Thomas Paine Redux

In the same way
that if Jesus were to enter a modern Church he
would be run out as a heretic, if Thomas Paine
attempted to join the atheist-driven Deism
(Revealed Deism) groups on FaceBook and Soical
Media, he would be banned.
The word Redux
is a literary term meaning brought back,
returned, revived with the meaning of restored
to consciousness or brought back to life.
Deism when rightly understood, is based upon the
knowledge of the Natural Laws that evolve each
Soul to Completion and Perfection -- and those
who are true Deists, understand that evolving to
requires many lifetimes to accomplish (see
As stated by arch-Deist Giordano Bruno,
"The soul is not the body and it may be in one
body or in another, and pass from body to body"
-- with the objective stated by Bruno to bring
about "The divine
perfection of the individual soul is the aim of
all progression". Which means that the Soul of every person alive
today has lived virtually countess lives before
arriving at their present station of life.
That the vast majority of people lack the
necessary Soul-Memory which permits them to
recall some of the lives their Soul has
previously lived, is because their thinking,
mindset and/or lifestyle has inhibited their
mental development (see
Arrested Mental Development - ).
The Deists who were drawn from the body of
Mature Christians in the Age of Enlightenment,
understood this reality -- and thus, they
opposed all forms of Revealed Religion -- which
is defined as
"(Theology) religion based on the revelation by
God to man of ideas that he would not have
arrived at by his natural reason alone"
-- which is a total rejection of Original
Christianity (see
The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common
With Church Dogma ). In fact,
the Original Gospel teachings presented the path
for every sincere believer to communicate
directly with the Divine Mind (God), and receive the Knowledge or
Divine Manna of the Higher Reality of the Soul
(see ), and the Mysteries of
the Kingdom, directly from Creator-God.
It is
virtually impossible for anyone to mentally and
spiritually evolve beyond a certain point in
their development, without an understanding of
the Natural Laws of Creation that were put in
place to evolve each and every Soul from the
Alpha of ignorance, to the Omega of of
Enlightened Light (see
The Law Of
The Gospels
). In the early
founding documents of the United States whose
Constitution is based upon these Natural Laws,
the reference is made to The Laws of Nature and
Nature's God. And like the Original
Gospel teachings, the American Constitution is
based upon the Deist Foundational Paradigm of
Creation that is based upon the knowledge of the
Natural Laws that evolves each and every Soul
from the Alpha to the Omega of Creation.
A Soul
such as Thomas Paine who authored important
articles on the (Natural) Rights of Man --
learned about those Rights over the course of
the many previous lives his Soul lived --
thereby bringing this Higher Knowledge into man's
struggle to create a government that would serve
as the Foundation to support these Natural
Rights. At that time-frame if either
Thomas Paine or Jefferson had openly stated that
they knew the Truths that were suppressed by
and the Church because both of their Souls lived
lives in the first century, their whole
objective to create a government to support the
Natural Rights of Man would have been
undermined. Yet, it is easily proven that
the teachings on the pre-existent Soul had been
removed from the original Gospel (see
Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And
Soul-Development ).
And when
rightly understood, it is impossible for Theists
to understand the Original Gospel teachings, or
the Natural Laws of Creation, because they have
been deprived of the essential knowledge of the
Journey of the Soul because of the corruption of
the scriptures.
Deism is a
Spiritual Path and Movement based upon a
functional and knowledge of the Natural Laws
which transcend and provide Substance and
Framework to man's physical reality. In
the same way that Theism without the Knowledge
of the Laws is a corpse, so to is Reason without
a Spiritual Foundation, dead. And this
fact of life is demonstrated in the American
Crisis - Common Sense article entitled: .
Being released from the ideological and
philosophical shackles of man's past, science is
on the cusp of proving the wisdom of the Mystic
Proves Reincarnation
When rightly
understood, the same linear-fundamentalist
mindset that opposed religious men of reason and
intellect, has now begun to inhibit scientific
advancement. The linear-fundamentalist states
that only what is physically seen and physically
provable in a laboratory environment is real --
and attempts to dismiss all phenomena that
cannot be examined within the spectrum of the
three-dimensions of this physical world. In an
article Things That Science Can't Explain
by Dr. Claude Swanson, he writes:
"There are many things
modern science cannot explain, and yet they
occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the
"hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal.
These effects are now being proven in the
laboratory, even though they defy present
scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries
point the way to a new, deeper science, a
science which no longer denies spirit and
consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces
them. In the past three decades scientific
evidence has accumulated showing that the
present scientific paradigm is broken."
What has thrown the
proverbial monkey-wrench into the traditional
field of scientific theory, is the reality that
what is seen with the three-dimensional senses
is not only a fraction of the whole -- i.e., the
proverbial tip of the iceberg -- but can rightly
be portrayed as a shadow-image cast by an unseen
higher source. And regardless of the emerging
facts, this is a reality of life that the
linear-fundamentalist mindset cannot come to
terms with. As science has itself begun to
advance, it has now entered a phase where it
must begin to cast of its own brand of
Fundamentalism that has shackled and inhibited
man's God-Given Gift of Reason. And this
inability to even contemplate the new paradigm
of modern science was noted by Robert Jastrow,
an astrophysicist who headed the NASA’s Goddard
Institute for Space Studies, pointed out that
the big bang is not exactly an explanation of
cause. He is quoted in The Aquarian Conspiracy:
“If a scientist really
examines the implications, he would be
traumatized. As usual, when the mind is faced
with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the
implications - in science this is called
‘refusing to speculate’ - or by trivializing the
origin of the world by calling it the Big Bang,
as if the universe were merely a firecracker”.
Mr. Jastrow then continues and states:
“Consider the
enormousness of the problem: Science has proved
that the universe exploded into being at a
certain moment. It asks, what cause produced
this effect? Who or what put the matter and
energy into the universe? Was the universe
created out of nothing or was it gathered
together out of pre-existing materials? And
science cannot answer these questions... It is
not a matter of another year, another decade of
work, another measurement, or another theory. At
this moment it seems as though science will
never be able to raise the curtain on the
mystery of creation”.
Much of what has been
written in the below has been therefore drawn
from not only the life my Soul lived as Thomas
Paine, but also the many lives prior to the 18th
argue with a person who has renounced the use of
is like
administering medicine to the dead"
Paine - The Crisis
"It is useless to
attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was
never reasoned into"
Jonathan Swift
Revealed Vs
Natural Religion. A revealed religion is
one based on information communicated through a
prophet or chosen source. From a
dogmatic perspective, the Roman Church maintains
that Jesus was the source of truth, and only the
Church can properly interpret the scriptures.
Thus, from this dogmatic perspective,
Christianity is a Revealed Religion that mankind
must blindly believe and accept -- without
question. In Judaism, Moses was the
chosen revealer to the Jewish world.
In Islam, Mohammed is portrayed as the only and
last prophet in the final word of God to mankind
through the Qur'an.
Where Judaism,
Christianity and Islam is portrayed as Revealed
Religions, Deism arose out of the Age of
Enlightenment as was said to be a Natural
Religion. Quoting the definition of Deism
found at :
"Deism is belief in God based on the application
of our reason on the designs/laws found
throughout Nature. The designs presuppose a
Designer. Deism is therefore a natural religion
and is not a 'revealed' religion. The natural
religion/philosophy of Deism frees those who
embrace it from the inconsistencies of
superstition and the negativity of fear that are
so strongly represented in all of the 'revealed'
religions such as Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. (These religions are called revealed
religions because they all make claim to having
received a special revelation from God which
they pretend, and many of their sincere
followers actually believe, their various and
conflicting holy books are based on.)".
Revealed Deism:
The problem with the above is seen in the fact
that Judaism, Christianity and Islam appear to
be Revealed religions -- not because of the
sources of these religions -- but rather,
because all religions very quickly become
corrupted by what Thomas Paine portrayed as
"priestcraft". What set Thomas Paine
and other Deist and Mason Constitutional Framers
apart from the religious people in the
time-frame of the Revolution, was their
knowledge of the Natural Laws within which we
swim in the manner that a fish swims in water.
Thomas Paine was an enlightened visionary who
saw and understood what Paul warned the
Christian converts with respect to the
limitations of their "natural" organic mind and
thinking (see
What Difference Does It Make). And in his positions found in his
writings, Thomas Paine understood the nature of
the problem that anchored the Christian world to
a condition of profound ignorance. In that
article entitled
Of The Religion Of Deism Compared With The
Christian Religion, Paine hit the nail on
the head when he writes:
But the
Church of Rome having set up its new religion,
which it called Christianity, invented the creed
which it named the Apostle's Creed... It then
manufactured the allegories in the book of
Genesis into fact, and the allegorical tree of
life and the tree of knowledge into real trees,
contrary to the belief of the first Christians,
and for which there is not the least authority
in any of the books of the New Testament; for in
none of them is there any mention made of such
place as the Garden of Eden, nor of anything
that is said to have happened there. But
the Church of Rome could not erect the person
called Jesus into a Savior of the world without
making the allegories in the book of Genesis
into fact, though the New Testament, as before
observed, gives no authority for it. All at once
the allegorical tree of knowledge became,
according to the Church, a real tree, the fruit
of it real fruit, and the eating of it sinful.
priestcraft was always the enemy of knowledge,
because priestcraft supports itself by keeping
people in delusion and ignorance, it was
consistent with its policy to make the
acquisition of knowledge a real sin...
...Reason is the forbidden tree of priestcraft,
and may serve to explain the allegory of the
forbidden tree of knowledge, for we may
reasonably suppose the allegory had some meaning
and application at the time it was invented. It
was the practice of the Eastern nations to
convey their meaning by allegory, and relate it
in the manner of fact. Jesus followed the same
method, yet nobody ever supposed the allegory or
parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the
Prodigal Son, the ten Virgins, etc., were facts.
Why then should the tree of knowledge, which is
far more romantic in idea than the parables in
the New Testament are, be supposed to be a real
tree? The answer to this is, because the Church
could not make its new-fangled system, which it
called Christianity, hold together without it.
To have made Christ to die on account of an
allegorical tree would have been too barefaced a
What can best be
portrayed as Revealed or Faith-Based Deism, has
totally undermined not only the Wisdom of our
Constitutional Framers, but has ushered in an
environment of profound ignorance with respect
to the Natural Laws of Creation that is
presently threatening the very Essence of all
that is American. The divinely
guided accomplishments of the Framers of our
Constitutional form of government who used their
functional working knowledge of the Natural Laws
to create an environment that would permit
American Exceptionalism to arise -- enabling man
to aspire to his highest potential as the divine
offspring of God as portrayed in the Gospel
parable of the prodigal son -- is being totally
undermined by the prevailing ignorance of these
same Natural Laws. An Enlightened
Deist is not someone who observes the work and
existence of God in the manner of gazing upon a
picture -- but rather, one who perceives and
understands the meaning and interaction of the
Forces and Natural Laws of the outer world, and
is then able to relate and utilize this
Knowledge to bring about an Enlightened
Condition of Mind within himself.
The Genuine
Enlightened Deist can detect the fraud and
deception which has always plagued Revealed
Religion that is based upon the carnal dogma of
pseudo-priests and counterfeit clergy, because
in understanding the Natural Laws that controls
their consciousness, the Enlightened Deist has
the ability to seek out the Source of Divine
Knowledge within himself. The
Enlightened Deist does not therefore gaze upon
the universe as one perceiving a divine picture
drawn by the Hand of Creator-God -- but rather,
in understanding the Natural Laws that brought
forth and maintains the images that are seen and
observed in the outer world, the Enlightened
Deist is then able to understand and prevail
over the Forces and Laws of his own
Consciousness, and connect with the Inner Source
of his Being -- a Higher Reality that the
ancient Deists such as Jesus, Plato, Pythagoras,
Giordano Bruno, St. Francis, St. Teresa and the
early Jewish and Christian Mystics portrayed as
the Logos that exists within the mind of every
The American Patriot
Thomas Paine was very much a man for his time.
Quoting from
The Secret Destiny Of America, by Manley P.
Of Thomas
Paine it has been said that he did
more to win the independence of the
colonies with his pen than George
Washington accomplished with his
sword, Only complete reorganization
of government, religion, and
education would bring us even today
to the perfectionist state Tom Paine
envisioned ...There is little doubt
that Thomas Paine assisted Jefferson
in writing the Declaration of
Independence. Present research even
points to the probability that he
composed the entire document, then
submitted it to Jefferson for
editing and revision. The references
in the Declaration of Independence
to "the Laws of Nature" and
"Nature's God" especially reflect
Paine's theological convictions...
Paine was a free thinker, a radical
pamphleter. It was his misfortune to
be "born out of time." Yet by his
very birth and the energy of his
nature he helped to change the face
of time. He attacked the corruption
of the British Government with such
honesty and skill that he was the
most feared man in England. Then,
with the simple conviction of a
Quaker Deist, he threw the power of
his written word against the
religious corruption that burdened
the peoples of Europe and interfered
with the social progress of mankind.
In the Age
of Reason, Paine emphasized the
necessity of separating the spheres
of Church and State, looking at both
institutions in their practical
state of corruption rather than in
their ideal state of mutual
integrity. He held a broad view of
religion in general, believing that
all faiths were naturally good and
were necessary to the spiritual
security of humanity. Such broadness
was out of season, and it made him
numerous enemies among those holding
fanatical convictions. It was
dangerous to preach religious
tolerance in his day, when the
spirit of persecution was still
When the
clergy involved itself in the
political conspiracies of the State
and descended to the level of
self-interest, their spiritual power
was prostituted; and, said Paine,
they lost all claim upon public
respect. Paine saw the conniving,
plotting, and counter plotting of
religious leaders who had cast their
lot with the aristocracy against
long suffering and exploited
citizens. With a Church such as this
he had no patience, and he had the
eloquence and abundant courage to
express his convictions regardless
of the cost.
He held
the aristocracy in general in equal
antipathy. Privileged classes, to
him, were little better than
parasites, living off the toil of
honest men in total indifference to
the public good. A government
compounded from a dissolute nobility
and fawning professional office
holders, ever catering to the longer
purse, brought Paine's righteous
indignation to the boiling point,
indignation which he could apply in
words understandable to the masses.
It was his simple reasoning that
such a Church, plus such a State,
equaled chaos. It was bad enough for
government to burden the people with
extravagances, but it was still
worse for the Church to preach that
men should accept this load as
coming from God, to see it designed
to purify their souls by the
practice of patience and humility.
It was not
enough for Paine to believe that all
men were created free and equal;
these free men had the inalienable
right of representative government;
and the further right to improve
themselves to the enjoyment of all
natural good. He was more of a
perfectionist than was practical in
his own day or even in our time.
Like most idealists, he failed to
accept the weakness in that very
human nature which he sought so
desperately to champion. Only
thousands of years of conditioning
and the complete reorganization of
government, religion, and education
could bring mankind to the estate
which Paine envisioned. He called
men to a high destiny, and men
understood in part and applied in
part, but lacked the capacity for a
full and understanding acceptance.
My friend
Benjamin Franklin wrote:
"I look upon death to be as necessary to the
constitution as sleep. We shall rise refreshed
in the morning." And, "Finding myself to exist
in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape
or other always exist."
And, on his epitaph which he drafted for himself
he wrote: "Body of B.
Franklin, Printer, Like the Cover of an Old
Book, It's Contents Torn Out And Stripped of its
Lettering and Gilding, Lies Here Food for Worms.
But the Work Shall not be Lost For it Will as He
Believed Appear Once More In a New and Elegant
Edition Revised and Corrected By the Author"
-- and in the below writings this essential
truth with respect to Thomas Paine has become a
reality. With respect to Franklin's
statement that the future edition will be
"...Revised and
Corrected By the Author", this is
also true. While only someone such
as Thomas Paine who possessed the functional
knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God
could have written the below, because I also
possess the first-hand knowledge of many of the
other lifetimes which my soul has lived, I can
not only provide a more Complete picture of the
movement that Thomas Paine and the other framers
of our Constitution began, but I am in the
position to perfect the important work that we
had begun -- work that is being undermined by
corrupt politicians who use complacent clergy to
undermine and destroy the very fabric of our
Submitted to the
modern seeker of truth,
Thomas Paine (Redux)

its Core and Essence, Deism is a
Spiritual Movement -- which means
that it is impossible to discuss the
Foundation of Deism, without
exploring important spiritual
subjects and concepts that set Deism
apart from the tenets of Revealed
Religion. In our modern
time-frame, many quasi-agnostics
have aligned themselves with Deism
because of its positions against the
Church and Revealed Religion.
Resulting in the fact that, at the
mere mention of spiritual concepts,
these quasi-agnostics immediately
are turned off -- mainly because to
their thinking and mindset, Deism is
more of an academic and secularized
movement, than a spiritual movement.
Yet, it is impossible to understand
the Laws of Nature and Nature's God,
without understanding important
spiritual concepts that is the very
Foundation of Deism and its
opposition to all forms of Revealed
Religion. Why is this
important? At any time that
mankind is willing to understand the
Natural Laws, and reach out and
consciously invoke them, the organic
curtain to Higher Knowledge and
Enlightenment begins to be torn down
-- immersing the sincere Deist in a
level of Knowing that exceeds any of
the Universities and Libraries of
this world.
Einstein's Unfinished Symphony, he
stated "I
am not interested in this phenomenon
or that phenomenon,"
Einstein had said earlier in his
life. "I
want to know God's thoughts – the
rest are mere details".
Yet, only the sincere Deist who
understands the Natural Laws of
Creation and is willing to apply
them within his own mind and being,
is able to
"...know God's Thoughts",
and it is this Knowledge of the
Natural Laws that is the Core and
Essence of Deism. Enlightened
seekers understand that it is
impossible to begin to open the door
to Higher Knowledge, without
exploring many of those Universal
Concepts that can be classified as
Spiritual. But with the
influx of quasi-agnostics who
portray themselves as Deists, the
original foundation of Deism has
been replaced with the thinking of
academia and science -- the leaders
of which have been raised up to the
priest-craft of Revealed Deism.
To the mindset and thinking of
agnostics, modern science has ripped
down the curtain of ignorance and
superstition which they see as the
foundation of the Church -- without
understanding that it was the Church
that corrupted the tenets of Deism
that was an important part of the
Original Gospel teachings. But
what modern science has truly
accomplished, is proving that the
the mystic and those who walked the
spiritual path was correct (see
The True Facts And Realities Of Life
) -- and the Truth can only be
proven with the restoration of
Enlightened Deists who understand
and can apply the Laws of Nature and
Nature's God. Which means that
only those professors of academia
and scientists who understand
spiritual concepts and the Laws of
Nature and Nature's God, will be
able to lead mankind through the
door of Enlightenment and True
Knowing. When rightly
understood, Plato was a Deist (see
Plato - The Physicist
) -- and he possessed the essential
knowledge of the Natural Laws which
permitted him to bridge the divide
between the illusions of this realm,
and what modern science has
portrayed as the UNSEEN SOURCE of
the incomplete images that we see
and interact with in this world of
While Deists and Theists equally believe in God, the primary difference is
that the Deists understand the Natural Laws that enables the seeker/believer to
develop the necessary mental and spiritual maturity that permits them to connect
directly with God. When the Gospel teachings are properly
understood, Jesus was a Deist who applied his self-knowledge of the Natural Laws to
overcome organic human limitations, thereby enabling him to connect with the Indwelling Logos (Mind
of God), arise to the level of becoming Enlightened and Empowered by the
Anointing of his Mind (Messiah/Christ) -- evolving through the necessary
subsequent stages of birth -- and becoming the embodiment of Wholeness,
Perfection and Completion -- which is the ultimate destiny of all of mankind.
In fact, the Original followers and
disciples of Jesus maintained that
ANYONE who understood the Natural
Laws and would apply this Knowledge
to their lives, would know and
achieve all that the historical man
Jesus did. But this wisdom was
not only rejected by Revealed
Religion, but this essential
knowledge was suppressed by the
Church -- thereby maintaining the
people in a state of subjection and
abject spiritual ignorance. In the words of Harriet Tubman:
"I freed a thousand
slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."
If more people understood the Natural Laws of Creation -- and applied that
knowledge to their lives -- they could then free themselves from the limitations
of organic human consciousness that has created a barrier between mankind and
God, man's true Source of Being.
One of the major differences between Theists and Deists
is seen in the fact that Theists fail to understand the meaning of the Sabbath
or Seventh Day (see The Spiritual Sabbath ). In not
understanding the Natural Laws, Theists believe that after the
Seventh Day of Rest in the allegorical Genesis account, that God got back to work in the daily
functioning and intercessions in the workings of this
world. Genesis chapter two reads: "Thus
the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh
day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested
from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on
it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."
Where the Deist understood the words that
"...the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array
...God had finished the work he had been doing" -- understand
the meaning of the word FINISHED -- the Theist asserted that it is necessary for Creator-God to perpetually
intervene in the day to day affairs of this world. In contradistinction to
the position of the Theists, the Deist position was
that Creator-God brought forth and initiated a series of Laws which He (quoting
Wikipedia: Deism):
"...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and
self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting
as second causes." What is said to be the
Deist theology has often been portrayed as the Clock Maker Universe --
i.e., (Quoting):
clockwork universe theory compares the universe to a mechanical clock wound up
by a supreme being, or initiated by the Big Bang. It continues ticking along, as
a perfect machine, with its gears governed by the laws of physics, making every
single aspect of the machine completely predictable. Before the emergence of
quantum mechanics, many scientists believed that the Universe was completely
deterministic in this way. ...This conception of the universe consisted of a
huge, regulated and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in
absolute time, space, and motion. God was the master-builder, who created the
perfect machine and let it run. God was the Prime Mover, who brought into being
the world in its lawfulness, regularity, and beauty. This view of God as the
creator, who stood aside from his work and didn’t get involved directly with
humanity, was called Deism (which predates Newton) and was accepted by many who
supported the 'new philosophy'." How
did the Deists arrive at their conclusion? Because Jesus and all
enlightened seekers were Deists who understood the Laws of Nature, they were
able to learn from God about the functioning of the Natural Laws of Creation.
Because the Theists did not understand the Natural Laws -- and they therefore
embraced the doctrine of men instead of being able to learn directly from God --
the Natural laws remained an unknown enigma to the very foundation of their
Again, lets closely examine the
position of
Deism which
embodies the above concepts on a "...Supreme being
[that] does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe
...assert[ing] that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe
that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life."
These Laws that were instituted as "...a plan for
the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human
life", because these Laws not only drive mankind to his Destiny
envisioned and ordained by Creator-God, but they accomplish this by maintaining
a Spiritual Living Bio-Feedback environment that perpetually returns to each
individual person the fruit of their own words and actions. And it
is these same Laws
that were imbued with the Power of
God to advance man in his journey of the soul, by immersing him in a world of mental
imagery impressed into the forms of matter. Therefore, once this higher
reality is understood, what the scriptures do is reformat the mental imagery in
such a way, that when the scriptures are applied internally as the Key of Knowledge
( ), the scriptures
act as a catalyst that is used to expand man's organic reasoning and depth of
mind to the degree with the seeker is able to move beyond the natural limitations of man's
organic level of consciousness, and perceive and comprehend man's higher soul
reality and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
Does a Living Bio-Feedback
Organism that God
"...endowed ...with
self-sustaining and self-acting powers"that
were perfectly programmed and totally attuned to the condition of
the individual person, need intervention to bring about the results for which
the system was specifically designed to achieve? The journey of the soul and
the very Will of Creator-God that has imbued the Laws of Nature and all of
Creation with the ability to bring about the Design of God, is embodied in the
words: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor
are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your
thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not
return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may
give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes
forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish
what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it"
(Isa 55:8-11 NKJ).
Mankind has a Destiny that he
cannot escape -- and contrary to what is published by organized religion, there
are no shortcuts that exempt a person from fulfilling the above Word of
Creator-God who enacted the Laws in the Alpha of Creation. In the parable of
the prodigal son, the Father does not intervene in the life and hardships of the
son while he dwells and aimlessly wanders in the tribulations of the Far Country under the control of
the Citizen (consciousness) of this world. Only when the prodigal son is
portrayed as
"coming to his senses", and begins the
return journey back to his source in the Edenic Kingdom, does the Father meet him while he is still a
"long way off". The Father did
not rush into the Far Country to intervene in the affairs of his son, because as
stated in Genesis: "...the heavens and the earth
were completed in all their vast array" -- and the Laws that
"...endowed the world at creation with
self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then"
these Laws maintained
"...the operation of these powers
acting as second causes" which ensured that the
"...word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall
not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall
prosper in the thing for which I sent it". And it is these
Natural Laws of Creation that were imbued with
"...powers acting as second
causes" that acts as a Bio-Feedback Organism that
monitors and maintains the progress of each Soul -- causing each Soul to
"...accomplish what [God] pleases" --
causing each Soul to "...prosper in the thing
for which [God] sent it" -- causing each Soul to achieve the Wholeness
and Perfection that God envisioned to be the Destiny of all of mankind in the
Omega of Creation. If the foregoing is true, and each Soul cannot
return to God and the Edenic Kingdom without fulfilling the Law and evolving
mentally and spiritually to Wholeness and Completion, then this process where
the Natural Laws act as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism can only bring the Word
of God about, when each Soul is subject to the Laws over the course of however
many lives is required.
The foundation of Deism is the
Clock-Maker Universe which is the basis of the Deist position that Creator-God
does not DIRECTLY intervene in the affairs of this world. The problem is
that few modern Deists understand the Clock-Maker Universe, because the
foundation of the Clock-Maker Universe is the Journey of the Soul over the
course of many lifetimes. And because those quasi-agnostics who have adopted Deism have
been reared in a spiritually sterile academic environment, those who claim to be
Deists in our modern society, are incapable of understanding the very foundation
of Deism. Why is the Deist Foundation important? Because the
Clock-Maker Universe represents the gateway to higher consciousness. And
without understanding the Clock-Maker Universe, all attempts to mature and
evolve the mind beyond the lower levels of human organic consciousness, will be
flat-lined. Which provokes the question: Why does Deism play a pivotal role in the development of the
mind? Because it focuses on the Natural Laws of Creation that must be
prevailed over, in order to open the door to Higher Consciousness.
When rightly understood, the tenets of Deism was rejected
by the Church that corrupted
the teachings of Jesus -- which in teachings in their foundation, were Deist.
Yet, 18the century Deism represented a return to the Original Gospel
teachings that the Church suppressed. In a letter from Thomas Jefferson to
Benjamin Rush, Jefferson wrote respecting the relationship of Deism and
"To the corruptions of
Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus
himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely
attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself
every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other"
This same exact thought is expressed in the
Wikipedia article under
History of religion and the deist mission. Most deists saw the religions of
their day as corruptions of an original, pure religion that was simple and
rational. They felt that this original pure religion had become corrupted by
"priests" who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests
of the priesthood in general. According to this world view, over time
"priests" had succeeded in encrusting the original simple, rational religion
with all kinds of superstitions and "mysteries" – irrational theological
doctrines. Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew
what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on
faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the
nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information
about the requirements for salvation. The priests consequently enjoyed a
position of considerable power over the laity, which they strove to maintain and
increase. Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as
"priestcraft", a highly derogatory term. Deists saw their mission as
the stripping away of 'priestcraft' and 'mysteries' from religion, thereby restoring
religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases,
they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original
natural religion.
Because many of the Deists understood the Natural
Laws, this knowledge enabled them to tap into the Higher Source of Knowledge
that is beyond the limited understanding of mankind in this three-dimensional
world. Like the first century Spiritual Christians, the Enlightened Deists
understood that the tenets of Theism was born out of the priest-craft of the
Church who were peddling faux-salvation to the multitude of people for profit
and political power. The Enlightened Christians and Deists understood that, in order to
evolve the mind out of the cocoon of ignorance, the person had to seek
self-knowledge, and understand the
Natural Laws that was the foundation of the Clock-Maker Universe. Which
meant that the person also had to understand the Journey of the Soul over the
course of many lifetimes. But to even suggest that the Soul evolved over
the course of many lives -- and that Creator-God did not directly intervene in
the affairs of man because the Natural Laws intimately monitored every step of
his mental and spiritual evolution -- was incomprehensible to the majority of
people who neither understood the Natural Laws, or the very purpose and
objective of the lives they were living. From a Deist perspective,
both Thomas Paine and Jefferson possessed varying degrees of past-life recall --
but to reveal their source of information was drawn from their experiences in
the previous lives their soul had lived, would have undermined their efforts to
bring about a government of Freedom, Liberty and Exceptionalism.
Deism maintains that Creator-God does not directly intervene in the affairs
of man. Why? In the same way that once fertilized, an embryo develops in accord
with the Natural Laws, the same is true with respect to all of Creation. And
herein lies the problem -- i.e., where physical development can be portrayed as
a cookie-cutter operation, mental development requires choice and the exercise
of freewill -- which can only be accomplished when each person is able to live out
their life in accord with the choices they have made. Therefore, when the
Laws that were put into effect are understood, perhaps the best way to
understand these Laws that the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and
Nature's God, is as a Living Spiritual Bio-Feedback Organism that like a developing
embryo, dynamically evolves each soul to completion by intimately responding to
our every action, reaction and failure to act -- and responds appropriately when
the time is opportune for our greatest learning and advancement. That these Laws
were put into action in the Alpha of Creation -- and are the Perfect Works of
Creator-God that is Dynamically connected to the movement of man -- is a reality
of the Laws that the core Deists attempted unsuccessfully to convey to the
Theists and organized religion.
What the Spiritual Christians and the Enlightened Deists of the past
understood that modern Christians remain ignorant of, is the fact that the man
Jesus evolved into what can be portrayed as an Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Mind by
fulfilling the (Natural) Laws -- i.e., the same Natural Laws that impact the
mind and being of all mankind. And while the fact that Jesus was portrayed
as a Holy Man who fulfilled the Natural Law and arose to the stature of
achieving a condition of At-One with the Indwelling Logos (Mind of God), was
represented in the very Words that God spoke to mankind at the baptism of Jesus
-- but these words were changed by the later Church that corrupted the original
Gospel teachings (see The Unforgivable Sin Of
The Church ). Which
provokes the question: How was the Laws fulfilled? Within
Jesus' own mind and being. And this fact of human reality is presented in the
witness of his Ebionite Nazirene disciples who stated that Jesus
"...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ
of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely.
Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the
Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a
man in like sense with all humanity" (see
Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). Further, with the corruption of
the Gospels by the Gentile Church, it was no longer understood that the Soul who
lived as the historical man Jesus arose to this elevated plateau where he was
able to totally fulfill the (Natural) Laws of Creation, over the course of many
word Christ is a Greek word that the
Bible translators choose not to
render in the English language
because it means Anointed -- which
in Hebrew, is Messiah.
In the Old Testament there were 21
people who were portrayed as having
been Anointed. And this is
demonstrated in the quotations of
St. Jerome in the Gospel of the
Hebrews which reads:
"If thy
brother (saith he) have sinned by a
word and made thee amends, seven
times in a day receive thou him.
Simon his disciple said unto him:
Seven times in a day? The Lord
answered and said unto him: Yea, I
say unto thee, unto seventy times
seven times. For in the prophets
also, after they were anointed by
the Holy Spirit, the word of sin was
found." Therefore,
when properly understood, not only
were others Anointed
(Christ/Messiah) -- and therefore
could be portrayed as the Christ --
but anyone who achieves a certain
mental and spiritual level can be
Anointed. And what the
original followers and disciples of
Jesus said, was that anyone who
fulfills the (Natural) Laws within
their own mind and being, To THE
become the Anointed
(Christ/Messiah). That
all of mankind can become the
Anointed, is demonstrated in the
"You, however, have an anointing
from the Holy One, and all of you
know the truth" (1 John
2:20). And the original
disciples and followers of Jesus
understood the relationship between
fulfilling the (Natural) Laws and
becoming the Anointed, as stated in
the position that Jesus
"...was justified by fulfilling the
Law. He was the Christ of God, since
not one of the rest of mankind had
observed the Law completely"
-- which enlightened understanding
was the result of the original
followers and disciples
an anointing from the Holy One, and
all of you know the truth".
And it was this same Power of
Enlightenment TO THE DEGREE THEY
COULD RECEIVE IT, that was the
Source of the Deists understanding
of the Natural Laws and the
foundational Clock-Maker Universe.
The Law that is being noted in the foregoing, is the Natural Laws of
Consciousness that the Enlightened Deists made reference to in the words, the
Laws of Nature and Nature's God. And that all of mankind
possesses this same innate potential to overcome the organic human limitations imposed
upon them by the Natural Laws, is presented in the above words that
"...Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the
Law, he would have been the Christ".
What this means is that anyone who fulfills the Natural Laws within their own
mind and consciousness in the manner that the historical man Jesus did, can
themselves arise -- level upon level of mental and spiritual development -- to the same elevated plateau of mind and spirit that Jesus did.
The historical man Jesus had received the Anointing over many of the previous
lives his Soul had lived -- and quoting St. Jerome, it was in that life that he
had arose to the level where it was stated of him in the Gospel of the Hebrews:
"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, not
partially as in the case of other holy men: but, according to the Gospel written
in the Hebrew speech, which the Nazarenes read, 'There shall descend upon him
the whole fount of the Holy Spirit'". That the inner core
of Deists understood this Power of the Anointing that each seeker can receive in
accord with their ability to receive it, is why they placed such emphasis on the
Natural Laws. Further, that the Enlightened Deists understood that it was the Church that corrupted
and suppressed the Original Teachings of Jesus, that was the cause of man's
ignorance -- casting him down into the dungeons of the Dark Ages where mankind was
possessed by abject unknowing and superstition.
Using the writings of PanDeist Giordano Bruno who was
an ordained Roman Catholic priest of the Dominican order, Bruno understood that
each life can be rightly portrayed as an intense lesson intended to bring about
the mental and spiritual and maturity of the soul. And this is
demonstrated where Bruno explained that:
"The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in
another, and pass from body to body".
Why? Because each life is a step in the advancement of the Soul as it
evolves from the Alpha of Ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened Light.
And thus, Giordano Bruno explained that
"Every act performed brings its
appropriate reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has
conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another
body." Why is each life orchestrated by the
acts performed in that soul's previous lives? Because each life is a
reflection of that soul's need for development, in order to achieve the
necessary Wholeness and Completion in the Omega of our Destiny.
Why is there evil in the world? Why doesn't God intervene in the
affairs of the man? Why does God permit mankind to experience suffering
and death? Unless you can correctly answer these questions, there will
remain an obstacle in your thinking that will inhibit your mental development.
As to the answer: Because each person has either authored their present life by
virtue of their own words and/or actions in the previous lives their Soul has
lived, or has chosen their present life in order to grow and evolve through the
experiences that life has to offer. Mental and Spiritual growth is
dependent upon the choices we make, the exercise of freewill, and the
experiential-knowledge derived from the paths in life that each of us has chosen
to take -- as seen in the statement of Bruno:
"Every act performed brings its
appropriate reward or punishment in another life".
The vast majority of mankind dwell in a state of
Spiritual Amnesia (see ) -- causing
them to live lives of self-imposed abject
ignorance. Why? Because they possess no understanding of the Natural
Laws -- how the Natural Laws effect every aspect of the life they are living --
and because they can't intellectually conceive of the Causal Factors of life,
their countless questions remain unanswered. Because the most crucial
questions pertaining to life remain unanswered, the great void in man's
understanding causes his intellect to remain hopelessly immature and
undeveloped. What is being personified in the foregoing words, is an elementary
understanding of the Natural Laws that provide a crucial comprehension of the
Causal Factors of the life that you are living. Which means that without
understanding the Natural Laws, science, religion, academia and philosophy all
remain shackled to abject ignorance -- unable to answer crucial questions that
are necessary to comprehend man's own true higher reality. And when
rightly understood, all the confusion in
life -- all the great voids in the quest of science -- all the conflicting Bible
interpretations -- all the opposing sects, schools of philosophical thought, and
the countless conflicting opinions among mankind -- are all caused by this
self-imposed arrested mental developmental condition that causes man to dwell in
a state of Mental-Suppression. Unless you understand the Causal-Factors of
life -- and especially the life you are presently living -- including the
Causal-Factors of the events you have been experiencing and sometimes
confronting in life -- then your whole perception of life will be either
defective, or hopelessly immature -- and it will remain virtually impossible for
your mind to evolve and mature beyond its present level of comprehension.
Science has already proven the wisdom of the analogy of Plato's Cave and the
parallel Gospel portrayal of the Outer Darkness of mind and being (see The True
Facts And Realities Of Life
) -- and because they close their minds to the Causal Factors of the Natural
Laws, they choose the path of blind-ignorance. While modern science has proven
that this physical realm of appearances is a projection of a Higher Unseen
Causal-Reality that they know virtually nothing about, their fossilized
Linear-based foundation of thinking inhibits them from perceiving and understanding the
crucial Causal-Factors that would provide an answer to their most crucial of
questions. In an article entitled, Things That Science Can't Explain by Dr. Claude
Swanson, he writes: "There are many things modern science cannot explain, and
yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the 'hard sciences' as well as
in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even
though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the
way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and
consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them. In the past three decades
scientific evidence has accumulated which proves that the present scientific paradigm
is broken and fatally flawed". The problem is that the emerging body of science demonstrates that
the vision of the mystic in the analogy of Plato's Cave is valid -- and what man
sees with his physical senses is not the Source -- which Source exists in the
unseen Forces and Realities that are beyond man's organic vision. From the
perspective of the fossilized science of the past: If they can't
see it, then from their perspective, it does not exist. The reality portrayed by
modern physicists that what organic man sees with his physical eyes is a
shadow-image of a higher unseen reality, simply boggles their mind. Because they
have been proven wrong, they remain in denial of the fact that because what is
portrayed as the UNSEEN Source is not within the spectrum of frequency that man can
perceive with his physical eyes, then it does not exist. In like manner,
Christianity knowingly continues to use corrupted biblical texts with the most
important teachings suppressed and removed, because they have permitted
themselves to remain totally alienated from the Original Gospel Teachings (see ). Without understanding the Causal-Factor of
all the events of life, it is impossible for the mind to evolve beyond a certain
level of organic human comprehension.
Every event in everyone's life has a Causal-Factor. What is a
Causal-Factor? When Jesus said to the man:
"...sin no more, lest a worse
thing come unto thee" (John 5:14), what he was
portraying was a reality of the Natural Laws of Creation that interact with each
of us in the manner of a Living Bio-Feedback Organism. And what he was in
fact stating is that the Laws which intimately interact with our every word and
action, has brought about and initiated what we experience today -- and what we
experience is the result of our words and actions drawn from our own past --
i.e., “Even as I
have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same”
(Job 4:8 NKJ); “Therefore they shall eat the
fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies”
(Prov 1:31 NKJ); “But you have planted
wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception”
(Hosea 10:13 NIV); “God will give to each person
according to what he has done” (Rom 2:6 NIV);
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A
man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that
nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the
Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal 6:7-8 NIV);
“If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who
leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must
be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints”
(Rev 13:9-10 NKJ); “Whoever sheds the blood
of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made
man” (Gen 9:6 NIV);
“His disciples asked him [Jesus], Rabbi,
who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
(Jn 9:2 NIV).
especial notice of the foregoing
"He who leads into
captivity shall go into captivity" --
which is the basis and the
foundation of the Constitution of
the United States. Those who
attempt to use either church or
state to force another into
submission against their own will,
will find themselves in the future
born under the control of a despotic
regime where people do not possess
Unalienable God-Given Rights.
Regimes such as Cuba, Communist
Soviet Union, China, or a whole host
of countries where Liberty and
Freedom is subject to secular
control. Even Socialism is an
infringement upon the Natural Laws
-- and those who support Socialism
of any other such government that
imposes upon the Rights of the
Individual, will cause the
supporters of Socialism to be born
into regimes where they will be
denied Freedom and Liberty.
Prof. Walter Williams lived
previously as one of our
Constitutional Framers, and in a
commentary entitled
America's Move Towards Tyranny
he presented an important
warning to the American People where
he wrote:
"Supreme Court Justice Louis
Brandeis warned,
greatest dangers to liberty lurk in
the insidious encroachment by men of
zeal, well meaning but without
The freedom of individuals from
compulsion or coercion never was,
and is not now, the normal state of
human affairs. The normal state for
the ordinary person is tyranny,
arbitrary control and abuse mainly
by their own government. While
imperfect in its execution, the
Founders of our nation sought to
make an exception to this ugly part
of mankind's history. Unfortunately,
at the urging of the American
people, we are unwittingly in the
process of returning to mankind's
normal state of affairs."
In similar fashion Thomas Paine
"Society in every state is a
blessing, but government even in its
best state is but a necessary evil
in its worst state an in tolerable
one; for when we suffer, or are
exposed to the same miseries by a
government, which we might expect in
a country without government, our
calamities is heightened by
reflecting that we furnish the means
by which we suffer!"
-- and of course the immortal
"That government is best which
governs least".
Then there is the statement
attributed to Thomas Jefferson,
Barry Goldwater and Gerald Ford:
"A government big enough to give you
everything you want, is big enough
to take away everything you have".
Those who support the tenets
of Big Government, Socialism,
Communism, and Theocracies, will be
born into regimes where they will
not possess the necessary Freedom
and Liberty to achieve their full
Without the essential knowledge of the Natural Laws that are the motivating
force of the Causal-Factors of your life, you will continue to dwell in abject
confusion -- forced to interpret the events of life as chance, an accident, good
fortune, the stoke of good or bad luck, and even an act of God. Yet, when
the Causal-Factors are understood, nothing could be farther from the Truth.
Everyone's life is pre-destined and orchestrated by the Causal-Factors based
upon each Soul's own previous actions -- i.e.,
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a
man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7 NKJ). Which
reality is confirmed in the profound statement by the Church Father Origen:
“Every soul...
comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats
of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).
Origen then goes on and writes with respect to each person's station in life
"...that the cause of each one's actions is
a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God
either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel
[person] has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of
its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor."
And, as stated in the foregoing, each person's birth into
this life is determined by that person's own past actions -- i.e.,
"...either a vessel unto
honor or one unto dishonor".
Without understanding the Natural Laws that act as a Living Bio-Feedback
Organism -- initiating Causal-Factors both positive and negative in response to
all the events of life -- it is impossible for the mind to evolve beyond a
certain level of comprehension. If you look upon the events of your life
as fate, chance, good fortune, the luck of the draw, an accident or the Will of
God, then there simply is no way to understand the events of the life you are
living. Further, unless you understand the Natural Law of Wholeness, and
why each person sees and interprets
the realities of life from a
different and often conflicting
perspective as explored at
The Enigma
Of The Segmented Mind
, then you will not understand why
these many differences are the very
means by which each person is able
to overcome their own limitations,
and escape what is allegorically
portrayed in the Tower of Babel
Syndrome. And without
understanding these Natural Laws, it
will remain virtually impossible for
you to evolve beyond the Natural
Organic Human Limitations of Mind
which the biblical authors portray
as lower
) -- incapable of comprehending
man's higher Soul and Spiritual
Thus, because
the mind of natural man lacks the necessary understanding to
develop beyond an organic human level, there is no basis for the use of true Reason
and Intellect in a world-view paradigm where everything is the result of chance.
And in such a world-view paradigm it is virtually impossible to understand the
true reality and purpose of the life that mankind is presently living. In
contradistinction, if you are cognizant of the reality that every event is
driven by the Laws of Creation -- and the event has a Causal-Factor that is
initiated by a previous action -- then if you understand the workings, purpose
and objectives of the Laws, then you are able to begin to exercise control over
the life mankind is living. And if you understand that the man Jesus arose to
the absolute level of human achievement by fulfilling the Law within his own
mind and being -- and that each person has this same potential -- then the
knowledge and understanding of the Natural Laws of Creation is essential and
paramount in the life of anyone who desires to achieve their Ultimate Destiny.
And where the Theist who believes that their life is the result of accidents and
chance encounters, and salvation is a gift regardless of their actions, simply
has no means to understand the true reality of the life they are living.
On the other hand, if a person understands that the Laws of Creation respond to
their every word and action -- and they begin to observe the Natural Laws
working in their life -- such a person can very quickly begin to advance and
achieve what is virtually impossible for the person who remains ignorant of the
Natural Laws.
Organic Man only utilizes a fraction of his true mental resources. And
the higher spheres and centers of man's mind and consciousness can only become
active and usably manifest, when they are properly stimulated and developed.
Different centers of mind are vivified and activated by different stimulations.
So long as the paradigm of one's thinking remains founded upon the thinking that
one's life is being orchestrated by accidental and chance encounters, then it
will remain impossible for the higher spheres and centers of the mind to become
active. On the other hand, if one begins to achieve a connected wholeness
in their thinking and observations of life -- understanding that every event has
a past initiating factor that is intended to bring about future change and
results, then one's present actions begins to embody dimensions of reality that
provides the person the ability to make change and take control of their life.
In a simplified example: The ability to do Math or Language are drawn from
different areas of the mind. Moreover, those areas of mind must be
nurtured, evolved and matured, in order to become competent in these areas of
human expression. Music and the arts draws upon still different areas of
the mind -- and these areas must be evolved and matured one level at a time.
The same is also true with respect to developing those centers and spheres of
mind that are able to comprehend man's higher Soul-Reality. Someone
who dwells in a foundational paradigm of thinking where events are the result of
accident and chance encounters, cannot develop those areas of mind that are
cognizant of man's higher reality. Because they lack the mental connection
that past words and/or actions have orchestrated present events that are
designed to bring about future results and experiences, no intellectual
development can take place. It isn't until the person understands that
previous actions in conjunction with the Laws of Creation have initiated the
present events that are intended to bring about a future development, that the
higher areas of mind can be stimulated to evolve and mature.
What must be added into the equation of self-development is the knowledge
that each of us is an expression of our True or Soul-Self that dwells in a
twelve-dimensional higher reality that we are a three-dimensional expression of.
Why can't our True-Self manifest in our physical body? Because a
twelve-dimensional Being cannot manifest in a three-dimensional realm -- and
must therefore generate an embryo of Self that has the capacity and ability to
develop to Wholeness and Fullness. And that we can only break down the
wall of separation between the three-dimensional person we are in this world,
with our twelve-dimensional True-Self, when we embrace the process of mental
expansion and deepening that enables us to fully connect with our True-Self (see
Achieving Wholeness of Mind & Being ). If the
higher centers and spheres of mind are never stimulated and developed -- and we
remain ignorant of the Natural Laws that initiate Causal Factors into the
Present that are intended to bring about a future Result -- and we are never
exposed to the higher reality that we are a three-dimensional being that is the
expression of our higher twelve-dimensional Self -- then we will remain mentally
and spiritually flat-lined.
On the Pandeism page of the Wikipedia it states of Giordano Bruno:
theologian Giordano Bruno was charged with heresy and burned at the stake for
propounding what has been deemed by some commentators to be a pandeistic
ideology." What made Giordano Bruno an Enlightened Deist? His intimate knowledge
of the Natural Laws that are personified in the words, the Laws of Nature and
Nature's God. Bruno understood what modern physicists are only now confirming
with respect to the shadow-images of Plato's Cave and the necessity of
developing the Intuitive spheres of mind to develop the ability of Anamnesis --
i.e., The Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths:
-- when he stated that "Within every man there is a soul-flame, kindled at the
sun of thought, which lends us wings whereby we may approach the sun of
knowledge." Openly acknowledging that the vast majority of mankind totally
ignores this inner Source of Superior Knowledge when he stated:
"The Divine
Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the
comprehension, but man rejects it" And it is easily demonstrated that the Church
corrupted the Gospels in order to suppress the teachings on how the Inner Light
of Knowledge must be the seekers ONLY TEACHER (see The True Prophet
). What the Deist portrays as this Source of Inner Knowledge, is always
suppressed by Revealed Religion and priest-craft, because those who develop the
ability to tap into and learn from the Inner Light, do not need a faux-teacher
of this world -- wherefore, they have no use of traditional religion.
In order to understand the Natural Laws and the Causal Factors of Life, it is
absolutely necessary to understand what Giordano Bruno stated with respect to
the Soul of mankind in the statement of fact: "The soul is not the body and it
may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body". And in order to
understand the Clock-Maker Universe, the person must understand the words of
Bruno when he stated that "The divine perfection of the individual soul is the
aim of all progression". And that this individual soul-progression is
accomplished by the Natural Laws as personified in the words of Bruno when he
stated that "Every act performed [by man] brings its appropriate reward or
punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted itself in a
body, it determines for itself its transition into another body." Which affirms
the statement of the Church Father Origen when he stated that
“Every soul...
comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats
of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis). Which means that the Causal
Factors of the conditions we entered into this life, as well as all that we
experience in life, has all been orchestrated by our own Soul's actions in the
previous lives our Soul has lived. God does therefore not intervene in the
affairs of man, because the Natural Laws that God put into effect is in control
of each person's development -- and that each person can change their condition
in life, by embracing the Natural Laws and fulfilling them in their daily life.
At a certain point in our
development we begin to understand
that God is not an old man with a
beard -- and even our own Higher
Soul-Self that is a Being of Light
(see ), is a
Being of Pure Intellect,
Intelligence and a Godly Expression
of Love. And in order to understand
why the Deists sought the Knowledge
of the Natural Laws of Creation, it
is important to begin to understand
man's true relationship to God. Quoting from: The Soul - Thomas Paine's Rights Of Man And Emerson's Oversoul
While Emerson is known as the father of Transcendentalism, he is also known as a
Deist -- but by definition, it has been noted that Pythagoras, Plato and Jesus can
also be defined as a
Deist. But of ultra interest is the statement in the book on Emerson where it is
written: "Emerson gives his argument a special twist at this point since his
first sentence also alludes to Paine's Rights of Man. Arguing for the rights of
men over the rights of institutions and government, he recalls Paine's claims
for the sacred rights of the individual. Like Emerson, Paine's 'motive and
subject -- as he describes it in a letter of 1806 to John Inskeep, the mayor of
Philadelphia -- had always been 'to rescue man from the tyranny and false
systems and false principles of government, and enable him to be free.'" (see
Nature's Archives - p. 114). While it is noted that this exposé portrays
Emerson's thesis on the Oversoul as perhaps his most important work, it is also
noted that very little useable information is provided to the reader. And
because of the great importance of this higher reality, this present work is
intended to fill in the great void with respect to the higher reality of the
soul of man that few religions or philosophies today have any real understanding
Ralph Waldo Emerson, like many of the early American Gnostics, was a Deist.
Quoting the Wikipedia: "The Oversoul is an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, first
published in 1841. The broad subject of the essay, considered one of Emerson's
best, is the human soul. Several general themes are treated: (1) the existence
and nature of the human soul; (2) the relationship between the soul and the
personal ego; (3) the relationship of one human soul to another; and (4) the
relationship of the human soul to God. Influence of Eastern religions, including Vedantism, is plainly evident, but the essay also develops ideas long present in
the Western tradition, e.g., in the works of Plato, Plotinus, and Emmanuel
Swedenborg. The essay attempts no systematic doctrine, but rather serves as a
work of art, something like poetry. Its virtue is in personal insights of the
author and the lofty manner of their presentation. Emerson wishes to exhort and
direct the reader to an awakening of similar thoughts or sentiments. With
respect to the four themes listed above, the essay presents the following views:
(1) the human soul is immortal, and immensely vast and beautiful; (2) our
conscious ego is slight and limited in comparison to the soul, despite the fact
that we habitually mistake our ego for our true self; (3) at some level, the
souls of all people are connected, though the precise manner and degree of this
connection is not spelled out; and (4) the essay does not seem to explicitly
contradict the traditional Western idea that the soul is created by and has an
existence that is similar to God, or rather God exists within us. This idea was
later adopted by many religions."
Take notice of the above statement: " some level, the souls of all people
are connected, though the precise manner and degree of this connection is not
spelled out" -- and when the Cosmology of Mind is understood, it is seen that
what Emerson was missing was an understanding of the Matrix of the Soul (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image ) -- and holographically, this same Matrix of the
Soul also exists on a higher level within the Matrix of the Logos (Mind of God ).
Other quotes by Emerson on the soul of man is seen in the words:
"The soul comes
from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of
it anew it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal." And again:
"It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only
retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men
feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals… and there they stand looking
out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise."
—Ralph Waldo
In the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image ), man is
portrayed as a projected image of the soul -- and in the same way that all the
previous images of the soul-self that lived in all the lifetimes that the soul
has lived are all dwelling within the Matrix of the Soul, all the souls who are
portrayed as the Soul-Self and the True Being that each of us is, all dwell
within the Matrix of the Logos (Mind of God). Holographically, in the same way
that the soul is the sum total of all the lifetimes that it has lived, the Logos
(Mind of God) is the sum total of all the experiences of all the souls that came
into existence since the beginning of Creation -- and thus, all of Creation is
evolving and moving from the Alpha of ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened
Light. But to begin to understand why Deism places such high emphasis on
understanding the Laws of Nature,
you must understand your own
relationship as a three-dimensional
soul-generated image, to your
twelve-dimensional Soul-Self, and
your Soul-Self's relationship to
until we understand that mankind is
presently dwelling in a realm of
Duality -- where opposite polarities
of the same consciousness can and
must interact with each other in
order to evolve to Wholeness -- then
it must be understood that when an
action is initiated, a corresponding
action is initiated in the opposite
polarity. In the same way that the
contraction of the two atna chambers
of the heart initiate the
contraction in the ventricles, in
this divided reality every action
initiates a reactive-action in its
opposite polarity. Which means that
every word, and every action you
make, initiates an opposite polarity
balance and wholeness is achieved,
then growth and development is
brought about. When the active and
reflective opposites cannot be
balanced, then the action becomes
externalized -- which in the parable
of the prodigal son, is portrayed as
the squandering away of the
inheritance on "riotous living".
But because the loss or
externalization is imprinted with
what can be portrayed as the imprint
of our Spiritual DNA, it must return
back to us -- and this process can
and does continue until Wholeness
and Completion is achieved.
cannot even begin to envision the
above process without first
understanding the connection that
exists between all of mankind and
all of Creation. An important
overlooked and not understood Bible
passage states in reference to the
Higher Reality of God that mankind
is blind to:
“‘For in him
we live and move and have our
being.’ As some of your own poets
have said, ‘We are his offspring’”
(Acts 17:28
NIV). If we indeed
and move and have our being"
within God, then
what is our true relationship to
God? When we put the foregoing
together with the statement by James
Jeans that:
universe begins to look more like a
great thought than like a great
Or the words of Arthur
“The stuff
of the universe is mind-stuff”.
What is portrayed is a higher
reality that few people are even
prepared to contemplate -- much
less, understand with sufficient
degree to even form a realistic
Enlightened person who understands
the Natural Laws of Creation,
understands that God is not a being
who is separate from man -- but is
the very Consciousness within which
we move and have out being. Perhaps
one of the best teachings (which was
removed from the canonical Gospels
by the Church, has been preserved in
the outlawed
Gospel of the Nazirenes,
and is known as the parable of the
fishes (quoting):
"And there
were certain men, of doubtful mind,
who came to Jesus, and said to him,
You tell us that our life and being
comes from God, but we have never
seen God, nor do we know of any God.
Can you show us whom you call the
Father-Mother, one God? We don't
know if there is a God. Jesus
answered them, saying, Hear this
parable of the fishes. The fishes of
a certain river communed with one
another, saying, they tell us that
our life and being is from water,
but we have never seen water, we
don't know what it is. Then some
among them, wiser than the rest,
said, We have heard there dwells in
the sea a wise and learned fish, who
knows all things. Let us journey to
him, and ask him to show us what
water is. So several of them set out
to find this great and wise fish,
and they came at last to the sea
where in the wise fish dwelt, and
they asked of him. And when he heard
them he said to them, O you foolish
fish that don't contemplate! The few
of you who seek, are wise. You live,
and move, and have your being in the
water; from the water you came, to
the water you return. You live in
the water, yet you don't know it.'
In a similar manner, you live in
God, and yet you ask of me, 'Show us
God.' God is in all things, and all
things are in God."
mankind dwells within the Mind of
God, then what inhibits him from
Knowing all that God Knows?
The answer is the Natural Laws that
place a barrier between us and our
Source -- i.e., our Higher Soul-Self
-- and the Source of our Soul which
is the Logos (Mind of God).
Enlightened Deists who understand
the Natural Laws, are able to tap
into the Higher Mind of both the
Soul and the Logos, by fulfilling
and prevailing over the limitations
of the Natural Laws that divide and
separate us -- which limitations can
only be overcome by achieving
Wholeness (see
of Mind & Being
). With respect to achieving
Wholeness, Jesus portrayed himself
as a physician when he stated:
"They that are
whole have no need of the physician,
but they that are sick: I came not
to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance"
(Mark 2:17). Which means that
Jesus himself acknowledged that
others achieved Wholeness without
his assistance as a physician, and
that anyone who achieves Wholeness
can open up a conduit between
themselves and the Indwelling Logos,
and accomplish all that the
historical man Jesus accomplished.
But it will remain virtually
impossible to bring about this
Wholeness, without understanding the
Natural Laws of Creation.
PanDeist Giordano Bruno stated that
"Within every man there is a
soul-flame, kindled at the sun of
thought, which lends us wings
whereby we may approach the sun of
knowledge", he
was making reference to the source
of Higher Knowledge of both his
Soul-Self and the Indwelling Logos.
When Bruno stated
"The Divine Light is always in
man, presenting itself to the senses
and to the comprehension, but man
rejects it",
what he was stating was that organic
man is so mesmerized by the outward
illusions that modern science has
recognized as the illusions of
Plato's Cave (see
Plato -
The Physicist
), that their mental and spiritual
development becomes flat-lined.
And that only those who understand
the Natural Laws are able to achieve
the necessary Wholeness that enables
them to utilize the process of
- enabling
then to begin to tap into the inner
source of
Knowledge Of The Truth Of All
. That those who are
able to prevail over the Laws, and
achieve Wholeness, are able to learn
directly from the Indwelling Logos
as they become Enlightened by an
Anointed (Messiah/Christ) of the
Mind. As stated:
anointing you received from Him
remains in you, and you don't need
anyone to teach you. Instead, His
anointing teaches you about all
things and is true and is not a lie;
just as He has taught you, remain in
Him" (1 John
2:27). The
Deists who had overcome the Natural
Laws that require Wholeness to
prevail over organic human
limitations, did not need either an
academic teacher or a savior
promoted by Revealed Religion,
because as a person overcomes the
Natural Laws and begins to tap into
the what Giordano Bruno portrayed as
the Divine Light within the mind of
all of mankind, the Anointing of the
Inner Light of Higher Consciousness
taught and revealed to them the
Truth of all things. And
from the Divine Light they learned
the functioning of the Natural Laws
as manifest in the Clock-Maker
Universe -- the reality of the
evolving Soul over the course of
many lifetimes a stated by Bruno:
"The soul
is not the body and it may be in one
body or in another, and pass from
body to body"
-- and the purpose of the Natural
Laws as manifest in the Clock-Maker
Universe was, in the words of Bruno,
"The divine perfection of the
individual soul is the aim of all
And the Universe as a Living
Bio-Feedback Organism, in the words
of Bruno evolves the Soul by
returning to each Soul the fruit of
their own words and action --
"Every act performed brings its
appropriate reward or punishment in
another life. In proportion as the
soul has conducted itself in a body,
it determines for itself its
transition into another body."
Why didn't the
Enlightened Deists such as Thomas
Paine and Jefferson openly talk
about their personal knowledge of
their Soul's previous lives?
If they did, they would have been
rejected by the vast majority of
Christians in their endeavor to
create a government that would usher
in the necessary personal freedoms
and God-Given Right to bring about a
condition of Enlightenment and
Exceptionalism (see
The Deists And American
). And it was this
foundational Constitutional
Government that was necessary to
restore the Original Gospel
Teachings (
), that would enable mankind to
overcome the limits of the Natural
Laws and the constraints of organic
human consciousness. Thus,
Thomas Paine, Jefferson and others
were given important glimpses into
their Soul's previous lives, and an
understanding of the Rights of Man
as the divine offspring to

While many
are of the
opinion that
motivated to
come to the
New World
freedom --
and that the
Amendment is
the totality
of the
of this
-- it
remains true
that there
existed a
much higher
that few
are even
aware of.
And if the
question was
posed to
Thomas Paine,
and many of
the original
Framers what
was in the
creation of
a totally
new and
form of
Few modern
could even
grasp their
vision which
Deists such
as Thomas
the reality
of the soul
that evolves
over the
course of
Deist Belief
And since I am
very much an
of the soul
walked the
earth in my
life as
Paine, I am
of the mind
that I am the most
qualified to
provide an
answer to
that has
been an
enigma to
even to this
very day.
And what I
will present
to you in
the below
will be a
vision of
the true
purpose of
form of
anything you
have ever
before read.
because of
the work and
shedding of
blood of our
who brought
this Great
Nation into
being, only
now do I
have the
necessary to
convey to
others the
reality of
the Esoteric
Reality of America and
the Laws and
Forces that
invoked, in
order to
bring about
what has
often be
portrayed as
American Exceptionalism.
If it is
true that
the soul who
lived as
Thomas Paine
who was
lived the
life of
who was
known as the
Brother of
and the
first leader
of the
Church, then
why would
the later
as Thomas
Paine be so
The answer
is very
simple --
i.e., the
Church, when
nothing in
common with
the original
teachings of
Jesus and
TheWay --
and is very
much an
apostate to
the Original
of True
And with
respect to
Thomas Paine
being a
What will be
in the below
is that a
Theist can
be more
defined as
an immature
believer who
has yet to
comprehend a
with more
of God.
But this
fact in and
of itself
opens the
door to
dilemma as
seen in the
fact that
Deists for
the most
part merely
and possess
no real
of the
Essence of

It is
the reality
of the
without a
of what is
portrayed by
Deists in
the words:
The Laws Of
Nature And
Framers not
possessed a
knowledge of
Natural Laws
of Nature
and the
Heavens, but
how to
and invoke
Satan is not
a being --
but rather,
Satan is the
of what can
be portrayed
as the
gravity of
mind that
mankind to
mindset --
incapable of
man's higher
soul and
And it was
knowledge of
the Natural
Laws that in
enabled the
men of
wisdom who
emerged out
of the Age
and the
Deists to
overcome the
Laws that
their mental
When our
flew to the
moon, while
it is true
that rocket
was used to
escape the
gravity and
factor of
its organic
utilized the
Natural Laws
to escape
the pull of
the earth,
and permit
to be pulled
to its
When flight
reference to
a window
in space can
be achieved,
what they
are making
reference to
is the
alignment of
the planets
that enable
space flight
to be
achieved. Scientifically,
this would
be portrayed
as slingshot
paths that
are called
They use the
gravity and
motion of
planets to
pull a
into a new
Quoting the
article on
in space:
is a very
force. Every
object in
space exerts
pull on
every other,
and so
the paths
taken by
space. It is
the glue
that holds
galaxies. It
planets in
orbit. It
makes it
possible to
and to go to
and return
from the
Moon. It
habitable by
gasses and
liquids in
It can also
asteroids to
crash into
Voyager 2
... the
arrival was
timed so
that it
would pass
Jupiter in
its orbit
around the
Sun. As the
came into
it fell
its speed
maximum at
approach to
Since all
masses in
the universe
attract each
Jupiter sped
up the
and the
slowed down
Jupiter in
its orbit by
a tiny
since the
from behind.
At this
Voyager 2
had been
sped up
enough by
gravity to
get a speed
greater than
velocity. As
it left, it
slowed down
again, but
it never
slowed all
the way to
the speed it
was before
getting to
Jupiter. It
left the
area near
faster and
in a
was repeated
at Saturn
and Uranus.
assists can
be also used
decelerate a
by flying in
front of a
body in its
orbit. When
the Galileo
arrived at
close in
front of Io
in its
helping it
go into
orbit around
Jupiter. "
So, our
the Natural
Laws, timed
where they
rocket burns
to take
advantage of
the natural
movement of
the planets,
where they
could then
Forces to
bring about
the results
which they
When our
sited The
Laws of
Nature And
God, what
they were
was man's
ability to
time and
advantage of
the Laws and
Forces of
body, mind
and spirit,
to bring
about and
invoke a
higher state
them to
possess the
vision and
necessary to
apply this
knowledge of
the Laws to
the birth
of the
States --
and invoked
the Laws to
manifest an
where what
we portray
as American Exceptionalism
could be
fostered and
about in the
lives of the
People and
the world.
The problem
is that the
Atheist who
envisions a
Utopia on
earth, as
well as the
believer who
the Kingdom
coming upon
the earth,
both reject
the very
knowledge of
the Natural
Laws which
necessary to
and bring
about the
Destiny they
And if I
make any
reference to
the Deists
who did
possess to
degrees an
of the
Natural Laws, both
the Atheist
and the
envision a
group of
who have
which they
portray as a
And if I say
that the
body of
knowledge of
the Laws and
Forces is
necessary to
begin to
Knowledge, both
the Atheist
and the
portray this
concept as
Yet, if both
the Atheist
and the
Theist are
to bring
about the
utopian kingdom/destiny
which they
envision, it
will be
necessary to
possess this
higher esoteric
knowledge of
the Natural
Laws to
bring about
the very
they hope
and pray to
come upon
the earth.
In the same
way that you
can't escape
the earth's
pull and
navigate a
to the moon
without the
knowledge of
the Natural
Laws, man's
quest will
beyond his
reach, until
he acquires
knowledge of
the Higher
Laws of
Nature and
What, then,
is the
solution to
the dilemma?
From the
of the
Atheist and
the Theist
who are so
locked into
ideological world-view
that they
are both
enslaved by
their own
variety of
the only
solution is
for someone
who they
deem a
heretic to
arise and
convey to
both, what
they both
desire, but
don't want
to hear the
about how to
achieve the
visions they
hope and
pray to
bring about.
Both the
Atheist and
the Theist
are in
denial with
respect to
the idea
that not
only does
the Natural
Laws control
all events
in this
world -- but
ordinary men
can possess
a working
knowledge of
Natural Laws
and Forces
of the Earth
and Heavens.
So, by
virtue of
denial, they
both have
for driving
and cultures
man's long
upon the
earth, into
a perpetual
state of
ruin -- a
state of
ruin that
has been
recorded in
the annuls
of history
in the
images of
death and
of the
people they
ruled over.
Yet, it can
be proven
that the
man Jesus
not only
possessed an
knowledge of
the Natural
Laws -- but
the original
that he
arose to a
state of
spiritual Supremacy by
these Laws
within his
own body, mind and
being (see
And that
because of
the natural
limits of
consciousness, this body of
could only
be revealed
to his
Why? Because
both the
leaders of
that time
incapable of
this Sacred
Body of
In much the
same way,
Framers who
knowledge of
the Natural
Laws to
formed a
that would
not only
bring true
change to
of the
earth, but
would invoke
the Natural
Laws in such
a way, that
what is
portrayed as
American Exceptionalism
was brought
about on the
And in the
same way
that the
Church threw
away and
the esoteric
knowledge of
the Laws and
Forces that
had the
potential to
man into the
of his
Destiny, so
too has the
both church
and state to
throw away
knowledge of
The Laws of
Nature and
God, and is
presently in
the process
the very
of American
Success and
In virtually
all the
that the
prayers of
man has been
and the
Hand of God
has Moved
in the
plight of
mankind --
with God
throwing man a
that will
assist him
to escape
the quagmire
of ignorance
which man
has immersed
himself in
by virtue of
the very
of his
misused to
himself in
lifetimes of
suffering --
this Gift is
thrown away
and rejected
to the point
of being
portrayed as
The original
portrayal of
Jesus as a
man who
the Royal
Law within
himself to
prevail and
was deemed
heresy and
rewritten by
the Church
The Ten
That those
body of
was a threat
to the
and power
over the
people of
both the
secular and
meant that
this body of
had to be
-- so it was
hidden and
within the
body of the
that carnal
men used, in
order to
make it
available to
men of
wisdom in
the future.
Thus, the
were then
composed in
what can be
called the
Language of
the Soul --
the same
that all of
Nature is
composed and
written in
-- which
what Jesus
was the
proper use
of the
Key of
applied to
text of the
-- to see
beneath the
cloak of the
text --
knowledge of
the Laws and
Forces of
Mind and
Being that
from the
vision and
of the
profane who
were used as
a type of
mule to
the body of
which they
incapable of
Key of

If you
the Natural
Laws and the
Pattern of
Creation and
the Outer
World, you
can then
utilize this
Knowledge to
explore the
Reality of
one's own
Mind and
Why would a
person want
to do this?
Jesus taught
that the
Kingdom of
God is
within you
-- and it is
therein that
you must
seek it.
Plato and
Deists of
the past
taught that
the Logos
(Mind of
God) exists
within each
of us.
The Gospel
of Thomas
(5) Jesus
what is in
your sight,
and that
which is
hidden from
you will
become plain
to you..."
of Thomas).
And the
Apostle Paul
made a
when he
that which
is known
about God
...for God
made it
evident to
them. For
since the
creation of
the world
His eternal
power and
nature, have
been clearly
through what
has been
so that they
are without
(Rom 1:19-20
What Paul is
is that if
you are
enough to
what you see
in the outer
world, that
you will
the higher
reality of
And it is
not that you
will observe
the works of
God -- but
rather, but
the Divine
Pattern --
the Forces
and Natural
Laws -- and
the meaning
of what is
seen, will
reveal to
you the
Forces and
Laws of your
-- and by
what is
portrayed in
the above to
you will
then be able
to break
free and
overcome the
of your body
and connect
with the
Inner Source
of your
being that
is not of
this world.
And this is
why the
Gospel of
if you will
not know
you dwell in
poverty and
it is you
who are that
poverty... Whoever
himself is
superior to
the world".
Deists made
reference to
the Laws of
Nature and
Nature's God
-- and the
ability of
man to see
God in the
pattern and
works of
Creation --
this was not
just empty
rhetoric --
but rather,
of the
reality of
the pattern
of the Whole
into all of
its lesser
parts (the
And since
man has been
created in
the image
and likeness
of God,
those who
perceive and
the outer
pattern and
workings of
can then
utilize this
knowledge to
fulfill the
adage to
Know Thyself
-- and in
knowledge of
Cosmology of
Mind and
Being, such
a person can
then move
oneness with
the very
Essence of
their being
and fulfill
the Laws of
oneself and
Know God.
Of this
Language of
the Soul
with which
all of
Creation is
composed in
-- and is
the same
Language the
authors of
used to
their Sacred
Texts --
is written
in that
great book
which ever
lies before
our eyes — I
mean the
universe —
but we
it if we do
not first
learn the
language and
grasp the
symbols, in
which it is
In like
Thomas Paine
wrote in The
Age Of
speaketh a
of human
speech or
and various
as they may
be. It is an
which every
man can
read. It
cannot be
forged; it
cannot be
it cannot be
lost; it
cannot be
altered; it
cannot be
It does not
depend upon
the will of
man whether
it shall be
published or
not; it
itself from
one end of
the earth to
the other.
It preaches
to all
nations and
to all
worlds; and
this word of
God reveals
to man all
that is
for man to
know of
And this
same exact
reality is
portrayed in
The Essene
Gospel Of
Peace where
it is
And Jesus
himself sat
down in
their midst
and said: "I
tell you
truly, none
can be
except he do
the Law."
And the
"We all do
the laws of
Moses, our
even as they
are written
in the holy
And Jesus
"Seek not
the law in
for the law
is life,
whereas the
scripture is
dead. I tell
you truly,
received not
his laws
from God in
writing, but
through the
living word.
The law is
living word
of living
God to
prophets for
living men.
that is life
is the law
written. You
find it in
the grass,
in the tree,
in the
river, in
mountain, in
the birds of
heaven, in
the fishes
of the sea;
but seek it
chiefly in
For I tell
you truly,
all living
things are
nearer to
God than the
which is
life. God so
made life
and all
things that
they might
by the
word teach
the laws of
the true God
to man. God
wrote not
the laws in
the pages of
books, but
in your
heart and in
your spirit.
They are in
your breath,
your blood,
your bone;
in your
flesh, your
bowels, your
eyes, your
ears, and in
every little
part of your
body. They
are present
in the air,
in the
water, in
the earth,
in the
plants, in
sunbeams, in
the depths
and in the
They all
speak to you
that you may
the tongue
and the will
of the
living God.
But you shut
your eyes
that you may
not see, and
you shut
your ears
that you may
not hear. I
tell you
truly, that
scripture is
the work of
man, but
life and all
its hosts
are the work
of our God.
Wherefore do
you not
listen to
the words of
God which
are written
in His
works? And
wherefore do
you study
the dead
which are
the work of
the hands of
"How may we
read the
laws of God
than in the
Where are
Read them to
us from
there where
you see
them, for we
know nothing
else but the
which we
from our
Tell us the
laws of
which you
speak, that
hearing them
we may be
healed and
Jesus said:
"You do not
the words of
because you
are in
darkens your
eyes and
your ears
are stopped
For I tell
you, it
profits you
not at all
that you
pore over
if by your
deeds you
deny him who
has given
you the
this is
this same
has the
power to
reveal to
the seeker
the very
Laws and
Forces of
Cosmology of
Mind that is
within his
own body and
in first the
then observe
these same
realities at
work in the
outer world
and cosmos,
and lastly
within one's
own body and
mind -- and
then to
apply this
wisdom and
knowledge so
as to move
beyond the
within one's
own mind and
being -- is
in fact the
and purpose
of life --
as well as
Message of
the Gospels.
When it is
that all
objects are
of a thought
and reality
of mind
into the
forms of
nature --
each having
a unique
that is
in the image
of the
symbol and
form -- only
then does
with respect
to the above
begin to
truly become
where he
book (the
universe) is
written in
and the
symbols are
circles and
whose help
it is
comprehend a
single word
of it;
which one
wanders in
vain through
a dark
What is not
today is the
fact that a
message was
stated in
the long
Epistle of
Peter and
James where
it is warned
that if the
knowledge of
teachings of
Jesus and
become lost,
" will
remain even
for those
who really
seek the
always to
wander in
And sadly,
these two
true even
into our own

"Perhaps the
contained in
pages, are
not yet
to procure
them general
favor; a
long habit
of not
thinking a
thing wrong,
gives it a
of being
right, and
raises at
first a
outcry in
defence of
custom. But
the tumult
Time makes
Paine, from
to 'Common
Sense', 1776

As stated by
the biblical
the literal
text of the
Gospels are
written for
the body of
seekers who
had not yet
depth of
mind to
man's higher
soul and
reality (see
The Second
should be
posed is
this: Can
and critics
alike just
read the
literal text
of the
and know the
truth? In
the manner
and their
critics attempt to
do today?
Paul called
the written
words of the
Torah and
Testament scriptures
"letter that
(2 Cor 3:6)
-- because
most of the
written word
appeared to
was little
more than
He warned
the baptized
believers at
Corinth that
until they
undergo the
process of
that their
organic mind
will be
incapable of
the true
meaning of
the Gospel
and they
will look
upon the
Mysteries of
God as
-- i.e.,
“But the
natural man
does not
receive the
things of
the Spirit
of God, for
they are
to him; nor
can he know
because they
discerned” (1 Cor 2:14
NKJ). And
he warned
baptized and
of whom it
was said
that they
had received
all the
gifts and
testimony of
the Gospel
of Christ,
that their
mind was yet
too carnal
and begin to
grasp the
realities of
soul and
spirit --
“And I,
could not
speak to you
as to
men, but as
to men of
flesh, as to
babes in
(1 Cor 3:1
that what is
known as the
testimony of
Jesus Christ
and him
which he
portrayed as
of the
Gospel --
meant for
who have
only begun
journey in
TheWay --
i.e., Paul
“I gave you
milk to
drink, not
solid food;
for you were
not yet able
to receive
it. Indeed,
even now you
are not yet
(1 Cor 3:2
is it for
the mind of
organic man
both the
and his own
When the
Church was
with the
teachings of
the physical
of Jesus --
which is an
portrayal of
the final
stage of
birth -- the
against the
of Celsus
was that
it was
“preached in
for the
and for the
ears of the
common crowd
who are led
on to live
better lives
by their
belief”. | | | |