometimes confronting in life -- then your whole perception of life will be either defective, or hopelessly immature -- and it will remain virtually impossible for your mind to evolve and mature beyond its present level of comprehension.

Science has already proven the wisdom of the analogy of Plato's Cave and the parallel Gospel portrayal of the Outer Darkness of mind and being (see The True Facts And Realities Of Life ) -- and because they close their minds to the Causal Factors of the Natural Laws, they choose the path of blind-ignorance.  While modern science has proven that this physical realm of appearances is a projection of a Higher Unseen Causal-Reality that they know virtually nothing about, their fossilized Linear-based foundation of thinking inhibits them from perceiving and understanding the crucial Causal-Factors that would provide an answer to their most crucial of questions.  In an article entitled, Things That Science Can't Explain by Dr. Claude Swanson, he writes: "There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the 'hard sciences' as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.  In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated which proves that the present scientific paradigm is broken and fatally flawed".  The problem is that the emerging body of science demonstrates that the vision of the mystic in the analogy of Plato's Cave is valid -- and what man sees with his physical senses is not the Source -- which Source exists in the unseen Forces and Realities that are beyond man's organic vision.  From the perspective of the fossilized science of the past:  If they can't see it, then from their perspective, it does not exist. The reality portrayed by modern physicists that what organic man sees with his physical eyes is a shadow-image of a higher unseen reality, simply boggles their mind.  Because they have been proven wrong, they remain in denial of the fact that because what is portrayed as the UNSEEN Source is not within the spectrum of frequency that man can perceive with his physical eyes, then it does not exist. In like manner, Christianity knowingly continues to use corrupted biblical texts with the most important teachings suppressed and removed, because they have permitted themselves to remain totally alienated from the Original Gospel Teachings (see ). Without understanding the Causal-Factor of all the events of life, it is impossible for the mind to evolve beyond a certain level of organic human comprehension.

Every event in everyone's life has a Causal-Factor.  What is a Causal-Factor?  When Jesus said to the man: "...sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14), what he was portraying was a reality of the Natural Laws of Creation that interact with each of us in the manner of a Living Bio-Feedback Organism.   And what he was in fact stating is that the Laws which intimately interact with our every word and action, has brought about and initiated what we experience today -- and what we experience is the result of our words and actions drawn from our own past -- i.e., Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same” (Job 4:8 NKJ); “Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies” (Prov 1:31 NKJ); “But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception” (Hosea 10:13 NIV); “God will give to each person according to what he has done” (Rom 2:6 NIV); “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal 6:7-8 NIV); “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ); “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man” (Gen 9:6 NIV); “His disciples asked him [Jesus], Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (Jn 9:2 NIV)

Take especial notice of the foregoing words: "He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity" -- which is the basis and the foundation of the Constitution of the United States.  Those who attempt to use either church or state to force another into submission against their own will, will find themselves in the future born under the control of a despotic regime where people do not possess Unalienable God-Given Rights.  Regimes such as Cuba, Communist Soviet Union, China, or a whole host of countries where Liberty and Freedom is subject to secular control.  Even Socialism is an infringement upon the Natural Laws -- and those who support Socialism of any other such government that imposes upon the Rights of the Individual, will cause the supporters of Socialism to be born into regimes where they will be denied Freedom and Liberty.   Prof. Walter Williams lived previously as one of our Constitutional Framers, and  in a commentary entitled America's Move Towards Tyranny he presented an important warning to the American People where he wrote: "Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis warned, 'The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.' The freedom of individuals from compulsion or coercion never was, and is not now, the normal state of human affairs. The normal state for the ordinary person is tyranny, arbitrary control and abuse mainly by their own government. While imperfect in its execution, the Founders of our nation sought to make an exception to this ugly part of mankind's history. Unfortunately, at the urging of the American people, we are unwittingly in the process of returning to mankind's normal state of affairs."    In similar fashion Thomas Paine wrote: "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an in tolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer!" -- and of course the immortal words: "That government is best which governs least".    Then there is the statement attributed to Thomas Jefferson, Barry Goldwater and Gerald Ford: "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have".   Those who support the tenets of Big Government, Socialism, Communism, and Theocracies, will be born into regimes where they will not possess the necessary Freedom and Liberty to achieve their full potential.  

Without the essential knowledge of the Natural Laws that are the motivating force of the Causal-Factors of your life, you will continue to dwell in abject confusion -- forced to interpret the events of life as chance, an accident, good fortune, the stoke of good or bad luck, and even an act of God.  Yet, when the Causal-Factors are understood, nothing could be farther from the Truth.  Everyone's life is pre-destined and orchestrated by the Causal-Factors based upon each Soul's own previous actions -- i.e., "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7 NKJ).   Which reality is confirmed in the profound statement by the Church Father Origen: “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).   Origen then goes on and writes with respect to each person's station in life "...that the cause of each one's actions is a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel [person] has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor."   And, as stated in the foregoing, each person's birth into this life is determined by that person's own past actions -- i.e., "...either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor". 

Without understanding the Natural Laws that act as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism -- initiating Causal-Factors both positive and negative in response to all the events of life -- it is impossible for the mind to evolve beyond a certain level of comprehension.  If you look upon the events of your life as fate, chance, good fortune, the luck of the draw, an accident or the Will of God, then there simply is no way to understand the events of the life you are living.  Further, unless you understand the Natural Law of Wholeness, and why each person sees and interprets the realities of life from a different and often conflicting perspective as explored at The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind , then you will not understand why these many differences are the very means by which each person is able to overcome their own limitations, and escape what is allegorically portrayed in the Tower of Babel Syndrome.  And without understanding these Natural Laws, it will remain virtually impossible for you to evolve beyond the Natural Organic Human Limitations of Mind which the biblical authors portray as lower "animal-consciousness" (see Animal-Soul ) -- incapable of comprehending man's higher Soul and Spiritual Natures.  

Thus, because the mind of natural man lacks the necessary understanding to develop beyond an organic human level, there is no basis for the use of true Reason and Intellect in a world-view paradigm where everything is the result of chance.  And in such a world-view paradigm it is virtually impossible to understand the true reality and purpose of the life that mankind is presently living.  In contradistinction, if you are cognizant of the reality that every event is driven by the Laws of Creation -- and the event has a Causal-Factor that is initiated by a previous action -- then if you understand the workings, purpose and objectives of the Laws, then you are able to begin to exercise control over the life mankind is living.  And if you understand that the man Jesus arose to the absolute level of human achievement by fulfilling the Law within his own mind and being -- and that each person has this same potential -- then the knowledge and understanding of the Natural Laws of Creation is essential and paramount in the life of anyone who desires to achieve their Ultimate Destiny.   And where the Theist who believes that their life is the result of accidents and chance encounters, and salvation is a gift regardless of their actions, simply has no means to understand the true reality of the life they are living.  On the other hand, if a person understands that the Laws of Creation respond to their every word and action -- and they begin to observe the Natural Laws working in their life -- such a person can very quickly begin to advance and achieve what is virtually impossible for the person who remains ignorant of the Natural Laws.     

Organic Man only utilizes a fraction of his true mental resources.  And the higher spheres and centers of man's mind and consciousness can only become active and usably manifest, when they are properly stimulated and developed.  Different centers of mind are vivified and activated by different stimulations.  So long as the paradigm of one's thinking remains founded upon the thinking that one's life is being orchestrated by accidental and chance encounters, then it will remain impossible for the higher spheres and centers of the mind to become active.  On the other hand, if one begins to achieve a connected wholeness in their thinking and observations of life -- understanding that every event has a past initiating factor that is intended to bring about future change and results, then one's present actions begins to embody dimensions of reality that provides the person the ability to make change and take control of their life.    

In a simplified example: The ability to do Math or Language are drawn from different areas of the mind.  Moreover, those areas of mind must be nurtured, evolved and matured, in order to become competent in these areas of human expression.  Music and the arts draws upon still different areas of the mind -- and these areas must be evolved and matured one level at a time.  The same is also true with respect to developing those centers and spheres of mind that are able to comprehend man's higher Soul-Reality.   Someone who dwells in a foundational paradigm of thinking where events are the result of accident and chance encounters, cannot develop those areas of mind that are cognizant of man's higher reality.  Because they lack the mental connection that past words and/or actions have orchestrated present events that are designed to bring about future results and experiences, no intellectual development can take place.  It isn't until the person understands that previous actions in conjunction with the Laws of Creation have initiated the present events that are intended to bring about a future development, that the higher areas of mind can be stimulated to evolve and mature. 

What must be added into the equation of self-development is the knowledge that each of us is an expression of our True or Soul-Self that dwells in a twelve-dimensional higher reality that we are a three-dimensional expression of.   Why can't our True-Self manifest in our physical body?  Because a twelve-dimensional Being cannot manifest in a three-dimensional realm -- and must therefore generate an embryo of Self that has the capacity and ability to develop to Wholeness and Fullness.  And that we can only break down the wall of separation between the three-dimensional person we are in this world, with our twelve-dimensional True-Self, when we embrace the process of mental expansion and deepening that enables us to fully connect with our True-Self (see Achieving Wholeness of Mind & Being ).  If the higher centers and spheres of mind are never stimulated and developed -- and we remain ignorant of the Natural Laws that initiate Causal Factors into the Present that are intended to bring about a future Result -- and we are never exposed to the higher reality that we are a three-dimensional being that is the expression of our higher twelve-dimensional Self -- then we will remain mentally and spiritually flat-lined.         

On the Pandeism page of the Wikipedia it states of Giordano Bruno: "Italian theologian Giordano Bruno was charged with heresy and burned at the stake for propounding what has been deemed by some commentators to be a pandeistic ideology." What made Giordano Bruno an Enlightened Deist? His intimate knowledge of the Natural Laws that are personified in the words, the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. Bruno understood what modern physicists are only now confirming with respect to the shadow-images of Plato's Cave and the necessity of developing the Intuitive spheres of mind to develop the ability of Anamnesis -- i.e., The Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths: -- when he stated that "Within every man there is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought, which lends us wings whereby we may approach the sun of knowledge."  Openly acknowledging that the vast majority of mankind totally ignores this inner Source of Superior Knowledge when he stated: "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it" And it is easily demonstrated that the Church corrupted the Gospels in order to suppress the teachings on how the Inner Light of Knowledge must be the seekers ONLY TEACHER (see The True Prophet ). What the Deist portrays as this Source of Inner Knowledge, is always suppressed by Revealed Religion and priest-craft, because those who develop the ability to tap into and learn from the Inner Light, do not need a faux-teacher of this world -- wherefore, they have no use of traditional religion.

In order to understand the Natural Laws and the Causal Factors of Life, it is absolutely necessary to understand what Giordano Bruno stated with respect to the Soul of mankind in the statement of fact:
"The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body". And in order to understand the Clock-Maker Universe, the person must understand the words of Bruno when he stated that "The divine perfection of the individual soul is the aim of all progression". And that this individual soul-progression is accomplished by the Natural Laws as personified in the words of Bruno when he stated that "Every act performed [by man] brings its appropriate reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another body." Which affirms the statement of the Church Father Origen when he stated that “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis). Which means that the Causal Factors of the conditions we entered into this life, as well as all that we experience in life, has all been orchestrated by our own Soul's actions in the previous lives our Soul has lived. God does therefore not intervene in the affairs of man, because the Natural Laws that God put into effect is in control of each person's development -- and that each person can change their condition in life, by embracing the Natural Laws and fulfilling them in their daily life.

At a certain point in our development we begin to understand that God is not an old man with a beard -- and even our own Higher Soul-Self that is a Being of Light (see ), is a Being of Pure Intellect, Intelligence and a Godly Expression of Love. And in order to understand why the Deists sought the Knowledge of the Natural Laws of Creation, it is important to begin to understand man's true relationship to God.  Quoting from: The Soul - Thomas Paine's Rights Of Man And Emerson's Oversoul : While Emerson is known as the father of Transcendentalism, he is also known as a Deist -- but by definition, it has been noted that Pythagoras, Plato and Jesus can also be defined as a Deist. But of ultra interest is the statement in the book on Emerson where it is written:
"Emerson gives his argument a special twist at this point since his first sentence also alludes to Paine's Rights of Man. Arguing for the rights of men over the rights of institutions and government, he recalls Paine's claims for the sacred rights of the individual. Like Emerson, Paine's 'motive and subject -- as he describes it in a letter of 1806 to John Inskeep, the mayor of Philadelphia -- had always been 'to rescue man from the tyranny and false systems and false principles of government, and enable him to be free.'" (see Nature's Archives - p. 114). While it is noted that this exposé portrays Emerson's thesis on the Oversoul as perhaps his most important work, it is also noted that very little useable information is provided to the reader. And because of the great importance of this higher reality, this present work is intended to fill in the great void with respect to the higher reality of the soul of man that few religions or philosophies today have any real understanding of.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, like many of the early American Gnostics, was a Deist. Quoting the Wikipedia:
"The Oversoul is an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, first published in 1841. The broad subject of the essay, considered one of Emerson's best, is the human soul. Several general themes are treated: (1) the existence and nature of the human soul; (2) the relationship between the soul and the personal ego; (3) the relationship of one human soul to another; and (4) the relationship of the human soul to God. Influence of Eastern religions, including Vedantism, is plainly evident, but the essay also develops ideas long present in the Western tradition, e.g., in the works of Plato, Plotinus, and Emmanuel Swedenborg. The essay attempts no systematic doctrine, but rather serves as a work of art, something like poetry. Its virtue is in personal insights of the author and the lofty manner of their presentation. Emerson wishes to exhort and direct the reader to an awakening of similar thoughts or sentiments. With respect to the four themes listed above, the essay presents the following views: (1) the human soul is immortal, and immensely vast and beautiful; (2) our conscious ego is slight and limited in comparison to the soul, despite the fact that we habitually mistake our ego for our true self; (3) at some level, the souls of all people are connected, though the precise manner and degree of this connection is not spelled out; and (4) the essay does not seem to explicitly contradict the traditional Western idea that the soul is created by and has an existence that is similar to God, or rather God exists within us. This idea was later adopted by many religions."

Take notice of the above statement:
" some level, the souls of all people are connected, though the precise manner and degree of this connection is not spelled out" -- and when the Cosmology of Mind is understood, it is seen that what Emerson was missing was an understanding of the Matrix of the Soul (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image ) -- and holographically, this same Matrix of the Soul also exists on a higher level within the Matrix of the Logos (Mind of God ). Other quotes by Emerson on the soul of man is seen in the words: "The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal." And again: "It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals… and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise." —Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image ), man is portrayed as a projected image of the soul -- and in the same way that all the previous images of the soul-self that lived in all the lifetimes that the soul has lived are all dwelling within the Matrix of the Soul, all the souls who are portrayed as the Soul-Self and the True Being that each of us is, all dwell within the Matrix of the Logos (Mind of God). Holographically, in the same way that the soul is the sum total of all the lifetimes that it has lived, the Logos (Mind of God) is the sum total of all the experiences of all the souls that came into existence since the beginning of Creation -- and thus, all of Creation is evolving and moving from the Alpha of ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened Light.  But to begin to understand why Deism places such high emphasis on understanding the Laws of Nature, you must understand your own relationship as a three-dimensional soul-generated image, to your twelve-dimensional Soul-Self, and your Soul-Self's relationship to God. 

Not until we understand that mankind is presently dwelling in a realm of Duality -- where opposite polarities of the same consciousness can and must interact with each other in order to evolve to Wholeness -- then it must be understood that when an action is initiated, a corresponding action is initiated in the opposite polarity.   In the same way that the contraction of the two atna chambers of the heart initiate the contraction in the ventricles, in this divided reality every action initiates a reactive-action in its opposite polarity.  Which means that every word, and every action you make, initiates an opposite polarity action that MUST BE BALANCED IN THE CENTER OF THE TREE OF LIFE.  When balance and wholeness is achieved, then growth and development is brought about.  When the active and reflective opposites cannot be balanced, then the action becomes externalized -- which in the parable of the prodigal son, is portrayed as the squandering away of the inheritance on "riotous living".   But because the loss or externalization is imprinted with what can be portrayed as the imprint of our Spiritual DNA, it must return back to us -- and this process can and does continue until Wholeness and Completion is achieved. 

We cannot even begin to envision the above process without first understanding the connection that exists between all of mankind and all of Creation.  An important overlooked and not understood Bible passage states in reference to the Higher Reality of God that mankind is blind to: “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 NIV).  If we indeed " and move and have our being" within God, then what is our true relationship to God?  When we put the foregoing together with the statement by James Jeans that: “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine” Or the words of Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.  What is portrayed is a higher reality that few people are even prepared to contemplate -- much less, understand with sufficient degree to even form a realistic opinion.

An Enlightened person who understands the Natural Laws of Creation, understands that God is not a being who is separate from man -- but is the very Consciousness within which we move and have out being.  Perhaps one of the best teachings (which was removed from the canonical Gospels by the Church, has been preserved in the outlawed Gospel of the Nazirenes, and is known as the parable of the fishes (quoting): "And there were certain men, of doubtful mind, who came to Jesus, and said to him, You tell us that our life and being comes from God, but we have never seen God, nor do we know of any God. Can you show us whom you call the Father-Mother, one God? We don't know if there is a God. Jesus answered them, saying, Hear this parable of the fishes. The fishes of a certain river communed with one another, saying, they tell us that our life and being is from water, but we have never seen water, we don't know what it is. Then some among them, wiser than the rest, said, We have heard there dwells in the sea a wise and learned fish, who knows all things. Let us journey to him, and ask him to show us what water is. So several of them set out to find this great and wise fish, and they came at last to the sea where in the wise fish dwelt, and they asked of him. And when he heard them he said to them, O you foolish fish that don't contemplate! The few of you who seek, are wise. You live, and move, and have your being in the water; from the water you came, to the water you return. You live in the water, yet you don't know it.' In a similar manner, you live in God, and yet you ask of me, 'Show us God.' God is in all things, and all things are in God." 

If mankind dwells within the Mind of God, then what inhibits him from Knowing all that God Knows?  The answer is the Natural Laws that place a barrier between us and our Source -- i.e., our Higher Soul-Self -- and the Source of our Soul which is the Logos (Mind of God).  Enlightened Deists who understand the Natural Laws, are able to tap into the Higher Mind of both the Soul and the Logos, by fulfilling and prevailing over the limitations of the Natural Laws that divide and separate us -- which limitations can only be overcome by achieving Wholeness (see Wholeness of Mind & Being ).  With respect to achieving Wholeness, Jesus portrayed himself as a physician when he stated: "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).   Which means that Jesus himself acknowledged that others achieved Wholeness without his assistance as a physician, and that anyone who achieves Wholeness can open up a conduit between themselves and the Indwelling Logos, and accomplish all that the historical man Jesus accomplished.   But it will remain virtually impossible to bring about this Wholeness, without understanding the Natural Laws of Creation. 

When PanDeist Giordano Bruno stated that "Within every man there is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought, which lends us wings whereby we may approach the sun of knowledge", he was making reference to the source of Higher Knowledge of both his Soul-Self and the Indwelling Logos.  When Bruno stated "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it", what he was stating was that organic man is so mesmerized by the outward illusions that modern science has recognized as the illusions of Plato's Cave (see Plato - The Physicist ), that their mental and spiritual development becomes flat-lined.   And that only those who understand the Natural Laws are able to achieve the necessary Wholeness that enables them to utilize the process of Anamnesis - enabling then to begin to tap into the inner source of Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths: .   That those who are able to prevail over the Laws, and achieve Wholeness, are able to learn directly from the Indwelling Logos as they become Enlightened by an Anointed (Messiah/Christ) of the Mind.  As stated: "The anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you don't need anyone to teach you. Instead, His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie; just as He has taught you, remain in Him" (1  John 2:27).  The Deists who had overcome the Natural Laws that require Wholeness to prevail over organic human limitations, did not need either an academic teacher or a savior promoted by Revealed Religion, because as a person overcomes the Natural Laws and begins to tap into the what Giordano Bruno portrayed as the Divine Light within the mind of all of mankind, the Anointing of the Inner Light of Higher Consciousness taught and revealed to them the Truth of all things.   And from the Divine Light they learned the functioning of the Natural Laws as manifest in the Clock-Maker Universe -- the reality of the evolving Soul over the course of many lifetimes a stated by Bruno: "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body" -- and the purpose of the Natural Laws as manifest in the Clock-Maker Universe was, in the words of Bruno, "The divine perfection of the individual soul is the aim of all progression".   And the Universe as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism, in the words of Bruno evolves the Soul by returning to each Soul the fruit of their own words and action -- "Every act performed brings its appropriate reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another body."  

Why didn't the Enlightened Deists such as Thomas Paine and Jefferson openly talk about their personal knowledge of their Soul's previous lives?   If they did, they would have been rejected by the vast majority of Christians in their endeavor to create a government that would usher in the necessary personal freedoms and God-Given Right to bring about a condition of Enlightenment and Exceptionalism (see The Deists And American Exceptionalism ).  And it was this foundational Constitutional Government that was necessary to restore the Original Gospel Teachings ( ), that would enable mankind to overcome the limits of the Natural Laws and the constraints of organic human consciousness.  Thus, Thomas Paine, Jefferson and others were given important glimpses into their Soul's previous lives, and an understanding of the Rights of Man as the divine offspring to Creator-God.  














While many are of the opinion that the Europeans were motivated to come to the New World seeking religious freedom -- and that the First Amendment is the totality of the expression of this motivation -- it remains true that there existed a much higher motivation that few modern-day Americans are even aware of.   And if the question was posed to Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and many of the original Constitutional Framers what their motivation was in the creation of a totally new and different form of Government?   Few modern Americans could even grasp their ultimate vision which motivated them.   Deists such as Thomas Paine understood the reality of the soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes (see Deist Belief In Reincarnation).   And since I am very much an expression of the soul who previously walked the earth in my previous life as Thomas Paine, I am of the mind that I am the most qualified to provide an answer to this question that has been an enigma to most Americans even to this very day.   And what I will present to you in the below will be a totally different vision of the true purpose of our Constitutional form of government than anything you have ever before read.   Moreover, because of the work and shedding of blood of our forefathers who brought this Great Nation into being, only now do I have the freedom necessary to convey to others the reality of the Esoteric Reality of America and the Laws and Forces that were invoked, in order to bring about what has often be portrayed as American Exceptionalism. 

If it is true that the soul who lived as Thomas Paine who was anti-Church, had previously lived the life of Jacob/James who was known as the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus and the first leader of the Church, then why would the later incarnation as Thomas Paine be so anti-Church?   The answer is very simple -- i.e., the Church, when rightly understood, has absolutely nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- and is very much an apostate to the Original Gospel Teachings and Objectives of True Christianity.   And with respect to Thomas Paine being a Deist.   What will be demonstrated in the below is that a Theist can be more factually defined as an immature believer who has yet to comprehend a with more mature perception and understanding of God.   But this fact in and of itself opens the door to still another dilemma as seen in the fact that modern Deists for the most part merely repeat rhetoric, and possess no real understanding of the Spiritual Essence of Deism.   


It is virtually impossible to comprehend the reality of the American Experience, without a knowledge and appreciation of what is portrayed by the Enlightened Deists in the words: The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God.   Our Constitutional Framers not only possessed a working knowledge of these Natural Laws of Nature and the Heavens, but they understood how to manipulate and invoke them.   Allegorically, Satan is not a being -- but rather, Satan is the personification of what can be portrayed as the gravity of mind that shackles mankind to an earth-bound mindset -- rendering him incapable of comprehending man's higher soul and spiritually reality.   And it was the knowledge of the Natural Laws that in part, enabled the men of wisdom who emerged out of the Age of Enlightenment and the Enlightened Deists to overcome the Laws that inhibited their mental development and spiritual advancement. 

When our astronauts flew to the moon, while it is true that rocket propulsion was used to escape the earths gravity and limiting factor of its organic atmosphere, the astronauts then utilized the Natural Laws to escape the pull of the earth, and permit the spacecraft to be pulled to its destination.   When flight engineers make reference to a window when operations in space can be achieved, what they are making reference to is the proper alignment of the planets that enable space flight to be achieved.  Scientifically, this would be portrayed as slingshot paths that are called Gravity Assist Trajectories.  They use the gravity and motion of planets to pull a spacecraft into a new path.   Quoting the article on Navigation in space: "Gravity is a very important force. Every object in space exerts a gravitational pull on every other, and so gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling through space. It is the glue that holds together entire galaxies. It keeps planets in orbit. It makes it possible to use human-made satellites and to go to and return from the Moon. It makes planets habitable by trapping gasses and liquids in an atmosphere. It can also cause life-destroying asteroids to crash into planets.   ...Consider Voyager 2 ... the spacecraft's arrival was carefully timed so that it would pass behind Jupiter in its orbit around the Sun. As the spacecraft came into Jupiter's gravitational influence, it fell toward Jupiter, increasing its speed toward maximum at closest approach to Jupiter. Since all masses in the universe attract each other, Jupiter sped up the spacecraft substantially, and the spacecraft slowed down Jupiter in its orbit by a tiny amount, since the spacecraft approached from behind. At this point, Voyager 2 had been sped up enough by Jupiter's gravity to get a speed greater than Jupiter's escape velocity. As it left, it slowed down again, but it never slowed all the way to the speed it was before getting to Jupiter. It left the area near Jupiter faster and in a different trajectory. This technique was repeated at Saturn and Uranus.  Gravity assists can be also used to decelerate a spacecraft, by flying in front of a body in its orbit. When the Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter, passing close in front of Io in its orbit, Galileo experienced deceleration, helping it go into orbit around Jupiter. "    

So, our scientists in understanding the Natural Laws, timed their sequences where they initiated rocket burns to take advantage of the natural movement of the planets, where they could then manipulate these Natural Forces to bring about the results which they envisioned.   When our Constitutional Framers sited The Laws of Nature And Nature's God, what they were referencing was man's ability to time and take advantage of the Laws and Forces of body, mind and spirit, to bring about and invoke a higher state of consciousness, which permitted them to possess the vision and knowledge necessary to apply this knowledge of the Laws to the birth and development of the United States -- which harnessed and invoked the Laws to manifest an environment where what we portray as American Exceptionalism could be fostered and brought about in the lives of the American People and the world.    The problem is that the Atheist who envisions a Utopia on earth, as well as the faith-based religious believer who envisions the Kingdom coming upon the earth, both reject the very knowledge of the Natural Laws which are necessary to institute and bring about the Destiny they envision.   And if I make any reference to the Deists who did possess to varying degrees an understanding of the Natural Laws, both the Atheist and the Theist envision a misguided group of intellectuals who have invented some alternative theology which they portray as a reason-based quasi-religious cult.   And if I say that the body of esoteric knowledge of the Laws and Natural Forces is necessary to begin to acquire Higher Spiritual Knowledge, both the Atheist and the Theist portray this whole concept as heresy.   Yet, if both the Atheist and the Theist are to bring about the utopian kingdom/destiny which they envision, it will be necessary to possess this higher esoteric knowledge of the Natural Laws to bring about the very objectives they hope and pray to come upon the earth.   In the same way that you can't escape the earth's gravitational pull and navigate a spacecraft to the moon without the essential knowledge of the Natural Laws, man's utopian quest will remain elusively beyond his reach, until he acquires the knowledge of the Higher Laws of Nature and Nature's God.  

What, then, is the solution to the dilemma?   From the perspective of the Atheist and the Theist who are so locked into their ideological world-view that they are both equally enslaved by their own variety of dogmatic shackles, the only possible solution is for someone who they deem a heretic to arise and convey to both, what they both desire, but don't want to hear the details about how to achieve the very objective visions they hope and pray to bring about.    Both the Atheist and the Theist are in denial with respect to the idea that not only does the Natural Laws control all events in this world -- but that ordinary men can possess a working knowledge of these Natural Laws and Forces of the Earth and Heavens.   So, by virtue of their dogmatic denial, they both have been responsible for driving governments, religions and cultures throughout man's long residence upon the earth, into a perpetual state of ruin -- a state of ruin that has been recorded in the annuls of history in the countless images of the suffering, death and destruction of the people they ruled over.   Yet, it can be proven that the historical man Jesus not only possessed an enlightened knowledge of the Natural Laws -- but the original Gospel message proclaimed that he arose to a state of intellectual and spiritual Supremacy by fulfilling these Laws within his own body, mind and being (see ).   And that because of the natural limits of man's organic physical consciousness, this body of esoteric knowledge could only be revealed to his closest disciples.   Why?  Because both the political and religious leaders of that time were incapable of comprehending this Sacred Body of Knowledge.   In much the same way, our Constitutional Framers who possessed this knowledge of the Natural Laws to various degrees, formed a government that would not only bring true change to the governments of the earth, but would invoke the Natural Laws in such a way, that what is portrayed as American Exceptionalism was brought about on the world's stage.   And in the same way that the Church threw away and suppressed the esoteric knowledge of the Laws and Natural Forces that had the potential to transform man into the fulfillment of his ultimate Destiny, so too has the American People permitted both church and state to throw away the knowledge of The Laws of Nature and Nature's God, and is presently in the process of undermining the very foundation of American Success and Achievement. 

In virtually all the instances that the prayers of man has been answered, and the Hand of God has Moved and Interceded in the plight of mankind -- with God throwing man a life-preserver that will assist him to escape the quagmire of ignorance which man has immersed himself in by virtue of the very expression of his freewill misused to enslave himself in lifetimes of self-imposed suffering -- this Gift is always thrown away and rejected to the point of being portrayed as heresy.   The original Gospel portrayal of Jesus as a man who fulfilled and perfected the Royal Law within himself to prevail and overcome, was deemed heresy and rewritten by the Church (see The Ten Words).   That those who possessed this esoteric body of Knowledge was a threat to the worldly authority and power over the people of both the secular and sectarian rulers, meant that this body of sacred knowledge had to be preserved and protected from destruction -- so it was hidden and concealed within the allegorical body of the scriptures that carnal men used, in order to make it available to men of greater wisdom in the future.   Thus, the various scriptures were then composed in what can be called the Language of the Soul -- utilizing the same allegorical symbolism that all of Nature is composed and written in -- which necessitated what Jesus portrayed was the proper use of the Key of Knowledge applied to the allegorical text of the scriptures -- to see beneath the cloak of the allegorical text -- revealing the knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Mind and Being that lay concealed from the vision and perception of the profane who were used as a type of mule to transport and safeguard the body of esoteric knowledge which they were incapable of understanding (see Key of Knowledge).



If you understand the Natural Laws and the Pattern of Creation and the Outer World, you can then utilize this Sacred Knowledge to explore the Inner Reality of one's own Mind and Being.   Why would a person want to do this?  Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within you -- and it is therein that you must seek it.   Plato and the Enlightened Deists of the past taught that the Logos (Mind of God) exists within each of us.   The Gospel of Thomas declares: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..." (Gospel of Thomas).  And the Apostle Paul made a parallel statement when he wrote: "...because that which is known about God ...for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).   What Paul is confirming is that if you are perceptive enough to understand what you see in the outer world, that you will then understand the higher reality of Creator-God.   And it is not that you will observe the works of God -- but rather, but in understanding the Divine Pattern -- the Forces and Natural Laws -- and the meaning of what is seen, will reveal to you the Forces and Laws of your own Consciousness -- and by harnessing what is portrayed in the above to be Gravity Assisted Trajectories, you will then be able to break free and overcome the natural physical limitations of your body and carnal-consciousness, and connect with the Inner Source of your being that is not of this world.   And this is why the Gospel of Thomas declares: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".     

When Enlightened Deists made reference to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- and the ability of man to see God in the pattern and works of Creation -- this was not just empty rhetoric -- but rather, an Enlightened Understanding of the holographic reality of Creation that replicates the pattern of the Whole (the Macrocosm) into all of its lesser parts (the microcosm).  And since man has been created in the image and likeness of God, those who perceive and understand the outer pattern and workings of the universe, can then utilize this same knowledge to fulfill the adage to Know Thyself -- and in the knowledge of the Cosmology of Mind and Being, such a person can then move into harmonic oneness with the very Essence of their being and fulfill the Laws of Creation within oneself and Know God.   

Of this Sacred Language of the Soul with which all of Creation is composed in -- and is the same Language the authors of the scriptures used to composes their Sacred Texts -- Galileo wrote: "Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes — I mean the universe — but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols, in which it is written."   In like manner Thomas Paine wrote in The Age Of Reason: "The Creation speaketh a universal language, independently of human speech or human language, multiplied and various as they may be. It is an ever-existing original, which every man can read. It cannot be forged; it cannot be counterfeited; it cannot be lost; it cannot be altered; it cannot be suppressed. It does not depend upon the will of man whether it shall be published or not; it publishes itself from one end of the earth to the other. It preaches to all nations and to all worlds; and this word of God reveals to man all that is necessary for man to know of God."   And this same exact reality is portrayed in The Essene Gospel Of Peace where it is written: And Jesus himself sat down in their midst and said: "I tell you truly, none can be happy, except he do the Law."  And the others answered: "We all do the laws of Moses, our lawgiver, even as they are written in the holy scriptures."  And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life. God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in the sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God. But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"  "How may we read the laws of God elsewhere than in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us from there where you see them, for we know nothing else but the scriptures which we have inherited from our forefathers. Tell us the laws of which you speak, that hearing them we may be healed and justified."  Jesus said: "You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all that you pore over dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him who has given you the scriptures.

Without exception, this is true.   Moreover, this same Language when properly understood, has the power to reveal to the seeker the very Laws and Forces of the Cosmology of Mind that is operating within his own body and being.   To understand the allegorical appearances in first the scriptures, then observe these same realities at work in the outer world and cosmos, and lastly within one's own body and mind -- and then to apply this wisdom and knowledge so as to move beyond the "natural" human limitations within one's own mind and being -- is in fact the very objective and purpose of life -- as well as the Spiritual Message of the Gospels.  When it is understood that all objects are an allegorical representation of a thought and reality of mind impressed into the forms of nature -- each having a unique vibratory frequency that is represented in the image of the symbol and form -- only then does Galileo's statement with respect to the above begin to truly become revealed where he stated: "This book (the universe) is written in the mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth."   What is not understood by Christians today is the fact that a parallel message was stated in the long ignored Epistle of Peter and James where it is warned that if the esoteric knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay should become lost, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".    And sadly, these two warnings have remained true even into our own time. 



"Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason."

Thomas Paine, from Introduction to 'Common Sense', 1776



As stated by the biblical authors themselves, the literal text of the Gospels are representative of entry-level teachings written for the body of immature seekers who had not yet developed the necessary depth of mind to comprehend man's higher soul and spiritual reality (see The Second Fatal Mistake).   The question should be posed is this: Can believers and critics alike just read the literal text of the scriptures and know the truth?   In the manner that Christians and their critics attempt to do today?   Paul called the written words of the Torah and Old Testament scriptures the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6) -- because most of the literal written word that appeared to be historical, was little more than "Jewish fables" (Titus 1:14).   He warned the baptized believers at Corinth that until they undergo the necessary process of spiritual transformation, that their natural organic mind will be incapable of understanding the true meaning of the Gospel (see Mystery), and they will look upon the Mysteries of God as "foolishness" -- i.e., “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).   And he warned these baptized and confirmed Christians of whom it was said that they had received all the gifts and testimony of the Gospel of Christ, that their untransformed mind was yet too carnal to comprehend and begin to grasp the necessary higher realities of soul and spirit -- i.e., “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).   Further explaining that what is known as the testimony of Jesus Christ and him crucified which he portrayed as the "milk" of the Gospel -- meant for entry-level believers who have only begun their journey in TheWay -- i.e., Paul warns: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).   How impossible is it for the mind of untransformed organic man to comprehend both the scriptures, and his own higher soul-reality?   When the Church was confronted with the teachings of the physical resurrection of Jesus -- which is an allegorical portrayal of the final stage of birth -- the Official Reply against the allegations of Celsus (see Secret Doctrine) was that it was “preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief”  Why?   Because of their untransformed carnal condition of mind and being, this was all that they were capable of comprehending.

If we pose the question why?  Why is it impossible for the immature mind of organic "natural" man to comprehend his own higher soul-reality?   Why does Plato who is counted among the historical Deists, portray this world as a Cave Of Illusions?   Why does the Gospel account of Jesus portray this world as the "outer darkness" of mind and being?   And the leaders of the Jews who threw away the Key of Knowledge as "blind guides"?   Once understood, the answer is very simple -- i.e., the physical body in its undeveloped organic condition, only supports a three-dimensional reality of mind and being -- and therefore, the Natural Laws of this world only support those aspects of self that correspond to the needs and requirements of the earth vibrational frequencies.    In contradistinction, the soul or higher soul-self of man that does not incarnate into the body-vessel, dwells in a realm of a great many dimensions and realities that do not correspond to the three-dimensional and frequency limitations of the body -- thereby, inhibiting the soul or true self from fully incarnating into the body-vessel unless a conscious effort is made on the part of the person to bring about a state of higher maturity -- by expanding the mind beyond organic human limitations which Paul portrays in the above as the "natural man".    

In many respects, the Theist is a person whose perception and ideas of both self and God is limited by an immature and yet undeveloped understanding.   As the seeker's understanding of self begins to evolve through what the first Christians portrayed as the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind, only then could they begin to comprehend the Enlightened Deist perception of self and God.    The Gospel of Thomas warns: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".   The poverty of intellect is a condition brought about when in what Paul portrays as his "natural" organic condition of mind, man attempts to understand from a three-dimensional perspective, what requires a developed and mature mind that is functioning across the spectrum of a great many dimensions of man's higher soul-reality.   And in the same way that Jesus portrayed the leaders of the Jews as "blind guides" because they failed to progress beyond the three-dimensional limitations of mind, so too did the secularized Church of 4th century Rome.   

Thus, in order to bring about a maturity and wholeness to the mind of the seeker, the scriptures make the profound declaration that if man was to reach out and eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, that he will be like God.  The scriptures state: "To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God" (Rev 2:7 NIV).   And when it is understood as the entrance into the Kingdom that is one of the primary objectives, the reality of the true meaning of the Revelation with respect to the spiritualization of the body and transformation of the mind is presented in the words: "Blessed are those who [those who wash their robes] and do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Rev 22:14-15 [NIV] NKJV).   Only those who cleanse and purify the person they are in this world, and prevail over the Natural Laws by doing His Commandments, can enter through the inner "...gates into the city" -- while those who are portrayed as "...dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" , remain "without" in the "outer darkness" of Mind and Being (see Outer Darkness).
The pattern of mind as portrayed in the image of the Tree of Life at the right, demonstrates the twelve spheres of mind -- and in the untransformed mind of (carnal) organic man, each of the separate spheres are themselves three-dimensional.   Which means that in the plight of organic man who has yet to begin the process of maturity, the best he can do is perceive the outer world from a single point within one of the spheres to the exclusion of the rest.   And thus, his vision and understanding remains incomplete and fractured.   This reality is also portrayed in the 90th chapter of the Gospel of the Nazirenes in the words: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them. Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all."   Those who have travailed in TheWay and have undergone the purification of the physical and the transformation which brings about the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind, are those who can not only perceive reality from the perspective of the twelve dimensions of mind simultaneously, but also from the higher reality of what the Gospel of the Nazirenes portrays as "The One truth..." at an enlightened level before it is divided across the spectrum of the twelve.    The problem is that each of the outer spheres of mind are paradoxical in relation to their opposites -- which makes it virtually impossible for someone who has never worked to develop their thinking and mind, to even begin to comprehend higher realty.    In the Gospels the twelve dimensions of mind that are portrayed in the Tree of Life, are representative of the twelve disciples -- and the higher enlightened perception of "The One truth..." is allegorically portrayed in the embodiment of Jesus -- i.e., that Condition of Mind that brings the self and the higher soul-self, as well as heaven and earth, into Oneness within the mind of the disciple.    Thus, when the Key of Knowledge is properly applied, it is not an external man-god named Jesus that is portrayed in the scriptures -- but rather, achieving that Condition of Mind where the twelve spheres of mind are manifest and supportive of that state of Higher Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Mind within us -- overcoming not only all inner states of division -- but also bringing about Oneness across all dimensions of Mind and Being. 

While every man possesses this innate potential, it requires a conscious effort on his part to bring about and achieve this condition of maturity and higher development.   Unlike organic man who is not only immature and undeveloped in his understanding of self and God, the Deist authors of the scriptures understood the Journey of the Soul over the course of many lifetimes (see ).    And in the same way that leaves and fruit grow on a healthy tree, the knowledge that one's higher soul-self has lived over the course of eons of lifetimes begins to become clear, as they strive to bring about that condition which the first Christians portrayed as the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind.   But herein lies the crux of the problem -- i.e., because (as the biblical authors warned) the "natural mind" of man which is three-dimensional, is incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul which, because of the inherent limitations of the organic body, must be consciously developed, the framework and body of esoteric knowledge that was possessed by those who can be portrayed as Deists throughout man's history, was always condemned as heresy by the superstitious mind and limited reasoning of organic man.    As early as the second century the pre-Nicene Church was accused of being a "secret system" -- teaching the multitude of believers a very different doctrine than those who can be portrayed as having attained a condition of spiritual maturity (see The Secret Doctrine).   

What are the scriptures?  From a Deist perspective, both Plato and Pythagoras are listed, as well as countless other men of wisdom throughout the ages.   The original Gospels which were used among the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of TheWay, were too spiritual to be given into the hands of those seekers who had begun the transition from carnal to spiritual (see Original Gospels).    Lesser revealing copies of the Gospels which were more compatible with the thinking of the entry-level believers, were created for the congregations of both the Jews and the Gentile converts.    That the organic mind of man is incapable of perceiving and comprehending from a higher soul-reality -- and that as such, entry-level believers could only be given the "milk" of the Gospel, is presented in the words of the first century elder Ignatius where he writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.   Therefore, the esoteric body of knowledge that was possessed by the mature authors of the scriptures would have been impossible to be given into the hands of the untransformed believers who were yet too carnal to comprehend from beyond a three-dimensional limited reality of understanding.   And the only means to even begin to convey to them these higher realities which required a transformed mind to comprehend, was through the allegories of the scriptures.



If it is true that the scriptures are not historical -- but rather, allegorical portrayals of the Forces, Laws and Cosmology of one's own Mind and Being -- then why do we even need scriptures today?   The answer is that there is virtually nothing in our modern-day systems of education and cultural philosophy that even begins to address the true problems of the limitations of human organic consciousness.   Our educational systems are designed to program the thinking of the student in order to parrot the pre-determined answers that are preapproved by teachers who are themselves incapable of perception and thinking beyond organic limitations.   The scriptures in their original condition, on the other hand, were designed to use important catalysts that begin the process of connecting the person we are in this world with our true self (see that cannot manifest in the physical body-vessel.   The scriptures are not designed to program the thinking and mind of the individual -- but rather, to bring about the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind that is necessary to overcome the three-dimensional limitations of man's "natural" organic consciousness.  Virtually the whole of our cultural philosophies which for the most part are based upon Darwinism, which only acknowledges the three dimensions of this world as being valid, is so limited in its perception and understanding, that it inhibits and builds insurmountable obstacles in the minds of the students.  

In the first image of self that is ascribed to by our cultural, religious and philosophical icons, the child's mind is empty -- while in the second image that is rarely ever mentioned or understood, each child is understood to have an innate connection to a Source of Knowledge that greatly exceeds all the avenues of learning available to the child who has undergone the process of being taught in the traditional manner.   And thus, when you teach a child through rote memorization and programming in the manner of our religions and educational systems, you forever alienate the child from even the ability to tap into that Inner Source, and truly begin to learn.    That the (true) self already exists in a knowing and enlightened state of being -- and that the primary objective of life is to connect and manifest our true self -- is the paramount reality in the words of Jesus as set forth in the Gospel of Thomas: "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".  

The Latin meaning of the word Education is to "draw out from within" -- which of course is predicated upon an Inner Source of Knowledge and Being -- implying developing the individual's potential by drawing out what is already there and existing beneath the surface.   But herein lies the problem as seen in the fact that this inner Source does not exist in the void of our gravely flawed modern cultural understanding.    But what it also means is that what we put forth as education today, is in fact opposed to True Education -- mainly because the philosophical foundational paradigm of self in in conflict and in reverse of our true reality.   And thus, what we call education is not only the rote programming of pseudo-education -- but has the effect of totally alienating the child and person from the true learning experience.

The surf/subject mindset is that framework of thinking when you perceive yourself as being in subordinate-dominion to a higher ruling authority.   In those nations that were ruled by what can be portrayed as a royal family, each commoner is born into a lesser place within the society, and can never arise to be the ultimate leader.   Unlike the United States where young children are told that they can grow up to be the President, in a nation ruled by a royal family, the common people are always subjects.   Worse yet is the Caste system -- i.e., quoting the Wikipedia: "Caste is an elaborate and complex social system that combines some or all elements of endogamy, hereditary transmission of occupation, social class, social identity, hierarchy, exclusion and power.  Haviland defines caste as a closed form of social stratification in which membership is determined by birth and remains fixed for life; castes are also endogamous and offsprings are automatically members of their parent's caste."  Judaism is a type of royal family caste system in that the Jews consider themselves the "chosen people".    Christianity is another type of royal family in that in accord with their Church dogma, their God has only one son -- and all other people must dwell in subjection to the Trinitarian Royal Family.   And while Christians may consider themselves the adopted family of God, it remains true that they are not of the Royal Bloodline of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

People who are of the subject/surf mindset, can't even imagine themselves as being of the same substance as the Royal Family.   Moreover, in the prevalent Marxist/Socialist mindset where the government is the authority and womb to tomb caretaker of the common people, the reality that (1) not only is each person's true self of a higher order than the pseudo-authorities who they embrace as leaders and rulers; and (2) it is often the system itself that inhibits the individual from developing, and coming into their own.   Contrary to the Marxist/Socialist paradigm of ideology, each person's true self possesses infinitely greater knowledge than the cultural teachers, pseudo-authorities and rulers of this world -- and that it is the mind-programming of these pseudo-authorities that actually alienate the child/person from their true higher nature.    But this higher soul-reality remains inconceivable to their surf/subject thinking and mindset.   Yet, as portrayed by Jesus as the lost prodigal son who is under a cloud of forgetfulness and ignorance as manifest in the term the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), only when the individual begins to reject the surf/subject mindset and begins to embrace the Cosmology of Mind portrayed in the second image of self, can one begin to tap into that Inner Source -- which disperses the cloud of amnesic ignorance which is the effect of the "outer darkness" -- permitting the lost prodigal son to re-connect and tap into the Inner Source of his being -- and ultimately man's return to their Heavenly Father.

The parables in the Gospels are recognized to be universal truths pertaining to all people's of the earth.   Each of these parables possess hidden esoteric truths that were presented in enigmatic form, enabling the speaker to state truths that would be immediately rejected by the majority of hearers.   In explanation of this fact with respect to the teachings of Jesus, the Wycliffe Bible Commentary writes that: “…the initiate was instructed in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery of the kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were without. This is in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”

The problem with this statement is that it is only partially correct -- and its error and limitations is the direct product of the authors of the Wycliffe Bible Commentary who built their theology upon the defective paradigm of thought noted in the above.   Since all of mankind equally dwells in the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), Jesus taught in parables in order to stir and open the mind of the few who had the potential to be awakened from their deep amnesic type state of sleep.    While the initiates were said to be taught In The House, in not understanding why Jesus did not speak plainly to the people, it was the initiates who questioned this type of teaching -- i.e., when asked by his disciples Jesus explained that: "Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn again..." (Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term, "...lest haply they should turn again", is stated in reference to the Kingdom that can only be found within themselves that they must be awakened to.   In the parable of the two sons -- better known as the parable of the prodigal son -- the son who had become lost in what is portrayed as the Far Country under the direct control of what is portrayed as the Citizen of that Country, did not need to be taught by those who were themselves under the dominion of the Citizen of the Far Country -- but rather, needed to be reawakened out of his amnesic state of mind which Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), to his former life with his Heavenly Father.    And once reawakened, he was then able to return to the Heavenly Kingdom on his own volition.    And it was for this reason that the historical man Jesus can be rightly portrayed as the first of the prodigal sons to make the return journey -- why in the original Gospel accounts he is portrayed as a true holy man who became the Anointed at his baptism in the Jordan (see ) -- and why Jesus said that his disciples were in fact his brothers who were all of the same Heavenly Father, as seen in the words: "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV).    That man in his "natural" organic condition of mind has no memory of his more distant past -- which includes a great multitude of previous lifetimes that his soul or soul-self that does not incarnate into the physical body-vessel, lived previously to being born into his present life.  

Like most of the parables -- and the substance of the Gospels teachings themselves -- the modern Church can't at all understand the parable of the prodigal son, because they have built their theology on the philosophical dogma of Roman Emperors and the pagan thinking of those early Christians who portrayed themselves as Orthodox -- who were in opposition to the Spiritual Christians who were portrayed as Gnostic.   But what is the meaning of the word "gnosis"?   When properly understood, Gnosis is the Divine Knowledge that can only be recognized and received by the few who have awakened from their amnesic state of mind portrayed as the "outer darkness" -- or, who have themselves (mentally) escaped the illusions of this world that is portrayed in the analogy of Plato's Cave, and is portrayed in the alchemical image at the right known as The Escape.    But, when properly understood, it is not so much that this world is a realm of illusions, and far more factually a world of allusions -- the difference being that this world is in and of itself aspects of mind and higher being impressed into the forms of nature.   And that the purpose of the scriptures is not to teach -- but rather, to awaken the amnesic person who is presently dwelling in the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) which can also be portrayed as the allusions of  Plato's Cave, is why the Gospel portrays Jesus as speaking to the multitude of people exclusively in parables -- which presented universal truths to those capable of being awakened out of their amnesic sleep. 

That this world is a realm of allegorical symbols impressed into the forms of matter, is why it is written: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..." (Gospel of Thomas).   And that organic "natural" man dwells in an amnesic state of mind -- unaware of his true higher soul and spiritual reality -- is why Jesus stated: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".    And while I will revisit each of the above concepts as I explore the Cosmology of Mind in the below, with respect to this second image of self and the innate Source Of Being And Knowledge that exists within each child and person in this world, our modern educational systems and culture is devoid of any useable knowledge of how to access this innate Source that exists within each individual.   The scriptures, on the other hand, employ catalysts that are used to connect the inner and outer aspects of mind, to bring about the necessary  Heightening And Expansion Of Mind .



What can be called The Thomas Paine Test is in fact the bottom line in man's evaluation of the validity of all theologies, philosophies and systems of education that he encounters over the course of his natural life.   And it is based upon the reality that each and every person has the innate potential to prove the validity of all of man's beliefs and belief systems.   In The Age Of Reason Thomas Paine wrote: “It is a contradiction in terms and ideas, to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second-hand, either verbally or in writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication; after this, it is only an account of something which that person says was a revelation made to him; and though he may find himself obliged to believe it, it cannot be incumbent on me to believe it in the same manner; for it was not a revelation made to me, and I have only his word for it that it was made to him.” 

This same test is presented in a parallel statement by the man known as the Apostle Paul when he wrote to the congregation of believers to “prove all things…” (1 Thes 5:21 KJV).   Thus, until we come to terms with the factual reality that modern day Judaism, Christianity and Islam have absolutely nothing in common with their Source, we will continue to be led down the road of deception.   Biblical scholar A. Powell Davies who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls made the long ignored and profound statement that: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).   Why?   Because the institutionalized version of revealed religion that came into being under fourth century Rome, had absolutely nothing in common with the actual teachings and objectives of the historical man Jesus and the first century disciples of TheWay.  


  Foundational Paradigms Of Religious/Philosophical/Educational Thought: Man's search for truth and the answers to the virtually countless dilemmas of life can be defined from the perspective of two very opposite schools of thought -- i.e., (1) that man must study and learn the theories and opinions of other men who are accepted as authorities; and (2) that each person possesses an innate connection to an Inner Source of Truth that he must learn and acquire the ability to tap into.    The first paradigm of thinking is based upon what has been portrayed as "revealed" religion and/or the acquisition of knowledge and truth from others perceived to be knowledgeable teachers -- while the second paradigm of thinking remains an enigma that is not readily understood.  

Just as a limb will weaken and atrophy if not used, so will aspects of the mind fail to develop if nothing in one's environment exists to challenge their thinking.  What this means is that if you build upon the first and common foundational paradigm of thought above, that those areas of mind that are necessary to develop and access man's higher soul and spiritual reality -- a reality that is not at all supported by man's organic human nature -- that those higher areas of mind will atrophy and fail to develop.    

When properly understood, the authors of the scriptures were themselves Enlightened Deists -- and the original intent of what is today known as the New Testament, was intended to guide and enable the seeker to know the Truth of all things by virtue of Direct Revelation from the Source.   What is today known as Christianity came into being in order to free men from the shackles of Mystery religions such as Judaism, enabling them to tap into the Source of all Truth and “prove all things…”.   When Christianity became corrupted by the dogma of Roman Emperors and "priestcraft" -- rendered virtually worthless to fulfill its intended purpose, objectives and spiritual goals, Islam was born to correct the dogmatic error that had undermined the whole spiritual foundational of both Judaism and Christianity.   But within a very short span of time, Islam itself fell victim to the same fate as the religions it was intended to heal and restore.

The (above) Thomas Paine Test is based upon the reality that every man, woman and child that has ever walked the face of the earth has the innate ability to first connect and begin to tap into their own true source of being -- i.e., their higher soul-self that is not manifest in the physical body-vessel (see -- and once this inner division is overcome, every soul has the innate ability to tap directly into the Source of all Being which many call Creator-God.   The Thomas Paine Test is an acknowledgement that when someone adopts a belief which they have not proven within themselves, that the belief itself becomes a hindrance and obstacle to actually proving the Truth.    Thomas Jefferson, a fellow Deist, said it best when he wrote: "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong" (Notes on Virginia, 1782).  

One of the earliest of Christian writings known as the Didache makes the declaration of The Two Ways -- i.e., "There are Two Ways, One of Life, the other of Death..." -- and this formula can be applied to all realities of life.   The term "revealed religion" which is based upon the portrayal of second hand revelation, can rightly be applied to all aspects of life -- i.e., revealed education, revealed truth -- and it is portrayed as the path of death, because the adoption of unproven beliefs taught by other men, inhibits the Natural Laws from opening the inner door that provides us access to a higher level of Truth than can be found in the outer world of manmade dogma and opinion -- acting as an obstacle to the discovery of the Truth.   

If it is true that mankind possesses the innate ability to tap into an inner source of knowledge and truth, then when we teach a person through rote programming, we inhibit that person's ability to tap into that inner source of knowledge -- resulting in the flat-lining of the person's ability to truly learn and mentally evolve to his ultimate potential.    In the words of Jean Piaget: “When you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself” -- and only when it is understood that the inner journey to true learning can only be accomplished through discovery, can we begin to comprehend how revealed religion, revealed philosophy and revealed education is the very embodiment of man's ultimate failure and ignorance.     In the words of Margaret Mead: “My grandmother wanted me to get a good education, so she kept me as far away from schools as possible.”    But enlightenment remains elusive and virtually impossible, so long as organic man limits himself to the three-dimensional mindset and thinking that lacks the necessary maturity to comprehend even his own higher soul-reality (see   Thus, in not Knowing Self, the words of Albert Einstein become relevant: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.”



Any philosophical, religious or educational system that fails the above Thomas Paine Test -- and is dependent upon one man accepting the opinions and/or alleged revelations of another person or group of persons -- must be classified as being "revealed" (see Paradigms Of Thought).    With the primary problem being that once you train the mind to look outwardly to an external source as in the first foundational paradigm, you inhibit and even sever the person's ability to tap into the inner Source of Knowledge that is infinitely greater than any teacher or "revealed" pseudo-source in the outer world.  

When the Deists who opposed the Church and all of "revealed" religion emerged out of the Age of Enlightenment, they did not possess the same base of historical facts and far-reaching essential knowledge that is available to seekers of truth today.    And while the Deists were not wrong in their positions such as that which is presented above in the  Thomas Paine Test, because they were not privy to important historical facts that had been suppressed and censored by the Church, they arrived at a series of defective conclusions based upon incomplete facts which severely impaired their assumptive reasoning.    Which means that at many important points, the Deists themselves were the victims of the suppression and censorship of historical facts that inhibited their conclusions based upon reason.

It was not that the Deists were wrong -- in fact, just the opposite is true.   But while the Deists were right, because of the censorship and suppression of important essential historical facts, the best they could do was arrive at a number of very incomplete assumptions.   Which means that in light of modern findings and access to previously suppressed facts, the Deist must re-evaluate many of its core positions in order to remain relevant today.   In the article The Audacity Of Reason, I set forth the following defining point with respect to the use of Reason and Intellect: Therefore, in view of the fact that each of us was born into a state of unknowing -- and we were all molded by the cocoon of our very limited upbringing -- the true definition of Reason and Intellect would be this: "...the ability of a person to re-evaluate what they believe to be true when additional and clarifying knowledge is received, and then apply this knowledge in their life so as to intimately embrace the higher truth that has been revealed in the endeavor to receive still Higher Truth."  If a person remains incapable of responding to clarifying facts and knowledge when it is presented to them -- re-evaluating their positions when clarifying facts and knowledge is presented to them -- then they have in every way abandoned and forsaken any rightful claim to the exercise of Reason and Intellect

When Deists such as Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin portrayed and rejected Christianity as a "revealed" religion, they did not have access to the pre-Nicene (325 CE) writings and scriptures that had not been corrupted by the later Church -- and while the statements of the Deists with respect to faith-based Christianity was correct -- their conclusions which was based upon spurious and suppressed facts, caused them to arrive at a number of inaccurate and incomplete assumptions.    The Deists had no idea that not only was the original Gospels corrupted by  The Religion Of Roman Emperors, but the fact that the leaders of the Church would be so diabolical and evil, to even edit and change the meaning of the very words of God that were allegedly spoken to mankind.   While men of reason have always questioned the existence of a supernatural being that is the embodiment of evil as in the belief held by many faith-based Christians in the existence of Satan, the Deists were simply not prepared for even the possibility that the Church would corrupt the very words spoken by God to mankind, in order to create and advance a pagan based revealed religion that undermined the whole spiritual foundation of the teachings of the historical man Jesus.   And even though the Apostle Paul predicted that Satan would rule the Church and be worshiped in place of God (see Church Of The Anti-Christ), the Deists had no idea that this prediction would come to pass -- and that faith-based Christians would worship a Jesus created by The Religion Of Roman Emperors -- and that this religion of "revealed" satanic paganism would be founded upon the corruption of the very words which God allegedly spoke to mankind.    In light of the predictions of the Apostle Paul, new insight must be given to the allegations of Martin Luther in a latter to Pope Leo X on September 6th, 1520, Luther wrote of the Christianity of his day, that the church, “…once the holiest of all, has become the most licentious den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the kingdom of sin, death, and hell. It is so bad that even Antichrist himself, if he should come, could think of nothing to add to its wickedness” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).   The reality that Luther was himself ignorant of, was the fact that Paul's prediction had come to pass, and the Church which called itself Christian was very much ruled over by the "...Antichrist himself, [and being worshipped as God by the Christian world], could think of nothing to add to its wickedness”  

In the accounts of the Original Gospels, the historical Jesus was very much a holy man who so perfectly fulfilled the Natural Laws within himself, that he became One and United to Creator-God.   And acting as a catalyst, this enabled God to speak and act through the man Jesus.   Acts 2:22 portrays Jesus as a man approved by God -- and it was Jesus who attested to the fact that we all are brothers -- that all of his brothers and sisters have this same potential that he (Jesus) fulfilled within himself -- and anyone who dedicated themselves to seeking the Truth over manmade dogma and opinions, could do all that he had accomplished.   That the Gospels were corrupted in order to make them support the tenets of Pagan Rome -- wherein, the man Jesus was recast in the embodied image of God incarnate -- not only does not in any manner reflect negatively reflect upon the original teachings -- and neither can these man-made corruptions hold the man Jesus accountable for creating what would constitute a "revealed" religion.   If you so alter, change and corrupt the works of an author, it is simply not rational to blame the author for the corruptions that other men who lived literally hundreds of years after the death of the author, committed in the author's name.  

The crux of the problem must be understood within the context that the use of reason among men from greatly varying backgrounds and experiences is not the same.  Atheists say they rely solely upon reason when they look out at the world, and they arrive at totally different and conflicting conclusions than the Deist who claims to see the Presence of God in Creation.   Christians who dwell under the influence of the dogmatic opium of what I portray as The Religion Of Roman Emperors, perceive an entirely different world than either the Atheist or the Deist.   Reason, therefore, must be understood as being subject to the condition of mind of the individual. 



  The Limited Anti-Reasoning Of Neo-Deists: If the reasoning of Deists is based upon an incomplete understanding of the issues and the facts, then the ability to Reason can be gravely affected.   If it is true that pre-Nicene Christianity was a religion that taught seekers how to tap into an inner Source of Truth which is equally Universal across the spectrum of all of mankind, then the original teachings cannot be portrayed as a "revealed" religion.   That the original Gospel portrayal of Jesus was that of a man who fulfilled the Natural Laws within his own mind and being -- which the fulfillment of, enabled him to connect with his Higher Source of Being -- and it was the objective of these teachings to convey to seekers what they must do to connect with their own Higher Source of Being within themselves -- then it would be a total misrepresentation to portray these original teachings as constituting a "revealed" religion.     

Reason is subject to the mindset of the beholder!   The Reasoning of an Atheist precludes their observance of the existence of God.   The Reasoning of the mainstream of Christians whose thinking has been obstructed by the dogmatic opium of "priestcraft" and The Religion Of Roman Emperors, represents an obstruction to the Reasoning portrayed in the original Gospel teachings and objectives.   And in much the same manner, the Deist who arrives at conclusions based upon assumptions drawn from a misrepresentation of the facts due to censorship and the suppression of the truth, may very well be seduced into asserting pseudo-reasoning based upon erroneous information.   Moreover, to ignore and attempt to disregard the great influence of the Human Condition upon the thinking and reasoning abilities exerted upon the individual, would constitute the absolute suspension of reason and intellect. 

Quoting from Do Atheists Prove Deists In Error: Deism is defined as "...a religious and philosophical belief that a supreme god created the universe, and that this and other religious truth can be determined using reason and observation of the natural world alone" (see Deism) -- and while the Atheists rely upon reason, intellect and observation of  "...the natural world", they in no way arrive at the same conclusions as that promoted by the Deists.   Which means that unless it can be demonstrated that the Atheist use of reason and intellect is somehow different than that of the Deists -- or, that there is something that is lacking in the Atheist perception of "...the natural world", then there would be good reason to conclude that the Deists are seeing and promoting a vision of God that is neither apparent or visible to mankind from an intellectual perspective by virtue of the use of Reason.   But of equal importance is to consider the objectives of Deism in relation to that of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   If the objective of the Deist is to confirm the existence of God "...using reason and observation of the natural world alone" -- and then live their lives according to this observation of the existence of God -- then this Deist objective is entirely different than the original pre-Nicene Christian who sought to bring about and open an inner direct connection to Creator-God that would teach and reveal all Truths to the mind of the seeker.    

In many respects the objectives of Deists who are looking only to answer the question of whether God exists, in no manner answers the greater questions of Life that were the motivating purpose of the core Gospel teachings.   Quoting from the web site on the question of An Afterlife, it is stated: "Deists may or may not believe in an afterlife as Reason tells us there is no way to know. However, many believe that something will occur but are not worried about it and believe we should live life to the fullest."    And while this is fine if the objective is to  " life to the fullest" -- the fact that it is admitted with respect to an afterlife that "Reason tells us there is no way to know" -- then the Deist idea of Reason is totally insufficient to provide crucial important answers to a sincere seeker.   Further, if this is true, and the Deists are basing their use of Reason on the conclusion that there are no real answers to the most important questions of life, then those who portray modern Deists as hopeful Atheists are fundamentally correct.   And for good reason they have abandoned the whole concept of Deism as little more than unsubstantiated and virtually worthless opinion.  

Seekers of Truth want to know what the objectives and purpose of life is?   The original core Gospel teachings which was declared to be heresy by The Religion Of Roman Emperors, embodies the statement of Thomas Paine when he wrote: “It is a contradiction in terms and ideas, to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second-hand, either verbally or in writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication...".   Thus, the objective is to bring about that condition whereby one is able to receive "...first communication" revelation directly from the Source -- which was and is one of the primary objectives of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.    In the above example of the two (2) Foundational Paradigms Of Thought, the teachings of the historical man Jesus known as deal exclusively with the objective of tapping into the Inner Source -- ultimately consciously connecting with the Logos/Mind of God (see Logos) --  learning directly from what the original disciples portrayed as The True Prophet.   Thus, fulfilling the conditions set forth by Thomas Paine with respect to bringing about  "...first communication" revelation directly from the Source.



In the Middle Ages when the Church was immersed in reigns of terror and inquisitions that it imposed upon the people in search of the heretics who possessed to varying degrees the wisdom of this body of esoteric knowledge, Martin Luther correctly portrayed the reality of the Church in a letter to Pope Leo X on September 6th, 1520, where Luther wrote of the Christianity of his day, that the church, “…once the holiest of all, has become the most licentious den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the kingdom of sin, death, and hell. It is so bad that even Antichrist himself, if he should come, could think of nothing to add to its wickedness” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).     And if the author's of the scriptures had not protected and preserved the esoteric body of knowledge of the Natural Laws and Forces of Creation concealed beneath the cloak of allegory, then this sacred knowledge would not have been preserved for those who possessed the wisdom to do as Jesus taught, and apply the  Key of Knowledge  to the interpretation of the scriptures, in order to retrieve this knowledge and bring about their own enlightenment and transformation.  

What do you call Knowledge taught and imparted to man directly by God?  Quoting from Science Proves The Gnostic Vision:

Gnosis is the Greek word meaning Spiritual Knowledge -- and True Gnosis is defined as Knowledge received directly from God.   Gnosis cannot be found in a book -- it cannot be taught by another man or teacher of this world -- and it is representative of a higher spiritual reality that simply cannot be redefined by man.   Gnosis is the Greek word which indicates that revelationary experiential Knowledge received from God -- and cannot be imparted by any other Source.   Which means that when quasi-religious and politically-religious motivated people condemn Gnosis/Spiritual Knowledge as heresy, they are in every way condemning and rejecting the Divine Manna imparted to the most religious and spiritual of mankind, as heresy.    Those who ignorantly condemn Gnosis, condemn the Knowledge of God.    And the fact that, because of the politics of religion and the fact that governments the world over have traditionally used religion as a means to maintain rule and authority over the people, we can begin to understand the very reason why genuine Mystics who have dedicated their lives to seeking Spiritual Knowledge -- defined as Gnosis -- have concealed the means to acquire this Spiritual Knowledge within the written text of the scriptures -- cloaked in allegory, so it would not be revealed to carnal/organic man.    What this means is that Gnosis has nothing to do with man's history -- nothing to do with any historical people, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene (see The Cult Of The Worship Of Mary Magdalene) -- and what is presented in the scriptures, is an allegorical portrayal of the forces and Laws at work within the cosmology of one's own body, mind/soul and spirit.   That this body of esoteric knowledge is so important to preserve and protect, is the reason why Mystics and Spiritual Disciples will write virtually anything in the literal text -- even outlandish absurdities -- so long as the unenlightened people of organic consciousness will insure it is carried forth into future generations. 

These few who possessed this esoteric body of knowledge were called Gnostics -- because they had access To Varying Degrees the ability to tap into the Source of all Knowledge which the original disciples of Jesus portrayed as The True Prophet.    But the pseudo-authorities of the Church who had immersed themselves in a state of mental confusion, were never able to grasp the difference between the body of esoteric knowledge of the Law which enabled the Mature Christian to prevail and gain access to Higher Spiritual Knowledge which could only be taught directly by the Indwelling Logos/Son of God -- a Spiritual Knowledge which was called Gnosis in the Greek Language.   Thus, in portraying the two types of knowledge -- the body of esoteric knowledge vs the Spiritual Manna of the Kingdom which was portrayed as Gnosis -- the Bishop Valentinus taught that: "Gnosis was distinct from the secret teachings they only revealed to initiates once they had reached a certain level of progression."    The secret teachings -- i.e., the esoteric body of knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Mind that the later Deists portrayed holographically as The Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- could be thought of as parallel to that of the knowledge used by our scientists to  slingshot a space capsule on its journey to other planets.   In the same way that the scientist had to utilize God's Gift of Reason and Intellect to utilize the forces of the cosmos to propel and direct a space capsule to another world, the seeker who possessed the esoteric body of knowledge concealed and hidden within the allegorical text of the scriptures, was then able to make the journey in TheWay that Jesus taught, to access the Inner Kingdom, and tap into the Source of Knowledge which Jesus commanded all his followers and disciples to seek out (see The True Prophet).  

In the same way that the Atheists reject even the existence of man's soul and spiritual natures, the leaders of the Church rejected even the existence of the Sacred Knowledge/Gnosis and the teachings on the Inner Source of this Knowledge as heresy.   And during that period which Martin Luther portrayed the Church as "...the most licentious den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the kingdom of sin, death, and hell. It is so bad that even Antichrist himself, if he should come, could think of nothing to add to its wickedness” -- men of Reason and Intellect embraced the body of esoteric knowledge that was preserved and concealed within the allegorical body of the scriptures, and used this knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Mind and Being to become enlightened -- in varying degrees, in accord with their individual ability to embrace the Light of Enlightenment.   While these men of Reason sought this Higher Source of Knowledge which in the Greek language was portrayed in the word Gnosis, they became known as Deists.   Why Deist?   While both the Theist and the Deist believes in Creator-God, the Theist ideas of God have yet to evolve to maturity.   

In one of the most ignored Gospel statements we are each not only portrayed as the offspring of God, but as dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 NIV).    And when this ignored statement is put together with the statement by  James Jeans that: “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”.    Or the words of Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- what you have is the more mature understanding of the Deist.   And you have portrayed a higher reality that few Theists are even prepared to contemplate -- much less, understand with sufficient degree to even form a realistic opinion.    Further, if you attempted to convey this reality to the common man of the first century in the time of Jesus and his disciples, they would very much reject what you are saying as "foolishness" -- much like most of mankind today.    When the first century elder Ignatius wrote to the Christian congregation of believers that “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them” -- he said this because if he was to begin to even convey the truth and reality of man's higher soul and spiritual nature and the Kingdom, these Christians would very quickly dismiss him as a crazy lunatic, and would no longer listen to a thing that he says.   Therefore, Ignatius, as with all the biblical authors (see Mystery), understood that the mind of the believer must be matured -- the dormant spheres of mind that do not correspond to this physical world must become activated and developed -- in order for the believer to begin to perceive and grasp his own higher soul and spiritual reality.   And this expansion of organic human conscious beyond normal physical limits is what is portrayed in the process: "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10 NKJ).    In the same way that an infant grows into a child and adult one step at a time, so too does the process of mental-expansion and development take place, line upon line. 

In the below article it will be demonstrated that the Theist perspective is merely the natural and immature perception of both self and God -- and is part of the process of the self evolving to maturity within the construct of Paul's statement to the Corinthians where he explained that “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).   If Paul had not provided this elementary milk to the congregation of believers, they would not be prepared to incrementally receive the more solid food that nourishes and has the power to expand the mind -- when embrace in the proper lifestyle environment.   And thus, the Gospel of Thomas states: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world"  It is impossible to Know God, without first fulfilling the adage to Know Thyself.    And it is this lack of self-knowledge that causes the vast majority of people to dwell in the poverty of meaningless manmade dogma that shackles them in an abyss of ignorance.  

Our Constitutional Framers would tell you that (1) our Constitutional form of government is in and of itself very much a Gift From the very Hand of God; and (2), the Higher Objectives of the First Amendment was to bring about the Freedom to Pursue Spirituality; and (3) as with all Gifts from God, what the core Deists portrayed as "priestcraft" -- both sectarian and secular -- has always defiled and contaminated the Spiritual Gifts that God has bestowed upon mankind.   But who were the Deists?  And what is the difference between religion and spirituality?  Thus, in this time of great crisis, it is imperative that before the American People make the grave mistake of once again throwing away this Gift from the Hand of God -- a gift that cannot easily be restored -- that they understand what they are throwing away. 

In a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Rush (see LETTER) Jefferson wrote respecting the relationship of Deism and Christianity: "To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other"  This same exact thought is expressed  in the Wikipedia article under Deism: History of religion and the deist mission.   Most deists saw the religions of their day as corruptions of an original, pure religion that was simple and rational. They felt that this original pure religion had become corrupted by "priests" who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests of the priesthood in general.   According to this world view, over time "priests" had succeeded in encrusting the original simple, rational religion with all kinds of superstitions and "mysteries" – irrational theological doctrines. Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information about the requirements for salvation. The priests consequently enjoyed a position of considerable power over the laity, which they strove to maintain and increase. Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as "priestcraft", a highly derogatory term.  Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" and "mysteries" from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion.    

While the above excerpt is correct from one perspective, the fact that it was written by an intellectual whose non-spiritual linear thinking has very much alienated the author from a deeper understanding of the subject-matter they are attempting to write about, the author lacks the deeper insight that is necessary to provide the reader with a more complete picture.   With the core flaw in the author's thinking being unable to comprehend the difference between religion and spirituality.    Intellectuals, who are bound by linear thinking (see Intuitive Vs Linear Thinking), dwell under the grave misconception that they see and perceive the world through a vision of totality -- when in fact, what they think they see as being whole, is a mere fragment of such limited perception, that they remain perpetually in error with respect to every assumption and theory that arrive at.   Which means that even when they are right, they are still bound and shackled in error.  


From a spiritual perspective, religion is a necessary evil -- a gateway that has the potential to open the door of spirituality -- in the same way that primary-level schooling has the potential to serve as the foundation that prepares the student to go on to college -- and college level of instruction has the potential to open the gateway of greater opportunity and advancement.   But in the same way that the Declaration of Independence declares man's UnAlienable Right to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness", because of both the exercise of our freewill, and the greatly varied conditions of our birth that has orchestrated our present (see Conditions Of Birth), there not only can be no uniform guarantees across the spectrum of people, but by virtue of these dual factors, the lives of some people are predestined to invoke failure.   Therefore, while religion can be seen as an elementary grade-level of instruction that is necessary to prepare the entry-level believer to open the door to higher spiritual opportunity and attainment, there is no guarantees -- an in many instances, it is the influence of priestcraft and the union of church and state that obstructs the believer from realizing their true potential -- which enables the mature believer to open the door to True Spirituality.  

When properly understood, Jesus did not condemn the Jews because they did not believe in him -- but rather, because they threw away the Key of Knowledge which when properly used, enables the believer to enter the Kingdom and learn the meaning of all mysteries directly from God -- i.e.,  "How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52 NLT) -- and the Bible in Basic English translation: "A curse is on you, teachers of the law! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you did not go in yourselves, and you got in the way of those who were going in."   And if we update and replace this statement with the word pseudo-shepherd (priestcraft) in place of the words teachers of the law, we can then understand why the mature Christians who were called Deists, rejected the authority of the Church -- condemning their dogma as obstructing the path to True Spirituality.

Prof. Walter Williams lived previously as one of our Constitutional Framers, and  in a commentary entitled America's Move Towards Tyranny he presented an important warning to the American People where he wrote: Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis warned, "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding." The freedom of individuals from compulsion or coercion never was, and is not now, the normal state of human affairs. The normal state for the ordinary person is tyranny, arbitrary control and abuse mainly by their own government. While imperfect in its execution, the Founders of our nation sought to make an exception to this ugly part of mankind's history. Unfortunately, at the urging of the American people, we are unwittingly in the process of returning to mankind's normal state of affairs.    In similar fashion Thomas Paine wrote: "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an in tolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer!" -- and of course the immortal words: "That government is best which governs least".    Then there is the statement attributed to Thomas Jefferson, Barry Goldwater and Gerald Ford: "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have".  

Recently Barack Obama attributed the success of Americans to the work and environment of (big) government -- i.e., "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen" -- and while this was merely the latest exposure of his Marxist roots and mindset, if he possessed any degree of enlightened insight whatsoever, he would know that it was the Laws that our Constitutional Foundation was built upon and imbued with, which has brought forth the success that has often been portrayed as American Exceptionalism.   And before this Framework of Laws that has empowered the American Dream that has made the United States the Light of the world is thrown away by a people who have no idea what they possess, you would do well to set aside a little of your time and be enlightened by the following article as to the manifest reality of American Spirituality that produced the necessary environment of success, by gaining an esoteric understanding of the Natural Laws which were put into effect by our Constitutional Framers.  

Herein is the crux of the problem -- i.e., the American people today know virtually nothing about the Natural Laws of the Earth -- and they are throwing away the very First Principles of the success that has made them world leaders, by permitting Secular Progressives to undermine the very Foundation of Laws that has brought forth the Fulfillment of the American Dream.   As the soul who lived as Thomas Paine in the 18th century at the founding of our Great Nation which has been a true Light to the world, my only objective in composing this web site, is to make the American People aware of the Laws that have often been portrayed as The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God, in order to provide the American People with the Wisdom and Knowledge to make an intelligent and informed choice in the present.   

In the following article I will explain the esoteric foundation of Christianity and the scriptures -- using the recent findings of modern physics to support concepts of Natural Law that will sound strange to the reader who will for the first time be exposed to the foundation of Laws that controls the conscious awareness of mankind, along with the events that these Natural Laws orchestrate in the lives of men and women while they dwell upon the face of the earth.   And while much of this knowledge of the Natural Laws was known to our core Constitutional Framers who as Gnostic Christians were called Deists, possessing an insight into this esoteric knowledge of the Laws today is crucial, in order to make an informed and enlightened choice as to what our future will be.   For, the events of the recent past has placed the American People at a crossroads -- the choice of which will impact every aspect of our life in the future -- as well as future lifetimes where we will inherit the fruit of our present-day choices and actions.   To the degree that once again it is appropriate to proclaim: "These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls" -- and unless you are prepared to make wise and informed choices at this critical time, you may not like the world you inherit in the future. 

While the Secular Progressive Left has often touted the philosophy of Mao Tse-Tung that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun", if we take the words of Louis Pasteur to the next level -- i.e., "Chance favors the prepared mind" -- this same thought and reality can be expressed in the words: "success favors the prepared environment of mind"   Knowledge is Power -- and if the American People possessed the Knowledge of our Constitutional Framers, they would very quickly restore the environment of success that would not only Re-Engineer the American Dream -- but also make it impossible for the Secular Progressive Left to even get to the point where they can prevail over the best interests of the American People -- even at the preverbal barrel of a gun.   Thus, the question that is being presented to you this day is this: Do you have an hour or two to gain insight that is available no where else -- not in any books -- not in any of our colleges and universities -- not on any Christian, Gnostic or Deist web sites -- and while I portray this important knowledge under the heading of American Spirituality, it can just as well be portrayed in the words Esoteric Americana.   Unbeknown to the vast majority of Americans today, the great success of our Nation was brought about because it was built upon the Framework of the Divine Design of Creation.   What has come to be known as the American Dream that has brought countless seekers of a better life with opportunity to our shores from all over the world, is the fruit of the Natural Laws that created the environment of Greatness.    





"But some perhaps will say, Are we to have no word of God, no revelation?

I answer, Yes; there is a word of God; there is a revelation"

(The Age Of Reason)



Hyperlinks To Deism Subjects


Natural Law And American Exceptionalism

Scriptures Written By Enlightened Deists

Why Do We Even Need Scriptures?

Revealed Religion And The Thomas Paine Test

Foundational Paradigms Of Religious/Philosophical/Educational Thought

The Folly Of Revealed Deism

The Limited Anti-Reasoning Of Neo-Deists

The Higher Twelve Dimensional Knowledge

Shackled In The Abyss Of Absolute Ignorance

The Spiritual Diaspora - Confrontation Of Manmade Dogma Against Spiritual Truth

Deism And The First Amendment

The Prodigal Son And The Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation

Necessary Spiritual Environment Created By American Gnostics

Atheists Never Exposed To The Original Teachings And Objectives Of Jesus

Do Atheists Prove Deists In Error?

Deists And The First Amendment

The Law Of Octaves In Brief

The Law Of Octaves And The Second Amendment

Limits Of The Organic Mind - Linear Thought

Religion As A System Of Education

Spiritual Versus Institutionalized Religion 

The Foundation Of The Age Of Enlightenment - Spiritual Deism

                                     Is Judaism, Christianity And Islam Revealed Religions?

Is Judaism, Christianity And Islam Revealed Religions?

Intellectual Folly Of Neo-Deists?

The Language Of The Soul
The Worthlessness Of The Written Text Of The Scriptures

                                  The Divine Role Of Deism

The Divine Role Of Deism

The Reality Of The Segmented Mind

The Solution To The Dilemma
Social Justice And The Natural Laws

Entry Level Deism

Deism - The Laws - And The Two Creation Accounts In Genesis

The Allegorical Fall Of Man

The Spiritual Sabbath That Man Does Not Understand

The Law Received From Angels - The Two Creation Accounts

Deists Believed In the Pre-Existent Soul That Evolves To Perfection Over Many Lifetimes
The Holographic Pattern Of The Twelve Within The One

The Enigma Of The Twelve - The Laws - And The Tree of Life
Deists And The Homogenization Factor
The Foundational Laws Of The United States

Segregated Harmonic Interaction







The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind

Genuine Religion vs Counterfeit Shadow Religion

Natural Law And The Second Amendment

Is Deism Dead? A Letter To Bob Johnson

The Audacity Of Reason

Christian Deism - Is It Christian? Deism? Or Something Else?

Natural Law And American Exceptionalism

Could Thomas Paine Do What The Apostle Paul Said Was Impossible?
Democrats Reject God - The American Downfall - Thomas Paine & The American Crisis Redux

Thomas Paine Redux - The American Crisis Resumed







"The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren,

and to do good is my religion."

The Words Of Thomas Paine

  Shackled In The Abyss Of Absolute Ignorance: Without an understanding of the Laws which the Constitutional Framers portrayed as The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God, not only will the whole reality of life remain an enigma that is beyond the comprehension of the people, but they will blindly entangle themselves in a dark lagoon of profound ignorance and servitude to unseen forces that perpetually enslave them.    And when Jesus taught his teachings of Wisdom that would set the people free, an important part of the original teachings was the knowledge of the Laws that inhibit and enslave the Lawless -- which the purpose of the Sermon on the Mount being to teach the people how not to become enslaved in what Jesus portrayed as The Prison.   In this world all events have a pre-existing cause -- a higher objective -- and a solution that will always bring about the greater good.  

What was the Original Teachings and Spiritual Objectives of Christianity?   The Deists rejected the dogma of the Church which was based upon a carnal understanding of the scriptures, for the same reason that Paul portrayed the literal text of the Old Testament as the "letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14).    When properly understood, the only difference between the position of the Apostle Paul and that of the Deists, is the fact that the statement of Paul is not explained so that the faith-based believers can comprehend what is actually being stated, while the same message stated by the Deists is more plain, factual, and more revealing of the truth.   The problem is that, to even begin to understand this warning of Paul with respect to the literal written text of the scriptures, the seeker must come to terms with the reality portrayed by Paul that the "natural" mind of the untransformed faith-based believer was incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see  Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and would reject these higher spiritual teachings and concepts as utter "foolishness".    To the degree that Paul warned the congregation at Corinth who he had personally taught, that because of their still untransformed condition of mind which he portrayed as "natural" organic, that he was totally incapable of conveying to the very faith-based believers who he had himself taught and converted, the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel.   Thus, Paul was in fact stating that whatever I have taught you is merely elementary entry-level concepts that are allegorical -- and possess a deeper spiritual meaning that is totally incomprehensible to man in his  "natural" organic condition of mind -- but if the Gospel Message is intimately embraced throughout every aspect of the believers life and thinking, that a transformational process will be invoked by the Laws of Creation which will drive and evolve the faith-based believer into a mature condition of transformed mind that will receive Truth and Revelation Spiritually with a clarity and comprehension that is inconceivable to the mind and thinking of mankind in his  "natural" organic state of being.    Thus, the Gospel of TheWay is not a system of belief -- but rather, a process that when intimately embraced in the believers words, thoughts, desires and deeds, has the Power to give birth within the individual the very Destiny and Purpose of Creation -- which is the very embodiment of the name TheWay. 

The long ignored message of the scriptures that has been discarded to the detriment of those who open the pages of the Bible is this: That if someone could just read the written text of the scriptures -- and this is especially true of the Old Testament -- and ascertain the meaning of the Living Word of God, then there would have been absolutely no reason to warn the congregations which Paul had taught, that they were incapable of comprehending the Spiritual Essence of the Gospel and the Mysteries of the Kingdom.   Moreover, the very foundation of faith over rituals of the Law of Moses that Paul taught, is based upon the reality of the Laws of Creation that if you live a truly Spiritually-Centered life in TheWay, that the Kingdom will come within you -- and you will be taught the meaning and reality of all thing, directly by the Indwelling Logos/Son of God (see The True Prophet).    And by intimately embracing the Gospel teachings as a process of expansion of mind and being, you will yourself become the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- which is the very purpose of the Gospel Message -- as portrayed in the statement of the pre-Nicene Christian writer with respect to the original Gospel perspective of the historical man Jesus that "He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ..."   And this confirms this statement with respect to the true potential of all of mankind that Jesus taught, as demonstrated in the words of Hippolytus when he wrote that they believed that when anyone "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see ).   And this is why Jesus taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV).  

Yet, because of the untransformed condition of mind of the faith-based believers who he had himself taught and indoctrinated into the teachings of TheWay, Paul was unable to convey to them the true Spiritual Meaning of the Gospel -- i.e., “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).   Thus, these faith-based congregations of believers could only be taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”.   Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).   And in Paul's second Epistle to the Corinthians he profoundly states that when he had himself gained access to the Kingdom, that he encountered “…things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words…”  -- and then makes the profound statement that it was "unlawful" to even convey to the congregation of faith-based believers what he witnessed and experienced in the Kingdom: “…not [be] allowed to tell them to others” (2 Cor 12:4 TLB).   The KJV translates this as teachings "..which it is not lawful for a man to utter" --  but upon what basis is it not lawful to convey to the body of faith-based believers the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel?   Or, the higher realty of the soul and the Kingdom?   And in the words of Paul, even if he could tell them the truth as it really exists, their "natural" organic condition of mind rendered them incapable of comprehending the spiritual meaning of the Gospel as demonstrated in the words of Paul: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ).   Yet, even though Paul could not reveal the spiritual wisdom of the Gospel to the untransformed faith-based believers, he admits that these higher spiritual concepts could be spoken of among those who had attained a level of spiritual maturity that enabled them to comprehend the Mysteries Of The Gospel -- i.e., "Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age" (1 Cor 2:6).    Which confirms the Deist and Gnostic position that only the mind that has evolved to maturity, is capable of comprehending the true meaning of the Gospel and the Mysteries of God -- and the objective of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, was to bring about this necessary level of maturity as allegorically portrayed by picking up their own cross and travailing in TheWay -- fulfilling Paul's teaching to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).   

The Warning Of The Apostle: If (as explored and detailed above) what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers, the biblical authors were powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts?    Then, in acknowledgment of these fact, we would have to conclude that the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   And in what would constitute a total rejection of the Gospel Purpose and Objectives, the later post-Nicene Church of Rome converted Christianity to a quasi-pagan religion -- with Jesus recast as God in the flesh -- and used this pagan-Jesus as a dispensational sacrifice that totally alleviated the congregation of faith-based believers from the need to observe and embrace the very process that was intended to bring about the believers transformation and ultimate destiny.  Therefore, to totally ignore these do's and don'ts that was the very foundation of the Gospel Process, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.   And in this respect, I always found it truly amazing that students and critics of the scriptures could read the words of Paul where he states that the "natural" mind of the Christians who he had himself taught, would reject the truths pertaining to the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom as utter "foolishness" -- portraying himself as an "ambassador in bonds" who, because of their immaturity and inability to comprehend the higher realty of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, was unable to speak plainly -- and yet, the faith-based believers proceed to totally ignore these words of dire warning.   And from this perspective, the best that Paul could do for those who he portrayed as entry-level Christians who were "babes in Christ", was to provide them a series of do's and don'ts that would assist them in evolving through the stages of spiritual immaturity that made it impossible for them to comprehend the True Gospel Meaning and Objectives.

  The Spiritual Diaspora - Confrontation Of Manmade Dogma Against Spiritual Truth: When Paul portrayed the literal written text of the scriptures as "...Jewish fables", he then warned the community of believers not to heed the "...commandments of men who turn away from the truth" (Titus 1:14).   With respect to not heeding the "...commandments of men", the Church has never understood why Paul condemned and rejected all opinions with respect to the interpretation of the scriptures -- as seen in his statement: "But avoid stupid controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels over the law, for they are unprofitable and futile. As for a man who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned" (Titus 3:9-11 RSV).   Why?   Because as Paul states (see above), it is impossible to ascertain the true meaning of the Spiritual Gospel through the study of the letter of the written text which Paul portrays as the "letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14).   Paul portrayed the scriptures in this manner that would appear to be hostile to the interpretations of faith-based Jews and Christians, because the scriptures are allegorical accounts that are composed in what is best portrayed as the Language of the Soul which organic man was virtually blind to the true meaning.   In his Epistle to the Galatians Paul condemned an outward ritual interpretation of the scriptures, and portrayed the wives and sons of Abraham as allegory -- i.e., "Which things are an allegory" (Gal 4:24).   

It is important to understand that the foregoing word that is translated "factious", appears no where else in the New Testament.   And because the Church disregarded this statement of warning, and permitted itself to become embroiled in divisions, sects and factions, the Church exiled itself into a  self-imposed Spiritual Diaspora from which it has yet to emerge.   And when properly understood, this word that appears no where else in the Bible, must be properly interpreted "human opinion"!!!   If, as Paul warns, (1) the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel is inconceivable to the "natural" mind of man; (2) with the warning that (see above) if the baptized and committed believers were to be exposed to even the concepts of the spiritual meaning of the Gospel, they would reject these higher concepts as utter "foolishness"; (3) and that it is even "unlawful" to reveal to those who Paul portrays as "babes in Christ" these spiritual teachings and concepts that the faith-based Christians will reject; (4) then it must be recognized that this body of inconceivable and un-utterable spiritual truths are not written literally in the text of the scriptures where they could be read by these same immature "babes in Christ"; (5) which is why Paul condemns anyone who even promotes a "human opinion" of the meaning of the scriptures; (6) because as the Disciple Peter taught, the scriptures are designed to speak to each man's condition of mind and thinking, and because of the Laws and the effect of what is allegorically portrayed as the Tower of Babel Syndrome, each person reading the scriptures is by divine design, supposed to see a different doctrine (see The Books With The Power To Deceive); (7) and the original objective and purpose of the Gospel message was to enable the seeker/disciple to evolve to a condition of spiritual maturity which would then permit them to open the inner "narrow strait gate" and gain entrance to the Kingdom, and learn directly from the Indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet.   

That divisions and factions from a Gospel perspective that is based upon "human opinion" is denounced as a "sin of the flesh" is further seen at Gal 5:19-21 where it is written: "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God".    That modern Christianity has lost this vision and severed themselves from the direct communication which is given to the disciple of Truth, is easily seen in the schismatic nature of the present day church.   If the Apostle Paul were with us today he would condemn the modern Christian for the exact same reasons that he condemned the believers at Corinth: “I appeal to you”, writes the Apostle, “…that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought” (1 Cor 1:10NIV).

The modern Christian has been so alienated from the original Gospel teachings and objectives, that they cannot in any manner envision a religion without human opinion, dissensions and factions.  In view of the fact that the Christian world is hopelessly divided across the spectrum of virtually an endless array of dissenting opinions and sects -- which environment of dissensions Paul portrays as "sins of the flesh" -- this very environment of human opinion and dissension has exiled the Christian world in a Spiritual Diaspora of profound spiritual ignorance.   Further, what modern Christians fail to realize today is the fact that there can be no divisions and sects in a Living Religion -- where there is One Leader and One Teacher that all genuine disciples have access to.   By Divine Decree, the followers of Jesus were to have no divisions, no sects, or independent dogmatic conclusions based upon "human opinion" among the believers, because the Lord promised that each “…shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd” (John 10:16 KJV).   Paul was so adamantly opposed to manmade schisms and carnal (human) opinions that he chastised the believers at Corinth that they were not men of the spirit -- as was evidenced that they had divisions among them.   He explained that the carnal, or “natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 KJV); and informs them that they are too “carnal, and walk as men” (1 Cor 3:3 KJV) to open the inner door of the mind and learn directly from the Lord via the spirit.   From his perspective, the very existence of these divisions was proof the believers at Corinth were too carnal to experience direct communication with the Lord -- which opening of the inner door to the spirit was the whole essence of New Covenant theology.

Writing about schisms and divisions, the Church Father Turtillian writes: “On this point, however, we dwell no longer, since it is the same Paul who, in his Epistle to the Galatians, counts 'heresies' among 'the sins of the flesh,' who also intimates to Titus, that 'a man who is a heretic' must be 'rejected after the first admonition,' on the ground that 'he that is such is perverted, and committeth sin, as a self-condemned man.' Indeed, in almost every epistle, when enjoining on us (the duty) of avoiding false doctrines, he sharply condemns heresies. Of these the practical effects are false doctrines, called in Greek heresies, a word used in the sense of that choice which a man makes when he either teaches them (to others) or takes up with them (for himself). For this reason it is that he calls the heretic self-condemned, because he has himself chosen that for which he is condemned”.

In the gospel preached by Paul, heresy is considered a “sin of the flesh”, because schisms and divisions are the result of natural man clinging to ideas of a carnal nature -- i.e., dogmatic concepts based upon "human opinion".   Why are these baptized and committed Christians plagued by schisms and divisions?  Because they only call upon the Lord with their lips, while failing to do as the Apostle states by following in The Way and Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature” (Col 3:5 NIV).

We must therefore turn from the understanding of the flesh -- i.e., "human opinion" -- or in the words of the Apostle: “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Rom 8:6 KJV).   The religion of Christ was one of the spirit -- and Paul taught the Gentile believers not to look to the historical man Jesus, but rather the indwelling Spiritual Living Messiah/Christ as their savior and revealer of truth: “Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according o the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer” (2 Cor 5:16 NAS).   This Spiritual Messiah/Christ, over the historical Messiah/Christ in the flesh, was what biblical scholar Rudolf Bultmann was speaking of when he concluded that the “…Christian faith is, and should be, comparatively uninterested in the historical Jesus and centered instead on the transcendent Christ” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 electronic edition).

In the eyes of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, the church of our present day has been turned out of The Way.   In a spiritual religion there can be no schisms and divisions, which are “sins of the flesh” -- but rather, spiritual unity must prevail because the true disciple of Jesus has opened the door to the indwelling Kingdom, and is the student of “the true light which... enlightens every man” (John 1:9 NAS).   In this respect, the perspective of the Apostle Paul is very clear -- i.e., one cannot cling to the historical man Jesus -- i.e., the “Christ according to the flesh” -- and be in harmony with the Living Christ that calls to us from beyond the door -- the transcendent Messiah/Christ -- who calls out to the genuine disciple from the other side of the inner strait gate that leads to the Kingdom.  

Again we are confronted with the revelation of a great truth that we fail to recognize today.   In acknowledgement of these words of the Apostle, the concerned Jew/Christian should immediately ask:  What is it that Paul is talking about that the carnal or natural man cannot comprehend?   Why can't the Apostle just tell us in plain language what he is referring to?   Throughout his epistles Paul constantly refers to the true Jewish/Christian doctrine as concealed mysteries that can only be learned via the spirit.   Of these hidden mysteries Paul says: “Let me tell about the visions I've had, and revelations from the Lord. Fourteen years ago I was taken up to heaven for a visit. Don't ask me whether my body was there or just my spirit, for I don't know; only God can answer that. But anyway, there I was in paradise, and heard things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words (and anyway I am not allowed to tell them to others)” (2 Cor 12:1-4 TLB).  

What great mysteries can the spirit impart to the believer that are “so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words”?    And more importantly, why would Paul say that he was “not allowed to tell them to others”?   In light of these rather profound statements, every believer today must ask what the relationship of these secret mysteries is to the Gospel?   The Apostle warned the believers at Corinth that “I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready” (1 Cor 3:2 NIV).    This means that the religion which was preached to the masses -- the doctrine that Paul refers to as milk -- is merely the elementary principles of the gospel which are a form and pattern, and the True Gospel of the Messiah/Christ was those mysteries that he was “not allowed to tell to others”.   We must then understand that the whole focus of New Testament theology is to prepare the disciple to receive the revelation of the great spiritual truths that can only be revealed through the opening of the spiritual door within us.  

Show me a Jew, Messianic believer, or Christian today who says that he believes a certain thing because it was written by Paul, and I will show you a babe in Messiah/Christ who is nourished by the milk.   Do you not see what the Apostle warns: “I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready” (1 Cor 3:2 NIV).   This means that there was another -- more superior Gospel -- a Gospel that was not written in the manner of the Old Covenant -- and when writing to believers who are still of this world and have yet to become spiritual, Paul can only allude to this more perfect Gospel in his letters.   In view of these biblical facts, this means that no man can find the Truth of the Gospel in what Paul wrote in his epistles -- but rather, this truth is only revealed by the Living Spiritual Messiah/Christ that Paul wrote is unveiled only to those who were able to put off their carnal nature, and receive the mysteries directly from God.   This is the essence of New Covenant thought!

What many believers today fail to realize is that the answer to the dilemma is found implanted on their own lips as they gather together for prayer and worship.   Further, the answer is again found in the words of the Apostle Peter, as contained in an obscure writing of his disciple Clement -- a writing rejected by the fourth century Roman Church -- where he said that the genuine Jew/Christian must learn only from the True Prophet as to the correct meaning of the scriptures and the revelation of the Word.  “Hence, O beloved Clement", proclaims Peter, “if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.  

These words -- i.e., that you not only can, but you MUST learn the things of God from Him alone, or from one of his genuine disciples -- are as true today as when Peter originally spoke them to Clement in the first century.   They are based upon the New Covenant teaching that Yeshau/Jesus came to teach the Truth, and this Truth cannot be altered or defiled by either an impostor church, or the doctrines of men.   Therefore, built into the essence of the Word is a means by which the truly faithful disciple throughout any and every age in the history of man is able to learn the Truth directly from the Lord Himself.   What this further means is that even during that timeframe when the church was plundered into the very depths of darkness and despair, the truly faithful followers of the Light were taught the truth directly from the One Source of all Truth.

The problem is that the modern believer has become so accustomed to listening to the preaching and doctrines of other men, that they have permitted themselves to become totally alienated from the very essence of New Covenant teachings.   We have therefore been so estranged from the Word that Yeshua/Jesus taught, that few Jews or Christians today can even envision the core teaching of the New Testament scriptures -- i.e., that only what has been revealed to you by the Lord Himself via your own spiritual nature is a valid Truth that you are to embrace.

When the Spiritual Christians who were portrayed as Gnostic heretics said that there existed a body of esoteric knowledge that could not be received by those who remained immature and carnal in their thinking and understanding -- immature faith-based believers who portrayed themselves as Orthodox Christians -- the Spiritual Christians were merely confirming the above words of Paul.   And that fallen segment of the Church which called itself Orthodox -- a body of believers who were bound and shackled by manmade dogma that spiritually disenfranchised them from gaining entrance into the Inner Kingdom and learning directly from the One Teacher that Jesus said to seek out -- were in fact the sectarian heretics who Paul commanded to reject as being turned out of TheWay.    And in the Middle Ages when the Church promoted every conceivable brand of evil and superstition, those who rejected the abandonment of reason and intellect on the part of the Church during the Age of Enlightenment, called themselves Deists.   When Martin Luther could not support his dogma of irrationality, he condemned and rejected the God-Given Gift of Reason that sets man apart from the beasts of the earth -- i.e., “Reason”, writes Luther, “is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).   Yet, those who rejected the superstition and the dogmatic folly of the Church, came to understand the Laws that separated and alienated carnal man from God -- and it is this Source and One Teacher that the Gospel taught to seek out, that revealed to the Enlightened Deists the Great Truths that Paul portrayed as inconceivable to the minds of the faith-based Christians.    

The above Spiritual Reality that the Orthodox Congregation of Christians could never come to terms with, is in every way embodied in the statement of the Apostle Peter as quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement where he warns about manmade dogmatic interpretations of the written letter of the scriptures: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without". (see The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind).    And in the same way that present-day Christianity is a religion of innumerable teachers and almost countless sects and factions, the reality of these words are totally incomprehensible to the modern Church.   Yet, these words are not only representative of the very core foundation of the Gospel teachings, but they are representative of the original objectives of the New Covenant.  

In making reference to The True Prophet who Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher, Peter warns that: "Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.   If we ask the question: What is being said to the believer who desires to be faithful to the Gospel Teachings?   In the same way that the believer is commanded to seek out and learn ONLY from the One Teacher, and the commandment that "...when the law of God (scriptures) is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind" -- it is being stated that there is only One Source of Truth -- and that the organic thinking, understanding and wisdom of man will misguide the seeker.   By design, human reasoning is embryonic, fragmented and greatly limited -- and is therefore incapable of understanding the true meaning of the scriptures -- i.e., "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind."   And neither should you listen to other men's gravely flawed interpretations of the scriptures -- i.e., "...For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".   Jesus taught that there is only one Source of Truth, and the disciple/seeker must learn directly from that One Teacher.   And thus, these words which are representative of the core Gospel teachings, are inconceivable to the modern faith-based believer who is divided and disenfranchised from the very essence and objectives of the Gospel teachings -- overwhelmed and anchored to a carnal mindset that Jesus portrayed as dwelling in the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- spiritually disenfranchised by innumerable manmade opinions, factions and sects which totally alienate the believer from the Truth and the Kingdom.

 The Human Quagmire -- The Rejection Of Facts -- Truth -- And The Knowledge Of The Law: The truth is that people believe what they are programmed to believe regardless of both the facts and the truth.   And this is not only the case with True Believers, but also Atheists and the vast majority of mankind who ascribes to a philosophy of beliefs -- often, because these beliefs are convenient and support their organic thinking and cultural lifestyle.    


Under development

St. Gregory portrays the Church Father Origen as "the prince of Christian learning" -- while St. Jerome portrays him as "a teacher second only to the Apostles".    It was Origen who openly taught the doctrine of the pre-existent soul (see Early Church On PreDestination) as demonstrated in the words of Origen that “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).   Yet, the Christian world has been largely disenfranchised from the deeper understanding of the Gospel, because of the wholesale corruption of the scriptures (see Bible Corruption) -- and the adoption of manmade doctrines that were forced upon the Church by the Pagan Emperor Constantine.       

Which path should the seeker/disciple choose -- i.e., that of manmade pagan doctrines?  Or the Spiritual Teachings of the Original Gospel Message?   What I will demonstrate is that the deist and theist perception of God is in actuality one and the same -- with the only difference being that those concepts which have been traditionally embraced by theists, are in fact elementary ideas pertaining to God that are necessary for the entry-level Christian who lacks the spiritual maturity that the biblical authors wrote warnings about (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ).    With the problem being that so long as the faith-based believer continues to reject important original Gospel teachings, and retains an allegiance to the dogma of men in contradistinction to the core Gospel teachings and concepts of TheWay, the faith based believers will remain in an immature state -- perpetually divided by factions and sectarianism that inhibits their spiritual maturity. 

In clarification of the above statements, it is true that the original Deists who served as the bed-rock of the foundation of the American Constitution understood the Journey of the Soul that evolved to perfection over the course of many lifetimes (see Deists On Reincarnation).   In order to even begin to understand what our founding documents portray as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, it is essential to understand that all events on the present stage of life have been directly orchestrated by our own past actions -- i.e., “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).    And it is also an historical fact that the pre-Nicene (325AD) Christian Church openly taught the doctrine of the pre-existent soul.  Among the condemnations of the Emperor Justinian against the Church Father Origen in the 2nd Council of Constantinople in the year 553 where the teachings on the pre-existent soul was condemned by the emperor as heresy, is in fact a prime example of how the Christian world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of a series of Roman Emperors and their approved body of secular priests.   Thus, the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by a secular decree -- and the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon the Church when he "...banished the pope to Egypt , and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he ultimately did" (see  Council Agenda and ).    After relenting to the will of the emperor, and finely accepting the decree of Justinian after seven months of imprisonment, it is reported that the pope met with an untimely death before he could even return to the Vatican.    And while it is true that most of the modern-day doctrines of the Church was forced upon the Christian world in this same violent manner -- and the vast majority of modern-day believers are all victims of what has come to be known as the Stockholm Syndrome -- the removal of this important original teaching has had such far ranging implications, that it has become impossible for modern believers and critics alike to even begin to get a valid sense of the original Gospel meaning and objectives (see An Inconvenient Truth).    The modern Church is faith-based -- founded upon blind-faith -- because the reader lacks the necessary intellectual tools and insight to even get a sense of the very purpose of the original teachings that Jesus taught which was known as TheWay -- i.e.,  "I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of The Way" (Acts 24:14 NIV).   And this secular imposed intervention where the Christian world was literally forced to succumb to the decrees of a series of emperors, has had the far ranging effect of spiritually castrating the Church.   And this total blindness and inability to perceive and comprehend the inner soul and spiritual meaning of the scriptures is demonstrated conclusively in their folly associated with their doctrine on the Fall of Man and Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin.

If we pose the question: Who were the Deists?   The answer is that they were Christians who questioned and eventually rejected the manmade doctrines of Pagan Rome that was forced upon the Church beginning in the 4th century, and they used their God-Given Gift of Reason and Intellect to seek the Truth and TheWay -- thus, becoming Spiritual Christians which have traditionally been portrayed as Gnostic -- i.e., possessing Divine Knowledge taught to them directly from the Logos/Son of God (see The True Prophet).   As they gained spiritual maturity, they evolved beyond the Theist perception of Creator-God, and began to comprehend what has been portrayed as a Deist perception of God.    And with spiritual maturity, they rejected the literal text of the scriptures which the Apostle Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth... [and] Jewish Folklore" (see Death By The Letter That Killeth), as The True Prophet revealed to them the inner spiritual meaning of the written text of the scriptures.  

What caused Thomas Paine who was born a Quaker, and Benjamin Franklin who was born a Puritan/Congregationalist to become Deists and embrace the doctrine of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes?    The answer is simple -- i.e., by rejecting the dogma of Pagan Rome that had become infused upon the Church by secular decree, and seeking truth over manmade doctrines, the knowledge of their past lives began to be revealed to them.   Spiritual Knowledge which has been defined as Gnosis, is very much as the Divine Manna or Knowledge of the Kingdom that is the fruit of a Spiritual Tree that matures to Wholeness and Completion in the Lord.    Thus, when a believer fulfills the Gospel requirements portrayed in the "good ground" of the parable of the Sower And The Seed, the Indwelling Logos/Son of God can reveal to such a mature seeker the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom that perpetually confuse the organic mind or what Paul portrays as "natural" man  (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ).   But this elevated Spiritual Knowledge cannot be imparted to those who adhere to the dogmatic doctrines of men who are too carnal to understand the higher reality of Creation.  


   -- When these words were originally written in 1776, the colonists were in a time of crisis that was the result of the denial of fundamental Rights and Liberties imposed upon the people by the King of England.   But the struggle itself opened the door of opportunity through which the American People were to receive the blessings that could only be bestowed upon a Nation where the Foundation of church and state was built upon genuine Spiritual Principles that had heretofore never been openly established on a large scale upon the face of the earth.   Thus, in The American Crisis Thomas Paine not only wrote the words: "These are the times that try men's souls" -- but augmented these words with the statement: "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."    Thus, of these very words the Wikipedia notes: Along with the patriotic nature of The American Crisis, it displayed Paine's strong deist beliefs, inciting the laity with suggestions that the British are trying to assume powers that only God should have. Paine sees the British political and military maneuvers in America as "impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God." Paine states that he believes God supports the American cause, "that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent".

   As demonstrated in the above, both the Deists who were instrumental in laying the foundation of our Constitutional form of Government, as well as Christianity prior to the 4th century Nicene-Council when a series of Roman Emperors dictated the man-made dogmatic beliefs of the Church, the enlightened souls who were the followers of Jesus and the teachings of TheWay, all understood the Journey of the soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes.    As is the case in most instances, the knowledge of the past lives that one's soul has lived is not an adopted belief -- but rather, is in many instances based upon the seeker/disciples ability to begin to recall these past lives.   Very often the ability to recall one's past lives, can be portrayed as fruit growing on a healthy and vibrant tree.   That the vast number of Christians and Atheists can't recall the past lives that their soul has lived, is directly the result of their mentally and spiritually unhealthy condition of mind which stems from their adoption of carnally-based beliefs -- and in the case of Christians, their wholesale rejection of the original teachings of Jesus and the adoption of pagan dogma and creeds.  




In the same way that the Apostle warned (see above) that it is impossible to convey to the mind of the faith-based believer the Mysteries Of The Gospel, it is equally impossible for either the Biblical authors, or souls who are themselves spiritually mature, to convey to the unprepared and untransformed minds of the faith-based believers the higher reality of the soul and/or what Paul portrayed as the Mysteries Of The Gospel.   And it is for this reason that the Book of Acts opens with the setting up of the spiritual communities that provided the necessary environment for the minds of the faith-based believers to begin the process of mental evolution and spiritual transformation.   In the parable of the Sower And The Seed, this necessary environment was portrayed as the "good ground".

As the lost prodigal son who has freewill, it remains impossible for Creator-God to for mankind as the lost prodigal son to  

Choices Have Profound Consequences: The faith-based Christians who are portrayed in the above as walking out onto a freeway blindfolded, are in practice of the mindset that (1) it doesn't matter how or what they believe; (2) or how they live; (3) to whom they surrender their allegiance to; or even (4) if they live in accord with the requirements of what they call God's Word.  








"Men are born and remain always free and equal in their rights.

Political associations are created solely to preserve these rights.

The nation, as it is based upon the people, can only have rights granted to it by the people."

(Thomas Paine)

In the words of Louis Pasteur: "Chance favors the prepared mind".   Which can also be expressed as "success favors the prepared environment of mind".   When the Laws of Creation are properly understood, there is no such thing as luck, chance or random events, because all things including success, have a pre-existing cause.   And sadly, because the American People are not cognizant of, or possess any understanding of the Laws whatsoever, they are in the process of polluting and throwing away the very environment of mind and being that brought about their greatest success.  

In the words of John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”    Not only was our Constitution made for a moral and religious people, it's very design was brought forth by a truly Spiritual People who understood the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, who recognized the need to set forth an Environment from which higher consciousness and manifest reality could spring forth, be nourished, and evolve -- an environment which enabled man to reach up and manifest his highest potential.   

In the Gospels, Jesus presented the parable of the Sower and the Seed -- which could better be portrayed as the "...environment of mind" that is necessary to achieve Spiritual Success.   That for the most part the modern Christians have abandoned the essential teachings of this parable, is largely responsible for the deterioration of the Constitutional environment that ushered in the great American model of success.    When it is understood that the Deists were representative of the ultimate spiritually evolved and matured Christian -- and that Creator-God grants to those the understanding through the Divine Insight and Knowledge that Enlightens the truly faithful seeker to the Laws and the Ultimate Order of the world -- only then can the great vision of our Constitutional Framers be understood.  

Where immature Christians embrace the dogma of blind-faith, the essential teachings of Jesus as set forth in  the parable of the Sower and the Seed presented the mark of ultimate success portrayed as the "good ground" -- without which, the Christian remains infantile in their thinking and hopelessly spiritually disenfranchised.    That the New World was perceived to be a gateway to a new start for mankind, is a reality that few Americans understand today.   Thus, what is often portrayed as American Exceptionalism is directly related to the Divine Design of the Laws that manifested a higher potential for the American People.    And the Spiritual Foundation and Roots of the Nation was brought forth by our Constitutional Framers -- a group of souls that are perhaps best portrayed as The American Gnostics.    But from the perspective of the majority of modern Americans, the reality of how the United States came into existence is incomprehensible.    The concept that a highly evolved group of souls can enter this world on a mission with set objectives -- and that these objectives can be brought about by invoking Laws that the majority of Americans know absolutely nothing about -- a Foundation of Laws that would create an environment that would bring forth what we now refer to as American Exceptionalism -- is simply incomprehensible from the modern cultural perspective.   And yet, this is exactly how the United States came into being.   And because these advanced souls understood the higher reality of the Laws that were invoked, what has often been portrayed as American Exceptionalism came into being. 

In the same way that the original teachings associated with the historical Jesus known as TheWay no longer exists in our present time because of the absolute corruption endured under the control of the Church (see Corruption Of The Church), what was called Deism no longer exists today -- and modern Deists have very little in common with the Deists of 18th century America.    And while I could very well write about the Laws in the following under some other heading -- or, even remove any references to Deism -- I have chosen not to, because it is important that Americans begin to understand the great truths that they have squandered away by permitting government to overstep its Constitutional bounds.   Thus, the warning sounded by Benjamin Franklin is presently coming to pass in the life of most Americans who fail to understand the Divine Intervention that brought America about -- i.e., "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."    In the same way that the modern Christian would ardently turn upon the historical man Jesus -- condemning him as a heretic if he walked among them today -- because the great truths that he would speak would be rejected by a pagan and dogmatized Church that has turned upon its own First Principles  --  those who today call themselves Deists, would turn upon and condemn Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington,  in much the same manner.   In fact, most modern Deists, as with most Americans today, will not even recognize the wisdom and knowledge of the reality of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God that I will set forth in the following as being an integral part of the original American heritage that has been ignorantly thrown away.

Our Nation was conceived in Spirit, and born from the wisdom and efforts of truly advanced spiritual souls who entered the world in the 18th century to create a foundational environment that would permit mankind to aspire to his highest potential in all things -- and especially in the development and manifestation of his innate spirituality.   Thus, this core group of our Constitutional Framers who I portray as American Gnostics, were drawn from the upper echelons of all religious paths -- and especially Christianity which "...they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion" which they embraced -- and they were for the most part called Deists, because of their enlightened understanding of the Laws.   The Encyclopedia defines Deism as: "Deism holds that God does not intervene with the functioning of the natural world in any way, allowing it to run according to the laws of nature that he configured when he created all things. ...Prior to the 17th century the terms ['Deism' and 'Deist'] were used interchangeably with the terms 'theism' and 'theist,' respectively.  ...Both [theists and Deists] asserted belief in one supreme God, the Creator... and agreed that God is personal and distinct from the world. But the theist taught that God remained actively interested in and operative in the world which he had made, whereas the Deist maintained that God endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."   

    The Prodigal Son And The Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation: What is the difference between the two above positions?   The theist asserted that it was necessary for Creator-God to perpetually intervene in the day to day affairs of this world, while the Deist position was that Creator-God brought forth and initiated a series of Laws which He "...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."    The Deist theology has often been portrayed as the Clock Maker Universe Theory -- i.e., (Quoting): "The clockwork universe theory compares the universe to a mechanical clock wound up by a supreme being, or initiated by the Big Bang. It continues ticking along, as a perfect machine, with its gears governed by the laws of physics, making every single aspect of the machine completely predictable. Before the emergence of quantum mechanics, many scientists believed that the Universe was completely deterministic in this way.   ...This conception of the universe consisted of a huge, regulated and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in absolute time, space, and motion. God was the master-builder, who created the perfect machine and let it run. God was the Prime Mover, who brought into being the world in its lawfulness, regularity, and beauty. This view of God as the creator, who stood aside from his work and didn’t get involved directly with humanity, was called Deism (which predates Newton) and was accepted by many who supported the 'new philosophy'."  

If the Deist perception of God can be portrayed in the Clockmaker theology that once the clock is built and wound, it will thereafter function exactly as designed, the theist perspective of God is that of a tinkerer who has pieced together a jalopy that is in need of constant intervention in order to make the thing work.    The problem is that in the correct vision of Creation, both paradoxical opposite positions each possess degrees of truth -- and this truth can only be understood by a person of an evolved depth of vision and comprehension.   In the parable of the prodigal son, the Father does not come rushing into what is portrayed as the Far Country every time his lost son is in need or suffering a fate that he has brought upon himself.   And yet, when the parable is understood, it can be seen where both perceptions (the theist and Deist) are equally true -- i.e., it is stated that the son had a change of mind: “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!  I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’  So he got up and went to his father."    So it can be said that so long as the son remained attached to the thinking and lifestyle of this world, no intervention took place on the part of the Father.   Yet, we do have this intervention at a certain point: “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."   And since the parables are representative of the universal plight of mankind, this intervention was personal, and in accord with the individuals spiritual condition.  

Again, there are two perspectives of reality presented that is not at all understood within the enigma of both the parable, and the two theological positions.   With respect to the people of this world, Jesus portrayed some as existing in a type of prison (see The Prison), others as dwelling in what he portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- which, when properly understood, relate to various conditions within the analogy of Plato's Cave of Illusions.    That those who dwell in The Prison, or in the Outer Darkness, dwell under the very tight and all-pervading control of The Laws -- with very little freedom and opportunity -- is representative of those who dwell as the prodigal son in the Far Country under the strict control of the power that Jesus portrayed as the Citizen, which Paul said was the god of this world.   In contradistinction, those who have brought about that condition of mind and being which is portrayed as the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, have been given the opportunity to break free from the shackles of  The Prison, emerge out of the Outer Darkness of mind and being, and travail in TheWay.   Thus, in the same way that the Father came to the son "...while he was still a long way off", this intervention took place only after the son had begun the Journey in TheWay.  

With respect to those who dwell in what Jesus portrayed as The Prison, he said of them: “Thou shalt by no means come out from there, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing” (Mat 5:26).   How does one get out of  The Prison?  By fulfilling The Law.   While that condition of mind portrayed as the Outer Darkness is presented in a number of places, it is the result of not being prepared by putting on what is portrayed as the "wedding garment" of spiritual purity -- i.e., "So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless.  Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'  For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 22:12-14 NKJ).    And because those in the prison, or those who dwelt in the outer darkness, were rendered spiritually deaf, blind, and lack the depth of mind necessary to comprehend man's higher reality, Jesus could only speak to them in parables -- i.e., "And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to them in parables?  He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given." (Matt 13:10-17 NKJ).   To say that Creator-God intervened in the lives of those who had been cast into the prison, or whose carnal mindset and lifestyle inhibited them from putting on the required wedding garment of spiritual purity, was the result of dogmatic folly that was promoted by a Church which had been turned out of TheWay.  The Citizen of the Far Country is portrayed in the words of the original ending of the Gospel of Mark: "This Age of lawlessness and unbelieving lies under the sway of Satan, who will not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand the truth and power of God" (see Original Gospel Message).    That the people who cling to the mindset and lifestyle of this world remain "...under the sway of Satan" -- and must themselves fulfill the Laws which act as a Living Bio-Feedback machine to interact with each individual person, is exactly what the Deists portrayed when they stated that Creator-God brought forth and initiated a series of Laws which He "...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."   These Laws "...acting as second causes", maintained a constant vigilance on the thoughts and actions of each person, responding back to them in the same way as a prison guard responds back to those who are imprisoned.     

The secret to the dilemma of the paradox of both the theists and the Deists as presented in the parable of the prodigal son, is in the elder son/brother who remains with the Father -- of whom the Father states: “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours."   And since it cannot be said of any group or person that they remained always faithful and with God, not one of the Churches or sectarian authorities have ever been able to properly interpret the parable, or grasp who the elder son is?   While many have attempted to portray the Jews in the role of the elder son, it cannever be said of the Jews from a Christian perspective that they have "always [remained] with [God]  and everything [God has] is [theirs]" because of their absolute faithfulness to the Father.  Yet, the key to all human sectarian, secular and philosophical confusion, is embodied in a proper and enlightened understanding of the son that did not depart from the Father and the Kingdom, and remained ever faithful.

What the theists fail to understand is that what they believe from a dogmatic perspective, is portrayed by Paul as the elementary doctrines of Christ -- i.e., what Paul portrayed as "milk" intended for spiritually immature believers (see Mystery Of The Gospel) -- which was based upon allegorical biblical texts (see An Inconvenient Truth) -- which was presented as a kindergarten-level of Gospel instruction.   And that the believer was supposed to “...leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity” (Heb 6:1-2 NIV).   In the parable of the Sower and the Seed the spiritual expansion and developmental-growth that takes place is dependent upon the conditions of the ground within which the Word has been implanted.   That those conditions portrayed in the parable as the side of TheWay, the rocky ground and being sown among thorns directly influences the growth of the seed -- is a matter of Laws when properly understood.   It is not that the seed does not have the potential to evolve and manifest its highest expression -- but rather, the development of the seed is directly impacted by the condition of the ground in which it has been planted.   Thus, while the seed remains the same regardless of where it is planted, once the seed is sown, the development of the seeds are in direct accordance with the conditions of the environment within which they were cast.   That the seeds all have the same potential -- but are limited by the conditions of their environment -- is representative of an abiding spiritual truth that is universal to all of mankind.   And in the same way that a farmer understands that his crops must have the proper environmental conditions in order to achieve their full potential -- these conditions of success are initiated even before the seed has been cast into the ground -- in accordance with the natural Laws that are necessary to sustain growth and development.   What this means is that this world is an Organic Machine -- a type of Womb that is designed to nourish and permit expansive growth and development when the conditions exist to stimulate and support maximum expansion of mind and being -- evolving the individual into a state of enlightenment and knowing.

In our present time there exists a body of Christians who are attempting to portray our Constitutional form of government as the product of faith-based Christianity -- often referred to as being founded upon Judeo-Christian teachings and philosophy.   And without understanding the difference between entry-level faith-based Christians, and mature Christians who are Spiritual and Gnostic, the assertion on their part amounts to an attempt to rewrite history from a purely dogmatic Church perspective.   It is their position that what may be known about God is written in a religious text -- that higher knowledge does not exist -- that man must remain in a state of perpetual ignorance -- and that the Laws that were inaugurated at the beginning of Creation itself, have no impact upon mankind and his plight in this world.   When in actuality, just the opposite is true -- and the Constitution  was in fact brought forth by Spiritually Mature Christians who were called Deists and Masons -- and these Spiritually Mature Christians worked in conjunction with each other to insure that man's thinking would not be limited and rendered impotent by the same Church dogma brought about the Dark Ages and a spiritually disenfranchised Europe.   One such attempt to rewrite history can be seen in The Faith Of Our Fathers article on the Stand To Reason web site where they present the position that even the Deists and Masons were strongly influenced by Christianity -- i.e., "As for others--George Washington, Samuel Adams, James Madison, John Witherspoon, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, John Adams, Patrick Henry, and even Thomas Jefferson--their personal correspondence, biographies, and public statements are replete with quotations showing that these thinkers had political philosophies deeply influenced by Christianity."  But, when rightly understood in light of the above statement that "...Both [theists and Deists] asserted belief in one supreme God, the Creator... and agreed that God is personal and distinct from the world. But the theist taught that God remained actively interested in and operative in the world which he had made, whereas the Deist maintained that God endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes" -- the common foundation can immediately seen -- and the major difference is understood as the faith-based Christians ignorance of both the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, as well as the spiritual meaning of the scriptures which their dogmatic limitations rendered them blind and incapable of comprehending.  

When rightfully understood, what the founding American Gnostics who were representative of Mature Spiritual Christians (Deists) understood that the theists did not, is the reality that the Laws of God that were brought into existence and being at Creation, supported and sustained all realities of this world -- that these Laws were never suspended in order to provide one group of men an advantage or special dispensation over other groups of men -- i.e., that neither the Jews nor the Christians were exempt from observing and maintaining an allegiance to the Royal Laws of the Most High God.   And ultimately what this means is that the Laws of God are predictable, rational, logical, and are totally uniform in their application in the lives of all of mankind.   Moreover, because these Laws in their higher purpose respond to man's thoughts, desires and actions, they exist in the manner of a Living Bio-Feedback machine that brought about the higher spiritual objectives with which God imbued all of Creation with in the beginning.   What this means is that no one is exempt from the Laws and the Will of God -- no one has an unfair advantage over their brothers and sisters -- that all of mankind has a common destiny that is controlled, orchestrated and brought about by the Laws -- and that there is a higher purpose for all things than what man can envision in his very limited organic and unenlightened state of mind.   And that while it is within man's potential to not only understand the movement and purpose of these Laws that bring about and initiate all events in this world -- and that it is man's innate ability to prevail over these Laws and reign supreme in the manner of their elder brother Jesus -- in order to bring about this potential, man must himself make the effort to fulfill the Laws that both control and bring about his Ultimate Destiny -- portrayed as the return of the prodigal son to the Kingdom.

The Question: The question set before the American people today is this -- i.e., can a man become cognizant and therefore learn about the very Forces and Laws that control the workings of his own mind -- and then, begin to apply this knowledge collectively within the holographic pattern of Creation in order to understand what the Nations Founders portrayed as The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God?   When Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within each of us (see Gate Of Eden), what was being conveyed was the reality that our own mind and being is segmented -- as has been proven by modern physics (see Science Proves Religion).   Further, that this segmentation of mind is the natural result of the Laws and Forces of Consciousness working within our own being -- that all genuine esoteric knowledge is that of self-knowledge or the Cosmology of one's own mind and being -- and that the objective is to begin to overcome this inner segmentation of mind, in the endeavor to gain access to what the disciples of Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher who is the True Prophet -- i.e., the Source of All Knowledge.    Deists such as Thomas Paine often portrayed the literal text of the scriptures as being untrue and not historically accurate.   And when we pose the question: What does the Bible state?   The Apostle Paul portrayed the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6) and "Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14) -- stating that the written text of the scriptures was purely allegorical.   In the article  An Inconvenient Truth the fact is presented that the purpose of the scriptures was to preserve and conceal the esoteric knowledge within the garb of allegory to protect it from the unenlightened carnal believers and their pseudo-religious leaders (see An Inconvenient Truth).   The enlightened few have always pointed out the countless inconsistencies which were purposely inserted into the literal text of the scriptures which the critics portray as being so numerous and unbelievable to a rational minded person, that is was pointed out by the Church Father Origen when he portrayed the literal text as virtually worthless -- i.e., “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning” (Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics).   Further explaining in De Principiis that: “Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not.”   And that the carnal mind of both the blind believer, as well as the skeptic critic, both attempt to ignore these important inconsistencies (see Inconsistencies Purposely Written Into Body Of Scriptural Text), and attempt to read the scriptures as an historical account, inhibits them from perceiving and understanding the great truths that lie concealed beneath the allegorical texts.   And in the proper application of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge, the Church Father Origen writes: “But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge"

What does this mean?   What it means is that "...all the narrative portion [of the scriptures], relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever", do not at all pertain to historical accounts of man's more distant past -- but rather, to the Forces and Laws that are presently working within man's own mind and being.   Why?   How could Origen who was called the prince of Christian learning second only to the Apostles themselves, state that the historical interpretation of the scriptures is "worthless"?  And that what is presented in the written text as marriages, the begetting of children, and the many various wars and battles are not at all historical -- but rather, an allegorical portrayal of the Forces and Laws working within one's own mind and being?   The answer is this: A truly spiritual people have no need of an historical account in their search for Truth -- but rather, their primary concern is to tap into the Inner Source of Knowledge which the disciples portrayed as the True Prophet.    And because man's pseudo-authorities of this world remain virtually ignorant of the profound reality portrayed in Origen's statement that "...As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge" -- indicating and confirming the reality that the Source of Knowledge already dwells within man -- in his failing to understand the Cosmology of his own mind and being, the vast majority of pseudo-intellectuals merely alienate themselves from the True Source of Knowledge within themselves that remains a perpetual enigma.  

As advanced souls who entered this world to collectively create a totally different government that would manifest the necessary environment that would enable man to achieve his ultimate potential, our Constitutional Framers understood that the only way for a believer to know the Truth that will set them free, is to live in accord with the spiritual truths and principles that permits God to Anoint the mind of the seeker/disciple.    Unbeknown to both religious and non-religious Americans today is the fact that one of the primary objectives of the teachings of Jesus that were associated with the path of TheWay, was the "heightening and expansion of the mind" -- thus, bringing about a highly evolved and spiritual condition of mind and enlightened state of consciousness (in summary see The Heightening And Expansion Of Mind).    But this original objective became corrupted, eradicated and eventually outlawed, when the most carnal group of pseudo-priests permitted the Church to become adopted as a puppet of Pagan Rome in the fourth century (in summary see Government Intrusion And Takeover Of Religion).   And again, unbeknown to the modern believer and unbeliever alike, is the reality that the original teachings of TheWay was in fact a system of education and enlightenment (in summary see Religion As A System Of Education).    

In the same way that the historical man Jesus and his core disciples entered into this world at the beginning of our Common Era to inaugurate a much more pure and enlightened system of religion known as TheWay -- which in its corrupted state, has come to be known as Christianity today (in summary see The Corruption Of The Church) -- many of these same advanced souls entered into this world in the 18th century to create a foundational environment that would permit mankind to aspire to his highest potential (see The Perfect Seed).   And in understanding the Laws within which all of mankind and Creation moved -- the mature and enlightened Christians who were portrayed as the Deist Framers of our Constitutional form of government, understood the foundational environment that was both necessary, and would promote the growth of the Living Word that the Gospel declares is sown in the hearts of all of mankind -- who is biblically portrayed as the prodigal sons and daughters of the Most High God who are lost in this, the Far Country, under the control of the god of this world (citizen of the Far Country).   But the fact that the truly enlightened Christians have been condemned by the Church, and historically portrayed as heretics, the question then becomes: By what name do you call an evolved and matured Christian whose spiritual knowledge has enlightened him far beyond the very limited knowledge and understanding of the faith-based believer?   While they can be portrayed as American Gnostics -- they were often called Deists, because over the course of many lifetimes they had submitted themselves to the spiritual process of TheWay, and were themselves enlightened spiritual souls.   But who were the Deists?   Quoting the Wikipedia under Deism: History of religion and the deist mission.   Most deists saw the religions of their day as corruptions of an original, pure religion that was simple and rational. They felt that this original pure religion had become corrupted by "priests" who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests of the priesthood in general.   According to this world view, over time "priests" had succeeded in encrusting the original simple, rational religion with all kinds of superstitions and "mysteries" – irrational theological doctrines. Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information about the requirements for salvation. The priests consequently enjoyed a position of considerable power over the laity, which they strove to maintain and increase. Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as "priestcraft", a highly derogatory term.  Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" and "mysteries" from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion. 

To the detriment of the congregation of believers of all of man's religions, the above position of the Deists is correct.    At its Source, religions such as Christianity are Pure and Spiritual -- but once these religions are placed in the hands of priests who (1) lack the spiritual maturity to fully comprehend the purpose of the teachings from a Spiritual Perspective -- (2) and they recognize the reality that the position of priest is a position of power and influence over others that often garners great wealth and political influence -- both the original objectives and purpose of the religion, as well as the teachings themselves, very quickly become corrupted.   Historically, the Reformation is a witness as to the absolute corruption of the Church that took place in the fourth century.   But Martin Luther was himself a priest of the Church of Rome, and John Calvin was trained as a humanist lawyer -- and neither one of these leaders of the Reformation had any understanding of the original spiritual essence and objectives of the core teachings of TheWay which, after being severely corrupted, came to be known as Christianity.

From an historical perspective, the perfect example of the clergy of the third century is that of Paul Of Samosata (see ), where Edward Gibbon writes in his The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire that Paul "...may serve to illustrate the condition and character of the times ...Paul considered the service of the church as a very lucrative profession ...Against those who resisted his power, or refused to flatter his vanity, the prelate of Antioch was arrogant, rigid, and inexorable; but he relaxed the discipline, and lavished the treasures of the church on his dependent clergy, who were permitted to imitate their master in the gratification of every sensual appetite. For Paul indulged himself very freely in the pleasures of the table, and he had received into the Episcopal palace two young and beautiful women, as the constant companions of his leisure moments".   Thus, Paul of Samosata who Gibbon states is merely an example of the clergy who portrayed themselves as Orthodox, corrupted the teachings as stated in the above position of the Deists -- i.e., "...Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information about the requirements for salvation."

Just as important is the (above) statement that "...Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as 'priestcraft', a highly derogatory term.  Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of 'priestcraft' and 'mysteries' from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational.  In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion."   The original "...stripping away of [pagan] 'priestcraft'" is historically known as the Reformation.    But herein lies the crux of the problem -- i.e., the leaders of the Reformation such as Martin Luther were themselves priests of the Roman Church, and they did not at all understand the original teachings which had been declared to be heresy by the Church of Rome.   And in not understanding the spiritual meaning of the scriptures (see An Inconvenient Truth) -- or, the objectives of a Pure Spiritual Religion -- Martin Luther's ignorance became an anchor that further cloaked the Church in an abyss of profound ignorance as to the meaning and objectives of the original Gospel Teachings.   Further, any time a philosophy or theology is born out of a reaction to a condition of this world -- and in this case, Martin Luther created a reactionary doctrine in response to the absolute corruption of the Church -- as exemplified in his letter to Pope Leo X on September 6th, 1520, where Martin Luther wrote of the Christianity of his day, that the church, “…once the holiest of all, has become the most licentious den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the kingdom of sin, death, and hell. It is so bad that even Antichrist himself, if he should come, could think of nothing to add to its wickedness” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).   Yet, as predicted by the Apostle Paul, the AntiChrist not only ruled the Church since the fourth century (see Church of the AntiChrist) -- but as Paul predicted, the AntiChrist sat on the thrown of the Church and was worshiped as God.   And with regard to Paul's assertion that these things would come to pass, the Adam Clark Commentary writes of this passage of Paul's Epistle: “[Except there come a falling away first] We have the original word apostasia in our word apostasy; and by this term we understand a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation. But what this apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never will be, answered to general satisfaction” (from the Adam Clarke Commentary).   Martin Luther and the Protestant reformers who did not understand the original teachings and objectives of TheWay -- and thus, could not comprehend the reality of the warning that what was left was "...a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation" -- and in many respects they further alienated the Christian Community from the original objectives of a Spiritual Religion -- the tenets of which they did not at all understand.     

When rightfully understood, the scriptures which had been thoroughly corrupted by the Church of Rome (see ), remained a total enigma to the very carnal thinking of Martin Luther.   Why?   Because the scriptures were spiritual -- composed and written by spiritual men who understood what has come to be termed The Laws Of Nature, and Nature's God -- and Martin Luther was totally carnal in his thinking -- and as Paul himself warned, the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom remained a total and inconceivable enigma (see Mystery Of The Gospel) to the very limited awareness and thinking of Martin Luther and most of the leaders of the Reformation.   And in not being able to justify and explain in rational sense the biblical doctrine of Divine Providence where it is stated that all the events in the life of mankind have been predestined and scripted by (the Laws of) God, Luther made the fatal error of condemning the use of reason -- i.e.,  “Reason”, writes Luther, “is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    Why did Luther condemn the use of Reason?   Like a true politician, when confronted with a reality that revealed his ineptness and profound spiritual ignorance, Luther either avoided acknowledging the subject, or portrayed it as heresy.   And because the leaders of the Reformation such as Luther and Calvin could not even begin to answer the biblical dilemma that was set before them, they promoted what can only be called The Doctrine of Insane Irrationality.   What is this doctrine?   While meekly admitting that the God they believe in and promote is that of a monster and madman, they also warn the Christian community that if they so much as question the insane irrationality with which God moves in his dealings with man, that they will be rejected by the madman God, and condemned to eternal hellfire -- just for questioning God's irrationality.     Reject even the use of the mind, proclaims Martin Luther and Calvin!   “Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has", writes Luther, because he is missing a primary piece of the Gospel that is necessary to even begin to understand the essence of the concepts and spiritual objectives of what the Gospels and New Testament scriptures teach.   And it is this dogmatic foundation of profound ignorance that resulted in the reality that it can be factually stated that the faith-based religion of the Church which has evolved out of the Reformation, has in fact been promoted under a self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance.   And when rational thinkers questioned the often irrationality and required suspension of reason that Luther championed, he condemned himself to the embodiment of spiritual ignorance, when he condemned the very gift of reason that separates man from the brute beasts of the earth.   The result was that the image of God that the Church painted in what came to be known as Calvinism (see The Great Paradox Of Free Will), was nothing less than horrendous and even diabolical.   And while the modern Church has attempted to soften what the Bible states about Predestination -- and divert attention away from what the scriptures actually state -- the fact that the body of believers fail to understand the Laws that bring about all events in this world, has immersed the Church itself in a sea of profound spiritual ignorance.    The congregation of Christians who emerged out of the Reformation could be portrayed as Mushroom Believers -- in that, in rejecting even the use of the mind they dwelt in dark ignorance promoting manmade dogma that poisons the minds of the blind-believers to the degree that they are rendered spiritually dysfunctional and impotent.     And while the Deists who formed the Constitutional bedrock of our Constitutional form of government understood the necessary process of restoring and vitalizing the teachings of Jesus to their original form -- i.e., "...Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" ...from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion" (see Wikipedia under Deism) -- they also recognized that the alliance of church and state has the potential to inhibit the necessary spiritual growth and evolution that would manifest man's highest potential.   The problem is that they did not envision a complacent body of believers who would embrace our modern hedonist cultural Atheism that rules over the thinking and lives of the people. 

   The Necessary Spiritual Environment Founded By American Gnostics: Martin Luther's doctrine of faith regardless of actions is a total rejection of First Gospel Principles and the religion of Jesus.   One of the core objectives that modern Christians are for the most part totally ignorant of today, is the necessity of an environment that is essential to the practice of religion in accord with crucial Gospel principles.    The first order of business of the disciples in the Book of Acts, was to create and inaugurate spiritual communities that were absolutely necessary in order to bring about the higher Gospel objectives.   But since Luther totally negated those necessary higher Gospel objectives with respect to the development and maturation of the believer, the Church itself has lost its spiritual compass.   With respect to the actions of the original disciples as presented in the Book of Acts, the spiritual communities were to be set apart from the culture and people of this world to the degree that Paul commanded the Christians to have nothing to do with those who were unclean -- i.e., "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2 Cor 6:17 KJV).   To the degree that Paul commanded the community of believers not even to dine with sinners -- i.e., "I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people... But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner -- not even to eat with such a person..." (1 Cor 5:9-13 NKJ).   The modern Christians who have been duped into embracing a Marxist interpretation of the Gospel in the doctrine of Collective Salvation, remain absolutely clueless to understand why the first Christians were required to live separate and apart in secluded communities that were segregated from the culture and lifestyle of their day.    But that is because the dogmatic Christianity that has survived into the 21st century, has little to nothing in common with the original teachings and objectives of the religious path of TheWay.

In the parable of the Sower And The Seed, the mindset and lifestyle of the believer is the necessary ingredient to fulfill the Original Gospel requirements.   And it was for this reason that the first action of the disciples in the Book of Acts, was the building of the necessary spiritually-based communities where the seeker/believer was totally separated from the thinking and lifestyle of the people of this world -- and would therefore dwell in the necessary environment where the process of spiritual maturation and evolved advancement could be brought about in the lives of the community.   And this separation from the unbelievers and unclean was further presented by Paul to the Christian converts when he commanded them: "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of the living God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, 'I will make dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore, go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty'."  (2 Cor. 6:14-18).   Our Constitutional Framers understood the absolute need for spiritual communities to exist set apart from those of a worldly mindset and lifestyle, in order for the people to begin to advance mentally and spiritually.   The idea that a Church or Community would open its doors to everyone -- regardless of their mindset and lifestyle -- was totally rejected by Paul in the command to "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? ...Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you".  

What we are presented with here is a Gospel disconnect of immense proportions that has totally undermined the modern Church that coddles and even exemplifies every form of immorality and has in effect, institutionalized sinful behavior.    While it is true that Jesus and his disciples went out among the people and called them to repent -- sin no more -- and seek the Kingdom.   At no time did Jesus or his disciples suggest that the community of believers should live in the immoral manner of the multitudes of people -- or support their addictions and dependence upon intoxicating substances -- or to learn by sending children to schools where they would be indoctrinated into the spiritual folly of their ways.    Further, there is absolutely no suggestion that a parent should surrender their child and hand them over to the pseudo-teachers, counterfeit shepherds and profane authorities of this world, in order to be fully initiated into the spiritual apostasy that Jesus told people to repent from.   To the man who Jesus healed he warned: "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14 KJV) -- and in not understanding the Laws that were instituted by Creator-God in the beginning that rule over the lives of men in this world, Christians remain totally ignorant of the words of Jesus that if a person sins -- especially after coming to the knowledge of TheWay -- that the Laws will bring an even  "...worse thing [that will ] come unto thee".   And that every Christian is obligated to raise their children up in TheWay, makes the modern Marxist dogma of Collective Salvation a total fraud.

  Atheists Never Exposed To The Original Teachings And Objectives of Jesus: In the same way that the Deists who understood that in its original form the religion of Jesus was the purist of all religions -- i.e., as quoted in the above: "...their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" ...from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion" -- they also understood that the partnership of church and state always brought about the total downfall and demise of the essential religious teachings -- religious teachings that under secular control, became replaced by irrational and often meaningless dogma.   Prior to the Nicene take over of the Church by the Pagan Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, the wisest and most intelligent of men and women were the Christians who possessed the Spiritual Knowledge that provided them a higher understanding of the Laws and the realities of this world that remains unknown even in modern times.   And the Core of the Spiritual Christians possessed far greater knowledge than any of the so called scholars who teach in our universities today.   In the same way that the Gospel of Thomas declares that if you fail to Know Thyself, you dwell in Poverty, if you fail to understand the Laws and Forces that control all events of this world, then you are a scholar who dwells in abject poverty.  

What happened to this body of Knowing Spiritually Mature Christians?   There was a segment of the Church that had become paganized and morally bankrupt (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata ), and these very pagan Christians entered into a covenant with the Emperor Constantine, and the Church became annexed and ordained by pagan Rome.   The result was that (1) the emperor dictated the acceptable doctrines of the Church; (2) the Spiritually Mature Christians who rejected the dogma of the emperor were denounced and condemned as heretics who were hunted down and murdered; (3) the most corrupted copies of the scriptures (see Bible Corruption) were further rewritten in order to make them support the dogma of pagan Rome; (4) and the higher spiritual knowledge that the Church previously possessed, became outlawed as heresy.   Thus, when modern Atheists such as Richard Dawkins portrays the Christians as ignorant, while he is not wrong, what he is unknowingly condemning is the government doctrines that were imposed upon the Church -- manmade doctrines that spiritually disenfranchised the body of faith-based believers -- dogma totally alienated the faith-based believer from the original teachings and objectives of Jesus, that rendered the Christian world spiritually impotent.   In the spiritually castration of the Church by the ruling emperors of Rome, men such as  Richard Dawkins are not only absolutely clueless as to the nature and reality of the Truth of the pre-Nicene Christian Church, but their Paradigm of Thinking has totally alienated them from man's true higher reality.    And what makes pseudo-intellectuals such as Richard Dawkins so dangerous to the welfare of the common people, is the fact that the dogma of the Church does not at all support man's higher powers of intellect and reason, because they are chained by what Paul portrayed as "Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14) which were intended to provoke intelligent men to question both the accounts, as well as the god these often irrational accounts portrayed.   Which means that men such as Richard Dawkins are free to promote intellectual poison, because the Church has totally failed to promote its original primary objectives -- one of which is the enlightenment of the congregation of believers.  

Is this the fault of the Church?   The Spiritual Core of Christianity remains virtually unknown today, because of direct government intrusion into the affairs of the Church with respect to imposing a secular definition of acceptable doctrines of belief.   In the same way that in China only those Churches which are approved by the government are permitted, so too was the Church that came into being in the fourth century under the direct control of the Roman Emperors.   That the segment of the Church which called itself Orthodox, was a mere puppet of Pagan Rome and had little to nothing in common with the original teachings and objectives of Jesus and TheWay, should come as no surprise to the modern believer in view of the many statements of biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies who attempted to warn the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had suspected and believed all along -- i.e., that the Emperor Constantine and the Pagan Church of Rome created a religion of blind faith and belief where he wrote that: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).   Thus, this long ignored statement prompts us to ask a profoundly important question: Why didn't the biblical scholars understand the true origin of Christianity prior to the discovery and examination of the Dead Sea Scrolls?   To answer this question we must consult the findings of Prof. Elaine Pagles who correctly writes: “It is the winners who write history - their way. No wonder, then, that the viewpoint of the successful majority has dominated all traditional accounts of the origin of Christianity… It suggests that these religious debates - questions of the nature of God, or of Christ - simultaneously bear social and political implications that are crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion. In simplest terms, ideas which bear implications contrary to that development come to be labeled as heresy; ideas which implicitly support it become orthodox” (see Pagles, The Gnostic Gospels).    In not learning the lessons of history, modern believers have overlooked the fact that when despots rule, they not only annihilate all opposition -- but they "...write history - their way" -- and they corrupted and burned whatever writings stood in opposition to their dogmatic supremacy and rule.   Which means that those doctrines of belief that are seen as orthodox and promoted by the modern-day Church today, is drawn from the side of "...political implications that [were] crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion" under the direct control of Pagan Rome.   In the case of the Christian Church beginning in the fourth century, to disagree with the doctrines affirmed by the Emperor Constantine, carried with it the sentence of death.   Thus, Edward Gibbon writes in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction.    Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace the religion of the emperor met with the sentence of death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the approved version, was immediately destroyed (see ).  

The term BC with respect to the beginning of our Common Era, should be reevaluated to indicate Before Constantine with respect to the birth of the Christ that is worshiped in the modern Church and promoted by its secularized (Orthodox) dogma.   That the modern-day Christ and the religion of the Church were conceived and born under the dominion of the Roman Emperor Constantine -- and that the dogma of the Church was purely political, in contradistinction to the spiritual foundation of the original teachings -- is demonstrated in the fact that modern Christianity has virtually nothing in common with the original objectives of the teachings of TheWay which was to bring about "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  (see Original Gospel Objectives) -- which has absolutely nothing in common with the blind faith dogmatized Church that came into being in the fourth century under the rulership and doctrinal control of Pagan Rome.   But the fact that the modern Christians worship the satanic god of Constantine should come as no surprise, in view of the fact that the Apostle Paul predicted that the worship of the true God would cease, and those who called themselves Christian would instead worship Satan (see The Church of the AntiChrist).   That the objective of what Paul portrays as the god of this world, is to keep the congregation of Christians ignorant and promoters of blind-faith in the spurious doctrines of Pagan Rome, has for the most part continued to inhibit the True Spiritual ReBirth of the Church.   And while pseudo-shepherds such as Martin Luther convinced the Church to embrace the dogma of faith apart from actions -- to the degree that every tenet of the modern Church is openly condemned in their own New Testament (see The Lie & The Ten Minute Test), the modern believer continues to ignore the scriptures in their allegiance to the dogma of Pagan Rome.   And, just as equally important to understand, is that "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion of the physical brain -- but rather, both the refinement of the physical body that permits this expansion of mind to be brought about, and the development of those areas which lie under the control of the innate Intuitive Spheres of the Mind that the physical brain does not naturally support.

Throughout history there have always been the few who rejected the folly of the Church's self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance -- and with a dauntless heart sought the Truth of the Spirit over the doctrines of men.   Yet, in the past, anyone who knew the Truth -- and even openly hinted at the Truth -- were immediately turned upon as a demonic heretic by the Church -- often burnt at the stake for heresy.    In the name of their god and gods, those who spoke the Truth were condemned as a disease to humanity that needed to be eradicated before it (they) could infect the thinking of other people.   And sadly, the Church has continued down this road of self-imposed ignorance even to this very day.   To the mind of the true believer, such things as facts and rational thought are simply not part of the equation.    In contradistinction to the blind static-faith of the common believer, Paul's faith was based upon sure knowledge and spiritual experiences of incomprehensible Mysteries that would totally confuse the modern believer, who must rely solely upon blind faith in the unknown.    And while this fact is easily demonstrated using the Bible itself, because the readers of the written word are themselves blind to its true meaning, they simply skip over these crucial warnings as if they do not exist.    The result is that they put their faith in dogmatic rhetoric and the doctrines of men -- which doctrines become their own limitation -- and they never move on to maturity and wholeness, and perfect their faith in the manner that Paul Commanded.

In the same way that the parable of the Sower and the Seed demonstrates the necessary environment for the Living Word to grow and evolve within the individual (see Sower And Seed), the body of Spiritual Gnostics who were called Deists understood why the Gospel requires segregation from the culture and lifestyle of the people of this world (see above Necessary Spiritual Environment).   In understanding the Laws and the complexity of Higher Thought that man in his organic and carnal condition could not even begin to grasp, the original Spiritual Americans created the necessary Constitutional environment that would permit the Laws of Nature and Nature's God to give birth and bring about higher consciousness.   And when rightfully understood, American Spirituality was inaugurated, and protected itself by inhibiting the state from not only embracing a particular religion -- but also stopping the state from interfering with the practice of religion.   As ruled upon by the Supreme Court: “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as Legal Principles to be applied by the courts” (West Virginia State Board of Education vs Burnette 319 US 624, 638, [1943]).   And when rightly understood, the primary reason was to protect the Spiritual Environment that was created by our Constitutional framework from the infringement of both church and state -- and to protect the birth of American Spirituality from the assault upon essential Spiritual Principles that had immersed mankind in ignorance throughout his historical past.   Thus, more than anything else, our Constitutional Framers who were portrayed as Deists, created the necessary environment that had the capacity to give birth to and nurture "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” which was a core objective of the original Gospel teachings of Jesus and TheWay.    

As explained throughout the foregoing, the Greek word for Spiritual Knowledge received through revelation directly from God is called Gnosis (see The Reality Of Gnosis) -- but in not wanting to use this word that the Church condemned as heresy, those who opposed the folly of Luther and his suspension of the God-Given Gift of Reason, instead called themselves Deists.   And thus, herein lies the paradox that neither the Church or the modern quasi-Deists can even begin to come to terms with -- i.e., in order for the position of the Deists to be correct, they must have themselves been able to tap into a Source of Higher Knowledge and Wisdom -- which they did -- and it is for this reason that I correctly portray them as the Original American Gnostics.   Why Gnostics?   Because when the meaning of the word Gnosis is truly understood, is is representative of one of those words which cannot be redefined by carnal men -- and the word itself portrays Spiritual Knowledge derived directly from the Source of all Knowledge (see Gnosis) -- the gaining of which is often portrayed as the Divine Manna of the Kingdom, is indeed one of the primary objectives of a Spiritual Religion.   But these original primary objectives are very quickly corrupted by carnally minded priests who alter the original teachings in order to place themselves in a position of authority over the congregation of faith-based believers.    In opposition to the directive of the Gospel account of Jesus, his followers were ordered not to be called teacher or leader -- because, as lost prodigal sons, all of mankind are equally brothers who have One Heavenly Father.     

Deists are said to revere what is called Natural Religion versus revealed religion.   But what is Natural Religion?   Which further raises the question: Do modern quasi-Deists even understand the proper application of the scriptures and what is the true meaning of what they term a revealed religion?   What the Original Deists said is that if you begin to understand what they portrayed was the Laws of Nature, that the Higher Reality of Nature's God will begin to be revealed to you.   And, when rightly understood, this is the exact message of Paul who wrote: "...because that which is known about God ...for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).    And if we ask why and how can God be understood through the attributes of Creation and the Laws of Nature?    Because there is a Divine Pattern that all of Creation is holographically imprinted with the Spiritual DNA of its Creator -- and if you understand the pattern that the Laws of God imbued into all that exists, you will then begin to perceive and comprehend the Source that brought forth the ALL that exists.   Where the priest who promotes "priestcraft" corrupts the original teachings, and then seduces the believers into accepting his authority by promoting blind belief and faith in the dogma of carnal men -- a True Gnostic who builds upon the proper mindset and lifestyle, is able to develop his innate (God-Given) abilities to gain access to the Source of all Truth and Knowledge.   Thus, if as Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within us, why not make the journey in TheWay, and learn directly from the Source?   And having themselves tapped into the Source, the Deists (or American Gnostics) influenced the framers of our Constitutional form of government to create an environment that would enable man to aspire to a higher potential. 

I am writing the following on the objectives and accomplishments of the American Deists/Gnostics, because it is impossible to evolve the mind beyond the organic-physical (carnal) level of nature-man, without first understanding (1) both the Laws; (2) and the manner in which the Laws evolve the mind of man to overcome the natural physical barrier of earth-consciousness; (3) with the objective being to enable the seeker/disciple to begin to tap into man's higher soul and spiritual reality that his physical senses are oblivious to.

  Do Atheists Prove The Deists In Error? On the surface it would appear that Atheists prove the Deists in error.   Deism is defined as "...a religious and philosophical belief that a supreme god created the universe, and that this and other religious truth can be determined using reason and observation of the natural world alone" (see Deism) -- and while the Atheists rely upon reason, intellect and observation of  "...the natural world", they in no way arrive at the same conclusions as that promoted by the Deists.   Which means that unless it can be demonstrated that the Atheist use of reason and intellect is somehow different than that of the Deists -- or, that there is something that is lacking in the Atheist perception of "...the natural world", then there would be good reason to conclude that the Deists are seeing and promoting a vision of God that is neither apparent or visible to mankind from an intellectual perspective by virtue of the use of Reason.    On the website there are many articles which attempt to resolve the differences between the Atheist and the Deist vision of this world -- an opposite and opposing perspective by those who supposedly promote their vision through the use of Reason and Intellect.   Yet, even though both groups (Deists and Atheists) claim to rely upon Reason to arrive at their conclusions, there is no commonality between the two perspective visions -- and neither the Atheist or the Deists as represented in these articles the website appears able to prove the validity or superiority of their position over the other.   

Why?  While both groups reject traditional faith-based religion, and both groups state that their positions are based upon the use and application of Reason, in view of the fact that the number of Deists is relatively small in comparison to the great number of Atheists, then the Deist position that the use of Reason alone reveals Creator-God cannot be substantiated.   Add to this the fact that it is the claim of many alleged Deists that Atheists have infiltrated the ranks of Deism and are merely using the Deist position of Reason to oppose the faith-based Church, then these warring factions among those who claim to be Deists further undermines the claim of Deism Proper.    As an example: While Bob Johnson on makes claim to representing modern Deism, the group that calls itself Spiritual Deism portrays Bob Johnson as promoting "...left-wing pseudo-Deism to promote semi-atheism and a Socialistic Total State".   On the other hand, the Spiritual Deism group is basically New Thought, and promotes meditation as a means to receive divine guidance.   It must be noted that nowhere in the writings of either Thomas Paine or Jefferson is it suggested that meditation is the answer to man's dilemma in this world.   And when I attempted to post to the Spiritual Deism forum, it was stated by Harold Langford that he was shown in his meditation that I was really Bob Johnson who was attempting to deceive them.   My ability to post was immediately suppressed, and no amount of reason or provable facts which I presented to the members I approached off-forum could convince them that I could not be Bob Johnson.    But the fact that not only is the Rational of the critic of Bob Johnson easily proven defective -- as is also his claim that he was told in meditation (by God?) that I am Bob Johnson -- which can easily be proven wrong -- then the rationally minded Atheist would be justified to dismiss not only the neo-Deists, but the whole claim of Deism as represented in its modern interpretation.  

From a purely rational perspective, the looming question is: What is the cause of the conflict between groups who promote the use of Reason?    The problem is that in the same way that all things move and exist in accord with Natural Law, there is a Divine Design that maintains the integrity and movement of all of Creation.   Those who learn about the Divine Design -- observe it working in their lives and in the outer world -- and come to understand how to use the Divine Design to bring about within themselves the Divine Purpose of Life and Creation -- are able to see and understand what is beyond the perception and comprehension of man in his "natural" organic condition of mind and being. 

Thus, there is an important ingredient that is missing in the vision of both the Atheists and the modern neo-Deists -- an important ingredient that was possessed by the our Constitutional Framers -- and that missing ingredient is an understanding and the knowledge of the Laws which are portrayed in the phrase The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God.   In the same way that there are essential ingredients to any formula or recipe -- essential ingredients that sustains the whole -- what is represented in the term Deist is merely a mature condition of mind that causes the person to see and understand with greater clarity and purpose.    Therefore, the term Deist is not the name of some group or sect -- but rather, portrays a condition of mind that bestows upon the person a state of Higher Enlightened Reason and Matured Intellect.  

Is this fair?   Is it fair that one man seeks to learn and apply himself in his endeavor and becomes an expert, while another man has no motivation to advance himself.   And while both have the use of reason and intellect, the man who was not motivated to apply himself in most instances remains mentally barren.   While the Deist will proclaim that all men are created equal -- reality is seen in the fact that equal does not mean the same -- resulting in the fact that one man's use of reason is portrayed as another man's insanity -- yet, both claim to rely upon reason and intellect to arrive at their conclusions.    Which means that unless those who promote the use of Reason and Intellect alone, without being able to explain why one man's idiot is another man's genus, then man's theological, philosophical and intellectual conflicts can never be resolved.    Yet, there not only exists a rational answer to the dilemma -- but also, a purely rational solution that requires a deeper and more enlightened embodiment of reason than that level that is manifest in the very limited consciousness of "natural" man in his organic state of being.   

When rightly understood, while man's physical maturity is, for the most part, the organic expression of Natural Law -- whereby, growth and development from infancy to maturity is totally controlled by the Natural Laws -- this is not the case with man's state of mental maturity.   Because man has freewill, man's mental maturity is the result of a great many variable factions -- one of which is seen in the fact that the Natural Laws which support his physical development, only support those areas of mind that are supported by the needs and appetites of the physical body-vessel -- and while man has an innate potential of mind that few intellectual and philosophical schools of thought can even begin to envision -- in order to bring about this higher development of mind which remains totally elusive to those bound by "natural" organic reasoning, one must learn to invoke and embrace the Higher Laws that supercharge one's efforts.

What this means is that the very Natural Laws that insure physical development, also have the effect of not only limiting mental development beyond the physical needs and appetites of the physical body-vessel -- but you must overcome the limiting factor of the very Natural Laws of the Physical that promotes development to a certain level of maturity, in order to begin to develop and gain access to man's higher potential of mind and being that is not supported by the Natural Laws of the Earth.   In the same way that we don't have to manually bring about the physical development of an infant -- but rather, maintain the child within the construct of the Laws that brings this development about -- mental development beyond what is supported by the physical is brought about by the invocation of the Higher Laws working within man's own mind and being in a directed manner that brings about certain changes within his consciousness.   Which means that only when these Natural Laws are properly and intelligently invoked in a mental-environment that is conducive to the development of reason and intellect, is the consciousness of man freed from its organic limitations -- and it is this enlightened vision and reason that causes the Theist and questioning Atheist to mature into a Deist perception of God and Creation -- and even this higher perception and understanding comes in increments that would drive this higher vision into entry-level Alpha-Deists and matured Omega-Deists in their levels of Enlightened Comprehension.    In the same way that a fetus does not pop out of the womb in the form or a mature man or woman, the process of mental development beyond what is supported by the Natural Organic Laws of the earth, in much the same way can only bring about this growth and development in incremental steps -- level upon level.    And thus, the little understood statement: "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10 NKJ).

One of the most famous formulas is defined in the Wikipedia as: In physics, in particular special and general relativity, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. In this concept, mass is a property of all energy, and energy is a property of all mass, and the two properties are connected by a constant. This means (for example) that the total internal energy E of a body at rest is equal to the product of its rest mass M and a suitable conversion factor to transform from units of mass to units of energy Albert Einstein proposed mass–energy equivalence in 1905 in one of his Annus Mirabilis papers entitled "Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content?"[1] The equivalence is described by the famous equation seen to the right.   

More than anything else, this formula was a stepping stone -- with pre-formula physics being very different than the advances made post-formula.   Therefore, the formula itself is representative of an equation that is necessary to overcome a certain natural barrier.   If the formula is missing or not understood, then a necessary ingredient creates a void that undermines and effects the whole.   But even more important is the fact that this formula embodies the portrayal of a number of Natural Laws that invoke a predictable outcome and response.   But even more important is the fact that the result of the harnessing of the atom is not something that is a natural occurrence in the earth such as the power of lightening -- and while nuclear fission is a natural occurrence with respect to the power of the sun and the stars, it is not a process of nature that is a natural expression of nature on the earth's surface.   Therefore, to harness the atom in a useful and predetermined manner on the earth's surface, one must possess the necessary knowledge to invoke the Natural Laws which will orchestrate and bring about this atomic reaction.   Even more difficult than nuclear fusion is nuclear fission -- i.e., a sustained and controllable source of fusion power, a fusion reactor, is considerably harder to achieve. The goal, however, is being pursued vigorously in many countries around the world because many look to the fusion reactor as the power source of the future, at least as far as the generation of electricity is concerned. The scheme for fusion on the sun is not suitable for an Earth-bound fusion reactor because the scheme is hopelessly slow. The reaction succeeds in the sun only because of the enormous density of protons in the center of the sun.

In much the same manner, in the case of the Deist perspective of the Universe, higher consciousness that is beyond the natural limits of organic physical man can only be achieved by a person who possesses the knowledge of the Natural Laws of Creation, and is able to create within himself the proper environment which will enable him to gain access to those areas of the mind that are beyond the natural limits of the physical body-vessel.    It is therefore essential that the thinking and lifestyle of the person be molded within a framework of an enlightened understanding of the Natural Laws, in order to perceive and understand the higher reality that is presented to the vision and comprehension of the person of Enlightened Reason and Intellect.    Therefore, when the Deist said that man could understand God and Creation by the use of Reason and an observation of the Natural Laws, the Power of Reason and Intellect which they were portraying, is that of an advanced and mature Reasoning Facility of an Enlightened Intellect.  

A nuclear reaction on the surface of the earth is an event that can be portrayed as a transformational event in a controlled environment that invokes Laws that are not a natural occurrence on the earth's surface -- and yet, very much is a natural occurrence outside the immediate environment of the earth's surface.   Which means that the objective of the scientist is to create a controlled environment where the Natural Laws can be invoked to bring about an atomic reaction that can be harnessed and properly utilized.   Therefore, in much the same fashion, the Atheist looks out at the universe having never intimately embraced the reality of the Natural Laws in his own consciousness and life and mind -- without ever having created within himself the necessary environment to initiate the Laws that would bring about the necessary interaction of inner spiritual centers of his mind and being -- and is therefore unable to see and perceive from that enlightened vision of the past Deist and Gnostic Visionaries who were the embodiment of the Invoked Natural Laws bringing about their higher spiritual transformation.   Which means that Deists such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine who possessed varying degrees of Enlightened Reason and Intellect -- enlightened because they understood and had invoked the Natural Laws within their own mind and being -- was able to utilize the formula of the Laws to bring about the condition of Enlightened Reason and Intellect.   In the same way that the formula E=MC2 opened the door once invoked to a being able to harness the almost unlimited power of the atom -- which, when rightly understood, is merely the harnessing and invoking of the Natural Laws that have come to be associated with Atomic Physics -- the knowledge of the workings of the Natural Laws which could then be invoked within the person's own mind and being, enabled the Deist and Gnostic to break free of organic physical limitations which the Apostle Paul portrayed as that of the "natural" mind (see  Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and it is through the knowledge and invocation of these Natural Laws that brings about the higher Enlightened Vision and Understanding of the True Deist and Spiritual Christian.  

In what is known as the Epistle of Peter and James the profound statement is made that if the esoteric knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay should become lost, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error" (see Always To Wander In Error).    And as predicted, when the post-Nicene Church hunted down the Spiritually Mature Christians as heretics, and destroyed their undefiled scriptures, the consequences of their actions threw the Church into the abyss of absolute ignorance -- a condition that is still prevalent today.    And while the modern Church has an abundance of rhetoric -- most of which they lack an understanding of -- the loss of this essential knowledge has self-exiled them into a Spiritual Diaspora.   Why?   Because they lack a number of essential ingredients that would bring about the Original Objectives of the Expansion and Enlightenment of the Mind and Being.    And because the missing ingredient which they threw away inhibits them from the proper use of what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge, they have brought upon themselves the fulfillment of the prediction which has inhibited their spiritual progress, consigning them to "...always to wandering {this world] in error".    Why?   Because in their throwing away the knowledge of the formula -- and not being able to invoke the Formula of the Laws within themselves -- they remained spiritually prehistoric and fossilized in their thinking and perception, and unable to move beyond carnal organic limitations.

It took a great amount of effort for man to break the sound barrier and move faster than the speed of sound.   But once he accomplished this feat, and began to understand the Natural Laws that had previously inhibited his progress, he was then able to create planes that today can actually cruse supersonic.   Even when man began to be able to move faster than the speed of sound, he had to use after-burners which dumped jet fuel into the exhaust which provided the necessary boost in thrust to achieve supersonic speed -- which he could not maintain any length of time because of his inability to carry enough fuel in an aircraft designed to break the sound barrier.   In time, though, even this has changed with better designs which now enable man to cruse supersonic without the use of after-burners.   Thus, with knowledge of the Natural Laws, man was able to perfect his designs which enabled him to accomplish what was previously unattainable.  

Throughout history there have always been the few who understood how the Natural Laws and Forces of Mind function within a man's own Consciousness and Being, and was able to then utilize this Knowledge to move beyond man's inherent physical organic limitations -- moving beyond the Natural Barrier of physical consciousness, which enabled such a person to bring about the objective of mind (see Heightening And Expansion Of Mind).    Thomas Jefferson, a Deist, removed the supernatural miracles from his copy of the Gospels, and focused instead on the primary teachings of the man Jesus -- teachings which were a prerequisite to break the organic barrier within one's own body and mind, and soar beyond natural human limitations.   And it is this breaking of the organic barriers within their own mind and being, that provided our Deist Constitutional Framers the Enlightened Vision and Reason to see and comprehend what others could not.   The teachings of the Gospel -- and especially the Sermon on the Mount -- are therefore as much a scientific formula that releases the mind to soar upward to inner heights far above the earth-bound thinking of organic carnal man, as is the formula of E=MC2  or the knowledge of aerodynamics, propulsion and how to move faster than the speed of sound, or escape the gravity of the earth and soar into outer space.    That the Atheist has no idea that man possesses such a potential, and the faith-based believer is simply too immature and earth-bound in their dogmatic thinking to grasp these spiritual realities, does not mean that all of mankind is so limited in their experiences of life.  










Deism And The First Amendment:  While the Deists were responsible for laying the Constitutional foundation that Americans today have inherited, these same Americans neither understand the Deists, nor do they understand the full potential that the Constitution has the inherent power to bring about in the lives of mankind.    And from both a secular and religious perspective, this ignorance with respect to the Deists is the most dangerous force in the world today.   Why?   Because many of the core Deists not only possessed a comprehension of the Laws which control all aspects of the life that all people live -- but just as important is the fact that some of the Deists possessed the body of esoteric knowledge that the Church threw away when it entered into a covenant relationship with Pagan Rome.   An Abiding Reality is that all of Creation and Life is built upon a Foundation of Immutable Laws -- and success is often the result of man's endeavor to build upon this Foundation of Laws a structure which ensures his success.   While the Law of Gravity is an example of an immutable law which not only holds man to the surface of the earth -- but also is part of the equation that holds the earth in a rotation around the sun -- by understanding the Law of Gravity, man can devise various means to escape its limitations.   Moreover, in the case of space travel, man can harness the very force of gravity as a means of propulsion.   When man made the journey to the moon, he used the rockets propulsion to break free of the earth's gravity, and then the moon's gravity to draw him in that direction.   There is simply no means to carry enough fuel to propel a spacecraft to a distant location -- and when the law of gravity is understood, neither would there be a reason to carry that much fuel.   In much the same way, by understanding the Higher Laws which control all movements and realities of this world, the Deists possessed the knowledge to not only overcome the limitations of these Laws -- but to utilize the force of the Laws to bring about their own Enlightenment.   In the same way that gravity limits man's ability to escape the surface of the earth, once the Higher Laws of Creation are understood, the Laws themselves can be utilized to empower the person with esoteric knowledge how to escape the limitations of earth-consciousness.   From a Deist perspective, the First Amendment is a prohibition against either church or state, from interfering with this spiritual process and foundation that enables man to Experience and Know Self -- and ultimately Know God.

In the same way that the law of gravity affects every movement and what man experiences upon the face of the earth, what the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, intimately orchestrates all of man's successes and failures.   If you jump up to escape the earth's gravity, as your body becomes airborne it will initially appear that you have achieved success.   That is until your momentum is arrested by the force of gravity working upon you, and you find your efforts negated.   What is true of gravity is also true of all the Laws -- but in order to bring about the necessary learning experiences through which mankind evolves, the results of man's efforts in conjunction with the Laws are not as immediate as with the case of gravity.    Once understood, mostly all of man's efforts are initially supported by the Laws -- much like the initial success of jumping up and using one's natural strength to have both of one's feet off the ground.   And while the force of gravity will very quickly cause us to become subject to the Laws and lose upward momentum before we fall back to the earth, other Laws are designed to respond back to us in a more gradual cycle.   And this is necessary in order for our efforts to evolve and the opportunity for the initial movement to be built upon and compounded, in order to bring about our greater learning experience.     All movements of man not only initiate the Laws -- but are subject to the trials of the Laws as the movement or endeavor which man initially invokes, evolves through the steps that are at first supported by the Laws, and then subject to the sustaining tests which are brought into being when the Laws were initially invoked.    The Laws, therefore, are imbued with a natural resistance to man's movements and endeavors, in order to test the validity of his movements.    

If an embryo were to be thrust out of its mother's womb one month after conception, then the embryo would very quickly perish because it could not sustain life apart from its mother during that early stage of development.   When the fetus has developed to the degree where it can sustain life outside the mother's womb, it is at that point that natural labor and the process of birth is begun.   In much the same way, this world is very much the womb of Mother-earth -- and the Laws are designed to develop the person-fetus and test for Wholeness and Completion.    Therefore, if a movement, effort or endeavor of man lacks Wholeness, the Laws are designed to turn man's efforts back upon themselves, in the form of a Cosmic Bio-Feedback machine that enables man to learn from his mistakes and misplaced efforts.   And it is this Living Bio-Feedback essence of the Laws, that insures the failure of half-hearted or incomplete efforts.    Wise men who were often enlightened to the all-encompassing structure of mathematics -- i.e., Pythagoras, Gurdjieff and others -- foresaw the atomic reality that is only now unfolding in the discoveries of Quantum Physics.   Wise men who understood the esoteric reality of the Laws, have long pointed to the example of the Law of Octaves which systematically permits the building up of an initial effort, and then tests it to either divert it back upon itself, or permit it to move onto the next sequence (see The Law Of Octaves).   

    The Law of Octaves In Brief: What Mystics such as Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, Valentinus, the original disciples of Jesus, and in more modern times G.I.Gurdjieff knew, what others do not, is that for every action there is not only a reaction -- but there are testing points built into the Laws of Creation that must be satisfied, in order to move beyond the barrier that these Laws present.   In the parable of TheCall to the Wedding Feast, when Jesus portrayed those who had failed to put on the required Wedding Garment as being cast into the sorrows of the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), the reality portrayed was that of being bound to the very limited organic consciousness of the body-vessel -- i.e., bound by The Law and limited by human carnal reasoning and logic.    And when properly understood, the analogy of Plato's Cave (see Plato) portrays the plight of natural organic man as being held in a state of mental and spiritual limitation by the illusions of this world (see above The Allusions Of The Forms Of Matter).    When the Deist Framers of our Constitutional form of government took the position that if you begin to understand what you see -- and when the Laws that manifest all of Creation are properly understood -- that you will yourself begin on the journey towards an enlightened state of mind -- i.e. an America Gnostic.   This same reality is presented in the Gospel of Thomas where it states: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."    To recognize what is in your sight, you must be cognizant of the Laws that have formed the images of what you observe in the world -- images that are formed by impressing an aspect of mind into an allegorical symbol that is seen by man's organic senses.   Thus, what man observes in the world about him, is only a symbol that is holographically interpreted by man's physical senses -- and only when you begin to understand what you see, can you begin to escape the "outer darkness ...Plato's Cave".   

With respect to the underlying Laws of Creation, Gurdjieff used what is commonly known as the Enneagram -- which is said to be a merger of the Law of Three which I have portrayed as the Divine Pattern that permeates all of Creation, and the Law of Seven which is portrayed as the Law of Octaves.   The Enneagram  consists of nine points which is the Law of Seven with the two shock points added at the crucial interval points where the Laws test all movements.    The following is a quote from Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous: "Speaking in general it must be understood that the enneagram is a universal symbol. All knowledge can be included in the enneagram and with the help of the enneagram it can be interpreted. And in this connection only what a man is able to put into the enneagram does he actually know, that is, understand. What he cannot put into the enneagram he does not understand. For the man who is able to make use of it, the enneagram makes books and libraries entirely unnecessary. Everything can be included and read in the enneagram. A man may be quite alone in the desert and he can trace the enneagram in the sand and in it read the eternal laws of the universe. And every time he can learn something new, something he did not know before."  Take particular note of the words "...For the man who is able to make use of it, the enneagram makes books and libraries entirely unnecessary."    And it is this Knowledge of the Laws that the original core disciples of Jesus and TheWay understood, that made them warn others that there is only One Teacher -- which they portrayed as The True Prophet.    And this is demonstrated in the words of the Apostle Peter who is quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement: Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.   


The Deists And The Law of Octaves: When the Deists expressed the words, The Laws of Nature and Nature's God, they understood the Law of Three as manifest in the Divine Pattern of Creation, as well as the Law of Octaves which holographically is embedded throughout every aspect of all that exists.   When Deism is portrayed as "Deism the standpoint that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that a supreme being created the universe" (see Deism) -- it was because the American Gnostics who were Deists, understood the higher reality of the Laws when overcome, is a harnessing of the Laws within one's own mind and being that, in the above words of Ouspensky,  "...makes books and libraries entirely unnecessary" .    Why would overcoming the Laws within one's self render "...books and libraries entirely unnecessary"?   Those who overcome the Laws and emerge out of what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- or the illusions of Plato's Cave -- are able to see and understand all things for what they truly are -- and are thus, travailing the path of the soul's journey of enlightenment.   And one of the primary concerns of our Deist Constitutional Framers, was creating an environment where the Natural Laws (of God) could function at a higher level, and permit the people to evolve to their higher potential that organic man simply could not even begin to comprehend.  

Though the pattern of the Law of Three and the Law of Octaves is holographically present throughout all of Creation, it is perhaps easiest to see, hear and observe in music.  Again let me stress the fact that while the manifest Laws-at-work can be demonstrated more easily in music, its far-reaching reality is prevalent throughout all aspects of life in this world and beyond.  The only difference, then, is that the same sequence of Law is more difficult to observe throughout the other aspects of life -- but quickly becomes apparent once one is cognizant of the pattern and sequence.   The same pattern that is found in music has been noted in what is known as Newlan's Law of Octaves -- i.e., is related to the arrangement of elements in the periodic table.  If elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights, the eighth element starting from a given one is a kind of repetition of the first.  It is said that once Pythagoras recognized the relationship of music and math -- and established music as an exact science -- Pythagoras then applied his Law of harmonic intervals to all the phenomena of Nature.   He went so far as to demonstrate the harmonic relationship of the planets, constellations, and elements to each other.

If we look at the picture of a typical keyboard, what we see is the whole notes represented in the white keys, and the half-tones in the black keys.  Regardless of the fact of whether we understand music or not, what we should quickly recognize is the easily discernable fact that not every whole-note interval has a half-tone!  Why?  Why isn't there a half-tone between the third and fourth note on the keyboard and musical scale?  Also, why isn't there a half-tone between the seventh and eigth note of a musical scale?  Though the answer is very simple, the reality that is portrayed is so esoteric and beyond physical reality as we know it, that the most accomplished musicians cannot supply you with the answer to the enigma -- an enigma that is holographically true of all Laws -- and envelops every aspect of our lives and Creation.

Man's physical body is programmed for his spiritual failure: Our physical body is of the earth -- it therefore is not a vehicle that is the natural environment of man's higher soul and spiritual natures.  What this means is that if we are to manifest our higher natures, and rise above the inherent carnal limitations of our physical body/vessel, we will be required to make a conscious effort -- even a super conscious effort -- as we endeavor to overcome the Laws that are the ruling forces of this natural world.  Once again, our physical body is comprised of earth-matter -- and is not naturally acclimated to support man's higher aspects of mind and being.   And this is the reason why Paul warns that the "natural" mind of man cannot even begin to perceive or comprehend the higher reality of the soul and spiritual natures (see Mystery Of The Gospel) -- judging and rejecting these higher truths as utter "foolishness" and even heresy.   That the physical body and mind must be purified and transformed in order to gain access to those higher areas of mind that are able to perceive and comprehend man's higher soul and spiritual reality -- and the fact that this transformational process requires much effort and work on one's self -- is portrayed in the words of the disciples where they stated: "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22 NKJ).

If we are therefore bound to this physical realm by the natural Laws, then it is of the utmost importance for us to be cognizant of the effects of the Law as they interact with every aspect of nature and life.  If we pose the question: Is man's physical body imbued with the Laws that inhibit him from fulfilling his spiritual goals?  As we look around us at the natural world it is important that we be cognizant of the fact that we see the absence of strait lines.  The leaves on a tree or plant -- the outline of a mountain range -- the formation of rocks -- as well as the very physical bodies in which we presently dwell.  Strait lines do not exist in nature.  Why?  Because these Laws which we can hear and observe on a keyboard, cause all things to change direction in midstream.  In the same way that we cannot clear our minds and focus on a single thought, as we attempt to walk the path of spiritual enlightenment, the Laws of this realm will constantly work to lead us off the path to Life.

Returning once again to the keyboard: Starting from the left most key, we can see the first note, and between the first and second white keys is a half-tone which is represented by that black key.  Thus, the black key represents a half-step or half-tone between the two white keys which musicians call a sharp or flat.   The same is true with respect to the sequence of the second to third note.  Then, between the third and fourth note the pattern suddenly changes, and we can observe that there is no half-tone between these notes.  Why?  Because when we play the notes, the frequency of the fourth note is actually a half-tone -- and yet it artificially and falsely sounds to our physical hearing a whole-step increment.  Why?  Why does our ears hear a half-tone in the third to fourth sequence as if it is a whole, while this is not true in the first two intervals of an octave?

The enigma is caused by a twisting of the frequencies when they are played in sequence -- but this twisting is not only true of the musical scale -- but is holographically true and representative of a pattern which is indigenous to all such sequences of Law throughout all of Creation.  What this means is that while we can hear this Law at work in music, and observe this Law at work by virtue of the physical placement of the keys on a keyboard, this same pattern remains universal to all the Laws that control this world throughout every aspect of our lives.  The result is that when we think we are hearing what would be portrayed as a straight linear path -- our physical senses are subject to an illusion within the construct of the Laws --  resulting in the fact that we are inadvertently turned off the linear path without ever realizing that our direction has been altered by the natural sequence of Laws which immerse every aspect of this physical realm in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, or the illusions of Plato's Cave.

In the first place we must understand that an octave is comprised of seven notes or sequences -- as is the pattern of the seven colors of the rainbow that make up white light.  As the seventh note is stepped into the eighth sequence, the first note of the sequence is double the frequency of the first, and is repeated as one octave higher than the initial note played.   What this means is that there is seven notes which complete the sequence before the first note is repeated one octave higher than the first -- as in the common musical sequence Doe Re Me Fa So La Ti Doe -- with the second Doe being the same note as the first, but only one octave higher.    For those who don't understand the musical scale, there is no variableness in the beginning and ending of the first sequence that makes up the octave, because the frequency of the eighth note which is also expressed in the term Doe which commences the next higher octave, is double the frequency of the first Doe.    And this is why whole notes only consist of a repetitive A through G sequence.

  The Law Of Octaves And The Second Amendment: The Right for the individual to bear arms as set forth in the Second Amendment was strategically placed in that position following the First Amendment, to convey a reality of the Laws that must be recognized and understood if man is to prevail and arise to his true destiny in this world.   Therefore, to even begin to understand why our Constitutional Framers placed the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment, it is important to understand the nature of duality and division.   Why is this important today?   Because knowledge is power -- power to prevail over both ignorance, as well as the Natural Forces of the Laws and the Earth.   Ignorance of these Natural Laws makes innocent people victims.  

The Natural Forces and Laws of this world move in cycles -- and these cycles can be observed and invoked to man's advantage.   In the words of Louis Pasteur: "Chance favors only the prepared mind".  By this he meant that sudden flashes of insight don’t just happen -- they are the products of preparation.   Higher Consciousness, Success and American Exceptionalism, are all the products of the knowledge and invocation of the Natural Laws in ways that few modern Americans can even begin to understand.   Highly Conscious men and women make highly conscious and intentional actions which invoke the Natural Laws to bring about envisioned and foreseen events and objectives.   And this is true whether the highly motivated man or woman is conscious of the Natural Laws or not.   Of course, if such a highly motivated and conscious individual is aware of the movement and cycles of the Natural Laws -- and knows how to properly invoke them -- then this higher awareness can supercharge the results.   In the same way that the scientist can navigate the heavenly bodies of the universe by understanding the Natural Laws (see American Exceptionalism), all endeavors in both the earth and within self can be orchestrated through a knowledge of the workings of the Natural Laws.   And thus, it is not an accident that the Second Amendment is the embodiment of the Right to Bear Arms.   

The Crisis that confronts all Americans today is seen in the fact that modern pseudo-intellectuals are working to throw the Constitution upon the dung-heap -- along with religion and the concept of God Given UnAlienable Rights.   Why?   Because they (1) lack a functional understanding of the higher purpose of the Constitution; (2) neither do they understand the true purpose and objectives of religion and the scriptures; (3) and they fail to comprehend that what is portrayed as American Exceptionalism is dependent upon an environment that permits the Natural Laws to function in accord with Divine Design.   And among the freedoms they are working to do away with, is the Second Amendment and the People's Right to not only protect themselves -- but to rise up and throw off a despotic government.   And in possessing the knowledge of the Natural Laws as they move in the lives of mankind, the enlightened core of our Constitutional Framers understood that threats against the Rights of the People would require a constant vigil -- because in the same way that the body has cycles where it is plagued by disease and sickness, these same cycles of ideological disease would periodically threaten the Life and Liberty of the American People and the Constitution.    It is therefore not a question as to if the cycles of disease would attack the Rights of the People -- but rather, when!   

To even begin to understand the relationship of the Second Amendment, the Law of Octaves and the embodiment of the inherent evil as portrayed in the Genesis allegorical account of the Second Day of Creation, we must first understand the organic twisting of the octaves from a higher more enlightened perspective (see Law Of Octaves).    As stated throughout this article, Spiritually Mature men and women are able to gain access to a Source of Higher Knowledge that exists at the Core of their mind and being -- and this enlightened insight is brought about by those who gain a knowledge of the Natural Laws, and are able to successfully invoke these Laws in their pursuit for Higher Knowledge and Reality of Being.   If we recognize that our Constitutional Framers were far more than mere intellectuals -- and were semi-enlightened Deists, Masons and Spiritually Mature Christians -- and in understanding the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, they recognized that the relationship of the Second Amendment could be said to be on par with why the Genesis second day of Creation is the only day that was not portrayed as being good.   Which of course would be synonymous with the biblical portrayal of an unmarried woman -- which allegorically portrays a divided nature moved by the flesh/physical.   In a similar vain, when the Spiritually Mature Christians portrayed this world as being evil, what was in fact being presented is the reality that when man is ruled over by the flesh of his lower (animal) nature -- lacking the manifest balance of the spiritual and the physical which in and of itself is often allegorically portrayed as male and female.   In all instances, division which is of course represented in the number two, is the embodiment of evil -- and yet, division is necessary to bring forth and evolve higher reality.  In much the same way, while guns and violence can be easily be portrayed as the embodiment of evil, an even greater evil manifests when the people have no means to throw off the self-serving despots of church and state.

Holographically, man is the microcosmic image of the Macrocosmic whole -- and if you want to see death and destruction, then look at the physical body on a day to day basis.   It has armies of white blood cells and antibodies whose whole purpose is to wage war against invading disease and germs that will attempt to attack the body.   Using AIDS as an example, no one dies of AIDS -- but rather, conditions which can freely attack the body because of a suppressed immune system.   And when understood on more of a Macrocosmic level in the outer world, we can rightly portray government in the form of either church or state as being run amuck when the bodies immune system itself turns on the body -- weakening it, bringing about a condition of sickness and death.  

The second amendment can therefore be looked upon as the immune system that while it is true that guns have the potential of evil, remain necessary for the protection of the people and the nation.   And Jefferson's expectation of a armed conflict taking place at every 20 year interval -- i.e., "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure" -- in order to throw off despotic government, is of course based upon the knowledge of the Law of Octaves -- which of course presents the time-tested reality that without conscious overseer-ship of the progression through the incremental steps of the Law of Octaves, that government will be moved by the Laws (of Nature and Nature's God) to turn upon its First Principles.  Thus, we can see this reality in the words of Jefferson: "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.  The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive.  If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.  ...And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?  Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?  The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is its natural manure."

With respect to the Law of Octaves: The first flaw that causes the abuse of power of either church or state is when the people remain unobservant and complacent through the progression of the incremental steps as portrayed in Jefferson's words: "If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty."  And once the twisting of the Octaves has taken place, and the movement has turned upon its First Principles, then often the only way to rectify (in this case) the violation of God-Given Rights, is for the people to rise up and throw off the disease that threatens the organism.   Without the ability to throw off despotic church or state, the organism will very quickly be overcome with disease, and its destruction will be self-evident.  In order to demonstrate the reality of Laws that are being presented, I will quote an above paragraph under the heading of American Exceptionalism: Prof. Walter Williams lived previously as one of our Constitutional Framers, and  in a commentary entitled America's Move Towards Tyranny he presented an important warning to the American People where he wrote: Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis warned, "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding." The freedom of individuals from compulsion or coercion never was, and is not now, the normal state of human affairs. The normal state for the ordinary person is tyranny, arbitrary control and abuse mainly by their own government. While imperfect in its execution, the Founders of our nation sought to make an exception to this ugly part of mankind's history. Unfortunately, at the urging of the American people, we are unwittingly in the process of returning to mankind's normal state of affairs.    In similar fashion Thomas Paine wrote: "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an in tolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer!" -- and of course the immortal words: "That government is best which governs least".    Then there is the statement attributed to Thomas Jefferson, Barry Goldwater and Gerald Ford: "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have".  

Sadly, there is another important lesson that must not only be considered, but revered.   Not only does History perpetually repeat itself, but the very souls who wrecked havok upon mankind in the past, are here in the present.   Not only did the original Founders of our Constitution understand the reality of the soul that evolves over the course of many lifetimes (see Deist Beliefs), but this truth was also understood and embraced by the pre-Nicene Christian Church (see Christian Reincarnation).   Who is our leaders and authorities?  Why, they are the same exact souls who led mankind into dark ignorance and suffering as in the past.   Open a history book and enumerate the despots and ravenous wolves, and say My God!  They are here, leading the people, under the guise of a different edition of the same old story.  And they are just as blind -- just as self-centered -- just as ignorant -- as their previous editions that caused great and grave suffering inflicted upon the common masses throughout what we call the illusion of time.   They are all present in the world today -- i.e., Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Mao, Mohammed who took no prisoners, Cesar, Jim Jones, all the despotic kings, dictators, all the mass-murderers, rapists, the criminally insane and the rest of the boys of deviation, are all here on the world's stage in different editions of the same ole, same ole souls.   And these same ole souls are forcing people to be educated in environments of immorality and rampant substance abuse where the thinking of impressionable young minds are programmed into junk-science and a denial of man's true reality is literally outlawed.  And these souls and their minions want to disarm the public and leave them defenseless.  

Hitler instituted gun control, so he could eliminate the people's ability to oppose him.   The soul of Hitler is here in the world today.   Hitler and Stalin were both inspired speakers who could mesmerize the masses -- Obama's supporters portray him as the expected messiah.   New York instituted gun control which was promoted by a corrupt politician Sen. Tim Sullivan who use his political clout to disarm the immigrants so they could not protect themselves against the rampant NYC corrupt political machine.   Whenever the people are denied self-protection through gun control, murder, rape, muggings, robbery, home invasions all drastically increase.   All mass shooting take place in gun free zones.   Chicago is the perfect example of gun control related crime in the United States.    

Why do Secular Progressives demand gun control and the public be disarmed.   Obama's friend George Soros who regularly visits the White House, has expressed the desire to collapse our Constitutional form of Government, and institute Marxism.    Obama is presently undermining the financial structure on America.    Obama is presently importing Mexican and South American street thugs and cartel members, and providing them safe-haven in the United States.   If the American People permit themselves to become unarmed in any manner, they will upset the balance of Constitutional Power and could become comrades, subjects, and even modern surfs to the Secular Progressive elite.    Americans have a Constitutional Right to own what is erroneously portrayed as assault rifles with large capacity magazines, in order to protect and sustain their God-Given Constitutional Rights. 

Esoteric Reality Of The School Shootings

Let us first begin with a few facts in further support of the previous article Why Are There School Shootings?

The scriptures are correct and that all events not only have a pre-existing cause -- but these events can be foreseen by those involved.   Why?   Because the souls of all of those involved knew that the school shooting of these children would take place in the manner that it did even before they entered this life.  But the facts are: (1) in the same way that the Jews were in denial with respect to the repayment of a karmic debt with Hitler -- and they rejected the wisdom of their own Jewish mystic (see Conditions Of One's Birth - Life - Death) -- so too will the denial be on the lips of both the parents, and the ideological rants of those with an agenda; (2) even when the issues are properly set before the court, they refused to even hear it (see The Cross And The Seat Belt); (3) and even when it is demonstrated that both our linear-driven culture and the manner in which we educate our children directly inhibits the child/person not only from being able to foresee such events, but also to connect with their higher soul-self who both perceives the originating causal factor and the exact time and date that the event will transpire (see Intuitive Mind vs Linear-Rational); (4) and that even though it is easily proven that the whole foundation of our fossilize junk-science that we base our culture and manner of education on has long been proven to be in error -- for mostly political/commercial reasons both our secular and sectarian leaders refuse to in any manner acknowledge the facts and the truth when it is presented to them.  

The scriptures are written in what can be called the allegorical Language of the Soul, because all of Nature is composed in this same Language.   And in the same way that you must apply the Key of Knowledge to begin to grasp the true meaning of the scriptures, you must in like manner begin to properly apply the Key of Knowledge to unlock the meaning of the outer world that has been rightly portrayed by Jesus as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- which is parallel to the analogy of Plato's Cave.  Which is why the Gospel of Thomas declares (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..." (Gospel of Thomas).  The scriptures are a text-book designed to teach you the principles of the Language of the Soul and the allegorical world in which you dwell, so that you will do as portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son and return to your Spiritual Source of Being.   The process worked for me when I lived as the Brother of the man Jesus (see ) -- it worked for me in a later life as a canonized saint -- and it worked for me over the course of many other lifetimes -- as it has worked for me in this present life when I was dispatched into this world to tell the people the Truth and guide them in TheWay.  But because the ideologues, the sectarian and secular authorities, and especially our educators, refuse to even consider the facts -- but continue to cling to a mental and philosophical foundational paradigm of thinking that is in the process of bringing about our own self-destruction -- i.e., in the words of William A. Tiller: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination” (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University - quoted at Whats Wrong With Wearing A Seatbelt?) -- that if we don't begin to re-evaluate the meaningless and self-destructive lives that we are presently living, that the conflict which took place in Sandy Hook school, will become commonplace as the very structure of our government and culture collapses from within.     

The below is my answer to a gun control question:

My interests in writing the articles  Why Are There School Shootings?  and  The Law Of Octaves And The Second Amendment is not in any manner to promote gun rights -- but rather, to understand the causal reality of the Natural Laws of this world which of course are personified in the words: The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God.   But it is important to recognize that holographically, genuine science and religion have proven beyond all doubt that we are dwelling in a Cosmic Body that is imbued with the same Divine Pattern as our own body-mind -- and that the ability to defend ourselves from attackers, parallels that of a healthy immune system of the body as explored in the article  The Law Of Octaves And The Second Amendment.  It is not an accident that the worst crimes are committed in gun free zones -- the example being that John Holmes who shot up the Colorado cinema, passed by three other cinemas that were not gun free zones (see Gun Free Zones - The Most Dangerous Places In America).  Moreover, at the present time the political leaders of the United States are in the process of importing Mexican and South American thugs and cartels into the country -- and these gangs are literally taking control of large sections of our country which rightly can be declared to be third-world nations within our borders.    There are places in this country -- i.e., Los Angles, Chicago, Detroit, and many large cities under Secular Progressive control -- where the government is the local street gang cartel that rules the culture.   And the very guns which the Secular Progressive ideologues want to prohibit, would in fact be the first line of defense when the family is forced to defend itself from the cartels that are taking over whole segments of our cities.  Not to understand the causal factors of the events in this life, is to blindly walk out onto a freeway at night with dark clothing on.   Not to understand the causal factor, is to play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.   And in this respect the predominant causal factor is made up of a number (twelve-fold) sub-causes that would have to be realized as both independent and contributing to the whole.   

In the same way that the Jews had to repay a karmic debt at the hands of Hitler (see Conditions Of One's Birth - Life - Death), no doubt some of the parents of these children are themselves inheriting the negative karma incurred in the previous lives that their soul has lived i.e., “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).   But the Laws then take these lesser causal factors, and roll them out into a Causal Factor of a Higher Order, which has the effect of satisfying the Laws in a multifaceted manner.   While we can't even begin to address the lesser causal factors that brought all these children and families together in this larger episode, we can examine the larger causal factor which is of the primary concern to the American People.   The bottom line is that the children's lives were not safe in the school environment; the children's lives were snuffed out by a stranger who was mentally  and even deranged; and while the school administrators and teachers believed they were acting in the best interests of the children, their actions failed to protect the children from the reality that consumed the very life of innocence that was violently snuffed out.     

As stated in the Gospels, all events in this world have a pre-existent cause.   And while most Christians are in denial of the scriptures which state that God ordains both the good and the evil -- the evil being a corrective action brought about by the people themselves -- the Christian's condition of profound ignorance is the direct result of the elimination of important teachings which were removed from the Gospel text (see   And when important teachings were outlawed by a series of Roman Emperors (see Religion Of Roman Emperors), the effect was the Spiritual Castration of the Church (see Spiritual Castration).   

In this instance the events that transpired at Sandy Hook school not only satisfied the (pre-existent) causal factors of each of the individuals involved -- but the events initiate a series of new objectives that spawns a twelve-fold sub-factors that must be confronted in the future.   While those people who see only one face in the twelve-fold crystal, and attempt to focus only on one of the faces (see The Enigma Of The Twelve - The Laws - And The Tree Of Life ), what the parable of the twelve-faced crystal that Jesus taught also presents the reality that, in order to raise up one's consciousness and be able to perceive the One Light that is the Source, you must have the vision to perceive the allegorical enigma of what is being presented.    In view of the fact that our higher soul-self (see perceives all events and realities of this world from the Primary Causal Factor -- while acknowledging the secondary twelve-fold factors that provide the environment for the Primary Factor to Manifest -- it is important for seekers to begin to open their perception and thinking to the reality of the Primary Cause -- while acknowledging the existence of the lesser causes.    While from man's organic perception the public schools may seem to be a good idea that addresses the need to overcome ignorance and illiteracy, it remains true that on a larger scale the public school agenda, curriculum and environment is not only inflicting grave harm on the child that would include death from a higher soul-perspective -- but in its alienation of the child from its true self, it is a valid statement that the child has been cast into the hands of the Master Abortionist.    Jesus taught that unless you bring about the next stage of birth that you in no manner can enter into Life -- and both the public schools, our self-serving hedonist culture, in conjunction with our spiritually castrated churches, all inhibit the birth process from being brought about.  Why?  As stated in the Enigma Of The Segmented Mind, only a fractional segment of both self and higher reality can manifest in the physical which is limited to three-dimensions.   Which means that all we can perceive with our physical senses, is an allegorical manifestation that is representative of symbols impressed into this world which, when properly understood, provides us insight into the Greater Causal Factor that is impossible to manifest within the limits of these three dimensions.   But we do have the symbolism of the derangement of the mind that is snuffing out and killing the young children in an environment where those in charge have left them unprotected.   What is the cause of the derangement?   This must be seen as a separation and even alienation from higher reality -- which in this case is the alienation of the child from its true self on the alter of Secular Progressive ideology and philosophy that is barring the life-giving teachings of TheWay from being taught -- placing an insurmountable obstacle between the child and the One Teacher that can enlighten them to all Truth (see The True Prophet).    Resulting in a life of mental impairment and spiritual disenfranchisement -- which in effect, squanders away the very Life of the Child.   And while we can observe the ideologues in a contrived rage in their attempt to promote gun control and the further deterioration of God-Given Rights -- attempting to insure that the crisis has not gone to waste -- but is to be used to advance the very evil agenda which they impose upon the people -- they are in effect self-condemned.   The question is whether the people and their religious leaders they look to will further surrender to the sacrifice of their children and God-Given Rights on the alter of Secular Progressive Ideology?



   Limits Of The Organic Mind - Linear Thought And Fragmentation: While from a human perspective it could be asserted that there is an inherent congenital defect in the hearing of man that causes him to falsely hear the interval between the third and fourth sequences of an octave as if it were a whole-step -- regardless of the fact that it is a half-step in the frequencies of the musical sequence -- in failing to understand the reality and higher purpose of this long ignored phenomena, it is as if mankind continues to dwell in a self-imposed Dark Ages that has gravely inhibited his progress.   In fact, all the poverty, all of man's sufferings, violence, conflict and bestiality that men inflict upon other men, is all the result of man's self-imposed ignorance of the knowledge of the Laws.   On the other hand, Mystics and those who have long understood the movement of the Laws of Creation have known that this interval between the third to fourth sequence is in fact a testing point of the Laws -- a test for Completeness and Wholeness to see if we are prepared to move beyond that point in the physical and mental limitations of the body-vessel.   But it has been virtually impossible for natural organic man to make any real progress beyond the level where he is presently at, because pseudo-intellectuals reject the wisdom that has been presented to them.   The biblical authors all warned that man's higher soul and spiritual reality as set forth in what was portrayed as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, was beyond the comprehension of organic man in his natural (earthly-carnal) mindset (see Mystery Of The Gospel) -- and yet, both man's religious and political leaders have long ignored their witness.  

In the same way that man is deaf and oblivious to the fact that the third to fourth and seventh to eighth sequence of the musical scale that he hears in not a linear progression as he imagines, he in like manner remains oblivious to the fact that both his line of vision and his rational linear thought that he relies upon to evaluate his experiences in this world, is subject to the same testing and twisting that is easily demonstrated in his hearing.    What this means is that organic man's rational thinking is totally unreliable to evaluate what he sees and evaluates, because what appears to be linear, is an illusion that he is not at all even aware of.   In the same way that the listener is not aware of the frequency shifts when the notes of an octave is played back to him -- and what sounds to his physical ears to be a linear incremental progression is not at all true -- the same is true with respect to both his vision and what he would consider rational thought and reasoning.  

The result is man's inherent blindness and suppressed rationale that inhibits his ability to properly evaluate what he thinks he sees and understands.   Why?   Very simply, because of the carnal blindness inflicted upon man by virtue of the organic limitations of the body-vessel -- and when these natural organic limitations are understood, the reality which confronts man is seen in his inability to grasp only a mere fragment of what he sees and comprehends.   And perhaps the perfect example of the problem is presented in a poem by John Godfrey Saxe which is based upon a fable told in India.   It is a good warning about how our inhibited sensory perceptions and limited organic logic can lead to some serious misinterpretations -- especially when the investigations of the component parts of a whole, and their relations in making up the whole, are inadequate and lack co-ordination.


It was six men of Indostan, To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation, Might satisfy his mind

The First approached the Elephant, And happening to fall Against his broad and sturdy side, At once began to bawl: "God bless me! but the Elephant  Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk, Cried, "Ho! what have we here, So very round and smooth and sharp? To me 'tis mighty clear,  This wonder of an Elephant, Is very like a spear!"

The Third approached the animal, And happening to take The squirming trunk within his hands, Thus boldly up and spoke: "I see," quoth he, "the Elephant Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out an eager hand, And felt about the knee. "What most this wondrous beast is like, Is mighty plain," quoth he; "'Tis clear enough the Elephant, Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear, Said: "Even the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can, This marvel of an Elephant Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun, About the beast to grope, Than, seizing on the swinging tail, That fell within his scope, "I see," quoth he, "the Elephant, Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan,  Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion,  Exceeding stiff and strong, Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the wrong!

The Moral:  So oft in theologic wars, The disputants, I ween, Rail on in utter ignorance,  Of what each other mean, And prate about an Elephant, Not one of them has actually seen!

From the enlightened perspective of the Mystic, the inherent problem of human blindness is even greater than what is presented in the above fable.  The 90th Chapter of what is known as The Gospel of the Nazirenes preserves this higher reality that plagues organic physical man: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all."

Like the blind men, what is presented in the above Gospel quotation is the reality that by Law, different men perceive the same truth differently -- and that each perception of the one truth is both valid, and fragmented.   And in understanding the Laws and their effects upon organic man, the Deist framers of the Constitution insured that each position based upon each individual man's perception, was protected.    Our Constitutional framers understood that because each man's perception, understanding and mind is segmented -- and that in his organic natural condition, each man is only able to see mental forms and allegorical symbols (see above The Allusions Of The Forms Of Matter) that have been impressed into the images of nature -- that each individual man's perception is not only representative of a valid perspective even though it is different than that of other men -- but that each man's fragmented perspective is an integral part of the Whole.   But because each man's perception and understanding is a fragment of the whole, few men possess the intelligent perception to realize the fact that his rational linear reasoning is totally insufficient to evaluate what his very limited perception and organic consciousness is presenting to him.   And it was the realization of this reality that organic man was inherently blind to by virtue of the limitations of his physical senses and consciousness, that was expressed in the shock of Einstein (see Science Proves Religion) when he stated: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.   In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”   Which confirms what Einstein wrote in analysis that “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics) -- and the words of physicist Walter Thirring who wrote that modern physics “…has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field(Urbausteine der Materie).  

What this means is that only the Mystic who has endeavored to consciously develop his latent intuitive spheres of mind, possesses the ability to observe and comprehend what man's very fragmented linear-rational (intellectual) thinking is totally blind to -- which enables the Mystic alone to perceive the source and underlying causes in the Etheric Field that is the source of what man perceives in the forms of matter.   Thus, Mystics have long warned mankind that the reality of this world of appearances is not at all what is seems to be through the perception of man's physical eyes and senses -- i.e., that there is a great deal more that man's senses and perception cannot detect or even imagine.   And this same enigma of the limits of man's physical senses was noted by Albert Einstein who concluded with respect to man's dilemma when he stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."    And what the Mystic has warned is that because man's religious, philosophical, cultural and educational institutions "...have created a society that honors the [rational] servant and has forgotten [and suppressed the development of] the [intuitive] gift" -- thus, blinding mankind to the underlying cause of all that man sees and experiences in this world, man remains perpetually lost and blind in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- or what the philosopher portrayed in the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave (see Cave) .   

When properly and factually understood, there is absolutely no difference between the findings of the enlightened scientist, the original disciples of Jesus, the Apostle Paul who attempted to warn organic man of his inherent blindness to his own higher soul-reality ( see Mystery), and the enlightened Mystic -- except, perhaps, the key word enlightened.   But the very word enlightened raises the crucial question as to how one even becomes enlightened?   Certainly not by disputing others over opinions based upon very fragmented and limited perceptions of truths that are incomprehensible to the natural organic mind of man.   With great wisdom and vision Einstein stated "Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible."    But since the vast majority of modern scientists who develop only the linear-intellect and totally discard the intuitive, in their blindness they reject even the existence of the invisible -- resulting in the fact that the scientific community has rendered itself impotent with respect to any real depth of perception and understanding.   Paul conveyed the exact same message to the congregation of believers that Einstein stated in the above words:  "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).    Which means that we first must recognize not only that the unseen which is the source of what we see exists, but also that be can develop the ability to see what organic man is blind to. 

When Paul wrote that "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world..." (Col 2:8 NIV) -- he was making reference to philosophies, human traditions and basic principles that were founded upon a linear-logic perception and understanding of this world.    When Paul warned that the wisdom of this world comes to naught, it was because of the blind illusion of man's linear-logic that causes him to arrive at defective assumptions.   When the scriptures warn that "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12) -- once again this warning is based upon the illusions of man's comprehension based upon his dismissal of the intuitive and almost sole reliance on intellectual linear-logic.    



When Paul stated to the congregations that they should "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5 NIV) -- what he was stating was to be totally conscious of the thoughts which are in fact controlled by the Law of Octaves, to insure that the thoughts generated make an inner connection between the disciples lower earthly nature as manifest in the body-vessel, and their higher spiritual nature that organic man is blind and oblivious to.   The developing of the mind through the capturing of one's own thoughts, is the basis for the warning of Jesus in the Gospels: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36 KJV).   And that one must overcome the Laws working in the body is the reason it is written in the Epistle of James: "…bridle the whole body" (James 3:2 KJV).   While this may appear totally alien from the perspective of the modern Christian who fully indulges in the unbounded excesses of our present-day cultural lifestyle, the Apostle Paul confirmed the validity of these words from a New Covenant perspective when he wrote of the necessity to "…beat my body and make it my slave..." (1 Cor 9:27 NIV).  Moreover, when Paul stated that salvation is by faith over the ritual works of the Law of Moses, the reality that faith meant an entirely different thing to the Apostle Paul than what is being preached from our pulpits today, can be seen in Paul’s commandment to all who would call themselves a Christian to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).  If the congregation of believers could simply have faith, without living a Consecrated Life set apart from the thinking and lifestyle of the people of this world, then Paul would not have warned the believers of the simple-faith that: “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV).   To mortify the deeds of the body takes work -- a great amount of work -- and this work cannot be accomplished through a static faith.   The problem is that these biblical commandments have absolutely nothing in common with the doctrine of faith that was developed by MarReligionAsSystemOfEducationtin Luther in the Middle-ages.   In later chapters I will explore the effect of our modern sexualized culture and its devastating effects upon men and women -- which was also warned by Paul in the full statement at Col 3:5 where he writes: "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."     In most instances the effects of our modern culture totally inhibit the person from overcoming the Law of Octaves in their body-mind.  

  Religion As A System Of Education: How important is the development of the latent intuitive spheres of mind associated with Mysticism?    What is today known as faith-based religion is portrayed in the Bible as the elementary teachings designed specifically for entry-level congregations of believers.    What the Apostle Paul portrayed as the "testimony" of Christ, was set forth to the people he converted as a starting point.  And when it is understood that the objectives of the original teachings of TheWay were in fact parallel to the objectives of our modern educational systems -- i.e., "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” -- with the religious objective of attaining the necessary developmental expansion of mind that enables the seeker/disciple to overcome the Laws of Nature as manifest in the physical body-vessel, and learn directly from the Source of all Knowledge -- and the objective of learning from the Source is in fact the very reason and purpose that all of Creation was brought into existence to bring about in the eternal reality of the soul of mankind -- then further comparisons between the purpose of religion and the educational systems of man can be made.   If the objective of our educational system is to obtain a university and graduate degree, then the beginning of the educational process starts with pre-school or kindergarten -- an entry-level environment which is necessary to prepare the student to embrace the process of higher learning.   In the same way that you can't enroll an immature student in a college or university, so too must entry-level Christians be exposed one step and level at a time, in a religious-based process that brings about their own spiritual maturity and attainment.    And this foundational design and objective of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay is explored in the foregoing subheading entitled The Mystery Of The Gospel .    And it is further demonstrated that the pre-Nicene Church (before 325 CE) very much resembled a spiritual healing center that was totally focused on the objective of the development of the seeker/disciple, one level at a time, of the congregation of believers (see The Secret Doctrine  ) -- where the Church was accused of being a Secret System that taught the spiritually mature a totally different doctrine than the congregation of believers.   And in reply to the allegations against the Church by the pagan philosopher Celsus, it was noted that the elementary doctrines which survive today as the foundation of faith-based Christianity, was said to be “...preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief” (Origen Contra Celsum) -- i.e., a starting point.    So what happened?   In the article  The Secret Doctrine, the pre-Nicene Church is presented in its finest moments as a three-tier healing system which served the needs of the people at every level of the process.  But what happened?  In time the proverbial saying that the inmates took over the institution came to pass -- and the charlatan political leaders of the lower echelon put to death the genuine spiritual healers who were the original core and spiritual essence of the Church.   Resulting in the reality that the entry-level beliefs became the only surviving teachings, when the original Ebionite Nazirenes and Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians were hunted down and murdered because they refused to accept the doctrines of the Emperor of Pagan Rome who ruled over the Church beginning in the fourth century.

Again, there is a parallel relationship between the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, and our modern-day cultural educational systems.   When a child is first introduced into the system as an entry-level student, what is presented to the child is a vision of the final result where the graduate student is able to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, computer programmer or some other professional.   In America even the thought is presented to the child that they, too, can grow up to be the president.   The child is told that if they ardently embrace the objectives of the educational system -- prepare their minds through proper study and application -- that they can arise and fulfill all cultural expectations and find great success in their lives.   In the original teachings of TheWay, the seeker/disciple was taught that they, too, could mature to the point, where they could and would do all that their brother Jesus did.   Contrary to pagan Church dogma, the original disciples taught that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ." Hence, when a seeker/disciple "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  And that this fact was originally presented in the Gospels is easily proven in the article The Ten words.    Which also proves that the Deists were correct in their (see above) assertion that the "...original pure religion had become corrupted by 'priests' who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests of the priesthood in general."

From the vision presented to the entry-level student in our own educational systems, the promise of success is never presented from the perspective of the dropout -- or those who flunk out and fail to take advantage of the learning environment that the educational system provides to the student.   It is not at all suggested that you can hangout in school without study and application, and collect your university degree by merely putting in your time and going through the motions of attending school.   And what is not at all understood  today, is the fact that the promise of the scriptures is parallel to that of the promise presented to the child who enters our educational system -- in that, the promise of the scriptures portrays the reality of those who sincerely engage and complete the process of the original objectives of  "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” (see Separation Of Church And State), will attain the promised results -- and this promise cannot be achieved by those who become spiritual dropouts -- i.e., "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).   But as the original teachings became institutionalized under secular control, charlatan priests and clergy (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata at ) peddled dogmatic shortcuts that they seduced the people into believing, which manmade dogma eliminated the need to strive and fulfill the original spiritual objectives of "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” -- with a greater number of dogmatic dispensations being invented in order to circumvent the process of higher development --  to the degree where the focus of the priests became the dispensing of instant salvation for the purpose of acquiring mammon and the political power over the people.   And when the remaining spiritual core of Spiritual Christians objected, they were condemned as heretics, hunted down and murdered.   As an example of how the Christian world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of the secular priests and emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by the Emperor Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon the Church when he "...banished the pope to Egypt , and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he ultimately did" (see ).    After accepting the decree of the emperor after seven months of imprisonment on an island, the pope met with an untimely death.    Most of the modern-day doctrines of the Church was forced upon the Christian world in this same violent manner -- and the vast majority of modern-day believes are all victims of what has come to be known as the Stockholm Syndrome.

Wise men have long understood that what is holographically true with respect to the unfolding of the sequence of the steps that form an octave in music, is in like manner holographically true of all the organic Laws of Creation.   Which means that an initial movement in the first sequence which is portrayed in music as that sequence of Doe, is automatically checked in the reflection of the second sequence of Re -- and is tested in the third-force sequence which is the fruit of the first and second sequences leading into Mi -- resulting in either a twisting of the sequences in a manner that man's organic senses do not immediately sense and recognize, or the opening of a new door/gate that is beyond the perception of organic man whose efforts remain earth-bound in the turning of the sequences.   In fact, the senses of man are imbued with a natural progression that is endemic to his being, that is ultimately responsible for his success or failure in any endeavor.   The expanse of time -- or even the unfoldment of the movement, is all built into the natural progression of the Laws.   Thus, the time-span between the initial movement and the reflective second sequence which is the initial feed-back of the Laws, is greatly dependent upon the complexity and proportions of the first cause of the initial movement of the sequence.    And this natural progression evolves in the third-force which is the fruit of the two initial sequences.   And wise men who understand the Laws, comprehend that it is at this point where the natural progression is tested and either turned back upon itself in the manner of a person who has arisen to the highest point in his attempt to jump and defy gravity -- or, if the organic twisting of the progression of the sequences are overcome, to move onward beyond natural organic physical limitations.  

In the case of examination by reason, human reasoning must itself contain a large degree of fullness, in order to begin to open the door/gate that gives birth to the facilities of Higher Reasoning that is beyond organic limitations.   For the reasons outlined in the article An Inconvenient Truth, the Apostle Peter portrays the initial tests of human reasoning as the tests presented in what he portrays the scriptures as the Mystery of the Books with the Power to Deceive.    If your vision of either the scriptures, or any aspect of life itself, is immature and lacks depth of understanding, then you will fail the tests that are written into the text of the scriptures as a test -- as are the inconsistencies that you encounter in all of life.   And thus, Peter states that "...Let not any one of you, therefore, altogether complain of Simon, or of any one else; for nothing happens unjustly, since even the falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason presented for a test.”     What is the reason for the test?   In the same way that for our own good, such things as the Law of Gravity checks our attempt to become free of the influence of the earth -- the Laws which bring about the natural progression of our movements, are themselves imbued with the innate bio-feedback qualities to test and check these same movements for wholeness and fullness -- because it is impossible for what is incomplete to succeed beyond a certain step or progression in the sequence of actions.    In the same way that an embryo that is not correctly balanced across the spectrum of male/female chromosomes is in most cases self-aborted and miscarried, so too is all the efforts of man checked by the very Laws that initiated the natural sequences of progression, imbued with the power to return the movement to its initial sequence in accord with the results of the testing at the third to fourth sequence of progression.      

By virtue of the self-initiating testing of the Laws, without an understanding of the what the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, all governments are doomed to failure -- all religions are spiritually flat-lined -- all philosophies are proven to be spurious -- all seekers will search in vain -- and all efforts of men and women everywhere will remain shallow at best.   And while this knowledge of the Laws can be portrayed as our divine birthright to possess, throughout history only small groups of wise men and women have possessed this knowledge, and have used it for the benefit of both themselves, and other wise men and women who desired the fruit of the Tree of Life that bestows upon the eater thereof, the secretes to unlocking the potential to every aspect of life.    To be ignorant of the Laws that the Deists and other groups throughout history have understood and utilized in the proper way, is to invite absolute failure into one's efforts throughout every aspect of life.  

Deism arose out of what was called the Age of Enlightenment -- also know as the Age of Reason -- and is portrayed in the words: "To understand the natural world and humankind's place in it solely on the basis of reason and without turning to religious belief was the goal of the wide-ranging intellectual movement called the Enlightenment. The movement claimed the allegiance of a majority of thinkers during the 17th and 18th centuries, a period that Thomas Paine called the Age of Reason. At its heart it became a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind that wanted to know and understand through reason based on evidence and proof" (see International World History Project -- subheading The Age of Enlightenment).   And what is not at all understood is the fact that in essence, the summation that the Age of Enlightenment was representative of "...a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind" -- but rather, a continuation of the enduring struggle and perpetual conflict that is presented in the article An Inconvenient Truth.   

Is what we call religion, truly the expression of genuine religion?   Or is what most people call religion more factually secular-religious philosophy that not only inhibits, but is mistaken for genuine spiritual religion?    Throughout man's history the outward forms of religion has always been dictated by the secular or quasi-secular authorities who used traditional religion to control the thinking and lives of the people.    From an historical perspective: If the teachings of Jesus represented the truth of spiritual religion, then the rejection of this truth on the part of the Pharisees is representative of the secularized-religion of the people.   Contrary to popular misconceptions, in the original Gospel teachings the person of Jesus was a man who became the Messiah/Christ (see The Ten Words) -- and having attained this Power of Enlightenment, the man Jesus is portrayed as having achieved Oneness with the Indwelling Logos (Mind of God).     That this essential truth was again rejected by the secular-religion of the Gentiles under the banner of Orthodox, is merely further proof that secular-religion is not the valid expression of genuine religion which is spiritual in nature.    Which means that the Deists who became enlightened and opposed organized religion, did so because of the counterfeit structure of secular-religion in relation to genuine spiritual-religion.

If we pose the question: Is traditional religion a search for truth?  Or is it (1) a means to fill the coffers of the collection plate?  (2) fill the pews in the endeavor to gain political power and advantage?  (3) used by politicians to control the thinking and lives of the people?   In the same way that Jesus was rejected by both the Pharisees and the Gentile Church which both rejected the essential spiritual teachings in favor of manmade dogma -- organized religion is at best a shadow of the original teachings which is represented in the reality of spiritual religion -- which is always condemned as heresy by the authorities who control the thinking of the people.   That those who have been on the side of truth have always been hunted down and opposed as heretics, is representative of the true essence of the struggle and conflict.   To answer the question: Is the traditional religions of the people the truth?   Perhaps the perfect example of the folly of traditional religion is that which can only be portrayed as the insanity of the Christian world with respect to The Jesus Test.   To knowingly edit the words which the Gospel states was spoken by God to mankind in order to adopt pagan beliefs, must be seen as an apostasy even more evil than those who hammered the spikes into the hands of Jesus.

The fact that what we would portray as organic human reasoning must be free to express itself, in order for Higher Reasoning that transcends organic human limitations to be born -- and the development of Higher Reasoning is always one of the key objectives of True Religion -- only with this enlightened (Age of Enlightenment) understanding, can we even begin to understand the perpetual struggle at its core.   Higher Reason and Knowledge which is often portrayed as being esoteric, was always condemned as heresy by the pseudo-religion of common man, because it always threatened the power structure of the authorities -- whether these authorities were quasi-religious in their cloak of appearance, or non-religious and Atheist in their outer form.   In the example of Thomas Paine in the above, while he opposed the Church, he was not only opposed by the king of England -- but he was prosecuted in absentia and sentenced to death for opposing the power structure of England which used the religious cloak in its endeavor to control the thinking of the people.   Therefore, it must be understood that when we attempt to define the conflict between reason and religion, it is imperative to recognize that traditional religion is pseudo-religion -- and quasi-religion at best.   And that the real conflict is in fact an internal religious struggle between the outer spurious system of counterfeit religious-facade and the pseudo-authorities who use and control that facade like wolves in sheep's attire, in their perpetual war with the inner core who are representative of the spiritual essence of religion -- who are portrayed as heretics and enemies of both church and state.      @@@###

Confining our present understanding to that of our Common Era, when the Church of the Roman Empire hunted down and murdered the Ebionites and Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians who refused to adhere to the religious doctrines of the emperor, the Spirit of Christianity was put to death, and what was preserved was a corpse that was secular in nature -- and had absolutely nothing in common with the essence of the original spiritual teachings of Jesus.   That valid religion must be spiritual in nature -- and spiritual religion is based upon a foundation of genuine knowledge and the expression of reason in all things -- then we must reevaluate the statement that the Age of Enlightenment was representative of "...a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind" -- and instead recognize that what is spurious and counterfeit always opposes what is true and genuine.   Further, we must also recognize that in order for Higher Reasoning to be born, what can best be portrayed as organic human reasoning must be unshackled and free to express itself in its avenues of inquiry.    The fact that truth is never diminished by disbelief -- and reason is never negated by irrationality -- insures that Higher Truth and Reason is perpetually awaiting rediscovery whenever it is hidden under the garb of man's folly, superstition and ignorance that is promoted by pseudo-religion and counterfeit authority.   

In the example of Christianity: When Jesus warned that the vast majority of mankind dwells in what he portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), what is not understood is the fact that this disenfranchised condition which is often portrayed as man's organic blindness to what lies beyond his physical senses, is the result of man's own mindset that alienates him from the Source of Truth within himself.    What is important to recognize is the fact that the solution to overcoming the blindness that Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, was for the individual to put on the necessary "wedding garment".    And it must also be noted that those people who were considered the "chosen ones", received an even worse fate than the common people who had not yet put on the "wedding garment".    And the fact that the scriptures openly warn that the fate of the believers who are complacent, is worse than that of the unbelievers (see ) -- and when analyzed, this complacency can only be portrayed as Christian Insanity (see The Jesus Test) -- then it becomes truly difficult to even understand how the congregation of believers even think.

And once this segmentation of mind and being is understood as the natural result of the Laws which the Deists often referred to as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, it is man's own disenfranchised condition of mind brought about by his ignorance of these Laws  that not only alienates him from the Source of Truth -- but maintains the great barrier to his perception of Truth and Reason which the biblical author's warned was beyond man's organic mindset (see Mystery).   In the same way that a great mountain range creates a barrier between a lowland and what exists on the other side of the peaks, there exists a natural organic barrier that is both created, and maintained by the natural Laws -- and this barrier exists within the mind of man that insulates him from what lies beyond.   Again, from a Christian perspective, this esoteric knowledge of the Laws was taught to the disciples by Jesus -- and it was this body of esoteric knowledge that permitted them to escape and move beyond the organic barrier within their own mind and being -- enabling them to enter the Inner Kingdom and learn all Truths from the Source.    That this body of esoteric knowledge was lost by the Church -- and became outlawed as heresy by the pseudo-authorities of the Church -- only means that the Church by virtue of its adoption of Pagan Roman doctrines of belief, disenfranchised those who adopted and embraced the system of pseudo-religious beliefs.    In contradistinction, those who released themselves from the shackles of manmade Church dogma, and pursued a search from Truth, were able to meet with varying degrees of success because the Source of Truth remains within them beyond the natural barrier maintained by the Laws (of Nature and Nature's God).   That the acquisition and access to Higher Reasoning, is therefore born from the enlightened exercise of human reasoning that enables a person to reject the superstition and manmade dogma of the Church in their search for truth, represents an integral element of the true Spiritual Religious Path of True Enlightenment.    Therefore, the Deists who emerged out of the Age of Enlightenment, applied the God-Given Gift of Reason and Knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, to reject the dogmatic folly of traditional institutionalized religion which was manmade and maintained under secular control, as a spring-board to tap into the Source of Higher Reasoning that resided on the other side of the natural barrier within their own mind and being -- as is the case with all of mankind.    Therefore, those who we call Deists today were very much the seekers of the esoteric knowledge that was possessed by the original disciples of Jesus -- and thus, they were truly Gnostic (Experiential Spiritual Knowledge).  

In many respects, after the people broke free of the folly of the Church of Rome, it can be realized that Deism grew out of the absolute irrationality and insanity that was promoted by the leaders of the Reformation, Calvin and Luther -- i.e., Deism stood in opposition to Luther's Folly which was a total rejection of rational thought as seen in Luther's declaration “Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    Deists understood the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, because they received this esoteric knowledge directly from the Source -- which is in fact the same true objective as traditional religion which modern people associated with Deism portray as "revealed religion".    While this body of esoteric knowledge was always available to all of mankind, they perpetually alienated themselves from the Source of Knowledge because they subjected their thinking to the doctrines and dogma of men.   Further, in not understanding the application of the Key of Knowledge, even the modern neo-Deists are as ignorant of the true meaning of the scriptures as is the faith-based religions which they often oppose.   

Those who understood the Laws, and had themselves began to embrace and tap into the Higher Reasoning and Knowledge of the Source, understood that the true purpose of the Constitutional form of government in the United States was to create the necessary environment that would enable man to achieve his true potential of enlightenment.   The manmade doctrines and pseudo-knowledge of the Church, stood in direct opposition to man's process of advancement and enlightenment.   But, in the same way that the American people have not even begun to bring about the full potential which the Constitution was envisioned to manifest, neither has the Church envisioned the true potential or meaning of the very Bibles which they champion and promote.   And in this respect, both our Constitutional form of government and the Gospels have been drawn from the same Source -- in order to open the door to the same objectives -- and because the people have failed to seize the opportunity that both our Constitutional form of Government and the Gospels have presented, mankind remains under a cloud of self-imposed ignorance.    @@@

While it is true that the American people do not at all understand the Deist foundation of the Constitution, perhaps even more objectionable is the fact that a segment of modern Atheists has begun to promote themselves as Deists on the basis of the Deist opposition to organized religion.   The problem is seen in the fact that the Deists were not at all Atheists -- and their very enlightened understanding of the Laws which are embodied in the words: "...the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...", are representative of a mind enlightened by Creator-God.   What the Atheists fail to understand is the fact that it is the expansion of Reason beyond organic carnal limitations that is responsible for the position of Deism as presented in the words: "Deism the standpoint that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that a supreme being created the universe. Further the term often implies that this supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe. Deists typically reject supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles, tending to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life. Deists believe in the existence of God without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority or holy books" (see Deism).  What the Christian fails to understand is the fact that the man known as the Apostle Paul basically stated the same exact truths that are expressed in the above words which most Christians condemn.   And what the quasi-Atheists who claims to be a Deist by virtue of their opposition to organized religion fails to comprehend, is the fact that to even hold such a position which the Deists promoted, requires a higher knowledge and reason than what can be associated with normal human consciousness.   Therefore, it can be set forth that either the Deists themselves had access to a higher revelation not perceived and understood by the vast majority of mankind, or they were themselves a fraud because they would have had to manufacture this doctrinal position.   And if the Deists were a fraud, then the Atheists and Secular Progressives are correct in their quest to abandon the Constitution, and the whole concept of UnAlienable God-Given Rights must be seen as spurious.   So, which are they?   The recipient of a higher rational thought by virtue of an enlightened understanding?   An enlightened understanding that enables them to perceive and comprehend what neither the Atheist or Theist possesses the vision to understand?   Or were the Deists just a group of charlatans who manufactured a doctrine in opposition to that held by traditional western religion?   The most important concept in the above statement that neither Theists or Atheists understand is seen in the words that the "...Supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe ...assert[ing] that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life."   Why?   Unless the Deist can explain the position that the Divine Plan of Creator-God "...for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life" -- and further explain how they arrived as such a position that others do not perceive using reason -- then Deism itself must be considered an anti-revealed religion hoax.    Yet, in contradistinction, I can demonstrate the validity of this Deist position by stating: Because the Will and Purpose as set forth in the Objectives of Creator-God was laid down in the beginning, and the very Spiritual DNA of the Laws (of God) are charged with the responsibility of bringing this Higher Will, Purpose and Objectives about, there simply is no need for "...intervention in the affairs of human life".    And that God's Work was Perfect, means that there is no reason for tweaking and intervention in the Divine Plan that faith-based and carnal reasoning is incapable of comprehending.    

With these facts stated, I will briefly demonstrate conclusively that while Deists stated that God can be revealed through the use of Reason, they were not speaking of either carnal reasoning from an Atheist perspective, or the blind-faith reasoning associated with organized religion.   In the same way that there is earthly knowledge and Heavenly Knowledge, there is earthly reasoning which is by its very nature bound and limited to the things of this world, and there is a Heavenly Reasoning and Intellect to which the Laws and Truths of all Realities are presented and revealed to the mind of the spiritually mature Seeker of Truth and the Kingdom.   And that, because both Atheism and organized religion stifles and impedes the development of this Heavenly Knowledge, is the reason why the Deists opposed the Church.   But even more important is the fact that the founding documents and the Constitution of the United States can not only be portrayed as a Gift from God -- but it is this Gift that laid the foundation for men of Heavenly Reason and Heavenly Knowledge to emerge from the ignorance that immersed the Church and Europe in the Dark Ages.    And that man is presently entering a new phase of Dark Ages brought about by the folly of Atheism and carnal reasoning -- and the Church has thus far failed to inhibit this new phase of Dark Ages from engulfing the minds and lives of the people -- is the very reason why the time has come to understand the Deist perspective of the Constitution and the "...Laws of Nature and of Nature's God".

In the same way that, because the Church rejected the original vision and objectives of the original authors of the Gospels -- condemning these holy men of enlightened vision as heretics -- the modern world knows virtually nothing about either the man Jesus, or the core disciples who are allegorically portrayed in the Gospels (see An Inconvenient Truth).   In like manner, because the American people know virtually nothing of any substance regarding the core Deists who, in spite of both the Christians and the elitist's who wanted to form a monarchy like the governments of Europe which they were accustomed to, formed the framework of our Constitutional government that few Americans even comprehend the vision and potential of this Gift from God to mankind.   And I submit that in the same way that the Deists were privy to a higher direct revelation that surpassed the limits of normal human reasoning -- and that this direct revelation of the core Deists was in harmony with the vision and objectives of the authors of the Gospels who were in like manner rejected as heretics -- the framework of the Constitutional government which they brought forth, was borne of this Enlightened Vision that organic man is blind to, by virtue of his own failure to properly develop his higher facilities of mind that is the shared objective of the Gospel authors.   And because Americans are truly ignorant of the knowledge of our Nations forefathers, they are presently squandering away a gift that would be almost impossible to restore once it is lost.  

Atheists and Secular Progressives are presently waging a war with the concept of God-Given UnAlienable Rights -- and because the American people have virtually no understanding of what the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- or how these Laws orchestrate our nations success or failure -- they are rapidly embracing Atheist and Secular Progressive leaders who seek to undermine what they call the whole concept of American Exceptionalism.   Yet, it was the very Laws that the core Deists understood when they designed the framework of our Constitutional form of government, that brought about the unparalleled success of the American people.   And these same American people remain ignorant of both the Laws, as well as the Source of Knowledge that our Deist forefathers tapped into, that motivates a great many of modern Americans to surrender their freedom and liberty to the very forces of worldly power that seeks to enslave them.   Thus, the time has come for the American people to be enlightened as to the higher reality of the God-Given Gift that they are presently squandering away.   Therefore, the next three main chapters and sub-chapters will provide the reader a behind the scenes insight into how and why the core enlightened Deists were able to invoke and use the Laws to benefit the whole of the American people in ways that few understand today.    

Modern man has absolutely no idea with respect to the depth and reality of what would be defined as True Spiritual Religion.    Traditional religion which is faith-based, has basically remained shallow by virtue of rejecting Spiritual Knowledge -- and in practice, it can be said that faith-based religion dwells under the cloak of a Vow Of Ignorance.    To the degree that the majority of the people who consider themselves religious, do not even understand the difference between religion and philosophy.    And to their own detriment, faith-based religion has permitted secular authorities to not only define religion -- placing religion in a very confined box that equates to a spiritual coffin -- but it is in fact this secular perception of religion that has become the downfall of the modern Church.   The clergy who are themselves without a rudder in the sea of confusion, promote Social Justice and Marxist government programs as the fulfillment of the Gospel.   Yet, when the core principles and objectives of the Gospel is truly understood, nothing could be further from the truth than what is being preached from these spiritually disenfranchised pulpits.  

The next chapters below will deal with the Deist framework of our Constitutional form of government which is under severe attack today.   Why is this knowledge important today?   In the words of John Adams:   "But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."   And with the loss of liberty very quickly follows the loss of the essential First Amendment Freedoms that form the basis of enlightenment and the path to man's higher objectives and goals.    Again, John Adams rightfully warned:  “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”    When John Adams makes reference to the need of religion in a Constitutional government, the practice of religion meant something entirely different to him than it does to most Christians today.   As a Deist, in true John Lennon fashion, Adams also said: “This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it”.   Yet, it was this same John Adams who was the vice president under George Washington, and our second president who wrote about the essence of Deism that is not at all understood today: “The ten commandments and the sermon on the mount contain my religion” (see Encyclopedia Britannica: Johan Adams, Deism and Religious Philosophy).    Thus, from John Adam's Deist perspective, religion was the lifestyle and the practice of the person's religious philosophy, which was in fact the means to bring about the manifestation of a person's beliefs in the life that they are living.    The Revelation of Creator-God is not made to a Church or organized religion -- but rather, to individuals who create within themselves a condition that enables them to tap into the Higher Source of Knowledge that both organized religion, Atheists and Secular Progressives all equally reject.   And from a biblical perspective, this spiritual condition is portrayed a the refinement of self to make one's self the "good ground" that Jesus said was required to possess any degree of enlightened reason and understanding (see The Sower And The Seed).   

An interesting and appropriate statement by one of the earliest authorities of the Church is that made by Clement of Alexandria when he compared the inherent weakness of faith-based religion, to that of the Spiritual Christians who had acquired the Sacred Knowledge (Gnosis) of the Kingdom -- i.e., “Faith is the foundation; knowledge the superstructure, by knowledge faith is perfected, for to know is more than to believe. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths; knowledge a sure demonstration of what has been received through faith, being itself reared upon faith through the teachings of the Lord. Thus the Gnostic grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of the world to the end, piercing to the depths of scripture, of which the believer tastes the surface only. As a consequence of this intelligent sympathy with the Divine Will, the Gnostic becomes in perfect unity in himself, and as far as possible like God. Definite outward observances cease to have any value for one whose being is brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal; he has no wants, no passions; he rests in the contemplation of God, which is and will be his unfailing blessedness.”

The problem is that where Clement portrays the reality of "...the Gnostic [who] grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of the world to the end", those who possessed the Divine Knowledge of the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom of God were condemned as heretics by the counterfeit leaders of the Church and the series of Roman Emperors who controlled Church doctrine and dogma.  And thus, because the history of the Church is a perpetual environment of government control of not only Church doctrine -- but also the very definition of religion itself -- this secularized political environment which is actually counterfeit-religion confused with what is genuine spiritual religion, has resulted in the fact that both the faith-based Churches, as well as government, have colluded to embrace this secular definition of religion.    Why?   Why was the segment of the Church that portrayed itself as Orthodox totally ignorant of the core objectives of the Gospel teachings?   Seeking to be benefactors of a worldly government that had the inherent secular power to totally corrupt the Church itself?   Because the Church itself lacks an understanding of the very core objectives of a True Spiritual Religion -- and this fact remains true to this very day.    For the most part, what is practiced in our Churches today would be better defined as secular institutionalized religion that has virtually little to nothing in common with the original core objectives and teachings of Jesus and the Gospels.   In truth, the Churches have lost their way because of the manmade doctrines of belief that were imposed upon the Church by government in the past who used religion as a means to maintain rule over the thinking of the people.   To oppose government authority, was to oppose God -- with the punishment of a promised eternal hell.  

Once properly understood, it can be said that the critics of the Church -- many of whom are Secular Progressives and Atheists -- themselves have absolutely no idea as to the the spiritual reality and objectives of religion with respect to opening the door to achieving man's ultimate potential.   Where the Atheists should be assisting the religious world to escape their beliefs of a self-created Demiurge -- by helping them search for and see the Truth and the esoteric meaning of the written word of the scriptures -- they have instead chosen to walk an equal path of ignorance.   And since all valid knowledge begins with the knowledge of one's self -- i.e., Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas proclaims: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world" -- then the Atheists who reject the self-created Demiurge of much of the religious world, simply has not excuse for their own blind ignorance.  

And as one comes to understand the journey of the soul -- and how, from lifetime to lifetime, the soul often switches polarities in the conflicts of life -- a very different picture of self and this world begins to emerge.   This more enlightened world-view which is portrayed as the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son, is in fact God's Schoolhouse which is necessary to evolve all of mankind from the Alpha of ignorance, to the Omega of Absolute Knowing.   But just as important is the fact that the Laws made reference to by the Deists are seen as the forces and guideposts which accomplish this task of evolving all souls to completion and perfection, by forcing each individual to confront their own actions, inactions and complacency to what they should have done.  Many times this involves a reversal of roles, as each person directly confronts their own past actions and ways.    As an example: Many of the Atheist activists today who oppose the Church, were the fire and brimstone preachers of the more distant past.    Yet, while the Atheists and the faith-based believers often switch polarities from life to life, their common enemy is the people of True Spiritual Religion who seek the Divine Manna (Gnosis/Knowledge) of the Kingdom.    And if we pose the question: Why has the practice of Genuine Spiritual Religion remained suppressed by both church and state?    The answer is very simple -- i.e., it is impossible for those who possess the Knowledge of the soul and the Gnosis of the Kingdom to be led and ruled over by despots -- both secular and sectarian.    And thus, in order to rule over the people, the counterfeit clergy and pseudo-Atheist intellectuals -- in conjunction with despotic secular rulers -- must keep the people ignorant of man's higher spiritual reality.   

The modern congregation of faith-based believers in many ways are the victims of government intervention into the affairs of religion that has brought about the spiritual disenfranchisement of the Church.   In many ways it can be said that they have become afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome -- i.e., they are now championing the thinking and doctrines of their despotic oppressors.   In the same way that Atheists and Secular Progressives are presently striving to undermine the concept of God-Given UnAlienable Constitutional Rights, the political power of fourth century secular Rome intervened in religious affairs, and succeeded in destroying the spiritual essence of the Church when it hunted down and murdered those Christians who refused to accept the religious doctrines of the emperor.   When the pagan Christians who called themselves Orthodox entered into a covenant with the ruthless Emperor Constantine, the first of the Gospel accounts to be rewritten in order to make it better support the doctrines of Pagan Rome, was the Book of Acts (see ).   The original Gospel accounts was focused on the core objective of the return of the prodigal sons and daughters to the Kingdom of the Father which they abandoned in the Alpha of Creation (see ) -- and the Book of Acts was representative of a series of important scriptures which portrayed this evolution of the individual from an existence as ordinary people, into Anointed (Messiah/Christ) men and women who not only knew all Truths, but were allegorically portrayed as being able to perform even greater miracles than did Jesus himself, in the original Gospel accounts.   But, in order to use Christianity to enable both the government and the pseudo-clergy to rule over the people, the very core objectives of the Gospels had to be censored and suppressed.   And thus, it was the initial rewriting of the Book of Acts that caused the Ebionite Nazirenes and the Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians to hold council and decide upon the preservation of seven (7) libraries of scriptures that had not been corrupted by the Church of Constantine (see Pure Scriptures Do Exist).    Why were these more pure scriptures so important to preserve?   Unlike the multitude of faith-based believers, both the Ebionite Nazirenes and the Spiritual Christians understood the journey and perfection of the soul over the course of many lifetimes (see The Ten Reasons Why The Church Rejects The Reality Of The Pre-Existent Soul) -- and the spiritually evolved souls sought to preserve the sacred writings, so they would be available to them when their souls return to this world in a future lifetime (see An Inconvenient Truth).   In understanding the Laws -- and the relevance of the statement: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV) -- by actively defying the emperor and his Church, and working to preserve the pure scriptures -- it was understood that the Laws would return access to these same scriptures to these same souls in the future.   As set forth by the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen: “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis - see Chickens Come Home To Roost).     By properly applying what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge to the scriptures, they were able to spiritually restore themselves and regain access to the Kingdom within.       

While many faith-based religious people may take exception to the above statements, they do so not only to their own pearl, but they reject these statements because they fail to even understand what a Spiritual Religion is.   An institutionalized Church which is common to this world, exists on a horizontal plane.   And because it lacks depth -- failing to grow root within the individual (see  Sower And The Seed), and produce the necessary spiritual fruit that brings about the promised manifestation of the Kingdom within the congregation of believers -- faith-based religion instead (like a politician who seduces the people with their words) promises life after death -- or, the anticipation of a Kingdom that will come upon the earth at some future date when certain unknown requirements are fulfilled.   And it is a fact that every Doomsday prophet has perpetually predicted the End Times in every generation since the scriptures were written.   The only indisputable fact with respect to the countless false prophesies, is that the making of the prophesy has been very lucrative to promote.  The prophets of doom have often lived lavish lifestyles off the collection plate that has been received in the name of God and the approaching End Times.  As perhaps one classic example: Pope Gregory I, who as pope was declared to be infallible, persuaded the rich people in his day that the end of the world was at hand, and if they wanted to go to heaven, they had better pass on their property to the church before the coming of the great day. The result was that the Papacy became the richest land owner in Europe. This same prediction -- that the end of the world has arrived and is imminent -- has been repeated an uncountable number of times in every generation since the beginning of our common era.   The Jehovah's Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists, as well as many other Christian sects, were all born from failed Doomsday Prophesies where the faith-based believers who did not understand the application of the Key of Knowledge, continued to promote their error instead of seeking to understand the spiritual meaning of the End Times prophesies of the scriptures -- each continuing to embrace and promote the error of their understanding into subsequent generations of spiritually disenfranchised believers.    When their prophesies fail to come about as predicted, instead of examining their thinking that caused them to arrive at their erroneous predictions, 

In a faith-based religion where knowledge is shunned and condemned as heresy, blind acceptance is required in the doctrines of the cult's respective leaders -- with the promise of reward or punishment when one's physical life has been culminated here on earth.    In contradistinction, Spiritual Religion is the means to prove the core doctrines of belief while the seeker is still alive in the physical body.    But in order to bring about this higher spiritual objective, one must build upon the proper and balanced framework of mind and being -- i.e., the seeker must become the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower And The Seed.    While faith-based religion does not care about or understand the need for the required foundation, this foundation was paramount in the thinking and objectives of our Deist Founding Fathers who framed our Constitutional form of government.  In understanding the Laws, they acknowledged that each and every man, woman and child is the offspring of their Heavenly Father -- and like the prodigal son, possesses an inheritance that few understand the higher reality of.   Part of the necessary equation is seen in the reality that to bring about the greatest success, the people must be free of despotic rule by both Church and state, in order to manifest the foundational mindset and lifestyle to bring about what is portrayed as the inheritance of the prodigal son.   And thus, the great success -- and what is often portrayed as American Exceptionalism -- is the direct result of the work of our Deist framers to manifest the proper foundation of government that would initiate the Laws that permit advancement, which would in turn inaugurate this great success enjoyed by the American people.  

When properly understood, Judaism has remained a spiritually flat-lined institutionalized religion, because Judaism itself was an ancient Mystery Religion that is not at all understood by the very people who call themselves Jews today.   Jesus condemned the leaders of the Jewish sects of the Sadducees and Pharisees -- not because of their unbelief -- but rather, because they promoted blind faith in the doctrines of men.   What Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge was thrown away by a body of secular minded carnal rabbis such as the Pharisees -- who only possessed a very surface knowledge of the scriptures -- i.e., "Jesus answered and said to them, You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God" (Matt 22:29 NKJ).    Thus, because they lacked true depth of understanding, Jesus portrayed them as blind guides who had thrown away the Key of Knowledge -- i.e., "How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52).    Thus, the test of the validity of the Jewish religious teachers and leaders, was in fact seen as their success in the endeavor to "...enter the Kingdom [them]selves" -- and it was their failure to bring about this spiritual objective that caused Jesus to condemn than as "blind guides" whose spiritual folly "...prevent[ed] others from entering"!!!    But in view of the fact that the Church of Rome followed in the same exact path and footsteps as the carnal Jews, what is stated in Jesus' words is just as applicable to the modern Church, as it was to the carnal Jewish leaders who Jesus condemned.  

  Spiritual Religion: What is a Spiritual Religion?   One of the problems that modern man has in comprehending the validity of religion is seen in the fact that he cannot differentiate and understand the marked differences between philosophy as a theory that is ascribed to, quasi-religious-philosophy which is a faith-based belief system, and genuine religion which is a mindset and lifestyle necessary to prove one's philosophy.  Even the concept that genuine religion is the means to prove one's philosophy, is totally incomprehensible to modern man.  And from this perspective, the vast differences between faith-based religious-philosophy and genuine religion which was embraced by the core visionaries of the Age of Reason, opens the Pandora's Box of the foundation of man's thinking.   The whole concept of religion as a means to prove the Truth -- in contradistinction to blind-faith and speculative belief -- has virtually no place in modern man's understanding.   In many instances, those who are looked upon as esteemed clergy and religious experts and scholars, are merely parroting the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors who oversaw the corruption of the Bible, and ruled over the doctrines of the Church.  Therefore, what we erroneously define as religion today, is in reality little more than speculative religious philosophy that is both secular in origin, and counterfeit from a genuine religious perspective -- and this fact is simply inconceivable to the modern believer who is of the position that he is required to exercise blind acceptance as a test of his faith.   And perhaps even more important is the fact that many of the core visionaries of the Age of Enlightenment -- men and women of evolved Intellect and Reason -- some of whom were the very Deists and Masons who formed the foundational bedrock of the American Constitution -- understood the counterfeit nature of the Church -- because they had personal access to the Pure Source of Truth that should have been the purpose and objective of Christianity to act as guides in TheWay.

When Thomas Paine wrote that his own mind was his Church, what he portrayed was in reality the core difference between a faux-church which is the foundation of Revealed Religion, and Genuine Spiritual Religion. 











Throughout man's history the counterfeit religious leaders who acted in collusion with secular authorities, perpetually hunted down the adherents of Spiritual Religion -- declaring them to be heretics.   In the Middle Ages they held Inquisitions where the faith and belief of the people were tested -- and those who failed the test, were tortured and put to death.   One such example is the case of Giordano Bruno who openly taught the reincarnation of the soul -- (quoting) "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body" (see 30 Quotes On Reincarnation).   And his position on the soul is further presented in the words: "The divine perfection of the individual soul is the aim of all progression" (Giordano Bruno quoted in Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery; Cranston/Head, editors).    Thus, on the higher reality of the soul Bruno wrote: "Within every man there is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought, which lends us wings whereby we may approach the sun of knowledge."   Further stating that: "This principle in man moves and governs the body, is superior to the body, and cannot be constrained by it."  It is Spirit, the Real Self, "in which, from which and through which are formed the different bodies, which have to pass through different kinds of existences, names and destinies."   Giordano Bruno taught that the Law of Reincarnation is indissolubly connected with its twin doctrine of Karma, or "High Justice" -- stating that "Every act performed brings its appropriate reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another body."   In his Spaccio de la Bestia Trionfante, which was published in 1584, Bruno described the condition of a soul who had misused its opportunities on earth, saying that such a soul would be "relegated back to another body, and should not expect to be entrusted with the government and administration of a better dwelling if it had conducted itself badly in the conduct of a previous one."   Thus explaining that there are certain individuals whose "soul-flame" has burned more brightly with each succeeding incarnation, leading them by gradual stages to perfection. "These speak and act not as mere instruments of the divine, but rather as self-creative artists and heroes. The former have the divine spirit; the latter are divine spirits."   With respect to the existence and reality of the Inner Teacher that exists within the self of every person, Bruno wrote that: "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it" (quoted in Life and Teachings of Giordano Bruno : Philosopher, Martyr, Mystic 1548 - 1600 (1913) by Coulson Turnbull).

Perhaps more importantly is the fact that Giordano Bruno can be used as a demonstration of those Christians who did not subscribe to the dogma of Pagan Rome (see Giordano Bruno).   Quoting the article to present the concepts of cosmology which was foundational to Bruno's positions: "Bruno believed (and praised Copernicus for establishing a scientific explanation for the fact) that the Earth revolves around the sun, and that the apparent diurnal rotation of the heavens is an illusion caused by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Bruno also held (following Nicholas of Cusa) that because God is infinite the universe would reflect this fact in boundless immensity. Bruno also asserted that the stars in the sky were really other suns like our own, around which orbited other planets. He indicated that support for such beliefs in no way contradicted scripture or true religion  ...Under this model, the Sun was simply one more star, and the stars all suns, each with its own planets. Bruno saw a solar system of a sun/star with planets as the fundamental unit of the universe. According to Bruno, infinite God necessarily created an infinite universe, formed of an infinite number of solar systems, separated by vast regions full of Aether, because empty space could not exist. (Bruno did not arrive at the concept of a galaxy.) Comets were part of a synodus ex mundis of stars, and not—as other authors maintained at the time—ephemeral creations, divine instruments, or heavenly messengers. Each comet was a world, a permanent celestial body, formed of the four elements.   Bruno's cosmology is marked by infinitude, homogeneity, and isotropy, with planetary systems distributed evenly throughout. Matter follows an active animistic principle: it is intelligent and discontinuous in structure, made up of discrete atoms. This animism (and a corresponding disdain for mathematics as a means to understanding) is the most dramatic respect in which Bruno's cosmology differs from what today passes for a common-sense picture of the universe.  During the later 16th century, and throughout the 17th century, Bruno's ideas were held up for ridicule, debate, or inspiration. Margaret Cavendish, for example, wrote an entire series of poems against "atoms" and "infinite worlds" in Poems and Fancies in 1664. Bruno's true, if partial, rehabilitation would have to wait for the implications of Newtonian cosmology."

In the presentation of the esoteric knowledge that was revealed to the inner core of Jesus' disciples, I greatly expand upon the reality of matter and cosmology of mind throughout this present article in order to present an enlightened picture that must be considered if the disciple is to begin to seek and manifest their true spiritual potential.   In the same way that much of the body of this esoteric Knowledge (Gnosis) was revealed to me by the True Prophet/Son of God, the question becomes: Was Giordano Bruno put to death for expressing the Knowledge that the Inner Logos/Son of God revealed to him directly?   Which means that Giordano Bruno -- as was the case of countless other Spiritual Christians -- was persecuted because he attempted to present to the people important esoteric truths that they must have an understanding of, in order to bring about the fulfillment of the Gospel Objectives within themselves.  

While Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake by the Church of Rome, the leaders of the Protestant Reformation were no different in their war on spirituality.   Michael Servetus, a Spanish theologian, Quoting the Wikipedia: "In 1553 Servetus published yet another religious work with further anti-trinitarian views. It was entitled Christianismi Restitutio, a work that sharply rejected the idea of predestination and the idea that God condemned souls to Hell regardless of worth or merit. God, insisted Servetus, condemns no one who does not condemn himself through thought, word or deed.  ...At his trial, Servetus was condemned on two counts, for spreading and preaching Nontrinitarianism and anti-paedobaptism (anti-infant baptism).  Of paedobaptism Servetus had said, 'It is an invention of the devil, an infernal falsity for the destruction of all Christianity.'   ...In his first two books( De trinitatis erroribus, and Dialogues on the Trinity plus the supplementary De Iustitia Regni Christi) Servetus rejected the classical conception of the Trinity, stating that it was not based on the Bible. He argued that it arose from teachings of (Greek) philosophers, and he advocated a return to the simplicity of the Gospels and the teachings of the early Church Fathers that he believed pre-dated the development of Nicene trinitarianism. Servetus hoped that the dismissal of the trinitarian dogma would make Christianity more appealing to believers in Judaism and Islam, which had preserved the unity of God in their teachings. According to Servetus, trinitarians had turned Christianity into a form of "tritheism", or belief in three gods."

While Michael Servetus did not possess the factual evidence in the form of copies of the pre-Nicene biblical texts and writings of the earliest of Church Fathers which proved that, from an original Gospel perspective, Jesus became the Messiah/Christ at his baptism in the Jordan (see ), the fact is that he was correct.   And his opposition to Church dogma was Spiritual Truth vs manmade dogmatic error that inflicted grave harm upon the body of faith-based believing Christians.   Opposed by both John Calvin and Martin Luther, Michael Servetus was sentenced to burning a slow death for his alleged anti-Trinitarian heresy -- which is easily demonstrated to be false (see The Insertion Of The Doctrine Of The Trinity).    But of equal importance was the validity of the positions which he embraced in opposition to the dogma of Calvin and Luther with respect to predestination.   In the declaration of the Roman Emperor Constantine that Jesus was God -- which dogmatic position is in direct opposition to the original unedited Gospel accounts (see ) -- and the later decree on the part of the Roman Emperor Justinian anathematizing the teachings of the pre-existent soul (see The Journey Of The Pre-Existent Soul) -- it has become impossible for the Christian world to understand the biblical doctrine of predestination (see The Laws That Perfect Mankind).    And by virtue of this removal of perhaps the most predominant and important teaching is the scriptures, it is impossible for the Christian world to understand How Jesus Became The Son Of God -- and the path that each believer and follower of Jesus must themselves walk in order to bring about the next stage of birth within themselves, and accomplish the journey in TheWay.   Thus, the reality of the Church in conflict and opposition to the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, is portrayed in the words: "These things I have spoken to you, that you may be kept from stumbling.  They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God" (John 16:1-2 NAS).   The adherents of Spiritual Religion are Gnostics, because they utilize the Key of Knowledge to gain access into the inner Kingdom, and learn from the One Teacher which has traditionally been called the Logos/Son of God (see Logos).     In contradistinction, the counterfeit religious leaders who have thrown away the Key of Knowledge, always portray themselves as Orthodox -- in the manner of despotic communist regimes which always portray themselves as The People's Republic of....   At the founding of the United States, many who walked the more spiritual path of the Gnostics were known as Deists -- and some were associated with the Masons.   


To understand the essence of a Spiritual Religion vs quasi-religious-philosophy, you must first understand why Jesus condemned and rejected the Jewish teachers and those portrayed as "...experts in religious law" as being spiritually counterfeit.   The allegation of Jesus' words is seen in the fact that there exists what he called a Key of Knowledge -- and when this Key of Knowledge is properly applied, then the person possesses the ability to enter the Inner Kingdom -- i.e., Jesus said to the Jewish authorities: "...For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering."    Thus, the objective of a Spiritual Religion is to reveal and properly apply the Key of Knowledge in such a way, that the person gains access to the Kingdom -- which Kingdom Jesus said was equally within each of us (see Luke 17:20-21 @ ).   And the fact that the carnal Jews who, in their very limited understanding of the scriptures, was teaching the people to look for the Kingdom of God to come outwardly upon the earth -- in the same way that Christians today look for the Second Coming -- it is seen that the leaders of both the Jews and the Christians had in fact hidden and thrown away the Key of Knowledge.   Failing to fulfill the requirement of entering the Inner Kingdom themselves -- which by definition made them blind guides who "...prevent others from entering."  And because the Church followed in the footsteps of the Pharisees, and itself threw away the Key of Knowledge under Roman rule, these same words apply to modern Christians as much as the Jews who Jesus rejected and condemned.



  The Foundation Of The Age Of Enlightenment: To understand what has been called The Age Of Enlightenment, you must first understand the background and journey of men such as Giordano Bruno and his source of knowledge as presented in the above (see Spiritual Religion).    Because few people understand man's true source of knowledge -- or man's ability to tap into a Core Source of Knowledge that reveals All Truths to the mind of the seeker -- it is often suggested that Bruno was speculating with respect to his knowledge of cosmology and the cosmos.   They attempt to reason that man at that time did not possess the technology to fully observe the movement of the heavenly bodies in the universe.   Yet, when rightly understood, nothing could be further from the truth.   Moreover, the men of Wisdom and Reason who vehemently opposed the Church, were in fact the true Christians who opposed the counterfeit Church which was a secularized institution built upon the folly of the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors).    That Deists such as Thomas Jefferson understood this reality, is demonstrated in a letter to Benjamin Rush where he wrote with respect to his religion:  "To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other".     

When the Roman Emperor Constantine annexed and took control of the Christian Church -- opening the floodgates of a mass conversion of pagans to enlist under the banner of the Emperor's Church -- dictating acceptable doctrines of belief, and editing the New Testament to support the dogma that was literally forced by the power of the sword upon Christianity -- the true Spiritual Christians who refused to adhere to the religion of the emperor were hunted down as heretics -- and their more pure copies of the scriptures destroyed.   While the Ebionite Nazirenes and many of the groups of Spiritual Christians came together and hid away seven (7) libraries of scriptures (see Pure Scriptures Still Exist), other copies of scriptures were hidden away from the secularized Roman Church within each of the monasteries.     In many instances, the various Inquisitions that took place was to hunt down and destroy the Spiritual Christians who kept their base of operations and community within many of the monasteries.  

It remains virtually impossible to comprehend the source of the wisdom and knowledge of The Age of the Enlightenment, without understanding that these more pure copies of scriptures which were preserved within each of the monasteries did not teach the Truth -- but rather, revealed the means to tap into the Source of Truth within each person.   When men such as Giordano Bruno made reference to the traditions of the teachers before him (see Spiritual Religion), this was an acknowledgment of the esoteric body of knowledge that had been preserved in many of the monastic orders.    When Bruno wrote of the "Soul-Flame" that exists within each individual -- stating that "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it"  -- the pure and original Gospel teachings revealed the means for each person to begin to tap into this Inner Source Of Divine Light.   And the Wisdom which evolved out of The Age Of The Enlightenment, was the product of the vision and knowledge of those who had learned to tap into this Inner Source of Knowledge -- to whatever degree each was able to.

Why do some men possess a greater capacity to Know Higher Truth than others?   This question is also easily answered in the writings of Giordano Bruno where he wrote that "Every act performed brings its appropriate reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another body."    What this of course means is that each person reaps the results of the accomplishments of the previous lifetimes that their soul has lived.   Those who seek Truth, inherit the potential to acquire a higher level of Truth in the future lifetimes which their soul lives.   Those who acquiesce and subscribe to the very limited dogma of man's religious, philosophical and educational institutions -- failing to seek the Truth within themselves, while adopting the speculation of others -- all fail to not only develop themselves, but also inhibit their potential to even tap into this Inner Source of Truth that each man and woman as the divine offspring of Creator-God has access to as a birth-right.    And thus, in the words of Bruno: "These speak and act not as mere instruments of the divine, but rather as self-creative artists and heroes. The former have the divine spirit; the latter are divine spirits."   

The Theist perspective of God which has been traditionally promoted by the Church, states that man is separate from God.   Whereas, the original Gospel teachings portray man as the prodigal son who has become lost in this world, and is the divine offspring of Creator-God.   All the ancient men of vision and wisdom were Deists -- all understood that the soul of man is a unique expression of Creator-God that is in the process of evolving      As stated in the encyclopedia article on Deism: "Deistic thinking has existed since ancient times" -- and when rightly understood, Theistic thinking is based upon an immature perception and understanding of man's higher soul and spiritual reality.    When the encyclopedia portrays Deistic thinking as having existed since ancient times, what they are making reference to is the teaching that the Logos or Mind of God, dwells within each individual person -- and this parallels the Gospel account of Jesus' command to seek out the One Teacher (see The One Teacher/True Prophet).   And thus, when visionaries within the Church such as Giordano Bruno taught that "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it", he was building this foundation upon the most Pure of Original Gospel Teachings that were suppressed by the later Church which promoted the dogmatic opium of Roman Emperors (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors).    When Thomas Jefferson declared himself a Christian who rejected the dogmatic opium of "priestcraft" and the corruptions of the Roman Emperors -- i.e., "To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself..."  -- Jefferson was in fact expressing the obligation of every True Christian to reject and rid themselves of the corrupting dogma of men and a return to the Core Gospel Principles (see Original Gospel).  

One of the primary factors that Enlightenment is dependent upon, is the proper foundational mindset that has the potential to initiate what the first Christians portrayed as the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind.    If the foundational framework is not in place, then no progress can be achieved -- as stated by Thomas Jefferson: "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong" (Notes on Virginia, 1782).   And from this perspective, the Atheist who proclaims that there is nothing more or beyond what is seen with one's physical senses -- or only what is physically seen is real -- is the blind man "...who believes what is wrong"    Further, the true Deist who understands the Laws of Nature and the Higher Reality of Nature's God, understands that he must use what is seen as a catalyst to perceive and comprehend the larger picture that the Atheist and spiritually immature Theist is blind to.   Moreover, the path of Enlightenment is manifest in opening up the mind and senses to this greater picture that the Atheist and spiritually immature Theist are incapable of perceiving or even grasping the reality of.   And in this respect, the Age Of Enlightenment that gave birth to both the Deist and the Constitution of the United States, was the fruit of developing this greater insight through the expansion and evolution of the centers of mind that enabled the Enlightened Spiritual Visionary to see beyond the limited images danced upon the stage of life.

In the previous chapters on The Law Of Octaves and The Organic Limits Of Linear Thought, I demonstrate that modern physics has not only proven the Atheist to be in grave error with respect to their position that there is nothing beyond what is seen with one's physical senses, but have also proven the Mystic and Enlightened Visionary correct where they state that "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).   Which is exactly what visionaries such as Giordano Bruno witnesses to be the Source of his knowledge.   Thus, at the foregoing subheading the modern physicist is quoted as stating: Einstein (see Science Proves Religion) expressed shock when he stated: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.   In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”   Which confirms what Einstein wrote in analysis that “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics) -- and the words of physicist Walter Thirring who wrote that modern physics “…has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field(Urbausteine der Materie).   

Why is this important?   Because everything that we observe with our physical senses -- everything that we experience -- has its beginning and cause in what the scientist now understands to be the (Etheric) Field -- which is a reality that the linear senses of man is blind to, but can be perceived and understood only as organic man begins to develop his latent Intuitive areas of mind that in most of mankind has remained atrophied and undeveloped.  When physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality of physical matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” -- what he was confirming is that what man sees with his physical eyes, is an image that has been projected into this world of appearances from an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.  In the same way, Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new emerging reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”  What this means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).  What is being stated is that the primary focus of science where only what was seen with one's physical eyes, has now been rendered inadequate and incomplete -- it being focused totally on observable matter -- because the emerging body of facts and evidence now demonstrates that what we perceive physically, is a projection from an UNSEEN Source where True Reality exists.  Which provokes the question: What is being projected?  Thus, the statement by astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality that there is nothing but Projected Thought.   Which means that you are a thought that is being projected in this world by your True-Self that dwells in the reality of an UNSEEN CAUSAL FIELD.  

Modern Deists promote the adage that they represent the religion of Reason -- but how Knowing is Reason that is totally blind to the Causal Factors of all experiences and realities that transpire in this world?  Without having access to what exists in the UNSEEN FIELD, all reason is rendered nothing more than blind speculation.  Which means that the primary goal of Scientist and Seeker alike, should be to overcome the barrier between this world and the Unseen Field that is the true Source of all that exists in this world.   There can be no reliance upon Intellect and Reason, when one remains blind to the Causal Factors that lies beyond our vision and understanding.  But more importantly is the fact that what this means is that the Age Of Enlightenment grew out of the extended vision of Mystics such as Giordano Bruno and others who were able to tap into the Inner Source, and perceive that not only was the Church the product of a bogus fraud that was being perpetrated upon the people -- but because they had thrown away what the Gospels portrayed as the Key Of Knowledge, the counterfeit shepherds ("priestcraft") within the leadership of the Church were both blind to the true meaning of the scriptures, but also all of life itself.   Hidden and preserved within the monasteries was copies of more pure scriptures that not only revealed the more important spiritual truths that were edited out of the Bible by the minions of the Roman Emperors who ruled the Church -- but when the Key Of Knowledge was properly applied, instructed the reader on the Natural Laws that had to be overcome in order to prevail over the organic limitations of the physical mind which blinded the seeker to the reality of the (Etheric) Field that modern physicists have proven exists as the Source of all events and realities of this world.  

Of course visionaries such as Giordano Bruno and the core men and women of the Age of Enlightenment believed in reincarnation -- because in their development of these latent attributes of mind, they were able to observe the source of events in their present lives as being initiated in previous lifetimes their soul had lived.   That the vast majority of people don't possess what can be called Soul-Memory -- and remain totally blind to the Causal Factors of the most intimate events and experiences of their life -- is because their mental-development was derailed by their beliefs, thinking, mindset and/or lifestyle (see Arrested Mental Development

Both Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson knew that the Church which they opposed was a fraud, because they had themselves lived as disciples and followers of the historical man Jesus.   And when Thomas Jefferson said of the man Jesus that he "...ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other". -- Jefferson knew for sure that in accord with the original teachings that had been corrupted and suppressed by the Church, the historical man Jesus was not the third part of the Trinitarian God -- but rather, a man who prevailed over the Laws, and achieved Oneness with the Divine Mind which is called the Logos/Son of God (see    Thus, the core visionaries who formed the bedrock of the Age Of Enlightenment which opposed the fraud of the Church, were able themselves to develop the necessary Intuitive spheres of mind that enabled them to perceive a higher vision of reality which the leaders of the Church were all blind to.    Why?   In the same way that the Atheist is incapable of seeing the Source of the things seen outwardly because they have blinded themselves by virtue of their lack of development of the Intuitive spheres of mind, so too has the blind faith-based believers who embrace the great error of the dogma of Roman Emperors of the Church.   If the original Gospels were true, and the historical man Jesus was not God incarnate -- but rather, a man who prevailed over the Laws of Nature and Creation to achieve Oneness with God -- which is the Ultimate Destiny of all of mankind -- then the dogmatic opium of the Church was the very cause of Christian blindness which the core visionaries in the Age of Enlightenment vehemently opposed as the embodiment of evil that shackled mankind to a Spiritual Diaspora of profound ignorance and abject suffering.    

If it is true -- as the modern physicist affirms -- that everything in this life that we see with our physical eyes, and experience has a preexisting cause in the (Etheric) Field -- and what we observe in the Field I have portrayed as the Source of what we see -- then what we have is conformation of what physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie where he wrote about matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”   One of the primary realities that science has to come to terms with in order to advance beyond their present level, is the fact that physical matter is the result of the forces which intersect in the Etheric Field coming together, causing what Walter Thirring above describes as a "blemish" that we observe with our organic physical senses.   And the folly of carnal man is his assertion that what he sees is all there is -- when in fact without the conscious development of the latent Intuitive spheres of mind, man in his organic "natural" condition is virtually blind to the whole picture that Nature presents to him. 

The enigma of the limits of man's physical senses was noted by Albert Einstein who concluded with respect to man's dilemma when he stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."    And what the Enlightened Visionary has warned is that because man's religious, philosophical, cultural and educational institutions "...have created a society that honors the [rational] servant and has forgotten [and suppressed the development of] the [intuitive] gift" -- thus, blinding mankind to the underlying cause of all that man sees and experiences in this world, man remains perpetually lost and blind in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- or what the philosopher portrayed in the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave (see Cave) -- is the inherent blindness of the undeveloped organic mind of man in his natural condition.        

If the physicist is correct, and everything that we observe in this physical world is the downstream effect of the forces that first manifest in the (Etheric) Field -- then what we are observing is varying frequencies of thought that allegorically appear different to us.   Quoting from the Allusion Of The Forms Of Matter: In his 1951 textbook on quantum theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying further the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans two decades earlier: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.   Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."   More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The reality of the holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”   Which is why the Gospel of Thomas declares: Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest." 

The illusions of Plato's Cave -- or the blindness of what the Gospel portrays as the "outer darkness" of Mind and Being (see Outer Darkness) -- is all the effect of .   "...The brain [being] a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe” -- and only perceiving that spectrum of Thought which appears to be physically manifest in the objects we observe with our bodily senses -- which provides us a very fragmented and partial perception of the Whole.   Which means that the scriptures -- and especially those copies that were hidden away form the political leadership of the Church and kept safeguarded in many of the monasteries -- when the Key Of Knowledge was properly applied, were in fact text-books which presented the Laws and Forces of the Cosmology of the seeker/disciples one Mind, which had to be developed in order to overcome man's natural organic limitations.   And only in coming to fulfill the adage to Know Thyself, could the seeker then apply the same the Key Of Knowledge to the Laws and Forces of Nature and the Natural World, and connect directly with what Giordano Bruno portrays as the Light of the Soul within man himself.     

If we pose the question: What esoteric base of knowledge could possibly be concealed within the written text of the allegorical scriptures which the linear mind of man remains a virtual stranger to?   Let me quote from an article written by Dr. Stanislav Grof entitled Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research, wherein the Dr. writes: "It is hard to imagine that Western academic circles will continue indefinitely ignoring, censoring, and misinterpreting all the extraordinary evidence that has in the past been amassed in the study of various forms of holotropic states of consciousness. Sooner or later, they will have to face the challenge of the new data and accept their far-reaching theoretical and practical implications. I firmly believe that in not too distant future the old materialistic world view will be replaced by a new comprehensive vision of reality, which will integrate modern science with spirituality and Western pragmatism with ancient wisdom. I have no doubt that it will include as an important element the new revolutionary understanding of consciousness, human nature, and the nature of reality that has emerged from the study of holotropic state"    That the traditional linear-perception of Creation which is based on Darwinism has long been proven to be a grave error and intellectual void has caused man's philosophers and traditional scientists to cling to what can only be portrayed as flat-earth fossilized conclusions as presented in the words: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness.  It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University).

What is a holotropic state?   As defined in the Wikipedia: "Holotropic Breathwork is a practice that uses breathing and other elements to allow access to non-ordinary states for the purpose of self-exploration. It was developed by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. and Christina Grof, Ph.D. Holotropic breathing has some similarities to rebirthing-breathwork, but was developed independently".   What it is, is the traditional rhythmic breath-work used by Mystics since the very dawn of time itself.   But interestingly enough, Dr. Grof futher explains: "The content of holotropic states is often spiritual or mystical. We can experience sequences of psychological death and rebirth and a broad spectrum of transpersonal phenomena, such as feelings of oneness with other people, nature, the universe, and God. We might uncover what seem to be memories from other incarnations, encounter powerful archetypal beings, communicate with discarnate entities, and visit numerous mythological landscapes. Holotropic experiences of this kind are the main source of cosmologies, mythologies, philosophies, and religious systems describing the spiritual nature of the cosmos and of existence. They are the key for understanding the ritual and spiritual life of humanity from shamanism and sacred ceremonies of aboriginal tribes to the great religions of the world."   Which confirms not only the account of Giordano Bruno that "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it"  -- but also the assertion of the Gospel as presented in the article on the Key Of Knowledge  where it states:

While the Christians, like the Jews before them who threw away the Key of Knowledge, look for the Kingdom to come outwardly upon the earth, the Gospel itself states that the Kingdom will never come upon the earth, because it is within you -- and it is therein that you must seek it: "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God comes not with observation: Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21).   If the words of Jesus are true -- and the Kingdom is within you -- then the question that Christians should be asking, is how must the Kingdom be entered?   The answer is the proper application of the Key of Knowledge by turning the scriptures within your own mind and being -- i.e., "How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52).  Thus, in understanding these words spoken to the Pharisees, the questions must be asked: How did the Pharisees and Jewish authorities "...hide the key to knowledge from the people"?   Why did Jesus condemn the leaders of the Jews for failing to enter the Kingdom themselves? -- i.e., "...You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves"!   And how did the religious leaders of the Jews "...prevent others from entering?"   That the primary objective of the Gospel is to prepare and enable the seeker/disciple to enter the Kingdom, is further demonstrated in Jesus' condemnation of the blind religious leaders as seen in the words: "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to" (Matt 23:13 NIV).  Which means that the Kingdom of God is not something that will come if we wait for it -- but rather, it is a reality which man must seek and find -- within himself.

In the Bible translation known as The Message, the above reality of Jesus' words with respect to the usage of the Key of Knowledge is portrayed in true clarity.   In this translation when Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him and said: "If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you" (John 8:31-32 TheMessage) -- and once again, neither Christian or Jew who have thrown away the Key of Knowledge can understand these words which are of the utmost importance.   Jesus didn't say that they would believe the truth -- or that they would discern what they believed would be dogmatic truth out of the scriptures or some book written by other men -- but rather, Jesus conveyed to them that if they follow in TheWay, that they "...will experience for yourselves the truth...and it is this SELF-EXPERIENCED TRUTH that ...will free you" from the error and ignorance that consumes the people of this world -- and especially the blind guides who portray themselves as rabbis,  teachers, clergy, religious leaders and authorities.

Giordano Bruno was the product of the original Gospel teachings that the Church of Rome has suppressed since the fourth century -- and he was an example of the core visionaries of the Age of Enlightenment who opposed counterfeit corrupted Christianity that was the dogmatic opium of The Religion Of Roman Emperors which had been forcefully imposed upon the people by the power of the sword.   When the Enlightened Deists portrayed the written text of the scriptures as "letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14) -- this wasn't their opinion.   Why?   Because the core visionaries had access to the Source that Bruno wrote about -- which was the same Source that the historical man Jesus said to seek out as your ONLY teacher (see The True Prophet).   When they portrayed what has come to be known as the Clockwork Universe (see Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation), this wasn't based upon their opinion.   Why? The reality of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God had been revealed to them directly from the Source of all Truth.   When Giordano Bruno made reference to cosmic realities of the universe that some have reasoned must have been speculation -- because the technology did not exist in that time-frame to observe the heavenly bodies in the manner that we can at present.   Bruno's critics were of course wrong, because man has the potential to access all knowledge first hand by opening the inner "narrow strait gate" to his soul and the Inner Kingdom.    When Benjamin Franklin and other Deists made reference to a life beyond this physical existence and even the cycles of life which is commonly called reincarnation (see, this assertion wasn't based upon blind belief or idle speculation -- because as a seeker draws nearer to their unmanifest soul (see, the ability to access the previous lives which their soul has lived becomes as fruit that is the natural condition of a healthy tree.     And this is why visionaries such as Giordano Bruno maintained that "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body" (see 30 Quotes On Reincarnation).  

Traditionally, even in the pre-Nicene Church the teachings on the pre-existent soul was not openly taught to the immature believers of the simple-faith (see The Christian Secret Doctrine).  In the words of St. Jerome (340-420): “The doctrine of transmigration (reincarnation) has been secretly taught from ancient times to small numbers of people, as a traditional truth which was not to be divulged”   Turning to the historian, this ultra important element to the equation of life that was rejected and suppressed by The Religion Of Roman Emperors, is made reference to by Edward Gibbon in the footnote regarding the question of the disciples at John 9:2: "The disciples of Jesus were persuaded that a man might have sinned before he was born, (John, ix. 2,) and the Pharisees held the transmigration [reincarnation] of virtuous souls, (Joseph. de Bell. Judaico, l. ii. c. 7;) and a modern Rabbi is modestly assured, that Hermes, Pythagoras, Plato, etc., derived their metaphysics from his illustrious countrymen" (Gibbon; Decline & Fall) -- metaphysics that embraced the concept of the pre-existence and transmigration of the soul (see The Journey Of The Pre-Existent Soul).

In the approximate year of 178 of our Common Era, Celsus, the Epicurean Philosopher and opponent of Christianity, published a rather embarrassing work in opposition to Christianity known as The True Word or Discourse, which portrayed the Church as a "secret system" which taught the elect the doctrine of the soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes, while teaching the unenlightened entry-level Christians the doctrine of Heaven and Hell.    It is said that this work was widely published and used by the Pagan world as an attack on the Church.   Seventy years after its publication The True Word was still so widely circulated, that the Church Father Origen was commissioned by St. Ambrosius to refute this attack by Celsus.   Among the official reply to Celsus by the Church is this teaching: "Is it not rational that souls should be introduced into bodies, in accordance with their merits and previous deeds, and that those who have used their bodies in doing the utmost possible good should have the right to bodies endowed with qualities superior to the bodies of others?... The soul, which is immaterial and invisible in its nature, exists in no material place without having a body suited to the nature of that place; accordingly, it at one time puts off one body, which was necessary before, but which is no longer adequate in its changed state, and it exchanges it for a second".   And in his famed work De Principiis the Church Father Origen explains: "The soul has neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life.  Its place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or demerits. Its work in this world determines its place in the world which is to follow this..."   This was the official position and doctrine of the Christianity prior to the take-over of the Church by the Emperor Constantine in the year 325AD.   And the teachings of Origen and the Church Fathers on the pre-existent soul were embraced until being condemned by the Emperor Justinian in the year 553.   Because the Church since the Roman take-over has embraced the manmade doctrines of the Emperors who ruled over the Church and its accepted doctrines of belief, the faithful flock has remained entry-level and spiritually disenfranchised throughout the intervening centuries.    But this was not the case of the True Spiritual Christians who had access to more pure copies of scriptures, and hid from the Church authorities in monasteries where they were able to develop the Intuitive spheres of mind that provided them access to the Inner Source of Truth that the original Gospel taught to seek out.   And thus, it was this body of Spiritual Christians who the Church continually hunted down as heretics such as Giordano Bruno, that served as the spiritual bed-rock to the Age of Enlightenment, as well as the body of Deists who formed the foundational framework of the U.S. Constitution.

From a purely scientific perspective, based upon the finding of the physicists quoted above -- and especially that of Walter Thirring who wrote about the nature of matter from the perspective of the findings of modern physics that “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”   From this perspective, it would be impossible for life to begin in the "...disturbance of the perfect state of the field" that the physicist now perceives as a "blemish" in the intersecting forces of the Field -- because the source of what we observe with our physical senses is in the Field -- i.e., "...Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”    And those Enlightened Visionaries who embraced the original Gospel teaching that were suppressed by the Church of Rome -- and developed the Intuitive spheres of mind in the manner of Giordano Bruno and all the mystic visionaries -- were able to access the knowledge of how the pre-existent soul impresses an embryonic image into the body at conception (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image) -- thereby proving the modern physicist correct in his assertion that the Field is the Source of what we observe through the limited vision and perception of our physical senses of the body-vessel.  


It is import to understand that the guarantees of First Amendment God-Given Rights that is the cornerstone foundation of the Constitution of the United States, is from the side of the Deists and Masons -- and one of its primary objectives was to insure freedom of thought from mainstream faith-based religions -- i.e., Fundamentalist Christianity.    Among the U.S. founding fathers, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ethan Allen, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, and George Washington were all Deists.

While the Masons were an esoteric order that had members in all religions and governments, the Deists were those who stated that God is the most Rational Force in Creation -- and God can only be found with the expansion and development of the Rational Mind.   In contradistinction, traditional faith-based religion is one of blind and unquestioning belief in the dogma of the Church -- as portrayed in the words of Martin Luther: “Reason, is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    Why did Luther condemn the rational powers of perception and interpretation of the mind of man?    Luther embraced many of the same tenets and grave misunderstandings of the biblical doctrine of predestination as did Calvin -- and Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying of Calvinism: "His [Calvin's] religion was demonism. If ever man worshiped a false God, he did. The being described in his five points is ... a demon of malignant spirit. It would be more pardonable to believe in no God at all, than to blaspheme him by the atrocious attributes of Calvin" (Works, Vol. iv., p. 363).   In the foregoing chapter/subheading entitled, The Books With The Power To Deceive, I demonstrate that the Apostle Peter basically stated the same position that Jefferson did.   

Faith-based religion rejects the God-Given Gift of Reason, because their own ignorance pertaining to the true nature and objectives of both the scriptures and God, which causes them to embrace what Peter portrays as "unworthy beliefs about God" -- causing them to believe grave error -- or, in the words of Jesus directed at those who have thrown away the Key of Knowledge: "You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God" (Matt 22:29 NKJ).   In a Spiritual Religion, God is understood to be the most Rational Force in Creation -- and it is the purpose of religion to bring about the necessary "...heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” that enables man to enter the Presence of what Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher (see True Prophet), and learn directly from God (see below).    It was impossible for Luther and Calvin to understand the biblical doctrine of predestination, because a Roman Emperor has forbid and condemned the teaching of Jesus on the journey of the soul (see  The Pre-Existent Soul).    And herein lies an even greater problem from a modern perspective which is seen in the fact that the people who presently portray themselves as Deists, fail to understand the very spiritual core of Deism -- and thus, the essence of Reason itself.   The modern Atheists perceive themselves to be totally led by reason and intellect -- and yet, their understanding of God, religion and the world is so radically different from that of the historical Deists who founded our Nation, that it can easily be demonstrated that reason alone is a spiritually bankrupt path.   Thus, reason without the necessary "...heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”, is in and of itself a dead-ended path.     

It is important to understand Deism because of its rejection of the European ideas of church and state -- and in total opposition, it's proclamation that man is imbued with God-Given UnAlienable Rights that are beyond the reach of government to in any manner suppress or inhibit.    It is easily demonstrated that the Epistles in the New Testament were corrupted with interpolations in order to make Christians in subjection to Rome (see Interpolations) -- and these same interpolations were later used by the governments of Europe to promote political rulership of the Church.   The king of England was declared the vicar of God -- and deemed infallible -- even before this doctrine of infallibility was bestowed upon the pope.   And when properly understood, it is this relationship between church and state which caused the Christian world to be reduced to a condition of spiritual complacency.    Deism, on the other hand, not only rejects the whole concept of government ordained religion -- promoting the separation of church and state -- but lays the foundation for the concept that the highest obligation of government is to protect the God-Given Rights of the individual.  

Deism is defined as "...a religious and philosophical belief that a supreme god created the universe, and that this and other religious truth can be determined using reason and observation of the natural world alone" (see Deism) -- and this revelation through the use of reason and observation was based upon the original objective of the teachings of Jesus as portrayed in the quotation from the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, where it reads: “Although the essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity should not be understood merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” -- i.e., the focused objective is presented in the words "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.   If all that was necessary was the use of human reasoning to understand what the Deist's stated was the work of Creator-God in the forming of the universe, then there would be no such thing as Atheists who reject the whole concept of a Creator.   And if we inquire as to what made the reasoning of a Deist who embraced a Creator-God, very different than the reasoning of an Atheist who totally rejects the whole concept of a Deity, the answer is found in the elevated and matured reasoning of the Deist who understood the Laws of Creation, in contradistinction to the Atheist whose powers of reasoning and intellect has been flat-lined by their blind ideology.    So the question then becomes: Did the Deists who framed our Constitutional form of government, understand a higher reality of the Laws that is not at all understood by those who claim to be affiliated with Deism today?   

With respect to the Deist assertion that truth can be found "...using reason and observation of the natural world", this is merely conformation of the words of Paul explored in the above when he stated that the Truth of God can be discerned by observing the natural world -- i.e.,  "...For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).   That the critics of the Deists fail to understand that they merely confirmed what Paul stated, is conformation of the blindness on the part of the critics.   Modern quantum physics has begun to verify the position of the Mystic that not only is all of Creation imbued with the Divine Pattern -- but that the Divine Pattern is holographically replicated into each of it parts.   And, as I will present at numerous points in this article, the physical is in fact the pattern for the Whole.   And what both Paul and the Deists are expressing, is the fact that if you apply the aspects of the pattern into each successive level of both Creation, and your own mind, soul and spirit, that you will begin to understand the Laws and the Forces at work -- enabling you to not only conquer your own divided nature, but also prevail over these Forces and Laws.   Thus, fulfilling the requirement set forth in the second saying of the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

Of primary importance is the observation of the Laws that control all aspects of the outer world, because it is these same Laws that holographically exist within the body and mind of each individual person.    Therefore, to begin to understand the forces and Laws that are working in the outer world, it is essential to embark upon the journey of self-discovery through the knowledge of understanding the very forces and Laws of the mind and consciousness of mankind -- i.e., within one's own mind and being.    And thus, the great truth that seems to have escaped the understanding and reasoning of the modern Deist is revealed in the book entitled Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, by G.R.S. Mead, where he explains that what the authors of the scriptures truly “…projected onto the screen… [in the form of a ] picture of the universe was in reality a picture of their own minds."  He then writes of the scriptures: "Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal, almost a deliberate one, of the forces which operate in the structuring and evolution of the human personality”.  It was for this reason that Carl Jung called the Gnostic Christians the worlds first and foremost psychologists who understood the very fabric of human consciousness.   And, when rightly understood with what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge properly applied, the scriptures are about you -- i.e. the Laws and Forces working in your own mind and body -- and they are timeless and relevant to every period in human history.   And it is this higher enlightened understanding of the scriptures and the proper application of the Key of Knowledge that initiated and brought about the personal "revealed revelation" that provided the Deist the necessary supreme reasoning powers that enabled him to understand what Atheists and faith-believers were blind to.

  Is Judaism, Christianity And Islam Revealed Religions? Deism portrays Judaism, Christianity and Islam as "revealed religions" -- which are defined as 1 : to make known through divine inspiration; 2 : to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known 'reveal a secret'.   Which, from the Deist perspective, is rejected by virtue of the position that this "...secret or hidden [revelation or knowledge]" is only revealed to certain chosen individuals -- i.e., Moses, Jesus, Mohammed -- while the Deist maintains that the reality of God can be revealed through the use of Reason in observation of the outer world.   And while this is true, there is an important element to the equation that is totally lacking in this statement.   And this ultra-important element is presented to us in the statement of Thomas Paine in the Age Of Reason: "It is a contradiction in terms and ideas, to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second-hand, either verbally or in writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication -- after this, it is only an account of something which that person says was a revelation made to him; and though he may find himself obliged to believe it, it cannot be incumbent on me to believe it in the same manner; for it was not a revelation made to me, and I have only his word for it that it was made to him."

It is not enough to see the Hand of Creator-God in the divine canvas upon which this world and the universe has been painted.   And neither is it a genuine "...revelation that comes to us at second-hand, either verbally or in writing."   As creatures of Reason and Intellect, it is necessary to Know God not through second hand accounts, but through First Hand Experiential Knowledge.   And it is the position of the True Deist that the vast majority of mankind are inhibited from Knowing God through the Intimate Knowledge of Oneness, by virtue of the dogmatic opium of organized religion and the work of what Paine portrayed as "priestcraft".    

For the most part the vast majority of Deists have themselves been seduced by the dogma of organized religion which they have rightfully rejected -- while condemning and rejecting the efforts of fellow Deists whose works were corrupted and then used to promote "priestcraft".    The Great Reality which the vast majority of Deists have remained ignorant of, is the fact that the very scriptures they condemn are the works of Deists who are representative of mankind's Greatest Minds of Reason, Intellect and Spirituality -- and in each instance, the important works of these Enlightened Deists who themselves evolved their minds to achieve Knowledge of God through Direct Experience and Oneness, were corrupted by carnal man who Jesus portrayed as "wolves in sheep's attire", in order to seduce and control the masses through their dogmatic opium that maintained them in a position of political and theocratic authority over the people who they controlled often out of fear -- fear not only of their own violence inflicted upon innocent people by various combinations of church and state, but also the fear of a despotic god who tortured people eternally in hell.   

Unlike the traditional religious institutions of man which were dogmatically controlled by counterfeit shepherds, the Enlightened Deists who authored the scriptures were motivated by a desire to Know God through Intimate Experience and Oneness.   Quoting from : When God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an “object of wonder”, but rather an “object of desire” -- and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit, according to St. Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this manifest Sacred Knowledge makes “us like God; so that when we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression, hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him”.  St. Nazianzen then writes that “the Divine Nature then is boundless and hard to understand” by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world.

The problem is that the position held by many of the modern Deists that they can perceive the Works of God through Reason and an Observation of the world goes to the very heart of the human quagmire -- i.e., that while the assertion of the Deists is true, it is lacking important insights with respect to the larger picture of the human condition.   Reason and Observation of the Natural Laws and the images of this world is just nothing more than God-Admiration -- which can be portrayed as faith-based Deism.   And while this assertion is true, it can be said that the truth promoted by the modern Deist is so shortsighted, that it can be terribly misleading.   Further, quoting The Limitations Of Entry-Level Deism (below): While the modern Deist makes claim to a superior understanding based upon Reason and their rejection of the god promoted by "priestcraft", their claim immediately provokes a number of flaws in their assertion that a person of Reason would ask?   Anyone even vaguely familiar with history knows that man's reason is the basis for every variety of insanity and ignorance that has immersed mankind in lives of ignorance and superstition since he first attempted to understand the world and his place in it.   Every despot throughout history has been able to make the case using his reason and intellect to define and demonstrate the superiority of his position -- even when their positions brought great suffering, hardship and even death upon others.

The problem confronting the position of the modern Deists is that it is applicable only to the most elementary perception and understanding of God that man can hold.   From my own personal perspective: While in this present life I was raised a Christian, I eventually became an Atheist by virtue of my use of reason that caused me to reject the god of the Church.   While I had not at that time in my life even heard of a group of people who portrayed themselves as Deists, the god promoted by the Church was so utterly unreasonable and despotic, that I simply rejected everything that I had been taught in Church.   Yet, I had to come to terms with the fact that it wasn't until I became an Atheist and rejected the manmade god of the Church, that I could even begin the journey of a true seeker.   Which means that I first had to reject the manmade god of the Church, before I could even begin the process of becoming a seeker.   And herein lies the problem in a nutshell -- i.e., the authors of the scriptures who were themselves Deists, desired to Know God -- and to Know God, requires a greater amount of effort and dedication than to merely observe the Expression of Creator-God as manifest in the images of nature that is observed in this world.   And while the core Deists who emerged out of the Age of Enlightenment possessed an intimate knowledge of God, the majority of adherents of modern Deism are typical of all faith-based believers who merely repeated rhetoric which they did not fully understand.    So, while the modern Deists are not wrong in their assessment of traditional Churchanity which has been formed and molded by "priestcraft" and secular rulers who used the power of the sword to enforce their dogma upon the people, the shortsightedness of the modern Deist has so limited their understanding and perception of the larger picture, that they have permitted themselves to become spiritually flat-lined -- i.e., no possibility of movement beyond the obstacle they have erected in their path.    

Which raises the question as to whether the Deists can have it both ways -- i.e., while it is claimed that Plato was a Deist (see Famous Deists), in his analogy of Plato's Cave only those who escaped the illusions of the Cave possessed the knowledge of man's true reality.   If, therefore, it can be demonstrated that certain knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Nature is required to escape what Plato portrays as the Cave of Illusions , then the reasoning of those who have prevailed over the Natural Laws must be seen as a Mature and Evolved Reasoning in comparison to the reasoning ability of those who remain subject to the cave illusions.    In like manner, while it is claimed that Pythagoras was a Deist (The Diegesis (1829) by Robert Taylor, p. 222), it is also maintained that only those who lived the necessary lifestyle and possessed the esoteric knowledge of the Cosmology of Mind could understand man's higher soul and spiritual reality.   Which raises the all important question: Are modern Deists defining Deism by what must be portrayed as faith-based Deism?   Or, a Deism that enables the seeker to both learn the Truth, and attain Unity with God?   With respect to the Deist assertion that truth can be found "...using reason and observation of the natural world", this is merely conformation of the words of Paul that not only is the Presence of God observed in the natural world, but that all of mankind are without excuse -- i.e.,  "...For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).

It can be said that the ultimate rejection of the textual body of the scriptures and the perception of God by use of Reason comes not from anyone associated with Deism -- but rather, from the very source of Judaism and Christianity itself.   Quoting from : Long before the Da Vinci Code controversy, biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies warned the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had believed all along -- that the Roman Church created the divinity of Yeshua/Jesus -- i.e., “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).  Worse yet, Edmund Wilson, an expert who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls further raised the question as to what difference it makes if “Jesus... had been trained in the discipline and imbued with the thought of a certain Jewish sect, and that he had learned from it the role that he afterwards lived...” (The Scrolls From The Dead Sea).  To the uninformed and unknowing believer, it made all the difference in the world!  If Jesus was an Essene who lived a holy and consecrated life, fulfilling the Law within himself so completely, that he became One with the Logos/Son of God at his baptism as stated by all Church Authorities prior to the fourth century Nicene Council held by the Roman Emperor Constantine (see The Ten Words), then the Adam Clark Bible Commentary is correct when it states that "...the whole Christian system is vain and baseless"!!!    When Prof. John Allegro was quoted as saying that what has been revealed in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is a great amount of overwhelming evidence that “...may upset a great many basic teachings of the Christian Church.   This in turn would greatly upset many Christian Theologians and believers.   The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine” (August 1966 issue of Harpers Magazine); what he was in fact stating is that, everything that we now know about Christian beginnings demonstrate that the Essene/Ebionites were not the heretics, as they were falsely portrayed by the later Gentile church, but were in fact the body of genuine believers that held fast to the authentic teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and the New Covenant.    And what did the Dead Sea Scrolls prove beyond a shadow of a doubt?   That the Ebionites who were condemned by the  later Roman Church who created the Jesus-god myth, were correct -- and that the Gentiles were too heathen to comprehend the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   Thus, the Encyclopedia Britannica writes: "Most of the features of Ebionite doctrine were anticipated in the teachings of the earlier Qumran sect, as revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. They believed in one God and taught that Jesus was the Messiah... They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. The Ebionites believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law. They themselves faithfully followed the Law, although they removed what they regarded as interpolations in order to uphold their teachings, which included vegetarianism, holy poverty, ritual ablutions, and the rejection of animal sacrifices. The Ebionites also held Jerusalem in great veneration. (Encyclopaedia Britannica Online).  

It is easily proven that before being corrupted by the Church of Rome, the original Gospels portrayed Jesus as a holy man who fulfilled the Law within himself, and overcame the barrier between man and God as demonstrated conclusively in the article .   In the same way that Pythagoras (as stated above) maintained that only those who lived the necessary lifestyle and possessed the esoteric knowledge of the Cosmology of Mind could understand man's higher soul and spiritual reality, and that Jesus became the Messiah (Anointed) and Son of God by living the necessary Consecrated Life that enabled him to fulfill the Law within himself, then the truth of the Gospel is found in the witness of the Ebionites who held firmly to the position that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).   When the Ebionite Nazirenes  make reference to the Law, this very much includes the Natural Laws of Creation as portrayed in the writings of Deists in the words "...the designs/laws found throughout Nature and all of Creation".    That the historical man Jesus was a pattern for all of mankind because of his success in overcoming the Laws, is demonstrated in the words: "He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ..."   And this confirms this statement with respect to the true potential of all of mankind that Jesus taught, as demonstrated in the words of Hippolytus when he wrote that they believed that when anyone "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see ).   And this is why Jesus taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV).     Thus, not only does the original Gospel reject the many creeds of "revealed" religion that is the dogmatic foundation of the modern Church, but with the above proven link between the Essenes and the Ebionite Nazirenes, the ultimate rejection of the literal text of the scriptures can be established in the quotation from the Essene Gospel of Peace where it is written: 

And Jesus himself sat down in their midst and said: "I tell you truly, none can be happy, except he do the Law."

And the others answered: "We all do the laws of Moses, our lawgiver, even as they are written in the holy scriptures."

And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men...  God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit...  But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"

"How may we read the laws of God elsewhere than in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us from there where you see them, for we know nothing else but the scriptures which we have inherited from our forefathers. Tell us the laws of which you speak, that hearing them we may be healed and justified."

Jesus said: "You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all that you pore over dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him who has given you the scriptures.

I tell you truly, God and his laws are not in that which you do. They are not in gluttony and in wine-bibbing, neither in riotous living, nor in lustfulness, nor in seeking after riches, nor yet in hatred of your enemies. For all these things are far from the true God and from his angels. But all these things come from the kingdom of darkness and the lord of all evils. And all these things do you carry in yourselves; and so the word and the power of God enter not into you, because all manner of evil and all manner of abominations have their dwelling in your body and your spirit. If you will that the living God's word and his power may enter you, defile not your body and your spirit; for the body is the temple of the spirit, and the spirit is the temple of God. Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him.

"And from all temptations of your body and your spirit, coming from Satan, withdraw beneath the shadow of God's heaven. (quoted in The Abysmal Pursuit Of God By The Letter That Killeth).

Nowhere in any of the writings of Thomas Paine or those associated with Deism does such a rejection of what is portrayed as revealed religion and the reliance upon the literal text of the scriptures exist in such a profoundly enlightened manner as in the above.   And what this confirms is the fact that the original authors of the Gospel accounts out Deist the Deists -- totally rejecting both the literal text of the scriptures and all concepts portrayed as revealed religion.    Which means that when, out of ignorance, the modern Deist rejects the original Gospel message and accounts, they are in fact rejecting and condemning the very essence of Deism itself!!!

While it is an easy thing to conclude that one sees the Presence of Creator-God or a Higher Power when one looks out at Nature and Creation -- and if it is the position of faith-based Deists that they don't need a Moses, Jesus or Mohammed to reveal this reality of Creator-God to them -- then, while this position is true, it would also be required to assert that such a position would have to be classified as entry-level or elementary Deism.   And from this perspective, while the faith-based Deists are correct, the fact that there exists great variables in the equation and substance of reason that is not being addressed, brings the Deist position itself into question.   And the substance of the equation would be that the Deists hold the position that they don't need a chosen revealer to convey to them the existence of Creator-God -- that they can observe the Presence of Creator-God in the manifestations of Nature.   And again, while this is itself self-evident, it is also true that the Deists who authored the scriptures were motivated to seek an intimate union and knowledge with Creator-God -- their Source of Being.    In the same way that they rejected the literal text of the scriptures and revealed religion, the Deist authors of the scriptures would have also rejected the faith-based revealed Deism that is being promoted by entry-level Deists today.  

In the below from the Essene Gospel of Peace, not only does it reject the concept held by most believers that God authored the scriptures -- it states that (1) you should be able to look out at the universe and begin to understand God; (2) that the people of this world dwell in death; (3) and most importantly, it states that your own condition of mind will be the determining factor with respect to your understanding of Self, God, and all things.  Moreover, belief is measured by your WILLINGNESS AND DESIRE TO MAKE SERIOUS CHANGE AND BECOME ALIVE -- which of course can easily be portrayed as one's escape from Plato's Cave and the world of illusions.  Notice the words that I placed in RED BOLD in the above -- and by this definition, few in number among the religions of the world could even be considered believers.

When rightly understood, is the words of the Gospel of Peace -- i.e., Jesus said: "You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all that you pore over dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him who has given you the scriptures" -- any different than those of Kabbalist Carlo Suares where he wrote: "People are afraid to face the truth about themselves and the meaningless, empty lives they live. Consequently, instead of facing the truth, they un­consciously distort all the meanings of the Bible which would endanger the safety of the comfortable containers they have built, inside which they have retired from real life and its uncertainties"?   And is it not proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the later Church which promoted the dogmatic opium of "priestcraft" to the masses, corrupted the Gospels in order to maintain positions of power and authority over the people (see    And in not possessing the esoteric knowledge that the Enlightened Deists preserved and concealed within the allegorical text in plain site of the "priestcraft", the modern Deist not only condemns and rejects the wisdom of the Enlightened Deists, but has consigned their own existence to faith-based revealed Deism that totally lacks the Experiential Knowledge of God which can only be achieved through Oneness -- being themselves conquered by the very same "priestcraft" they oppose who consigns their existence to "...meaningless, empty lives they live" without achieving the Ultimate Goals of the very Enlightened Deists who were persecuted as heretics by the Church which they oppose?     

  Intellectual Folly: One of the allegations against modern Deism is that it is a body of Atheists who are masquerading as Deists in order to oppose the Institutionalized Church.   The Deists maintain that mankind has been imbued with the Gift of Reason that should be used in the evaluation of the validity of all claims to a special insight into the nature and reality of God.   And while they are correct in their assertion, they fail to understand the very traditions which the authors of the scriptures employed to preserve a body of knowledge that the vast majority of people rejected as heresy.   While the Deists are correct in their position that the use of reason discloses countless inconsistencies in the written text of the scriptures.   If they understood the traditions, they would know that these inconsistencies were intentionally written into the text so that an intelligent seeker would reject what is being literally or historically presented (see Inconsistencies Purposely Written Into The Scriptures).    While the Deists maintain that a man of reason will reject the God revealed in the scriptures, does such an assertion constitute the use of reason, when it can be demonstrated conclusively that the scriptures were intentionally written so that men of reason will reject the written text that the Apostle Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6) and "Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14).   Which position is in perfect agreement with such enlightened Jews as Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, who writes about the nature of scripture: “Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit” What Moses Maimonedes is stating, then, is that there exists many parts of the scriptures that are literally and historically not true -- going so far as to even portray portions of the written texts as being "...repugnant to both reason and common sense".   Why?   So the portrayal of god in the written text will be rejected by men of reason.   Therefore, once properly understood, the allegorical scriptures are intentionally written with untruths and absurdities purposely written into the body of the text, so that rationally minded readers will look beyond the letter of the written word and seek the deeper meaning.   Thus, the Church Father Origen writes: “What man of sense will agree with the statement that the first, second and third days in which the evening is named and the morning, were without sun, moon and stars, and the first day without a heaven. What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil? I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).   Which means that with respect to the literal text of the scriptures which the Apostle Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see Shackled In The Abyss Of Absolute Ignorance)the Deist is saying nothing more than the most knowledgeable of Jews and Christians.   

A person of reason and intellect would of course pose the question: Has the Deist who rejects the textual body of the scriptures stated anything that the core people within Judaism and Christianity not already openly stated?   The early Christian Church Father Origen writes: It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”   Which, to a rationally minded person would provoke the question: What are the qualifiers that enable some people to possess "...the capacity [to] work out for themselves all that relates to the subject”???   And if the textual body of the scriptures are not historically and factually true -- even containing accounts which are "...repugnant to both reason and common sense" -- why would an intelligent seeker even consult them at all?   With regard to what would otherwise be promoted as historical symbols and events that would appear to us as the knowledge of superficial episodes of the past, Origen writes: “I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).   In the same way that the knowledge of the Natural Laws enables man to conquer space and travel to distant planets (see Natural Law And American Exceptionalism), concealed within the allegorical text is the esoteric knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Mind that when utilized in the proper body-environment, enables the seeker to bring about the necessary "...heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” that enables the seeker to Experience and Know God through the process of Oneness. 

Students of Hebrew Mysticism will perceive that what the third-century Christian Church Father Origen wrote was no different than what is contained in the Zohar, where it states: “The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak.   The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not.   The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.   The Jewish mystic who spends his life seeking the inner meaning of the written word that the natural mind of man is incapable of seeing, has warned: "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world..." (the Zohar quoted in No Jew Has Read The Torah).  

When Jesus confronted the Pharisees for having thrown away what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge ( ), which caused them to observe the scriptures outwardly in ritual and tradition, Jesus portrayed them as the offspring of the Devil -- i.e., "Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it" (John 8:43-44 NKJ).  Thus, the reasoning of the Pharisees was not only incapable of comprehending the true reality of God, but was causing them to be what Jesus portrayed as "blind guides".   Paul called the literal text an allegory.   These same truths are again conveyed to us in the words of the Church Historian Eusebius: “Many were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”.   What these symbols truly mean is perhaps best expressed by G.R.S. Mead in his celebrated work, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where he explained that, once properly understood, the true meaning of what is “…projected onto the screen…” of the scriptures, “…was in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds”

The Church Father Origen went one step further and reasoned that "...What man is found such an idiot as" to believe these forms and symbols literally, and not to understand "...that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”?   (see Mystery).   Why?   Why were the scriptures written with untruths intentionally written into the body of the text of the written word?   In the same way that when a beast becomes conditioned to its environment, when the mind of man is ruled over by his lower animal/carnal nature, he will believe virtually anything -- i.e., Pagan sacrifices, virgin sacrifices, belief in a warring and conquering god, belief in a vengeful god that is even more evil than the most vile of mankind.   As stated above, the Apostle Peter warns that the enigmas of the scriptures which he portrays as the "mystery of the books with the power to deceive" (see Power To Deceive), where historical untruths which were intentionally inserted into the body of the text as a test to the reader.   Peter portrays the Gentiles as being easily deceived, because they are accustomed to believing bad things about God.   Thus, the god of the Old Testament has been insightfully portrayed as resembling the Wizard of OZ -- i.e., a magical nut case behind the curtain who liked physical circumcision, genocide of non-Jews including killing every woman & child -- a god who made man, then repented he even made man and killed everyone on earth but Noah and his immediate family -- a god who kills a man for trying to steady the ARK, a voodoo god who loves animal sacrifice and blood sprinkling, a god who sacrifices his son.

Of the portrayal of God in the written text of the Old Testament, American author Mark Twain writes: "A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and invented Hell - mouths Golden Rules, and forgiveness multiplied seventy times seven, and invented Hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of hororably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship him" (from The Mysterious Stranger).   The scriptures are very clear, it’s all allegorical about the Kingdom within.   The reader is warned  in John 6:63, that reading the scriptures literally has no profit at all (“the flesh profiteth nothing”) and leaves the reader spiritually bankrupt : "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life".

What Moses Maimonedes is stating in the above, is that there exists many parts of the scriptures that are literally and historically not true -- going so far as to even portray portions of the written texts as being "...repugnant to both reason and common sense".   And with respect to the extreme allegory used in the Torah and books of the Old Testament (excluding the Gospels), the question must be asked:  How can any intelligent reader of the scriptures, whether believer or critic, make the claim that they know what it being stated, when the scriptures were intentionally written so that only an initiate into the Mystery Religion known as Judaism could perceive the true meaning?   Why was unhistorical events that were portrayed as being "...repugnant to both reason and common sense" even inserted into the scriptures in the first place?   The answer which confirms the position of the Deists is because much of what was presented in the literal text was exactly as Paul portrayed it -- i.e., "Jewish fables" (Titus 1:14).   Therefore, an intelligent person of reason would pose the question: Why did the authors of the scriptures weave their truths within and around "Jewish fables"?    The answer is twofold -- i.e., (1) because when the Key of Knowledge is properly employed, the very forms of nature which are themselves composed by Creator-God in the Language of the Soul in allegorical symbols of mind impressed into living and natural forms that man observes with his natural senses, these same forms can be used to present a Living Representation of the Laws and Forces of Mind and Being -- and (2) because if their writings did not conform to the very heathen and superstitious beliefs of the nomadic tribe who called themselves Jews, the writings themselves would be rejected and destroyed.    Therefore, because the authors of the scriptures who were themselves Deist Mystics recognized the journey of the soul, they understood that they, or the future images generated by their own soul -- would need the wisdom and knowledge contained within the scriptures in the future -- and what better way to preserve this sacred knowledge than to place it in the hands of believers in the manner of a Trojan Horse, and use the congregation of blind believers as mules who transport and safeguard the esoteric knowledge from one time-period into the next -- to be used again by those who understand the proper application of the Key of Knowledge which unlocks the esoteric secrets of mind and being.    Therefore, isn't Paul stating this exact same truth when he writes to the Galatians who are attempting to embrace Jewish ritualistic ways, and states: “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?” And then Paul goes on to explain to those who want to attempt to read the written word literally, in an historical context as Christians do today: “For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV). 

That the Jew who remained of a natural carnal mindset could not see beyond the symbols of the allegory, and their eyes and hearts were hardened by their ideological and philosophic beliefs to the degree that they could not comprehend the true meaning of the scriptures, is readily understood where Paul states that “their minds were blinded” by God, “for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament… even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart” (2 Cor 3:14-15 KJV).  From a spiritual perspective, when the Jews worship the god of the literal written word -- in the words of Paul, the god of the "letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" -- with rituals, animal sacrifices, incense, in a temple made with the hands of men, it can truly be said that the Jews worshiped a false god -- a god which the Spiritual Christians portrayed as a Demiurge that created the mental world in which they lived.  And what was it that the scriptures used by the Jews said: "The multitude of your sacrifices-- what are they to me? says the LORD. I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations-- I cannot bear your evil assemblies. Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow" (Isa 1:11-17 NIV).

Why does the Most High God take no pleasure in rituals, sacrifices, incense, Sabbaths and New Moon festivals?  In the words of the Church Father Origen: “I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed.”  And in the words of Paul:  "Which things are an allegory.”   And in the words of the Jewish Mystic: “The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak.   The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not.   The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.

With respect to the body of esoteric knowledge maintained by Pythagoras, an interesting exchange can be observed in the example when the pre-Nicene (prior to 325 CE) Church was attacked by Celsus for being a “secret system” (see Secret Doctrine) -- teaching the inner core of Christians a totally different doctrine than others to which the Church Father Origen replied: “Moreover, since he frequently calls the Christian doctrine a secret system, we must confute him on this point also, since almost the entire world is better acquainted with what Christians preach than with the favorite opinions of philosophers.  For who is ignorant of the statement that Jesus was born of a virgin, and that He was crucified, and that His Resurrection is an article of faith among many, and that a general judgment is announced to come, in which the wicked are to be punished according to their desserts, and the righteous to be duly rewarded?” 

Fundamentally, what Origen enumerated was elementary Christian doctrine 101 -- i.e., what the Apostle Paul refers to as the “milk” -- or that basic doctrine which still exists to this very day (see Mystery Of The Gospel).   Origen acknowledged these doctrines which he acknowledged was “preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief”, and refuted Celsus by stating that while these beliefs are openly expounded as articles of Christian faith, Origen then explained: “And yet the mystery of the Resurrection, not being understood, is made a subject of ridicule among the unbelievers.  In these circumstances, to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system is altogether absurd.  But that there should be certain doctrines, not made known to the multitude, which are after the exoteric ones having been taught, is not a peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also of philosophic systems, in which certain truths are exoteric and others are esoteric.  Some of the heroes of Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit; while others were taught in secret those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears.  Moreover, all the mysteries that are celebrated everywhere throughout Greece and the barbarous countries, although held in secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that it is in vain he endeavors to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity, seeing that he does not correctly understand its nature”.

It is important that the reader not skim over this rather profound statement that was composed by  Origen in reply to the allegations of Celsus with respect to the acknowledgement that Christianity was is a secret system where the multitude of believers were taught differently than those who were more spiritually mature.   Moreover, what is imperative for the modern seeker to realize is that Origen -- whose reply to Celsus represented the position of the whole Church on these matters -- states that there is another meaning in the doctrine of the resurrection that is not understood by the multitude of believers who were of the simple faith.   In view of the fact that this allegation by Celsus was made against the church before Origen was even born, we cannot take the position that the ideas expressed in this document represent the personal beliefs of Origen.   And that the use of Reason is contingent upon the individuals condition of mind, is demonstrated conclusively above at Do Atheists Prove The Deists In Error?   And this confirms the position of Plato who maintained that only those who escaped the illusions of what is known as  Plato's Cave had the capacity to understand man's higher soul-reality -- which further confirms the position of Pythagoras that to comprehend man's higher soul and spiritual reality requires the developmental maturity to comprehend what organic man cannot -- which is also confirmed in the article Could Thomas Paine Do What The Apostle Paul Said Was Impossible?   In fact, for the Deist to maintain that -- regardless of their condition of mind -- that anyone and everyone can see the existence of God by their observation of the outer world in defiance of the state of absolute confusion that exists among mankind, must be seen as a suspension of Reason on the part of the Deists.    Which raises the question: How does a person develop the condition of mind and maturity necessary to observe God in the outer world as the enlightened visionary and Deist proclaims?   An ultra-important element in the equation of the necessary "...heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” that enables the seeker to Experience and Know God through the process of Oneness, is an understanding of the Natural Laws of Creation that is active within the body and mind of each individual, as well as the Wisdom to put these Laws into effect to bring about the intended effect of why these Laws were instituted by Creator-God in the development of mankind.   In the same way that acclaimed Deists such as Plato and Pythagoras focused on the need for self-development and the process of achieving a condition of mental-maturity, it is ultra-important to recognize the fact that what the Gospel of Thomas portrays as poverty of mind and intellect is presented as self-ignorance -- i.e., "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".  

Thomas Paine's father was a Quaker -- and the Quakers rejected both scriptures and clergy as an intermediary authority between man and God -- i.e., "Though Fox used the Bible to support his views, Fox reasoned that, because God was within the faithful, believers could follow their own inner guide rather than rely on a strict reading of Scripture or the word of clerics. [directly quoting George Fox] I had forsaken the priests, so I left the separate preachers also, and those esteemed the most experienced people; for I saw there was none among them all that could speak to my condition" (see George Fox).   Thus, for the Deist to ignore what the very words of Thomas Paine in The Rights Of Man stated, when he wrote: "The mind, in discovering truths, acts in the same manner as it acts through the eye in discovering objects; when once any object has been seen, it is impossible to put the mind back to the same condition it was in before it saw it" -- ignoring the fact that the mind that is complacent to Truth remains perpetually blind to Higher Reasoning, is intellectually dishonest on the part of Deists who attempt to proclaim the equality of Reason across the spectrum of all of mankind -- without any consideration being given to the observer's Condition of Mind.    

In recognizing the impossibility of revealing to the mind of organic man who made no effort to seek Truth or improve his Condition of Mind, the biblical authors maintained that the exoteric teaching of the Gospel which Paul portrayed as "milk" for entry-level believers (see  Could Thomas Paine Do What The Apostle Paul Said Was Impossible?), was itself designed to provide stimulation for the development of the mind -- with the hope of ushering in a change of Condition that would enable the person to perceive and comprehend with greater depth of understanding.   But more important is the fact that when the Key of Knowledge is properly applied to the scriptures, neither Judaism, Christianity or Islam can any longer be classified as a "revealed religion".   Why?   Because once the scriptures are turned within self -- and the symbolism is understood as portraying not only aspects of one's own consciousness -- presenting to the seeker the very Forces and Laws of Mind that animates his consciousness and being -- then what is portrayed in the allegory of the written word as an historical man Jesus, becomes a Condition of Mind that is the ultimate destiny of every person who has ever walked the face of the earth.   In the same way that in our modern culture we have words that portray an individuals Condition of Mind -- i.e., retard, average, genus and the variations between -- when the Key of Knowledge is properly applied to the scriptures, what is presented is a text-book which when put into practice, stimulates the mind to bring about a Condition of Wholeness.  

Thomas Jefferson who was a Deist, understood the importance of the Gospel teachings and concepts, and removed the miracles and supernatural events in his Bible, in order to bring focus to what was important.   In the earlier translations all the miracles of healing that reportedly took place in the Gospel accounts, accomplished the healing through "wholeness".   Thus, because the "priestcraft" corrupts the scriptures once placed in the hands of the common people, these miracles of healing and supernatural events were employed to allegorically present the process of making the person "whole".     The Deist authors of the Gospels employed allegorical miracles and supernatural events, knowing that the "priestcraft" who were incapable of comprehending the true meaning of the Gospel would leave them in tact, without corrupting the text, because the "priestcraft" was then able to use them in their dogmatic opium which they used to control the thinking of the people.   Yet, men of higher reason would perceive the absurdity of the letter, and seek the deeper spiritual meaning.   Understanding the need to bring about a Condition of Wholeness within their own mind and being.

How Can This Be, You Ask???    Throughout history those few who did seek Truth and strive to change their Condition of Mind in order to create within themselves the essential fertile ground that is necessary for the kernel of Truth to grow and mature their perception and understanding, have not only been confronted by the inability of organic man to comprehend this higher Truth, but when they attempted to openly acknowledge this Truth, they invoked the wrath of "priestcraft" who hunted them down as heretics.    And one of the prime examples of this reality is demonstrated in the burning at the stake of the enlightened priest Giordano Bruno (see Spiritual Religion).   And in spite of this reality, those who become privy to this Higher Truth that organic man is blind to because of his lack of development -- a lack of development borne out of complacency and allegiance to the secular authorities who Thomas Paine portrays as the work of "priestcraft" -- it remains true that these more spiritually mature souls who have evolved their Gift of Reason, are obligated to protect and preserve the body of esoteric knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Mind and Being that opens the eyes and the mind of those who seek the Truth with a sincere and dauntless heart.  

Thus, The Great Enigmatic Question: By what means could those who had developed their Reason and Intelligence -- evolved their thinking and depth of being beyond "natural" organic limits -- preserve important knowledge that was condemned as heresy by the "priestcraft" and their minions -- preserve this knowledge of the Laws and Forces of Mind in such a way, that it would be universally accessible to all who could properly use it -- both in the present, and in the future?   Further, add to this the complexity seen in the fact that as openly stated, it was and remains impossible for the undeveloped "natural" mind of man to comprehend his own higher soul and spiritual reality (see Mystery and Could Thomas Paine Do What The Apostle Paul Said Was Impossible?).    The answer is that they hid and concealed this crucial body of higher knowledge in plain sight -- and they accomplished this by composing scriptures in the Universal Language Of The Soul -- which is the same language with which all of Creation is composed in by Creator-God.    

What this means is that the Deists were correct when they maintained that the use of Reason and Observation of the world has the capacity to reveal God -- which is in total agreement with the Apostle Paul who wrote: "...because that which is known about God ...for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).    As a seeker begins to understand the Laws and Forces of Nature -- not only does this Knowledge reveal the Creator -- but also that all of Creation is composed and written in the Universal Language of the Soul.   And in understanding this reality of the Natural Laws, the authors of the scriptures preserved and concealed the knowledge of the Forces and Laws that control the mind and lives of mankind, by composing the scriptures in the same Language of the Soul with which all of Creation is composed by Creator-God.  

  The Language Of The Soul: Why did the authors of the scriptures compose parabolic and enigmatic scriptures written in what is best portrayed as The Language Of The Soul?     The Master Deist Plato in his analogy of the Cave, portrayed mankind as dwelling in a world of shadow-illusions (see Plato's Cave ) -- unable to see or understand the true nature and reality of the world in which man is presently dwelling.   And this is of the utmost importance to the modern seeker -- both Theist and Deist -- because (1) if it is true that if mankind is not perceiving the whole picture and vision of reality when he looks out at the world; and (2) we are not seeing the source -- but rather, (3) a fragmented perception of reflective images which Plato and countless other mystics have portrayed as illusional shadows of a higher reality that "natural" organic man is incapable of perceiving at a source-level; (4) then we can begin to understand why men of varied Reason all perceive the world differently.  

Of this Sacred Language of the Soul with which all of Creation is composed in -- and is the same Language the authors of the scriptures used to compose their Sacred Texts -- Galileo wrote: "Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes — I mean the universe — but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols, in which it is written."   In like manner Thomas Paine wrote in The Age Of Reason: "The Creation speaketh a universal language, independently of human speech or human language, multiplied and various as they may be. It is an ever-existing original, which every man can read. It cannot be forged; it cannot be counterfeited; it cannot be lost; it cannot be altered; it cannot be suppressed. It does not depend upon the will of man whether it shall be published or not; it publishes itself from one end of the earth to the other. It preaches to all nations and to all worlds; and this word of God reveals to man all that is necessary for man to know of God."   And this same exact reality is portrayed in The Essene Gospel Of Peace where it is written: And Jesus himself sat down in their midst and said: "I tell you truly, none can be happy, except he do the Law."  And the others answered: "We all do the laws of Moses, our lawgiver, even as they are written in the holy scriptures."  And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life. God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true God to man. God wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit. They are in your breath, your blood, your bone; in your flesh, your bowels, your eyes, your ears, and in every little part of your body. They are present in the air, in the water, in the earth, in the plants, in th e sunbeams, in the depths and in the heights. They all speak to you that you may understand the tongue and the will of the living God. But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in His works? And wherefore do you study the dead scriptures which are the work of the hands of men?"  "How may we read the laws of God elsewhere than in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us from there where you see them, for we know nothing else but the scriptures which we have inherited from our forefathers. Tell us the laws of which you speak, that hearing them we may be healed and justified."  Jesus said: "You do not understand the words of life, because you are in death. Darkness darkens your eyes and your ears are stopped with deafness. For I tell you, it profits you not at all that you pore over dead scriptures if by your deeds you deny him who has given you the scriptures.

Without exception, this is true.   Moreover, this same Language when properly understood, has the power to reveal to the seeker the very Laws and Forces of the Cosmology of Mind that is operating within his own body and being.   To understand the allegorical appearances in first the scriptures, then observe these same realities at work in the outer world and cosmos, and lastly within one's own body and mind -- and then to apply this wisdom and knowledge so as to move beyond the "natural" human limitations within one's own mind and being -- is in fact the very objective and purpose of life -- as well as the Spiritual Message of the Gospels.  When it is understood that all objects are an allegorical representation of a thought and reality of mind impressed into the forms of nature -- each having a unique vibratory frequency that is represented in the image of the symbol and form -- only then does Galileo's statement with respect to the above begin to truly become revealed where he stated: "This book (the universe) is written in the mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth."   What is not understood by Christians today is the fact that a parallel message was stated in the long ignored Epistle of Peter and James where it is warned that if the esoteric knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay should become lost, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".    And sadly, these two warnings have remained true even into our own time. 

Another key to unlocking the confusion is seen in the fact that, unlike the science of two to three hundred years ago, modern science has already confirmed the reality which the mystic has long attempted to convey to those who attempt to understand the world based solely upon what they perceive through their physical senses -- i.e., quoting physicist Walter Thirring in his book, Urbausteine der Materie where he wrote about matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” (see Science - Religion - And The Etheric Field/Mind).   If it is true that man only sees what can be portrayed as a "blemish" within the intersecting lines of force within an unseen causal field, then Einstein was correct in the shock he experienced when he first came into contact with the new reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”   In the words of Einstein: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).

That what we perceive in the outer world is an illusion -- an illusion that as a shadow-image, is more factually an allusion -- an allusion which is composed and written in the allegorical Language Of The Soul -- an allusion which Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- which portrays organic man dwelling in a condition of inherent blindness and inability to reason and mentally function at an elevated level -- i.e., “For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts...” (Matt 13:15-17 NIV).    And that mankind is inherently blind and of a very limited comprehension with respect to the nature and reality of the images he perceives while dwelling in the Cave of the Outer Darkness -- perceiving only allegorical shadows of a higher reality which is beyond his organic understanding (see  Could Thomas Paine Do What The Apostle Paul Said Was Impossible?) -- is the reason why the Gospel of Thomas states: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."   

  Worthlessness Of Written Text: When these words are understood from the perspective of a truly rational mind, it would be deemed pure insanity to suggest that the authors of the scriptures composed historical accounts which documented the appearance of a god that was born of a virgin who came to save mankind from the realm of illusions within which they were subject for their failure to put on the proper wedding garment (see Outer Darkness).   Especially in view of the important statement by the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen who stated in reference to the nature of the written word of the scriptures.   When Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within each of us (see Gate Of Eden), what was being conveyed was the reality that our own mind and being is segmented -- as has been proven by modern physics (see Science Proves Religion).   Further, that this segmentation of mind is the natural result of the Laws and Forces of Consciousness working within our own being -- that all genuine esoteric knowledge is that of self-knowledge or the Cosmology of one's own mind and being -- and that the objective is to begin to overcome this inner segmentation of mind, in the endeavor to gain access to what the disciples of Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher who is the True Prophet -- i.e., the Source of All Knowledge.    Deists such as Thomas Paine often portrayed the literal text of the scriptures as being untrue and not historically accurate.   And when we pose the question: What does the Bible state?   The Apostle Paul portrayed the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6) and "Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14) -- stating that the written text of the scriptures was purely allegorical.   In the article  An Inconvenient Truth the fact is presented that the purpose of the scriptures was to preserve and conceal the esoteric knowledge within the garb of allegory to protect it from the unenlightened carnal believers and their pseudo-religious leaders (see An Inconvenient Truth).   The enlightened few have always pointed out the countless inconsistencies which were purposely inserted into the literal text of the scriptures which the critics portray as being so numerous and unbelievable to a rational minded person, that is was pointed out by the Church Father Origen when he portrayed the literal text as virtually worthless -- i.e., “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning” (Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics).   Further explaining in De Principiis that: “Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not.”   And that the carnal mind of both the blind believer, as well as the skeptic critic, both attempt to ignore these important inconsistencies (see Inconsistencies Purposely Written Into Body Of Scriptural Text), and attempt to read the scriptures as an historical account, inhibits them from perceiving and understanding the great truths that lie concealed beneath the allegorical texts.   And in the proper application of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge, the Church Father Origen writes: “But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge"

What does this mean?   What it means is that "...all the narrative portion [of the scriptures], relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever", do not at all pertain to historical accounts of man's more distant past -- but rather, to the Forces and Laws that are presently working within man's own mind and being.   Why?   How could Origen who was called the prince of Christian learning second only to the Apostles themselves, state that the historical interpretation of the scriptures is "worthless"?  And that what is presented in the written text as marriages, the begetting of children, and the many various wars and battles are not at all historical -- but rather, an allegorical portrayal of the Forces and Laws working within one's own mind and being?   The answer is this: A truly spiritual people have no need of an historical account in their search for Truth -- but rather, their primary concern is to tap into the Inner Source of Knowledge which the disciples portrayed as the True Prophet.    And because man's pseudo-authorities of this world remain virtually ignorant of the profound reality portrayed in Origen's statement that "...As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge" -- indicating and confirming the reality that the Source of Knowledge already dwells within man -- in his failing to understand the Cosmology of his own mind and being, the vast majority of pseudo-intellectuals merely alienate themselves from the True Source of Knowledge within themselves that remains a perpetual enigma. 

The Conclusion: What this means is that the true nature of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is not what the Deists portray as a "revealed" religion -- and when the Key of Knowledge is properly applied, the portrayal of the man Jesus is representative of that Condition of Mind necessary to bring about the inner connection between man and his Inner Source of Being.    And with an enlightened understanding of the Natural Laws which cause and bring about the segmentation of the mind of man, so too is the twelve disciples an allegorical portrayal of what is signified in the allegorical account of the Tree of Life that nourishes the mind of the seeker with the spiritual nourishment that Completes and makes the individual Whole.   Quoting from Could Thomas Paine Do What The Apostle Paul Said Was Impossible?): 


Thomas Paine was an enlightened visionary who saw and understood what Paul warned the Christian converts with respect to the limitations of their "natural" organic mind and thinking. And in his positions found in his writings, Thomas Paine understood the nature of the problem that anchored the Christian world to a condition of profound ignorance. In that article entitled Of The Religion Of Deism Compared With The Christian Religion, Paine hit the nail on the head when he writes: But the Church of Rome having set up its new religion, which it called Christianity, invented the creed which it named the Apostles's Creed, in which it calls Jesus the only son of God, conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary; things of which it is impossible that man or woman can have any idea, and consequently no belief but in words; and for which there is no authority but the idle story of Joseph's dream in the first chapter of Matthew, which any designing imposter or foolish fanatic might make. It then manufactured the allegories in the book of Genesis into fact, and the allegorical tree of life and the tree of knowledge into real trees, contrary to the belief of the first Christians, and for which there is not the least authority in any of the books of the New Testament; for in none of them is there any mention made of such place as the Garden of Eden, nor of anything that is said to have happened there. But the Church of Rome could not erect the person called Jesus into a Savior of the world without making the allegories in the book of Genesis into fact, though the New Testament, as before observed, gives no authority for it. All at once the allegorical tree of knowledge became, according to the Church, a real tree, the fruit of it real fruit, and the eating of it sinful. As priestcraft was always the enemy of knowledge, because priestcraft supports itself by keeping people in delusion and ignorance, it was consistent with its policy to make the acquisition of knowledge a real sin.

In reality, what Thomas Paine was in fact stating was that in its quest to empower the new religion, the Church of Rome in the manner of the Pharisees, threw away the Key of Knowledge  -- which not only inhibited the very objective and purpose of the Gospel Message -- but further flat-lined the mental and spiritual development of the faith-based believers -- and because of their mental-suspension, rendering the use of the God-Given Gift of Reason virtually impossible.   From the perspective of the Original Authors, both inconsistencies and unfactual bogus events were intentionally written into the body of the text, in order to inhibit the literal interpretation (see Inconsistencies). And while the Church remains in denial of the fact that the New Testament itself states the exact same thing with respect to the the fact that the scriptures were intentionally composed so that the intelligent seeker would reject the written meaning of the written text (see The Spiritual Diaspora).

The proverbial question then becomes: (1) Why would the authors of the scriptures intentionally write what was historically inaccurate; (2) why would they insert countless inconsistencies into the textual body; (3) why would they portray a counterfeit image of god that would be rejected by men of reason???   It must also be noted that the early Church Father who has been portrayed as the greatest teacher second only to the Apostles, portrayed those who believe the allegorical accounts of the written text to be "idiots" (see Mystery Of The Gospel).  And thus, the most important element of the question: Why did the Original Authors compose the scriptures in this manner that most faith-based Christians would portray as factually inaccurate and untruthful?  Since the time that man first set foot upon the face of the earth, those who knew the truth with respect to man's